GNU Octave  3.8.0
A high-level interpreted language, primarily intended for numerical computations, mostly compatible with Matlab
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1 // DO NOT EDIT! Generated automatically by mkbuiltins.
3 #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H
4 #include <config.h>
5 #endif
7 #include "defun.h"
8 #include "help.h"
9 #include "oct-obj.h"
10 #include "variables.h"
11 #include "builtins.h"
13 #if defined (quad)
14 #undef quad
15 #endif
19 #define XDEFUN_DLD_INTERNAL(name, args_name, nargout_name, doc)
21 #define XDEFUNX_DLD_INTERNAL(name, fname, args_name, nargout_name, doc)
23 #else
25 #define XDEFUN_DLD_INTERNAL(name, args_name, nargout_name, doc) \
26  XDEFUN_INTERNAL(name, args_name, nargout_name, doc)
28 #define XDEFUNX_DLD_INTERNAL(name, fname, args_name, nargout_name, doc) \
29  XDEFUNX_INTERNAL(name, fname, args_name, nargout_name, doc)
31 #endif
33 #define XDEFUN_FILE_NAME(name) \
34  std::string file = name;
36 #define XDEFUN_INTERNAL(name, args_name, nargout_name, doc) \
37  extern DECLARE_FUN (name, args_name, nargout_name); \
38  install_builtin_function (F ## name, #name, file, doc); \
40 #define XDEFCONSTFUN_INTERNAL(name, args_name, nargout_name, doc) \
41  extern DECLARE_FUN (name, args_name, nargout_name); \
42  install_builtin_function (F ## name, #name, file, doc, false); \
44 #define XDEFUNX_INTERNAL(name, fname, args_name, nargout_name, doc) \
45  extern DECLARE_FUNX (fname, args_name, nargout_name); \
46  install_builtin_function (fname, name, file, doc); \
48 #define XDEFALIAS_INTERNAL(alias, name) \
49  alias_builtin (#alias, #name);
51 #define XDEFCONST_INTERNAL(name, defn, doc)
53 static void
55 {
56 // DO NOT EDIT! Generated automatically by mkdefs.
57  XDEFUN_FILE_NAME ("libinterp/")
58  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (__version_info__, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {retval =} __version_info__ (@var{name}, @var{version}, @var{release}, @var{date})\nUndocumented internal function.\n@end deftypefn")
59  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (isguirunning, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} isguirunning ()\nReturn true if Octave is running in GUI mode and false otherwise.\n@end deftypefn")
60  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (argv, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} argv ()\nReturn the command line arguments passed to Octave. For example,\nif you invoked Octave using the command\n\n@example\noctave --no-line-editing --silent\n@end example\n\n@noindent\n@code{argv} would return a cell array of strings with the elements\n@option{--no-line-editing} and @option{--silent}.\n\nIf you write an executable Octave script, @code{argv} will return the\nlist of arguments passed to the script. @xref{Executable Octave Programs},\nfor an example of how to create an executable Octave script.\n@end deftypefn")
61  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (program_invocation_name, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} program_invocation_name ()\nReturn the name that was typed at the shell prompt to run Octave.\n\nIf executing a script from the command line (e.g., @code{octave foo.m})\nor using an executable Octave script, the program name is set to the\nname of the script. @xref{Executable Octave Programs}, for an example of\nhow to create an executable Octave script.\n@seealso{program_name}\n@end deftypefn")
62  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (program_name, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} program_name ()\nReturn the last component of the value returned by\n@code{program_invocation_name}.\n@seealso{program_invocation_name}\n@end deftypefn")
63 }
65 static void
67 {
68 // DO NOT EDIT! Generated automatically by mkdefs.
69  XDEFUN_FILE_NAME ("libinterp/octave-value/")
70  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (sparse_auto_mutate, args, nargout, "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {@var{val} =} sparse_auto_mutate ()\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {@var{old_val} =} sparse_auto_mutate (@var{new_val})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} sparse_auto_mutate (@var{new_val}, \"local\")\nQuery or set the internal variable that controls whether Octave will\nautomatically mutate sparse matrices to full matrices to save memory.\nFor example:\n\n@example\n@group\ns = speye (3);\nsparse_auto_mutate (false);\ns(:, 1) = 1;\ntypeinfo (s)\n@result{} sparse matrix\nsparse_auto_mutate (true);\ns(1, :) = 1;\ntypeinfo (s)\n@result{} matrix\n@end group\n@end example\n\nWhen called from inside a function with the @qcode{\"local\"} option, the\nvariable is changed locally for the function and any subroutines it calls. \nThe original variable value is restored when exiting the function.\n@end deftypefn")
71 }
73 static void
75 {
76 // DO NOT EDIT! Generated automatically by mkdefs.
77  XDEFUN_FILE_NAME ("libinterp/octave-value/")
78  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (logical, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} logical (@var{x})\nConvert @var{x} to logical type.\n@seealso{double, single, char}\n@end deftypefn")
79 }
81 static void
83 {
84 // DO NOT EDIT! Generated automatically by mkdefs.
85  XDEFUN_FILE_NAME ("libinterp/octave-value/")
86  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (iscell, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} iscell (@var{x})\nReturn true if @var{x} is a cell array object.\n@seealso{ismatrix, isstruct, iscellstr, isa}\n@end deftypefn")
87  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (cell, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} cell (@var{n})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} cell (@var{m}, @var{n})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} cell (@var{m}, @var{n}, @var{k}, @dots{})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} cell ([@var{m} @var{n} @dots{}])\nCreate a new cell array object.\nIf invoked with a single scalar integer argument, return a square\n@nospell{NxN} cell array. If invoked with two or more scalar\ninteger arguments, or a vector of integer values, return an array with\nthe given dimensions.\n@end deftypefn")
88  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (iscellstr, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} iscellstr (@var{cell})\nReturn true if every element of the cell array @var{cell} is a\ncharacter string.\n@seealso{ischar}\n@end deftypefn")
89  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (cellstr, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} cellstr (@var{string})\nCreate a new cell array object from the elements of the string\narray @var{string}.\n@end deftypefn")
90  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (struct2cell, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} struct2cell (@var{S})\nCreate a new cell array from the objects stored in the struct object.\nIf @var{f} is the number of fields in the structure, the resulting\ncell array will have a dimension vector corresponding to\n@code{[@var{F} size(@var{S})]}. For example:\n\n@example\n@group\ns = struct (\"name\", @{\"Peter\", \"Hannah\", \"Robert\"@},\n \"age\", @{23, 16, 3@});\nc = struct2cell (s)\n @result{} c = @{2x1x3 Cell Array@}\nc(1,1,:)(:)\n @result{}\n @{\n [1,1] = Peter\n [2,1] = Hannah\n [3,1] = Robert\n @}\nc(2,1,:)(:)\n @result{}\n @{\n [1,1] = 23\n [2,1] = 16\n [3,1] = 3\n @}\n@end group\n@end example\n\n@seealso{cell2struct, fieldnames}\n@end deftypefn")
91 }
93 static void
95 {
96 // DO NOT EDIT! Generated automatically by mkdefs.
97  XDEFUN_FILE_NAME ("libinterp/octave-value/")
98  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (class, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Function File} {@var{classname} =} class (@var{obj})\n@deftypefnx {Function File} {} class (@var{s}, @var{id})\n@deftypefnx {Function File} {} class (@var{s}, @var{id}, @var{p}, @dots{})\nReturn the class of the object @var{obj} or create a class with\nfields from structure @var{s} and name (string) @var{id}. Additional\narguments name a list of parent classes from which the new class is\nderived.\n@seealso{typeinfo, isa}\n@end deftypefn")
99  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (__isa_parent__, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} __isa_parent__ (@var{class}, @var{name})\nUndocumented internal function.\n@end deftypefn")
100  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (__parent_classes__, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} __parent_classes__ (@var{x})\nUndocumented internal function.\n@end deftypefn")
101  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (isobject, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} isobject (@var{x})\nReturn true if @var{x} is a class object.\n@seealso{class, typeinfo, isa, ismethod}\n@end deftypefn")
102  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (ismethod, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} ismethod (@var{x}, @var{method})\nReturn true if @var{x} is a class object and the string @var{method}\nis a method of this class.\n@seealso{isobject}\n@end deftypefn")
103  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (__methods__, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} __methods__ (@var{x})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} __methods__ (\"classname\")\nInternal function.\n\nImplements @code{methods} for Octave class objects and classnames.\n@seealso{methods}\n@end deftypefn")
104  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (superiorto, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} superiorto (@var{class_name}, @dots{})\nWhen called from a class constructor, mark the object currently\nconstructed as having a higher precedence than @var{class_name}.\nMore that one such class can be specified in a single call.\nThis function may only be called from a class constructor.\n@end deftypefn")
105  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (inferiorto, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} inferiorto (@var{class_name}, @dots{})\nWhen called from a class constructor, mark the object currently\nconstructed as having a lower precedence than @var{class_name}.\nMore that one such class can be specified in a single call.\nThis function may only be called from a class constructor.\n@end deftypefn")
106 }
108 static void
110 {
111 // DO NOT EDIT! Generated automatically by mkdefs.
112  XDEFUN_FILE_NAME ("libinterp/octave-value/")
113  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (functions, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} functions (@var{fcn_handle})\nReturn a struct containing information about the function handle\n@var{fcn_handle}.\n@end deftypefn")
114  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (func2str, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} func2str (@var{fcn_handle})\nReturn a string containing the name of the function referenced by\nthe function handle @var{fcn_handle}.\n@end deftypefn")
115  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (str2func, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} str2func (@var{fcn_name})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} str2func (@var{fcn_name}, \"global\")\nReturn a function handle constructed from the string @var{fcn_name}.\nIf the optional @qcode{\"global\"} argument is passed, locally visible\nfunctions are ignored in the lookup.\n@end deftypefn")
116  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (is_function_handle, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} is_function_handle (@var{x})\nReturn true if @var{x} is a function handle.\n@seealso{isa, typeinfo, class}\n@end deftypefn")
117 }
119 static void
121 {
122 // DO NOT EDIT! Generated automatically by mkdefs.
123  XDEFUN_FILE_NAME ("libinterp/octave-value/")
124  XDEFUNX_INTERNAL ("inline", Finline, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} inline (@var{str})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} inline (@var{str}, @var{arg1}, @dots{})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} inline (@var{str}, @var{n})\nCreate an inline function from the character string @var{str}.\nIf called with a single argument, the arguments of the generated\nfunction are extracted from the function itself. The generated\nfunction arguments will then be in alphabetical order. It should\nbe noted that i, and j are ignored as arguments due to the\nambiguity between their use as a variable or their use as an inbuilt\nconstant. All arguments followed by a parenthesis are considered\nto be functions. If no arguments are found, a function taking a single\nargument named @code{x} will be created.\n\nIf the second and subsequent arguments are character strings,\nthey are the names of the arguments of the function.\n\nIf the second argument is an integer @var{n}, the arguments are\n@qcode{\"x\"}, @qcode{\"P1\"}, @dots{}, @qcode{\"P@var{N}\"}.\n@seealso{argnames, formula, vectorize}\n@end deftypefn")
125  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (formula, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} formula (@var{fun})\nReturn a character string representing the inline function @var{fun}.\nNote that @code{char (@var{fun})} is equivalent to\n@code{formula (@var{fun})}.\n@seealso{argnames, inline, vectorize}\n@end deftypefn")
126  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (argnames, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} argnames (@var{fun})\nReturn a cell array of character strings containing the names of\nthe arguments of the inline function @var{fun}.\n@seealso{inline, formula, vectorize}\n@end deftypefn")
127  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (vectorize, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} vectorize (@var{fun})\nCreate a vectorized version of the inline function @var{fun}\nby replacing all occurrences of @code{*}, @code{/}, etc., with\n@code{.*}, @code{./}, etc.\n\nThis may be useful, for example, when using inline functions with\nnumerical integration or optimization where a vector-valued function\nis expected.\n\n@example\n@group\nfcn = vectorize (inline (\"x^2 - 1\"))\n @result{} fcn = f(x) = x.^2 - 1\nquadv (fcn, 0, 3)\n @result{} 6\n@end group\n@end example\n@seealso{inline, formula, argnames}\n@end deftypefn")
128 }
130 static void
132 {
133 // DO NOT EDIT! Generated automatically by mkdefs.
134  XDEFUN_FILE_NAME ("libinterp/octave-value/")
135  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (single, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} single (@var{x})\nConvert @var{x} to single precision type.\n@seealso{double}\n@end deftypefn")
136 }
138 static void
140 {
141 // DO NOT EDIT! Generated automatically by mkdefs.
142  XDEFUN_FILE_NAME ("libinterp/octave-value/")
143  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (__java_init__, , , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} java_init ()\nInternal function used @strong{only} when debugging Java interface.\nFunction will directly call initialize_java() to create an instance of a JVM.\n@end deftypefn")
144  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (__java_exit__, , , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} java_exit ()\nInternal function used @strong{only} when debugging Java interface.\nFunction will directly call terminate_jvm() to destroy the current JVM\ninstance.\n@end deftypefn")
145  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (javaObject, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {@var{jobj} =} javaObject (@var{classname})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {@var{jobj} =} javaObject (@var{classname}, @var{arg1}, @dots{})\nCreate a Java object of class @var{classsname}, by calling the class\nconstructor with the arguments @var{arg1}, @dots{}\n\nThe first example below creates an uninitialized object,\nwhile the second example supplies an initial argument to the constructor.\n\n@example\n@group\nx = javaObject (\"java.lang.StringBuffer\")\nx = javaObject (\"java.lang.StringBuffer\", \"Initial string\")\n@end group\n@end example\n\n@seealso{javaMethod, javaArray}\n@end deftypefn")
146  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (javaMethod, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {@var{ret} =} javaMethod (@var{methodname}, @var{obj})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {@var{ret} =} javaMethod (@var{methodname}, @var{obj}, @var{arg1}, @dots{})\nInvoke the method @var{methodname} on the Java object @var{obj} with the\narguments @var{arg1}, @dots{} For static methods, @var{obj} can be a string\nrepresenting the fully qualified name of the corresponding class. The\nfunction returns the result of the method invocation.\n\nWhen @var{obj} is a regular Java object, structure-like indexing can be\nused as a shortcut syntax. For instance, the two following statements are\nequivalent\n\n@example\n@group\n ret = javaMethod (\"method1\", x, 1.0, \"a string\")\n ret = x.method1 (1.0, \"a string\")\n@end group\n@end example\n\n@seealso{methods, javaObject}\n@end deftypefn")
147  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (__java_get__, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {@var{val} =} __java_get__ (@var{obj}, @var{name})\nGet the value of the field @var{name} of the Java object @var{obj}. For\nstatic fields, @var{obj} can be a string representing the fully qualified\nname of the corresponding class.\n\nWhen @var{obj} is a regular Java object, structure-like indexing can be\nused as a shortcut syntax. For instance, the two following statements are\nequivalent\n\n@example\n@group\n __java_get__ (x, \"field1\")\n x.field1\n@end group\n@end example\n\n@seealso{__java_set__, javaMethod, javaObject}\n@end deftypefn")
148  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (__java_set__, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {@var{obj} =} __java_set__ (@var{obj}, @var{name}, @var{val})\nSet the value of the field @var{name} of the Java object @var{obj} to\n@var{val}. For static fields, @var{obj} can be a string representing the\nfully qualified named of the corresponding Java class.\n\nWhen @var{obj} is a regular Java object, structure-like indexing can be\nused as a shortcut syntax. For instance, the two following statements are\nequivalent\n\n@example\n@group\n __java_set__ (x, \"field1\", val)\n x.field1 = val\n@end group\n@end example\n\n@seealso{__java_get__, javaMethod, javaObject}\n@end deftypefn")
149  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (java2mat, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} java2mat (@var{javaobj})\nUndocumented internal function.\n@end deftypefn")
150  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (java_matrix_autoconversion, args, nargout, "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {@var{val} =} java_matrix_autoconversion ()\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {@var{old_val} =} java_matrix_autoconversion (@var{new_val})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} java_matrix_autoconversion (@var{new_val}, \"local\")\nQuery or set the internal variable that controls whether Java arrays are\nautomatically converted to Octave matrices. The default value is false.\n\nWhen called from inside a function with the @qcode{\"local\"} option, the\nvariable is changed locally for the function and any subroutines it calls. \nThe original variable value is restored when exiting the function.\n@seealso{java_unsigned_autoconversion, debug_java}\n@end deftypefn")
151  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (java_unsigned_autoconversion, args, nargout, "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {@var{val} =} java_unsigned_autoconversion ()\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {@var{old_val} =} java_unsigned_autoconversion (@var{new_val})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} java_unsigned_autoconversion (@var{new_val}, \"local\")\nQuery or set the internal variable that controls how integer classes are\nconverted when @code{java_matrix_autoconversion} is enabled. When enabled,\nJava arrays of class Byte or Integer are converted to matrices of class\nuint8 or uint32 respectively. The default value is true.\n\nWhen called from inside a function with the @qcode{\"local\"} option, the\nvariable is changed locally for the function and any subroutines it calls. \nThe original variable value is restored when exiting the function.\n@seealso{java_matrix_autoconversion, debug_java}\n@end deftypefn")
152  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (debug_java, args, nargout, "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {@var{val} =} debug_java ()\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {@var{old_val} =} debug_java (@var{new_val})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} debug_java (@var{new_val}, \"local\")\nQuery or set the internal variable that determines whether extra debugging\ninformation regarding the initialization of the JVM and any Java exceptions\nis printed.\n\nWhen called from inside a function with the @qcode{\"local\"} option, the\nvariable is changed locally for the function and any subroutines it calls. \nThe original variable value is restored when exiting the function.\n@seealso{java_matrix_autoconversion, java_unsigned_autoconversion}\n@end deftypefn")
153  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (isjava, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} isjava (@var{x})\nReturn true if @var{x} is a Java object.\n@seealso{class, typeinfo, isa, javaObject}\n@end deftypefn")
154 }
156 static void
158 {
159 // DO NOT EDIT! Generated automatically by mkdefs.
160  XDEFUN_FILE_NAME ("libinterp/octave-value/")
161  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (isnull, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} isnull (@var{x})\nReturn true if @var{x} is a special null matrix, string, or single quoted\nstring. Indexed assignment with such a value on the right-hand side should\ndelete array elements. This function should be used when overloading\nindexed assignment for user-defined classes instead of @code{isempty}, to\ndistinguish the cases:\n\n@table @asis\n@item @code{A(I) = []}\nThis should delete elements if @code{I} is nonempty.\n\n@item @code{X = []; A(I) = X}\nThis should give an error if @code{I} is nonempty.\n@end table\n@seealso{isempty, isindex}\n@end deftypefn")
162 }
164 static void
166 {
167 // DO NOT EDIT! Generated automatically by mkdefs.
168  XDEFUN_FILE_NAME ("libinterp/octave-value/")
169  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (onCleanup, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {@var{c} =} onCleanup (@var{action})\nCreate a special object that executes a given function upon destruction.\nIf the object is copied to multiple variables (or cell or struct array\nelements) or returned from a function, @var{action} will be executed after\nclearing the last copy of the object. Note that if multiple local onCleanup\nvariables are created, the order in which they are called is unspecified.\nFor similar functionality @xref{The unwind_protect Statement}.\n@end deftypefn")
170 }
172 static void
174 {
175 // DO NOT EDIT! Generated automatically by mkdefs.
176  XDEFUN_FILE_NAME ("libinterp/octave-value/")
177  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (allow_noninteger_range_as_index, args, nargout, "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {@var{val} =} allow_noninteger_range_as_index ()\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {@var{old_val} =} allow_noninteger_range_as_index (@var{new_val})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} allow_noninteger_range_as_index (@var{new_val}, \"local\")\nQuery or set the internal variable that controls whether non-integer\nranges are allowed as indices. This might be useful for @sc{matlab}\ncompatibility; however, it is still not entirely compatible because\n@sc{matlab} treats the range expression differently in different contexts.\n\nWhen called from inside a function with the @qcode{\"local\"} option, the\nvariable is changed locally for the function and any subroutines it calls. \nThe original variable value is restored when exiting the function.\n@end deftypefn")
178 }
180 static void
182 {
183 // DO NOT EDIT! Generated automatically by mkdefs.
184  XDEFUN_FILE_NAME ("libinterp/octave-value/")
185  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (double, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} double (@var{x})\nConvert @var{x} to double precision type.\n@seealso{single}\n@end deftypefn")
186 }
188 static void
190 {
191 // DO NOT EDIT! Generated automatically by mkdefs.
192  XDEFUN_FILE_NAME ("libinterp/octave-value/")
193  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (struct, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} struct (@var{field1}, @var{value1}, @var{field2}, @var{value2}, @dots{})\n\nCreate a scalar or array structure and initialize its values. The\n@var{field1}, @var{field2}, @dots{} variables are strings giving the\nnames of the fields and the @var{value1}, @var{value2}, @dots{}\nvariables can be any type.\n\nIf the values are cell arrays, create a structure array and initialize\nits values. The dimensions of each cell array of values must match.\nSingleton cells and non-cell values are repeated so that they fill\nthe entire array. If the cells are empty, create an empty structure\narray with the specified field names.\n\nIf the argument is an object, return the underlying struct.\n\nObserve that the syntax is optimized for struct @strong{arrays}. Consider\nthe following examples:\n\n@example\n@group\nstruct (\"foo\", 1)\n @result{} scalar structure containing the fields:\n foo = 1\n\nstruct (\"foo\", @{@})\n @result{} 0x0 struct array containing the fields:\n foo\n\nstruct (\"foo\", @{ @{@} @})\n @result{} scalar structure containing the fields:\n foo = @{@}(0x0)\n\nstruct (\"foo\", @{1, 2, 3@})\n @result{} 1x3 struct array containing the fields:\n foo\n\n@end group\n@end example\n\n@noindent\nThe first case is an ordinary scalar struct, one field, one value. The\nsecond produces an empty struct array with one field and no values, since\ns being passed an empty cell array of struct array values. When the value is\na cell array containing a single entry, this becomes a scalar struct with\nthat single entry as the value of the field. That single entry happens\nto be an empty cell array.\n\nFinally, if the value is a non-scalar cell array, then @code{struct}\nproduces a struct @strong{array}.\n@end deftypefn")
194  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (isstruct, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} isstruct (@var{x})\nReturn true if @var{x} is a structure or a structure array.\n@seealso{ismatrix, iscell, isa}\n@end deftypefn")
195  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (__fieldnames__, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} __fieldnames__ (@var{struct})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} __fieldnames__ (@var{obj})\nInternal function.\n\nImplements @code{fieldnames()} for structures and Octave objects.\n@seealso{fieldnames}\n@end deftypefn")
196  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (isfield, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} isfield (@var{x}, @var{name})\nReturn true if the @var{x} is a structure and it\nincludes an element named @var{name}. If @var{name} is a cell\narray of strings then a logical array of equal dimension is returned.\n@end deftypefn")
197  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (nfields, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} nfields (@var{s})\nReturn the number of fields of the structure @var{s}.\n@end deftypefn")
198  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (cell2struct, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} cell2struct (@var{cell}, @var{fields}, @var{dim})\nConvert @var{cell} to a structure. The number of fields in @var{fields}\nmust match the number of elements in @var{cell} along dimension @var{dim},\nthat is @code{numel (@var{fields}) == size (@var{cell}, @var{dim})}.\nIf @var{dim} is omitted, a value of 1 is assumed.\n\n@example\n@group\nA = cell2struct (@{\"Peter\", \"Hannah\", \"Robert\";\n 185, 170, 168@},\n @{\"Name\",\"Height\"@}, 1);\nA(1)\n @result{}\n @{\n Name = Peter\n Height = 185\n @}\n\n@end group\n@end example\n@end deftypefn")
199  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (rmfield, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {@var{s} =} rmfield (@var{s}, \"@var{f}\")\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {@var{s} =} rmfield (@var{s}, @var{f})\nReturn a copy of the structure (array) @var{s} with the field @var{f}\nremoved. If @var{f} is a cell array of strings or a character array, remove\neach of the named fields.\n@seealso{cellstr, iscellstr, setfield}\n@end deftypefn")
200  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (struct_levels_to_print, args, nargout, "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {@var{val} =} struct_levels_to_print ()\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {@var{old_val} =} struct_levels_to_print (@var{new_val})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} struct_levels_to_print (@var{new_val}, \"local\")\nQuery or set the internal variable that specifies the number of\nstructure levels to display.\n\nWhen called from inside a function with the @qcode{\"local\"} option, the\nvariable is changed locally for the function and any subroutines it calls. \nThe original variable value is restored when exiting the function.\n@end deftypefn")
201  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (print_struct_array_contents, args, nargout, "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {@var{val} =} print_struct_array_contents ()\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {@var{old_val} =} print_struct_array_contents (@var{new_val})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} print_struct_array_contents (@var{new_val}, \"local\")\nQuery or set the internal variable that specifies whether to print struct\narray contents. If true, values of struct array elements are printed.\nThis variable does not affect scalar structures. Their elements\nare always printed. In both cases, however, printing will be limited to\nthe number of levels specified by @var{struct_levels_to_print}.\n\nWhen called from inside a function with the @qcode{\"local\"} option, the\nvariable is changed locally for the function and any subroutines it calls. \nThe original variable value is restored when exiting the function.\n@end deftypefn")
202 }
204 static void
206 {
207 // DO NOT EDIT! Generated automatically by mkdefs.
208  XDEFUN_FILE_NAME ("libinterp/octave-value/")
209  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (typeinfo, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} typeinfo ()\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} typeinfo (@var{expr})\n\nReturn the type of the expression @var{expr}, as a string. If\n@var{expr} is omitted, return an cell array of strings containing all the\ncurrently installed data types.\n@end deftypefn")
210 }
212 static void
214 {
215 // DO NOT EDIT! Generated automatically by mkdefs.
216  XDEFUN_FILE_NAME ("libinterp/octave-value/")
217  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (nargin, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} nargin ()\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} nargin (@var{fcn})\nWithin a function, return the number of arguments passed to the function.\nAt the top level, return the number of command line arguments passed to\nOctave.\n\nIf called with the optional argument @var{fcn}, a function name or handle,\nreturn the declared number of arguments that the function can accept.\nIf the last argument is @var{varargin} the returned value is negative.\nThis feature does not work on builtin functions.\n@seealso{nargout, varargin, isargout, varargout, nthargout}\n@end deftypefn")
218  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (nargout, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} nargout ()\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} nargout (@var{fcn})\nWithin a function, return the number of values the caller expects to\nreceive. If called with the optional argument @var{fcn}, a function\nname or handle, return the number of declared output values that the\nfunction can produce. If the final output argument is @var{varargout}\nthe returned value is negative.\n\nFor example,\n\n@example\nf ()\n@end example\n\n@noindent\nwill cause @code{nargout} to return 0 inside the function @code{f} and\n\n@example\n[s, t] = f ()\n@end example\n\n@noindent\nwill cause @code{nargout} to return 2 inside the function\n@code{f}.\n\nIn the second usage,\n\n@example\nnargout (@@histc) \% or nargout (\"histc\")\n@end example\n\n@noindent\nwill return 2, because @code{histc} has two outputs, whereas\n\n@example\nnargout (@@deal)\n@end example\n\n@noindent\nwill return -1, because @code{deal} has a variable number of outputs.\n\nAt the top level, @code{nargout} with no argument is undefined.\n@code{nargout} does not work on builtin functions.\n@code{nargout} returns -1 for all anonymous functions.\n@seealso{nargin, varargin, isargout, varargout, nthargout}\n@end deftypefn")
219  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (optimize_subsasgn_calls, args, nargout, "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {@var{val} =} optimize_subsasgn_calls ()\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {@var{old_val} =} optimize_subsasgn_calls (@var{new_val})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} optimize_subsasgn_calls (@var{new_val}, \"local\")\nQuery or set the internal flag for subsasgn method call optimizations.\nIf true, Octave will attempt to eliminate the redundant copying when calling\nsubsasgn method of a user-defined class.\n\nWhen called from inside a function with the @qcode{\"local\"} option, the\nvariable is changed locally for the function and any subroutines it calls. \nThe original variable value is restored when exiting the function.\n@end deftypefn")
220  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (isargout, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} isargout (@var{k})\nWithin a function, return a logical value indicating whether the argument\n@var{k} will be assigned on output to a variable. If the result is false,\nthe argument has been ignored during the function call through the use of\nthe tilde (~) special output argument. Functions can use @code{isargout} to\navoid performing unnecessary calculations for outputs which are unwanted.\n\nIf @var{k} is outside the range @code{1:max (nargout)}, the function returns\nfalse. @var{k} can also be an array, in which case the function works\nelement-by-element and a logical array is returned. At the top level,\n@code{isargout} returns an error.\n@seealso{nargout, nargin, varargin, varargout, nthargout}\n@end deftypefn")
221 }
223 static void
225 {
226 // DO NOT EDIT! Generated automatically by mkdefs.
227  XDEFUN_FILE_NAME ("libinterp/octave-value/")
228  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (sizeof, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} sizeof (@var{val})\nReturn the size of @var{val} in bytes.\n@seealso{whos}\n@end deftypefn")
229  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (subsref, args, nargout, "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} subsref (@var{val}, @var{idx})\nPerform the subscripted element selection operation according to\nthe subscript specified by @var{idx}.\n\nThe subscript @var{idx} is expected to be a structure array with\nfields @samp{type} and @samp{subs}. Valid values for @samp{type}\nare @samp{\"()\"}, @samp{\"@{@}\"}, and @samp{\".\"}.\nThe @samp{subs} field may be either @samp{\":\"} or a cell array\nof index values.\n\nThe following example shows how to extract the two first columns of\na matrix\n\n@example\n@group\nval = magic (3)\n @result{} val = [ 8 1 6\n 3 5 7\n 4 9 2 ]\nidx.type = \"()\";\nidx.subs = @{\":\", 1:2@};\nsubsref (val, idx)\n @result{} [ 8 1\n 3 5\n 4 9 ]\n@end group\n@end example\n\n@noindent\nNote that this is the same as writing @code{val(:,1:2)}.\n\nIf @var{idx} is an empty structure array with fields @samp{type}\nand @samp{subs}, return @var{val}.\n@seealso{subsasgn, substruct}\n@end deftypefn")
230  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (subsasgn, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} subsasgn (@var{val}, @var{idx}, @var{rhs})\nPerform the subscripted assignment operation according to\nthe subscript specified by @var{idx}.\n\nThe subscript @var{idx} is expected to be a structure array with\nfields @samp{type} and @samp{subs}. Valid values for @samp{type}\nare @samp{\"()\"}, @samp{\"@{@}\"}, and @samp{\".\"}.\nThe @samp{subs} field may be either @samp{\":\"} or a cell array\nof index values.\n\nThe following example shows how to set the two first columns of a\n3-by-3 matrix to zero.\n\n@example\n@group\nval = magic (3);\nidx.type = \"()\";\nidx.subs = @{\":\", 1:2@};\nsubsasgn (val, idx, 0)\n @result{} [ 0 0 6\n 0 0 7\n 0 0 2 ]\n@end group\n@end example\n\nNote that this is the same as writing @code{val(:,1:2) = 0}.\n\nIf @var{idx} is an empty structure array with fields @samp{type}\nand @samp{subs}, return @var{rhs}.\n@seealso{subsref, substruct}\n@end deftypefn")
231  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (is_sq_string, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} is_sq_string (@var{x})\nReturn true if @var{x} is a single-quoted character string.\n@seealso{is_dq_string, ischar}\n@end deftypefn")
232  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (is_dq_string, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} is_dq_string (@var{x})\nReturn true if @var{x} is a double-quoted character string.\n@seealso{is_sq_string, ischar}\n@end deftypefn")
233 }
235 static void
237 {
238 // DO NOT EDIT! Generated automatically by mkdefs.
239  XDEFUN_FILE_NAME ("libinterp/octave-value/")
240  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (int16, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} int16 (@var{x})\nConvert @var{x} to 16-bit integer type.\n@end deftypefn")
241 }
243 static void
245 {
246 // DO NOT EDIT! Generated automatically by mkdefs.
247  XDEFUN_FILE_NAME ("libinterp/octave-value/")
248  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (int32, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} int32 (@var{x})\nConvert @var{x} to 32-bit integer type.\n@end deftypefn")
249 }
251 static void
253 {
254 // DO NOT EDIT! Generated automatically by mkdefs.
255  XDEFUN_FILE_NAME ("libinterp/octave-value/")
256  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (int64, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} int64 (@var{x})\nConvert @var{x} to 64-bit integer type.\n@end deftypefn")
257 }
259 static void
261 {
262 // DO NOT EDIT! Generated automatically by mkdefs.
263  XDEFUN_FILE_NAME ("libinterp/octave-value/")
264  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (int8, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} int8 (@var{x})\nConvert @var{x} to 8-bit integer type.\n@end deftypefn")
265 }
267 static void
269 {
270 // DO NOT EDIT! Generated automatically by mkdefs.
271  XDEFUN_FILE_NAME ("libinterp/octave-value/")
272  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (uint16, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} uint16 (@var{x})\nConvert @var{x} to unsigned 16-bit integer type.\n@end deftypefn")
273 }
275 static void
277 {
278 // DO NOT EDIT! Generated automatically by mkdefs.
279  XDEFUN_FILE_NAME ("libinterp/octave-value/")
280  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (uint32, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} uint32 (@var{x})\nConvert @var{x} to unsigned 32-bit integer type.\n@end deftypefn")
281 }
283 static void
285 {
286 // DO NOT EDIT! Generated automatically by mkdefs.
287  XDEFUN_FILE_NAME ("libinterp/octave-value/")
288  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (uint64, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} uint64 (@var{x})\nConvert @var{x} to unsigned 64-bit integer type.\n@end deftypefn")
289 }
291 static void
293 {
294 // DO NOT EDIT! Generated automatically by mkdefs.
295  XDEFUN_FILE_NAME ("libinterp/octave-value/")
296  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (uint8, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} uint8 (@var{x})\nConvert @var{x} to unsigned 8-bit integer type.\n@end deftypefn")
297 }
299 static void
301 {
302 // DO NOT EDIT! Generated automatically by mkdefs.
303  XDEFUN_FILE_NAME ("libinterp/parse-tree/")
304  XDEFCONSTFUN_INTERNAL (end, , , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} end\nThe magic index @qcode{\"end\"} refers to the last valid entry in an indexing\noperation.\n\nExample:\n\n@example\n@group\n@var{x} = [ 1 2 3 \n 4 5 6 ];\n@var{x}(1,end)\n @result{} 3\n@var{x}(end,1)\n @result{} 4\n@var{x}(end,end)\n @result{} 6\n@end group\n@end example\n@end deftypefn")
305 }
307 static void
309 {
310 // DO NOT EDIT! Generated automatically by mkdefs.
311  XDEFUN_FILE_NAME ("libinterp/parse-tree/")
312  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (do_braindead_shortcircuit_evaluation, args, nargout, "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {@var{val} =} do_braindead_shortcircuit_evaluation ()\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {@var{old_val} =} do_braindead_shortcircuit_evaluation (@var{new_val})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} do_braindead_shortcircuit_evaluation (@var{new_val}, \"local\")\nQuery or set the internal variable that controls whether Octave will\ndo short-circuit evaluation of @samp{|} and @samp{&} operators inside the\nconditions of if or while statements.\n\nThis feature is only provided for compatibility with @sc{matlab} and should\nnot be used unless you are porting old code that relies on this feature.\n\nTo obtain short-circuit behavior for logical expressions in new programs,\nyou should always use the @samp{&&} and @samp{||} operators.\n\nWhen called from inside a function with the @qcode{\"local\"} option, the\nvariable is changed locally for the function and any subroutines it calls. \nThe original variable value is restored when exiting the function.\n@end deftypefn")
313 }
315 static void
317 {
318 // DO NOT EDIT! Generated automatically by mkdefs.
319  XDEFUN_FILE_NAME ("libinterp/parse-tree/")
320  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (max_recursion_depth, args, nargout, "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {@var{val} =} max_recursion_depth ()\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {@var{old_val} =} max_recursion_depth (@var{new_val})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} max_recursion_depth (@var{new_val}, \"local\")\nQuery or set the internal limit on the number of times a function may\nbe called recursively. If the limit is exceeded, an error message is\nprinted and control returns to the top level.\n\nWhen called from inside a function with the @qcode{\"local\"} option, the\nvariable is changed locally for the function and any subroutines it calls.\nThe original variable value is restored when exiting the function.\n@end deftypefn")
321  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (silent_functions, args, nargout, "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {@var{val} =} silent_functions ()\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {@var{old_val} =} silent_functions (@var{new_val})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} silent_functions (@var{new_val}, \"local\")\nQuery or set the internal variable that controls whether internal\noutput from a function is suppressed. If this option is disabled,\nOctave will display the results produced by evaluating expressions\nwithin a function body that are not terminated with a semicolon.\n\nWhen called from inside a function with the @qcode{\"local\"} option, the\nvariable is changed locally for the function and any subroutines it calls.\nThe original variable value is restored when exiting the function.\n@end deftypefn")
322 }
324 static void
326 {
327 // DO NOT EDIT! Generated automatically by mkdefs.
328  XDEFUN_FILE_NAME ("libinterp/parse-tree/")
329  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (string_fill_char, args, nargout, "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {@var{val} =} string_fill_char ()\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {@var{old_val} =} string_fill_char (@var{new_val})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} string_fill_char (@var{new_val}, \"local\")\nQuery or set the internal variable used to pad all rows of a character\nmatrix to the same length. It must be a single character. The default\nvalue is @qcode{\" \"} (a single space). For example:\n\n@example\n@group\nstring_fill_char (\"X\");\n[ \"these\"; \"are\"; \"strings\" ]\n @result{} \"theseXX\"\n \"areXXXX\"\n \"strings\"\n@end group\n@end example\n\nWhen called from inside a function with the @qcode{\"local\"} option, the\nvariable is changed locally for the function and any subroutines it calls. \nThe original variable value is restored when exiting the function.\n@end deftypefn")
330 }
332 static void
334 {
335 // DO NOT EDIT! Generated automatically by mkdefs.
336  XDEFUN_FILE_NAME ("libinterp/parse-tree/")
337  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (iskeyword, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} iskeyword ()\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} iskeyword (@var{name})\nReturn true if @var{name} is an Octave keyword. If @var{name}\nis omitted, return a list of keywords.\n@seealso{isvarname, exist}\n@end deftypefn")
338  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (__display_tokens__, args, nargout, "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} __display_tokens__ ()\nQuery or set the internal variable that determines whether Octave's\nlexer displays tokens as they are read.\n@end deftypefn")
339  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (__token_count__, , , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} __token_count__ ()\nNumber of language tokens processed since Octave startup.\n@end deftypefn")
340  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (__lexer_debug_flag__, args, nargout, "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {@var{old_val} =} __lexer_debug_flag__ (@var{new_val}))\nUndocumented internal function.\n@end deftypefn")
341 }
343 static void
345 {
346 // DO NOT EDIT! Generated automatically by mkdefs.
347  XDEFUN_FILE_NAME ("libinterp/corefcn/")
348  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (__contourc__, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} __contourc__ (@var{x}, @var{y}, @var{z}, @var{levels})\nUndocumented internal function.\n@end deftypefn")
349 }
351 static void
353 {
354 // DO NOT EDIT! Generated automatically by mkdefs.
355  XDEFUN_FILE_NAME ("libinterp/corefcn/")
356  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (__dispatch__, args, nargout, "Undocumented internal function")
357 }
359 static void
361 {
362 // DO NOT EDIT! Generated automatically by mkdefs.
363  XDEFUN_FILE_NAME ("libinterp/corefcn/")
364  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (__lin_interpn__, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {@var{vi} =} __lin_interpn__ (@var{x1}, @var{x2}, @dots{}, @var{xn}, @var{v}, @var{y1}, @var{y2}, @dots{}, @var{yn})\nUndocumented internal function.\n@end deftypefn")
365 }
367 static void
369 {
370 // DO NOT EDIT! Generated automatically by mkdefs.
371  XDEFUN_FILE_NAME ("libinterp/corefcn/")
372  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (__pchip_deriv__, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} __pchip_deriv__ (@var{x}, @var{y}, @var{dim})\nUndocumented internal function.\n@end deftypefn")
373 }
375 static void
377 {
378 // DO NOT EDIT! Generated automatically by mkdefs.
379  XDEFUN_FILE_NAME ("libinterp/corefcn/")
380  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (__qp__, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {[@var{x}, @var{lambda}, @var{info}, @var{iter}] =} __qp__ (@var{x0}, @var{H}, @var{q}, @var{Aeq}, @var{beq}, @var{Ain}, @var{bin}, @var{maxit})\nUndocumented internal function.\n@end deftypefn")
381 }
383 static void
385 {
386 // DO NOT EDIT! Generated automatically by mkdefs.
387  XDEFUN_FILE_NAME ("libinterp/corefcn/")
388  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (balance, args, nargout, "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {@var{AA} =} balance (@var{A})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {@var{AA} =} balance (@var{A}, @var{opt})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {[@var{DD}, @var{AA}] =} balance (@var{A}, @var{opt})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {[@var{D}, @var{P}, @var{AA}] =} balance (@var{A}, @var{opt})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {[@var{CC}, @var{DD}, @var{AA}, @var{BB}] =} balance (@var{A}, @var{B}, @var{opt})\n\nCompute @code{@var{AA} = @var{DD} \\ @var{A} * @var{DD}} in which @var{AA}\nis a matrix whose row and column norms are roughly equal in magnitude, and\n@code{@var{DD} = @var{P} * @var{D}}, in which @var{P} is a permutation\nmatrix and @var{D} is a diagonal matrix of powers of two. This allows the\nequilibration to be computed without round-off. Results of eigenvalue\ncalculation are typically improved by balancing first.\n\nIf two output values are requested, @code{balance} returns\nthe diagonal @var{D} and the permutation @var{P} separately as vectors.\nIn this case, @code{@var{DD} = eye(n)(:,@var{P}) * diag (@var{D})}, where\n@math{n} is the matrix size.\n\nIf four output values are requested, compute @code{@var{AA} =\n@var{CC}*@var{A}*@var{DD}} and @code{@var{BB} = @var{CC}*@var{B}*@var{DD}},\nin which @var{AA} and @var{BB} have non-zero elements of approximately the\nsame magnitude and @var{CC} and @var{DD} are permuted diagonal matrices as\nin @var{DD} for the algebraic eigenvalue problem.\n\nThe eigenvalue balancing option @var{opt} may be one of:\n\n@table @asis\n@item @qcode{\"noperm\"}, @qcode{\"S\"}\nScale only; do not permute.\n\n@item @qcode{\"noscal\"}, @qcode{\"P\"}\nPermute only; do not scale.\n@end table\n\nAlgebraic eigenvalue balancing uses standard @sc{lapack} routines.\n\nGeneralized eigenvalue problem balancing uses Ward's algorithm\n(SIAM Journal on Scientific and Statistical Computing, 1981).\n@end deftypefn")
389 }
391 static void
393 {
394 // DO NOT EDIT! Generated automatically by mkdefs.
395  XDEFUN_FILE_NAME ("libinterp/corefcn/")
396  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (besselj, args, nargout, "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {[@var{j}, @var{ierr}] =} besselj (@var{alpha}, @var{x}, @var{opt})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {[@var{y}, @var{ierr}] =} bessely (@var{alpha}, @var{x}, @var{opt})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {[@var{i}, @var{ierr}] =} besseli (@var{alpha}, @var{x}, @var{opt})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {[@var{k}, @var{ierr}] =} besselk (@var{alpha}, @var{x}, @var{opt})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {[@var{h}, @var{ierr}] =} besselh (@var{alpha}, @var{k}, @var{x}, @var{opt})\nCompute Bessel or Hankel functions of various kinds:\n\n@table @code\n@item besselj\nBessel functions of the first kind. If the argument @var{opt} is supplied,\nthe result is multiplied by @code{exp (-abs (imag (@var{x})))}.\n\n@item bessely\nBessel functions of the second kind. If the argument @var{opt} is supplied,\nthe result is multiplied by @code{exp (-abs (imag (@var{x})))}.\n\n@item besseli\n\nModified Bessel functions of the first kind. If the argument @var{opt} is\nsupplied, the result is multiplied by @code{exp (-abs (real (@var{x})))}.\n\n@item besselk\n\nModified Bessel functions of the second kind. If the argument @var{opt} is\nsupplied, the result is multiplied by @code{exp (@var{x})}.\n\n@item besselh\nCompute Hankel functions of the first (@var{k} = 1) or second (@var{k}\n= 2) kind. If the argument @var{opt} is supplied, the result is multiplied\nby @code{exp (-I*@var{x})} for @var{k} = 1 or @code{exp (I*@var{x})} for\n@var{k} = 2.\n@end table\n\nIf @var{alpha} is a scalar, the result is the same size as @var{x}.\nIf @var{x} is a scalar, the result is the same size as @var{alpha}.\nIf @var{alpha} is a row vector and @var{x} is a column vector, the\nresult is a matrix with @code{length (@var{x})} rows and\n@code{length (@var{alpha})} columns. Otherwise, @var{alpha} and\n@var{x} must conform and the result will be the same size.\n\nThe value of @var{alpha} must be real. The value of @var{x} may be\ncomplex.\n\nIf requested, @var{ierr} contains the following status information\nand is the same size as the result.\n\n@enumerate 0\n@item\nNormal return.\n\n@item\nInput error, return @code{NaN}.\n\n@item\nOverflow, return @code{Inf}.\n\n@item\nLoss of significance by argument reduction results in less than\nhalf of machine accuracy.\n\n@item\nComplete loss of significance by argument reduction, return @code{NaN}.\n\n@item\nError---no computation, algorithm termination condition not met,\nreturn @code{NaN}.\n@end enumerate\n@end deftypefn")
397  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (bessely, args, nargout, "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {[@var{y}, @var{ierr}] =} bessely (@var{alpha}, @var{x}, @var{opt})\nSee besselj.\n@end deftypefn")
398  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (besseli, args, nargout, "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {[@var{i}, @var{ierr}] =} besseli (@var{alpha}, @var{x}, @var{opt})\nSee besselj.\n@end deftypefn")
399  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (besselk, args, nargout, "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {[@var{k}, @var{ierr}] =} besselk (@var{alpha}, @var{x}, @var{opt})\nSee besselj.\n@end deftypefn")
400  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (besselh, args, nargout, "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {[@var{h}, @var{ierr}] =} besselh (@var{alpha}, @var{k}, @var{x}, @var{opt})\nSee besselj.\n@end deftypefn")
401  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (airy, args, nargout, "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {[@var{a}, @var{ierr}] =} airy (@var{k}, @var{z}, @var{opt})\nCompute Airy functions of the first and second kind, and their\nderivatives.\n\n@example\n@group\n K Function Scale factor (if \"opt\" is supplied)\n--- -------- ---------------------------------------\n 0 Ai (Z) exp ((2/3) * Z * sqrt (Z))\n 1 dAi(Z)/dZ exp ((2/3) * Z * sqrt (Z))\n 2 Bi (Z) exp (-abs (real ((2/3) * Z * sqrt (Z))))\n 3 dBi(Z)/dZ exp (-abs (real ((2/3) * Z * sqrt (Z))))\n@end group\n@end example\n\nThe function call @code{airy (@var{z})} is equivalent to\n@code{airy (0, @var{z})}.\n\nThe result is the same size as @var{z}.\n\nIf requested, @var{ierr} contains the following status information and\nis the same size as the result.\n\n@enumerate 0\n@item\nNormal return.\n\n@item\nInput error, return @code{NaN}.\n\n@item\nOverflow, return @code{Inf}.\n\n@item\nLoss of significance by argument reduction results in less than half\n of machine accuracy.\n\n@item\nComplete loss of significance by argument reduction, return @code{NaN}.\n\n@item\nError---no computation, algorithm termination condition not met,\nreturn @code{NaN}.\n@end enumerate\n@end deftypefn")
402 }
404 static void
406 {
407 // DO NOT EDIT! Generated automatically by mkdefs.
408  XDEFUN_FILE_NAME ("libinterp/corefcn/")
409  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (betainc, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Mapping Function} {} betainc (@var{x}, @var{a}, @var{b})\nReturn the regularized incomplete Beta function,\n@tex\n$$\n I (x, a, b) = {1 \\over {B (a, b)}} \\int_0^x t^{(a-z)} (1-t)^{(b-1)} dt.\n$$\n@end tex\n@ifnottex\n@c Set example in small font to prevent overfull line\n\n@smallexample\n@group\n x\n 1 /\nbetainc (x, a, b) = ----------- | t^(a-1) (1-t)^(b-1) dt.\n beta (a, b) /\n t=0\n@end group\n@end smallexample\n\n@end ifnottex\n\nIf @var{x} has more than one component, both @var{a} and @var{b} must be\nscalars. If @var{x} is a scalar, @var{a} and @var{b} must be of\ncompatible dimensions.\n@seealso{betaincinv, beta, betaln}\n@end deftypefn")
410  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (betaincinv, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Mapping Function} {} betaincinv (@var{y}, @var{a}, @var{b})\nCompute the inverse of the incomplete Beta function, i.e., @var{x} such that\n\n@example\n@var{y} == betainc (@var{x}, @var{a}, @var{b}) \n@end example\n@seealso{betainc, beta, betaln}\n@end deftypefn")
411 }
413 static void
415 {
416 // DO NOT EDIT! Generated automatically by mkdefs.
417  XDEFUN_FILE_NAME ("libinterp/corefcn/")
418  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (bitand, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} bitand (@var{x}, @var{y})\nReturn the bitwise AND of non-negative integers.\n@var{x}, @var{y} must be in the range [0,bitmax]\n@seealso{bitor, bitxor, bitset, bitget, bitcmp, bitshift, bitmax}\n@end deftypefn")
419  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (bitor, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} bitor (@var{x}, @var{y})\nReturn the bitwise OR of non-negative integers.\n@var{x}, @var{y} must be in the range [0,bitmax]\n@seealso{bitor, bitxor, bitset, bitget, bitcmp, bitshift, bitmax}\n@end deftypefn")
420  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (bitxor, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} bitxor (@var{x}, @var{y})\nReturn the bitwise XOR of non-negative integers.\n@var{x}, @var{y} must be in the range [0,bitmax]\n@seealso{bitand, bitor, bitset, bitget, bitcmp, bitshift, bitmax}\n@end deftypefn")
421  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (bitshift, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} bitshift (@var{a}, @var{k})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} bitshift (@var{a}, @var{k}, @var{n})\nReturn a @var{k} bit shift of @var{n}-digit unsigned\nintegers in @var{a}. A positive @var{k} leads to a left shift;\nA negative value to a right shift. If @var{n} is omitted it defaults\nto log2(bitmax)+1.\n@var{n} must be in the range [1,log2(bitmax)+1] usually [1,33].\n\n@example\n@group\nbitshift (eye (3), 1)\n@result{}\n@group\n2 0 0\n0 2 0\n0 0 2\n@end group\n\nbitshift (10, [-2, -1, 0, 1, 2])\n@result{} 2 5 10 20 40\n@c FIXME: restore this example when third arg is allowed to be an array.\n@c\n@c\n@c bitshift ([1, 10], 2, [3,4])\n@c @result{} 4 8\n@end group\n@end example\n@seealso{bitand, bitor, bitxor, bitset, bitget, bitcmp, bitmax}\n@end deftypefn")
422  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (bitmax, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} bitmax ()\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} bitmax (\"double\")\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} bitmax (\"single\")\nReturn the largest integer that can be represented within a floating point\nvalue. The default class is @qcode{\"double\"}, but @qcode{\"single\"} is a\nvalid option. On IEEE-754 compatible systems, @code{bitmax} is\n@w{@math{2^{53} - 1}} for @qcode{\"double\"} and @w{@math{2^{24} -1}} for\n@qcode{\"single\"}.\n@seealso{flintmax, intmax, realmax, realmin}\n@end deftypefn")
423  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (flintmax, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} flintmax ()\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} flintmax (\"double\")\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} flintmax (\"single\")\nReturn the largest integer that can be represented consecutively in a\nfloating point value. The default class is @qcode{\"double\"}, but\n@qcode{\"single\"} is a valid option. On IEEE-754 compatible systems,\n@code{flintmax} is @w{@math{2^53}} for @qcode{\"double\"} and\n@w{@math{2^24}} for @qcode{\"single\"}.\n@seealso{bitmax, intmax, realmax, realmin}\n@end deftypefn")
424  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (intmax, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} intmax (@var{type})\nReturn the largest integer that can be represented in an integer type.\nThe variable @var{type} can be\n\n@table @code\n@item int8\nsigned 8-bit integer.\n\n@item int16\nsigned 16-bit integer.\n\n@item int32\nsigned 32-bit integer.\n\n@item int64\nsigned 64-bit integer.\n\n@item uint8\nunsigned 8-bit integer.\n\n@item uint16\nunsigned 16-bit integer.\n\n@item uint32\nunsigned 32-bit integer.\n\n@item uint64\nunsigned 64-bit integer.\n@end table\n\nThe default for @var{type} is @code{int32}.\n@seealso{intmin, flintmax, bitmax}\n@end deftypefn")
425  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (intmin, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} intmin (@var{type})\nReturn the smallest integer that can be represented in an integer type.\nThe variable @var{type} can be\n\n@table @code\n@item int8\nsigned 8-bit integer.\n\n@item int16\nsigned 16-bit integer.\n\n@item int32\nsigned 32-bit integer.\n\n@item int64\nsigned 64-bit integer.\n\n@item uint8\nunsigned 8-bit integer.\n\n@item uint16\nunsigned 16-bit integer.\n\n@item uint32\nunsigned 32-bit integer.\n\n@item uint64\nunsigned 64-bit integer.\n@end table\n\nThe default for @var{type} is @code{int32}.\n@seealso{intmax, flintmax, bitmax}\n@end deftypefn")
426  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (sizemax, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} sizemax ()\nReturn the largest value allowed for the size of an array.\nIf Octave is compiled with 64-bit indexing, the result is of class int64,\notherwise it is of class int32. The maximum array size is slightly\nsmaller than the maximum value allowable for the relevant class as reported\nby @code{intmax}.\n@seealso{intmax}\n@end deftypefn")
427 }
429 static void
431 {
432 // DO NOT EDIT! Generated automatically by mkdefs.
433  XDEFUN_FILE_NAME ("libinterp/corefcn/")
434  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (bsxfun, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} bsxfun (@var{f}, @var{A}, @var{B})\nThe binary singleton expansion function applier performs broadcasting,\nthat is, applies a binary function @var{f} element-by-element to two\narray arguments @var{A} and @var{B}, and expands as necessary\nsingleton dimensions in either input argument. @var{f} is a function\nhandle, inline function, or string containing the name of the function\nto evaluate. The function @var{f} must be capable of accepting two\ncolumn-vector arguments of equal length, or one column vector argument\nand a scalar.\n\nThe dimensions of @var{A} and @var{B} must be equal or singleton. The\nsingleton dimensions of the arrays will be expanded to the same\ndimensionality as the other array.\n@seealso{arrayfun, cellfun}\n@end deftypefn")
435 }
437 static void
439 {
440 // DO NOT EDIT! Generated automatically by mkdefs.
441  XDEFUN_FILE_NAME ("libinterp/corefcn/")
442  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (cellfun, args, nargout, "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} cellfun (@var{name}, @var{C})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} cellfun (\"size\", @var{C}, @var{k})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} cellfun (\"isclass\", @var{C}, @var{class})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} cellfun (@var{func}, @var{C})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} cellfun (@var{func}, @var{C}, @var{D})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {[@var{a}, @dots{}] =} cellfun (@dots{})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} cellfun (@dots{}, \"ErrorHandler\", @var{errfunc})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} cellfun (@dots{}, \"UniformOutput\", @var{val})\n\nEvaluate the function named @var{name} on the elements of the cell array\n@var{C}. Elements in @var{C} are passed on to the named function\nindividually. The function @var{name} can be one of the functions\n\n@table @code\n@item isempty\nReturn 1 for empty elements.\n\n@item islogical\nReturn 1 for logical elements.\n\n@item isnumeric\nReturn 1 for numeric elements.\n\n@item isreal\nReturn 1 for real elements.\n\n@item length\nReturn a vector of the lengths of cell elements.\n\n@item ndims\nReturn the number of dimensions of each element.\n\n@item numel\n@itemx prodofsize\nReturn the number of elements contained within each cell element. The\nnumber is the product of the dimensions of the object at each cell element.\n\n@item size\nReturn the size along the @var{k}-th dimension.\n\n@item isclass\nReturn 1 for elements of @var{class}.\n@end table\n\nAdditionally, @code{cellfun} accepts an arbitrary function @var{func}\nin the form of an inline function, function handle, or the name of a\nfunction (in a character string). The function can take one or more arguments,\nwith the inputs arguments given by @var{C}, @var{D}, etc. Equally the\nfunction can return one or more output arguments. For example:\n\n@example\n@group\ncellfun (\"atan2\", @{1, 0@}, @{0, 1@})\n @result{} [ 1.57080 0.00000 ]\n@end group\n@end example\n\nThe number of output arguments of @code{cellfun} matches the number of output\narguments of the function. The outputs of the function will be collected\ninto the output arguments of @code{cellfun} like this:\n\n@example\n@group\nfunction [a, b] = twoouts (x)\n a = x;\n b = x*x;\nendfunction\n[aa, bb] = cellfun (@@twoouts, @{1, 2, 3@})\n @result{}\n aa =\n 1 2 3\n bb =\n 1 4 9\n@end group\n@end example\n\nNote that per default the output argument(s) are arrays of the same size as\nthe input arguments. Input arguments that are singleton (1x1) cells will be\nautomatically expanded to the size of the other arguments.\n\nIf the parameter @qcode{\"UniformOutput\"} is set to true (the default),\nthen the function must return scalars which will be concatenated into the\nreturn array(s). If @qcode{\"UniformOutput\"} is false, the outputs are\nconcatenated into a cell array (or cell arrays). For example:\n\n@example\n@group\ncellfun (\"tolower\", @{\"Foo\", \"Bar\", \"FooBar\"@},\n \"UniformOutput\", false)\n@result{} @{\"foo\", \"bar\", \"foobar\"@}\n@end group\n@end example\n\nGiven the parameter @qcode{\"ErrorHandler\"}, then @var{errfunc} defines a\nfunction to call in case @var{func} generates an error. The form of the\nfunction is\n\n@example\nfunction [@dots{}] = errfunc (@var{s}, @dots{})\n@end example\n\n@noindent\nwhere there is an additional input argument to @var{errfunc} relative to\n@var{func}, given by @var{s}. This is a structure with the elements\n@qcode{\"identifier\"}, @qcode{\"message\"} and @qcode{\"index\"}, giving\nrespectively the error identifier, the error message, and the index into the\ninput arguments of the element that caused the error. For example:\n\n@example\n@group\nfunction y = foo (s, x), y = NaN; endfunction\ncellfun (\"factorial\", @{-1,2@}, \"ErrorHandler\", @@foo)\n@result{} [NaN 2]\n@end group\n@end example\n\nUse @code{cellfun} intelligently. The @code{cellfun} function is a\nuseful tool for avoiding loops. It is often used with anonymous\nfunction handles; however, calling an anonymous function involves an\noverhead quite comparable to the overhead of an m-file function.\nPassing a handle to a built-in function is faster, because the\ninterpreter is not involved in the internal loop. For example:\n\n@example\n@group\na = @{@dots{}@}\nv = cellfun (@@(x) det (x), a); # compute determinants\nv = cellfun (@@det, a); # faster\n@end group\n@end example\n\n@seealso{arrayfun, structfun, spfun}\n@end deftypefn")
443  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (arrayfun, args, nargout, "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Function File} {} arrayfun (@var{func}, @var{A})\n@deftypefnx {Function File} {@var{x} =} arrayfun (@var{func}, @var{A})\n@deftypefnx {Function File} {@var{x} =} arrayfun (@var{func}, @var{A}, @var{b}, @dots{})\n@deftypefnx {Function File} {[@var{x}, @var{y}, @dots{}] =} arrayfun (@var{func}, @var{A}, @dots{})\n@deftypefnx {Function File} {} arrayfun (@dots{}, \"UniformOutput\", @var{val})\n@deftypefnx {Function File} {} arrayfun (@dots{}, \"ErrorHandler\", @var{errfunc})\n\nExecute a function on each element of an array. This is useful for\nfunctions that do not accept array arguments. If the function does\naccept array arguments it is better to call the function directly.\n\nThe first input argument @var{func} can be a string, a function\nhandle, an inline function, or an anonymous function. The input\nargument @var{A} can be a logic array, a numeric array, a string\narray, a structure array, or a cell array. By a call of the function\n@command{arrayfun} all elements of @var{A} are passed on to the named\nfunction @var{func} individually.\n\nThe named function can also take more than two input arguments, with\nthe input arguments given as third input argument @var{b}, fourth\ninput argument @var{c}, @dots{} If given more than one array input\nargument then all input arguments must have the same sizes, for\nexample:\n\n@example\n@group\narrayfun (@@atan2, [1, 0], [0, 1])\n @result{} [ 1.5708 0.0000 ]\n@end group\n@end example\n\nIf the parameter @var{val} after a further string input argument\n@qcode{\"UniformOutput\"} is set @code{true} (the default), then the named\nfunction @var{func} must return a single element which then will be\nconcatenated into the return value and is of type matrix. Otherwise,\nif that parameter is set to @code{false}, then the outputs are\nconcatenated in a cell array. For example:\n\n@example\n@group\narrayfun (@@(x,y) x:y, \"abc\", \"def\", \"UniformOutput\", false)\n@result{}\n @{\n [1,1] = abcd\n [1,2] = bcde\n [1,3] = cdef\n @}\n@end group\n@end example\n\nIf more than one output arguments are given then the named function\nmust return the number of return values that also are expected, for\nexample:\n\n@example\n@group\n[A, B, C] = arrayfun (@@find, [10; 0], \"UniformOutput\", false)\n@result{}\nA =\n@{\n [1,1] = 1\n [2,1] = [](0x0)\n@}\nB =\n@{\n [1,1] = 1\n [2,1] = [](0x0)\n@}\nC =\n@{\n [1,1] = 10\n [2,1] = [](0x0)\n@}\n@end group\n@end example\n\nIf the parameter @var{errfunc} after a further string input argument\n@qcode{\"ErrorHandler\"} is another string, a function handle, an inline\nfunction, or an anonymous function, then @var{errfunc} defines a\nfunction to call in the case that @var{func} generates an error.\nThe definition of the function must be of the form\n\n@example\nfunction [@dots{}] = errfunc (@var{s}, @dots{})\n@end example\n\n@noindent\nwhere there is an additional input argument to @var{errfunc}\nrelative to @var{func}, given by @var{s}. This is a structure with\nthe elements @qcode{\"identifier\"}, @qcode{\"message\"}, and\n@qcode{\"index\"} giving, respectively, the error identifier, the error\nmessage, and the index of the array elements that caused the error. The\nsize of the output argument of @var{errfunc} must have the same size as the\noutput argument of @var{func}, otherwise a real error is thrown. For\nexample:\n\n@example\n@group\nfunction y = ferr (s, x), y = \"MyString\"; endfunction\narrayfun (@@str2num, [1234],\n \"UniformOutput\", false, \"ErrorHandler\", @@ferr)\n@result{}\n @{\n [1,1] = MyString\n @}\n@end group\n@end example\n\n@seealso{spfun, cellfun, structfun}\n@end deftypefn")
444  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (num2cell, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {@var{C} =} num2cell (@var{A})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {@var{C} =} num2cell (@var{A}, @var{dim})\nConvert the numeric matrix @var{A} to a cell array. If @var{dim} is\ndefined, the value @var{C} is of dimension 1 in this dimension and the\nelements of @var{A} are placed into @var{C} in slices. For example:\n\n@example\n@group\nnum2cell ([1,2;3,4])\n @result{}\n @{\n [1,1] = 1\n [2,1] = 3\n [1,2] = 2\n [2,2] = 4\n @}\nnum2cell ([1,2;3,4],1)\n @result{}\n @{\n [1,1] =\n 1\n 3\n [1,2] =\n 2\n 4\n @}\n@end group\n@end example\n\n@seealso{mat2cell}\n@end deftypefn")
445  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (mat2cell, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {@var{C} =} mat2cell (@var{A}, @var{m}, @var{n})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {@var{C} =} mat2cell (@var{A}, @var{d1}, @var{d2}, @dots{})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {@var{C} =} mat2cell (@var{A}, @var{r})\nConvert the matrix @var{A} to a cell array. If @var{A} is 2-D, then\nit is required that @code{sum (@var{m}) == size (@var{A}, 1)} and\n@code{sum (@var{n}) == size (@var{A}, 2)}. Similarly, if @var{A} is\nmulti-dimensional and the number of dimensional arguments is equal\nto the dimensions of @var{A}, then it is required that @code{sum (@var{di})\n== size (@var{A}, i)}.\n\nGiven a single dimensional argument @var{r}, the other dimensional\narguments are assumed to equal @code{size (@var{A},@var{i})}.\n\nAn example of the use of mat2cell is\n\n@example\nmat2cell (reshape (1:16,4,4), [3,1], [3,1])\n@result{}\n@{\n [1,1] =\n\n 1 5 9\n 2 6 10\n 3 7 11\n\n [2,1] =\n\n 4 8 12\n\n [1,2] =\n\n 13\n 14\n 15\n\n [2,2] = 16\n@}\n@end example\n@seealso{num2cell, cell2mat}\n@end deftypefn")
446  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (cellslices, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {@var{sl} =} cellslices (@var{x}, @var{lb}, @var{ub}, @var{dim})\nGiven an array @var{x}, this function produces a cell array of slices from\nthe array determined by the index vectors @var{lb}, @var{ub}, for lower and\nupper bounds, respectively. In other words, it is equivalent to the\nfollowing code:\n\n@example\n@group\nn = length (lb);\nsl = cell (1, n);\nfor i = 1:length (lb)\n sl@{i@} = x(:,@dots{},lb(i):ub(i),@dots{},:);\nendfor\n@end group\n@end example\n\nThe position of the index is determined by @var{dim}. If not specified,\nslicing is done along the first non-singleton dimension.\n@seealso{cell2mat, cellindexmat, cellfun}\n@end deftypefn")
447  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (cellindexmat, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {@var{y} =} cellindexmat (@var{x}, @var{varargin})\nGiven a cell array of matrices @var{x}, this function computes\n\n@example\n@group\nY = cell (size (X));\nfor i = 1:numel (X)\n Y@{i@} = X@{i@}(varargin@{:@});\nendfor\n@end group\n@end example\n@seealso{cellslices, cellfun}\n@end deftypefn")
448 }
450 static void
452 {
453 // DO NOT EDIT! Generated automatically by mkdefs.
454  XDEFUN_FILE_NAME ("libinterp/corefcn/")
455  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (colloc, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {[@var{r}, @var{amat}, @var{bmat}, @var{q}] =} colloc (@var{n}, \"left\", \"right\")\nCompute derivative and integral weight matrices for orthogonal\ncollocation using the subroutines given in J. Villadsen and\nM. L. Michelsen, @cite{Solution of Differential Equation Models by\nPolynomial Approximation}.\n@end deftypefn")
456 }
458 static void
460 {
461 // DO NOT EDIT! Generated automatically by mkdefs.
462  XDEFUN_FILE_NAME ("libinterp/corefcn/")
463  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (conv2, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} conv2 (@var{A}, @var{B})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} conv2 (@var{v1}, @var{v2}, @var{m})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} conv2 (@dots{}, @var{shape})\nReturn the 2-D convolution of @var{A} and @var{B}. The size of the result\nis determined by the optional @var{shape} argument which takes the following\nvalues\n\n@table @asis\n@item @var{shape} = @qcode{\"full\"}\nReturn the full convolution. (default)\n\n@item @var{shape} = @qcode{\"same\"}\nReturn the central part of the convolution with the same size as @var{A}.\nThe central part of the convolution begins at the indices\n@code{floor ([size(@var{B})/2] + 1)}.\n\n@item @var{shape} = @qcode{\"valid\"}\nReturn only the parts which do not include zero-padded edges.\nThe size of the result is @code{max (size (A) - size (B) + 1, 0)}.\n@end table\n\nWhen the third argument is a matrix, return the convolution of the matrix\n@var{m} by the vector @var{v1} in the column direction and by the vector\n@var{v2} in the row direction.\n@seealso{conv, convn}\n@end deftypefn")
464  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (convn, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {@var{C} =} convn (@var{A}, @var{B})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {@var{C} =} convn (@var{A}, @var{B}, @var{shape})\nReturn the n-D convolution of @var{A} and @var{B}. The size of the result\nis determined by the optional @var{shape} argument which takes the following\nvalues\n\n@table @asis\n@item @var{shape} = @qcode{\"full\"}\nReturn the full convolution. (default)\n\n@item @var{shape} = @qcode{\"same\"}\nReturn central part of the convolution with the same size as @var{A}.\nThe central part of the convolution begins at the indices\n@code{floor ([size(@var{B})/2] + 1)}.\n\n@item @var{shape} = @qcode{\"valid\"}\nReturn only the parts which do not include zero-padded edges.\nThe size of the result is @code{max (size (A) - size (B) + 1, 0)}.\n@end table\n\n@seealso{conv2, conv}\n@end deftypefn")
465 }
467 static void
469 {
470 // DO NOT EDIT! Generated automatically by mkdefs.
471  XDEFUN_FILE_NAME ("libinterp/corefcn/")
472  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (daspk_options, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} daspk_options ()\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {val =} daspk_options (@var{opt})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} daspk_options (@var{opt}, @var{val})\nQuery or set options for the function @code{daspk}.\nWhen called with no arguments, the names of all available options and\ntheir current values are displayed.\nGiven one argument, return the value of the corresponding option.\nWhen called with two arguments, @code{daspk_options} set the option\n@var{opt} to value @var{val}.\n\nOptions include\n\n@table @code\n@item @qcode{\"absolute tolerance\"}\nAbsolute tolerance. May be either vector or scalar. If a vector, it\nmust match the dimension of the state vector, and the relative\ntolerance must also be a vector of the same length.\n\n@item @qcode{\"relative tolerance\"}\nRelative tolerance. May be either vector or scalar. If a vector, it\nmust match the dimension of the state vector, and the absolute\ntolerance must also be a vector of the same length.\n\nThe local error test applied at each integration step is\n\n@example\n@group\n abs (local error in x(i))\n <= rtol(i) * abs (Y(i)) + atol(i)\n@end group\n@end example\n\n@item @qcode{\"compute consistent initial condition\"}\nDenoting the differential variables in the state vector by @samp{Y_d}\nand the algebraic variables by @samp{Y_a}, @code{ddaspk} can solve\none of two initialization problems:\n\n@enumerate\n@item Given Y_d, calculate Y_a and Y'_d\n\n@item Given Y', calculate Y.\n@end enumerate\n\nIn either case, initial values for the given components are input, and\ninitial guesses for the unknown components must also be provided as\ninput. Set this option to 1 to solve the first problem, or 2 to solve\nthe second (the default is 0, so you must provide a set of\ninitial conditions that are consistent).\n\nIf this option is set to a nonzero value, you must also set the\n@qcode{\"algebraic variables\"} option to declare which variables in the\nproblem are algebraic.\n\n@item @qcode{\"use initial condition heuristics\"}\nSet to a nonzero value to use the initial condition heuristics options\ndescribed below.\n\n@item @qcode{\"initial condition heuristics\"}\nA vector of the following parameters that can be used to control the\ninitial condition calculation.\n\n@table @code\n@item MXNIT\nMaximum number of Newton iterations (default is 5).\n\n@item MXNJ\nMaximum number of Jacobian evaluations (default is 6).\n\n@item MXNH\nMaximum number of values of the artificial stepsize parameter to be\ntried if the @qcode{\"compute consistent initial condition\"} option has\nbeen set to 1 (default is 5).\n\nNote that the maximum total number of Newton iterations allowed is\n@code{MXNIT*MXNJ*MXNH} if the @qcode{\"compute consistent initial\ncondition\"} option has been set to 1 and @code{MXNIT*MXNJ} if it is\nset to 2.\n\n@item LSOFF\nSet to a nonzero value to disable the linesearch algorithm (default is\n0).\n\n@item STPTOL\nMinimum scaled step in linesearch algorithm (default is eps^(2/3)).\n\n@item EPINIT\nSwing factor in the Newton iteration convergence test. The test is\napplied to the residual vector, premultiplied by the approximate\nJacobian. For convergence, the weighted RMS norm of this vector\n(scaled by the error weights) must be less than @code{EPINIT*EPCON},\nwhere @code{EPCON} = 0.33 is the analogous test constant used in the\ntime steps. The default is @code{EPINIT} = 0.01.\n@end table\n\n@item @qcode{\"print initial condition info\"}\nSet this option to a nonzero value to display detailed information\nabout the initial condition calculation (default is 0).\n\n@item @qcode{\"exclude algebraic variables from error test\"}\nSet to a nonzero value to exclude algebraic variables from the error\ntest. You must also set the @qcode{\"algebraic variables\"} option to\ndeclare which variables in the problem are algebraic (default is 0).\n\n@item @qcode{\"algebraic variables\"}\nA vector of the same length as the state vector. A nonzero element\nindicates that the corresponding element of the state vector is an\nalgebraic variable (i.e., its derivative does not appear explicitly\nin the equation set.\n\nThis option is required by the\n@qcode{compute consistent initial condition\"} and\n@qcode{\"exclude algebraic variables from error test\"} options.\n\n@item @qcode{\"enforce inequality constraints\"}\nSet to one of the following values to enforce the inequality\nconstraints specified by the @qcode{\"inequality constraint types\"}\noption (default is 0).\n\n@enumerate\n@item To have constraint checking only in the initial condition calculation.\n\n@item To enforce constraint checking during the integration.\n\n@item To enforce both options 1 and 2.\n@end enumerate\n\n@item @qcode{\"inequality constraint types\"}\nA vector of the same length as the state specifying the type of\ninequality constraint. Each element of the vector corresponds to an\nelement of the state and should be assigned one of the following\ncodes\n\n@table @asis\n@item -2\nLess than zero.\n\n@item -1\nLess than or equal to zero.\n\n@item 0\nNot constrained.\n\n@item 1\nGreater than or equal to zero.\n\n@item 2\nGreater than zero.\n@end table\n\nThis option only has an effect if the\n@qcode{\"enforce inequality constraints\"} option is nonzero.\n\n@item @qcode{\"initial step size\"}\nDifferential-algebraic problems may occasionally suffer from severe\nscaling difficulties on the first step. If you know a great deal\nabout the scaling of your problem, you can help to alleviate this\nproblem by specifying an initial stepsize (default is computed\nautomatically).\n\n@item @qcode{\"maximum order\"}\nRestrict the maximum order of the solution method. This option must\nbe between 1 and 5, inclusive (default is 5).\n\n@item @qcode{\"maximum step size\"}\nSetting the maximum stepsize will avoid passing over very large\nregions (default is not specified).\n@end table\n@end deftypefn")
473  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (daspk, args, nargout, "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {[@var{x}, @var{xdot}, @var{istate}, @var{msg}] =} daspk (@var{fcn}, @var{x_0}, @var{xdot_0}, @var{t}, @var{t_crit})\nSolve the set of differential-algebraic equations\n@tex\n$$ 0 = f (x, \\dot{x}, t) $$\nwith\n$$ x(t_0) = x_0, \\dot{x}(t_0) = \\dot{x}_0 $$\n@end tex\n@ifnottex\n\n@example\n0 = f (x, xdot, t)\n@end example\n\n@noindent\nwith\n\n@example\nx(t_0) = x_0, xdot(t_0) = xdot_0\n@end example\n\n@end ifnottex\nThe solution is returned in the matrices @var{x} and @var{xdot},\nwith each row in the result matrices corresponding to one of the\nelements in the vector @var{t}. The first element of @var{t}\nshould be @math{t_0} and correspond to the initial state of the\nsystem @var{x_0} and its derivative @var{xdot_0}, so that the first\nrow of the output @var{x} is @var{x_0} and the first row\nof the output @var{xdot} is @var{xdot_0}.\n\nThe first argument, @var{fcn}, is a string, inline, or function handle\nthat names the function @math{f} to call to compute the vector of\nresiduals for the set of equations. It must have the form\n\n@example\n@var{res} = f (@var{x}, @var{xdot}, @var{t})\n@end example\n\n@noindent\nin which @var{x}, @var{xdot}, and @var{res} are vectors, and @var{t} is a\nscalar.\n\nIf @var{fcn} is a two-element string array or a two-element cell array\nof strings, inline functions, or function handles, the first element names\nthe function @math{f} described above, and the second element names a\nfunction to compute the modified Jacobian\n@tex\n$$\nJ = {\\partial f \\over \\partial x}\n + c {\\partial f \\over \\partial \\dot{x}}\n$$\n@end tex\n@ifnottex\n\n@example\n@group\n df df\njac = -- + c ------\n dx d xdot\n@end group\n@end example\n\n@end ifnottex\n\nThe modified Jacobian function must have the form\n\n@example\n@group\n\n@var{jac} = j (@var{x}, @var{xdot}, @var{t}, @var{c})\n\n@end group\n@end example\n\nThe second and third arguments to @code{daspk} specify the initial\ncondition of the states and their derivatives, and the fourth argument\nspecifies a vector of output times at which the solution is desired,\nincluding the time corresponding to the initial condition.\n\nThe set of initial states and derivatives are not strictly required to\nbe consistent. If they are not consistent, you must use the\n@code{daspk_options} function to provide additional information so\nthat @code{daspk} can compute a consistent starting point.\n\nThe fifth argument is optional, and may be used to specify a set of\ntimes that the DAE solver should not integrate past. It is useful for\navoiding difficulties with singularities and points where there is a\ndiscontinuity in the derivative.\n\nAfter a successful computation, the value of @var{istate} will be\ngreater than zero (consistent with the Fortran version of @sc{daspk}).\n\nIf the computation is not successful, the value of @var{istate} will be\nless than zero and @var{msg} will contain additional information.\n\nYou can use the function @code{daspk_options} to set optional\nparameters for @code{daspk}.\n@seealso{dassl}\n@end deftypefn")
474 }
476 static void
478 {
479 // DO NOT EDIT! Generated automatically by mkdefs.
480  XDEFUN_FILE_NAME ("libinterp/corefcn/")
481  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (dasrt_options, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} dasrt_options ()\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {val =} dasrt_options (@var{opt})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} dasrt_options (@var{opt}, @var{val})\nQuery or set options for the function @code{dasrt}.\nWhen called with no arguments, the names of all available options and\ntheir current values are displayed.\nGiven one argument, return the value of the corresponding option.\nWhen called with two arguments, @code{dasrt_options} set the option\n@var{opt} to value @var{val}.\n\nOptions include\n\n@table @code\n@item @qcode{\"absolute tolerance\"}\nAbsolute tolerance. May be either vector or scalar. If a vector, it\nmust match the dimension of the state vector, and the relative\ntolerance must also be a vector of the same length.\n\n@item @qcode{\"relative tolerance\"}\nRelative tolerance. May be either vector or scalar. If a vector, it\nmust match the dimension of the state vector, and the absolute\ntolerance must also be a vector of the same length.\n\nThe local error test applied at each integration step is\n\n@example\n@group\n abs (local error in x(i)) <= ...\n rtol(i) * abs (Y(i)) + atol(i)\n@end group\n@end example\n\n@item @qcode{\"initial step size\"}\nDifferential-algebraic problems may occasionally suffer from severe\nscaling difficulties on the first step. If you know a great deal\nabout the scaling of your problem, you can help to alleviate this\nproblem by specifying an initial stepsize.\n\n@item @qcode{\"maximum order\"}\nRestrict the maximum order of the solution method. This option must\nbe between 1 and 5, inclusive.\n\n@item @qcode{\"maximum step size\"}\nSetting the maximum stepsize will avoid passing over very large\nregions.\n\n@item @qcode{\"step limit\"}\nMaximum number of integration steps to attempt on a single call to the\nunderlying Fortran code.\n@end table\n@end deftypefn")
482  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (dasrt, args, nargout, "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {[@var{x}, @var{xdot}, @var{t_out}, @var{istat}, @var{msg}] =} dasrt (@var{fcn}, [], @var{x_0}, @var{xdot_0}, @var{t})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {@dots{} =} dasrt (@var{fcn}, @var{g}, @var{x_0}, @var{xdot_0}, @var{t})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {@dots{} =} dasrt (@var{fcn}, [], @var{x_0}, @var{xdot_0}, @var{t}, @var{t_crit})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {@dots{} =} dasrt (@var{fcn}, @var{g}, @var{x_0}, @var{xdot_0}, @var{t}, @var{t_crit})\nSolve the set of differential-algebraic equations\n@tex\n$$ 0 = f (x, \\dot{x}, t) $$\nwith\n$$ x(t_0) = x_0, \\dot{x}(t_0) = \\dot{x}_0 $$\n@end tex\n@ifnottex\n\n@example\n0 = f (x, xdot, t)\n@end example\n\n@noindent\nwith\n\n@example\nx(t_0) = x_0, xdot(t_0) = xdot_0\n@end example\n\n@end ifnottex\nwith functional stopping criteria (root solving).\n\nThe solution is returned in the matrices @var{x} and @var{xdot},\nwith each row in the result matrices corresponding to one of the\nelements in the vector @var{t_out}. The first element of @var{t}\nshould be @math{t_0} and correspond to the initial state of the\nsystem @var{x_0} and its derivative @var{xdot_0}, so that the first\nrow of the output @var{x} is @var{x_0} and the first row\nof the output @var{xdot} is @var{xdot_0}.\n\nThe vector @var{t} provides an upper limit on the length of the\nintegration. If the stopping condition is met, the vector\n@var{t_out} will be shorter than @var{t}, and the final element of\n@var{t_out} will be the point at which the stopping condition was met,\nand may not correspond to any element of the vector @var{t}.\n\nThe first argument, @var{fcn}, is a string, inline, or function handle\nthat names the function @math{f} to call to compute the vector of\nresiduals for the set of equations. It must have the form\n\n@example\n@var{res} = f (@var{x}, @var{xdot}, @var{t})\n@end example\n\n@noindent\nin which @var{x}, @var{xdot}, and @var{res} are vectors, and @var{t} is a\nscalar.\n\nIf @var{fcn} is a two-element string array or a two-element cell array\nof strings, inline functions, or function handles, the first element names\nthe function @math{f} described above, and the second element names a\nfunction to compute the modified Jacobian\n\n@tex\n$$\nJ = {\\partial f \\over \\partial x}\n + c {\\partial f \\over \\partial \\dot{x}}\n$$\n@end tex\n@ifnottex\n\n@example\n@group\n df df\njac = -- + c ------\n dx d xdot\n@end group\n@end example\n\n@end ifnottex\n\nThe modified Jacobian function must have the form\n\n@example\n@group\n\n@var{jac} = j (@var{x}, @var{xdot}, @var{t}, @var{c})\n\n@end group\n@end example\n\nThe optional second argument names a function that defines the\nconstraint functions whose roots are desired during the integration.\nThis function must have the form\n\n@example\n@var{g_out} = g (@var{x}, @var{t})\n@end example\n\n@noindent\nand return a vector of the constraint function values.\nIf the value of any of the constraint functions changes sign, @sc{dasrt}\nwill attempt to stop the integration at the point of the sign change.\n\nIf the name of the constraint function is omitted, @code{dasrt} solves\nthe same problem as @code{daspk} or @code{dassl}.\n\nNote that because of numerical errors in the constraint functions\ndue to round-off and integration error, @sc{dasrt} may return false\nroots, or return the same root at two or more nearly equal values of\n@var{T}. If such false roots are suspected, the user should consider\nsmaller error tolerances or higher precision in the evaluation of the\nconstraint functions.\n\nIf a root of some constraint function defines the end of the problem,\nthe input to @sc{dasrt} should nevertheless allow integration to a\npoint slightly past that root, so that @sc{dasrt} can locate the root\nby interpolation.\n\nThe third and fourth arguments to @code{dasrt} specify the initial\ncondition of the states and their derivatives, and the fourth argument\nspecifies a vector of output times at which the solution is desired,\nincluding the time corresponding to the initial condition.\n\nThe set of initial states and derivatives are not strictly required to\nbe consistent. In practice, however, @sc{dassl} is not very good at\ndetermining a consistent set for you, so it is best if you ensure that\nthe initial values result in the function evaluating to zero.\n\nThe sixth argument is optional, and may be used to specify a set of\ntimes that the DAE solver should not integrate past. It is useful for\navoiding difficulties with singularities and points where there is a\ndiscontinuity in the derivative.\n\nAfter a successful computation, the value of @var{istate} will be\ngreater than zero (consistent with the Fortran version of @sc{dassl}).\n\nIf the computation is not successful, the value of @var{istate} will be\nless than zero and @var{msg} will contain additional information.\n\nYou can use the function @code{dasrt_options} to set optional\nparameters for @code{dasrt}.\n@seealso{dasrt_options, daspk, dasrt, lsode}\n@end deftypefn")
483 }
485 static void
487 {
488 // DO NOT EDIT! Generated automatically by mkdefs.
489  XDEFUN_FILE_NAME ("libinterp/corefcn/")
490  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (dassl_options, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} dassl_options ()\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {val =} dassl_options (@var{opt})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} dassl_options (@var{opt}, @var{val})\nQuery or set options for the function @code{dassl}.\nWhen called with no arguments, the names of all available options and\ntheir current values are displayed.\nGiven one argument, return the value of the corresponding option.\nWhen called with two arguments, @code{dassl_options} set the option\n@var{opt} to value @var{val}.\n\nOptions include\n\n@table @code\n@item @qcode{\"absolute tolerance\"}\nAbsolute tolerance. May be either vector or scalar. If a vector, it\nmust match the dimension of the state vector, and the relative\ntolerance must also be a vector of the same length.\n\n@item @qcode{\"relative tolerance\"}\nRelative tolerance. May be either vector or scalar. If a vector, it\nmust match the dimension of the state vector, and the absolute\ntolerance must also be a vector of the same length.\n\nThe local error test applied at each integration step is\n\n@example\n@group\n abs (local error in x(i))\n <= rtol(i) * abs (Y(i)) + atol(i)\n@end group\n@end example\n\n@item @qcode{\"compute consistent initial condition\"}\nIf nonzero, @code{dassl} will attempt to compute a consistent set of initial\nconditions. This is generally not reliable, so it is best to provide\na consistent set and leave this option set to zero.\n\n@item @qcode{\"enforce nonnegativity constraints\"}\nIf you know that the solutions to your equations will always be\nnon-negative, it may help to set this parameter to a nonzero\nvalue. However, it is probably best to try leaving this option set to\nzero first, and only setting it to a nonzero value if that doesn't\nwork very well.\n\n@item @qcode{\"initial step size\"}\nDifferential-algebraic problems may occasionally suffer from severe\nscaling difficulties on the first step. If you know a great deal\nabout the scaling of your problem, you can help to alleviate this\nproblem by specifying an initial stepsize.\n\n@item @qcode{\"maximum order\"}\nRestrict the maximum order of the solution method. This option must\nbe between 1 and 5, inclusive.\n\n@item @qcode{\"maximum step size\"}\nSetting the maximum stepsize will avoid passing over very large\nregions (default is not specified).\n\n@item @qcode{\"step limit\"}\nMaximum number of integration steps to attempt on a single call to the\nunderlying Fortran code.\n@end table\n@end deftypefn")
491  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (dassl, args, nargout, "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {[@var{x}, @var{xdot}, @var{istate}, @var{msg}] =} dassl (@var{fcn}, @var{x_0}, @var{xdot_0}, @var{t}, @var{t_crit})\nSolve the set of differential-algebraic equations\n@tex\n$$ 0 = f (x, \\dot{x}, t) $$\nwith\n$$ x(t_0) = x_0, \\dot{x}(t_0) = \\dot{x}_0 $$\n@end tex\n@ifnottex\n\n@example\n0 = f (x, xdot, t)\n@end example\n\n@noindent\nwith\n\n@example\nx(t_0) = x_0, xdot(t_0) = xdot_0\n@end example\n\n@end ifnottex\nThe solution is returned in the matrices @var{x} and @var{xdot},\nwith each row in the result matrices corresponding to one of the\nelements in the vector @var{t}. The first element of @var{t}\nshould be @math{t_0} and correspond to the initial state of the\nsystem @var{x_0} and its derivative @var{xdot_0}, so that the first\nrow of the output @var{x} is @var{x_0} and the first row\nof the output @var{xdot} is @var{xdot_0}.\n\nThe first argument, @var{fcn}, is a string, inline, or function handle\nthat names the function @math{f} to call to compute the vector of\nresiduals for the set of equations. It must have the form\n\n@example\n@var{res} = f (@var{x}, @var{xdot}, @var{t})\n@end example\n\n@noindent\nin which @var{x}, @var{xdot}, and @var{res} are vectors, and @var{t} is a\nscalar.\n\nIf @var{fcn} is a two-element string array or a two-element cell array\nof strings, inline functions, or function handles, the first element names\nthe function @math{f} described above, and the second element names a\nfunction to compute the modified Jacobian\n\n@tex\n$$\nJ = {\\partial f \\over \\partial x}\n + c {\\partial f \\over \\partial \\dot{x}}\n$$\n@end tex\n@ifnottex\n\n@example\n@group\n df df\njac = -- + c ------\n dx d xdot\n@end group\n@end example\n\n@end ifnottex\n\nThe modified Jacobian function must have the form\n\n@example\n@group\n\n@var{jac} = j (@var{x}, @var{xdot}, @var{t}, @var{c})\n\n@end group\n@end example\n\nThe second and third arguments to @code{dassl} specify the initial\ncondition of the states and their derivatives, and the fourth argument\nspecifies a vector of output times at which the solution is desired,\nincluding the time corresponding to the initial condition.\n\nThe set of initial states and derivatives are not strictly required to\nbe consistent. In practice, however, @sc{dassl} is not very good at\ndetermining a consistent set for you, so it is best if you ensure that\nthe initial values result in the function evaluating to zero.\n\nThe fifth argument is optional, and may be used to specify a set of\ntimes that the DAE solver should not integrate past. It is useful for\navoiding difficulties with singularities and points where there is a\ndiscontinuity in the derivative.\n\nAfter a successful computation, the value of @var{istate} will be\ngreater than zero (consistent with the Fortran version of @sc{dassl}).\n\nIf the computation is not successful, the value of @var{istate} will be\nless than zero and @var{msg} will contain additional information.\n\nYou can use the function @code{dassl_options} to set optional\nparameters for @code{dassl}.\n@seealso{daspk, dasrt, lsode}\n@end deftypefn")
492 }
494 static void
496 {
497 // DO NOT EDIT! Generated automatically by mkdefs.
498  XDEFUN_FILE_NAME ("libinterp/corefcn/")
499  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (all, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} all (@var{x})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} all (@var{x}, @var{dim})\nFor a vector argument, return true (logical 1) if all elements of the vector\nare nonzero.\n\nFor a matrix argument, return a row vector of logical ones and\nzeros with each element indicating whether all of the elements of the\ncorresponding column of the matrix are nonzero. For example:\n\n@example\n@group\nall ([2, 3; 1, 0]))\n @result{} [ 1, 0 ]\n@end group\n@end example\n\nIf the optional argument @var{dim} is supplied, work along dimension\n@var{dim}.\n@seealso{any}\n@end deftypefn")
500  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (any, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} any (@var{x})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} any (@var{x}, @var{dim})\nFor a vector argument, return true (logical 1) if any element of the vector\nis nonzero.\n\nFor a matrix argument, return a row vector of logical ones and\nzeros with each element indicating whether any of the elements of the\ncorresponding column of the matrix are nonzero. For example:\n\n@example\n@group\nany (eye (2, 4))\n @result{} [ 1, 1, 0, 0 ]\n@end group\n@end example\n\nIf the optional argument @var{dim} is supplied, work along dimension\n@var{dim}. For example:\n\n@example\n@group\nany (eye (2, 4), 2)\n @result{} [ 1; 1 ]\n@end group\n@end example\n@seealso{all}\n@end deftypefn")
501  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (atan2, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Mapping Function} {} atan2 (@var{y}, @var{x})\nCompute atan (@var{y} / @var{x}) for corresponding elements of @var{y}\nand @var{x}. Signal an error if @var{y} and @var{x} do not match in size\nand orientation.\n@seealso{tan, tand, tanh, atanh}\n@end deftypefn")
502  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (hypot, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} hypot (@var{x}, @var{y})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} hypot (@var{x}, @var{y}, @var{z}, @dots{})\nCompute the element-by-element square root of the sum of the squares of\n@var{x} and @var{y}. This is equivalent to\n@code{sqrt (@var{x}.^2 + @var{y}.^2)}, but calculated in a manner that\navoids overflows for large values of @var{x} or @var{y}.\n@code{hypot} can also be called with more than 2 arguments; in this case,\nthe arguments are accumulated from left to right:\n\n@example\n@group\nhypot (hypot (@var{x}, @var{y}), @var{z})\nhypot (hypot (hypot (@var{x}, @var{y}), @var{z}), @var{w}), etc.\n@end group\n@end example\n@end deftypefn")
503  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (log2, args, nargout, "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Mapping Function} {} log2 (@var{x})\n@deftypefnx {Mapping Function} {[@var{f}, @var{e}] =} log2 (@var{x})\nCompute the base-2 logarithm of each element of @var{x}.\n\nIf called with two output arguments, split @var{x} into\nbinary mantissa and exponent so that\n@tex\n${1 \\over 2} \\le \\left| f \\right| < 1$\n@end tex\n@ifnottex\n@code{1/2 <= abs(f) < 1}\n@end ifnottex\nand @var{e} is an integer. If\n@tex\n$x = 0$, $f = e = 0$.\n@end tex\n@ifnottex\n@code{x = 0}, @code{f = e = 0}.\n@end ifnottex\n@seealso{pow2, log, log10, exp}\n@end deftypefn")
504  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (rem, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Mapping Function} {} rem (@var{x}, @var{y})\n@deftypefnx {Mapping Function} {} fmod (@var{x}, @var{y})\nReturn the remainder of the division @code{@var{x} / @var{y}}, computed\nusing the expression\n\n@example\nx - y .* fix (x ./ y)\n@end example\n\nAn error message is printed if the dimensions of the arguments do not\nagree, or if either of the arguments is complex.\n@seealso{mod}\n@end deftypefn")
505  XDEFALIAS_INTERNAL(fmod, rem)
506  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (mod, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Mapping Function} {} mod (@var{x}, @var{y})\nCompute the modulo of @var{x} and @var{y}. Conceptually this is given by\n\n@example\nx - y .* floor (x ./ y)\n@end example\n\n@noindent\nand is written such that the correct modulus is returned for\ninteger types. This function handles negative values correctly. That\nis, @code{mod (-1, 3)} is 2, not -1, as @code{rem (-1, 3)} returns.\n@code{mod (@var{x}, 0)} returns @var{x}.\n\nAn error results if the dimensions of the arguments do not agree, or if\neither of the arguments is complex.\n@seealso{rem}\n@end deftypefn")
507  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (cumprod, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} cumprod (@var{x})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} cumprod (@var{x}, @var{dim})\nCumulative product of elements along dimension @var{dim}. If\n@var{dim} is omitted, it defaults to the first non-singleton dimension.\n\n@seealso{prod, cumsum}\n@end deftypefn")
508  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (cumsum, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} cumsum (@var{x})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} cumsum (@var{x}, @var{dim})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} cumsum (@dots{}, \"native\")\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} cumsum (@dots{}, \"double\")\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} cumsum (@dots{}, \"extra\")\nCumulative sum of elements along dimension @var{dim}. If @var{dim}\nis omitted, it defaults to the first non-singleton dimension.\n\nSee @code{sum} for an explanation of the optional parameters\n@qcode{\"native\"}, @qcode{\"double\"}, and @qcode{\"extra\"}.\n@seealso{sum, cumprod}\n@end deftypefn")
509  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (diag, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {@var{M} =} diag (@var{v})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {@var{M} =} diag (@var{v}, @var{k})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {@var{M} =} diag (@var{v}, @var{m}, @var{n})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {@var{v} =} diag (@var{M})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {@var{v} =} diag (@var{M}, @var{k})\nReturn a diagonal matrix with vector @var{v} on diagonal @var{k}. The\nsecond argument is optional. If it is positive, the vector is placed on\nthe @var{k}-th super-diagonal. If it is negative, it is placed on the\n@var{-k}-th sub-diagonal. The default value of @var{k} is 0, and the\nvector is placed on the main diagonal. For example:\n\n@example\n@group\ndiag ([1, 2, 3], 1)\n @result{} 0 1 0 0\n 0 0 2 0\n 0 0 0 3\n 0 0 0 0\n@end group\n@end example\n\n@noindent\nThe 3-input form returns a diagonal matrix with vector @var{v} on the main\ndiagonal and the resulting matrix being of size @var{m} rows x @var{n}\ncolumns.\n\nGiven a matrix argument, instead of a vector, @code{diag} extracts the\n@var{k}-th diagonal of the matrix.\n@end deftypefn")
510  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (prod, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} prod (@var{x})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} prod (@var{x}, @var{dim})\nProduct of elements along dimension @var{dim}. If @var{dim} is\nomitted, it defaults to the first non-singleton dimension.\n@seealso{cumprod, sum}\n@end deftypefn")
511  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (horzcat, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} horzcat (@var{array1}, @var{array2}, @dots{}, @var{arrayN})\nReturn the horizontal concatenation of N-D array objects, @var{array1},\n@var{array2}, @dots{}, @var{arrayN} along dimension 2.\n\nArrays may also be concatenated horizontally using the syntax for creating\nnew matrices. For example:\n\n@example\n@var{hcat} = [ @var{array1}, @var{array2}, @dots{} ]\n@end example\n@seealso{cat, vertcat}\n@end deftypefn")
512  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (vertcat, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} vertcat (@var{array1}, @var{array2}, @dots{}, @var{arrayN})\nReturn the vertical concatenation of N-D array objects, @var{array1},\n@var{array2}, @dots{}, @var{arrayN} along dimension 1.\n\nArrays may also be concatenated vertically using the syntax for creating\nnew matrices. For example:\n\n@example\n@var{vcat} = [ @var{array1}; @var{array2}; @dots{} ]\n@end example\n@seealso{cat, horzcat}\n@end deftypefn")
513  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (cat, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} cat (@var{dim}, @var{array1}, @var{array2}, @dots{}, @var{arrayN})\nReturn the concatenation of N-D array objects, @var{array1},\n@var{array2}, @dots{}, @var{arrayN} along dimension @var{dim}.\n\n@example\n@group\nA = ones (2, 2);\nB = zeros (2, 2);\ncat (2, A, B)\n @result{} 1 1 0 0\n 1 1 0 0\n@end group\n@end example\n\nAlternatively, we can concatenate @var{A} and @var{B} along the\nsecond dimension in the following way:\n\n@example\n@group\n[A, B]\n@end group\n@end example\n\n@var{dim} can be larger than the dimensions of the N-D array objects\nand the result will thus have @var{dim} dimensions as the\nfollowing example shows:\n\n@example\n@group\ncat (4, ones (2, 2), zeros (2, 2))\n @result{} ans(:,:,1,1) =\n\n 1 1\n 1 1\n\n ans(:,:,1,2) =\n\n 0 0\n 0 0\n@end group\n@end example\n@seealso{horzcat, vertcat}\n@end deftypefn")
514  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (permute, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} permute (@var{A}, @var{perm})\nReturn the generalized transpose for an N-D array object @var{A}.\nThe permutation vector @var{perm} must contain the elements\n@code{1:ndims (A)} (in any order, but each element must appear only once).\n@seealso{ipermute}\n@end deftypefn")
515  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (ipermute, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} ipermute (@var{A}, @var{iperm})\nThe inverse of the @code{permute} function. The expression\n\n@example\nipermute (permute (A, perm), perm)\n@end example\n\n@noindent\nreturns the original array @var{A}.\n@seealso{permute}\n@end deftypefn")
516  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (length, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} length (@var{a})\nReturn the length of the object @var{a}.\n\nThe length is 0 for empty objects, 1 for scalars, and the number of elements\nfor vectors. For matrix objects, the length is the number of rows or\ncolumns, whichever is greater (this odd definition is used for compatibility\nwith @sc{matlab}).\n@seealso{numel, size}\n@end deftypefn")
517  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (ndims, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} ndims (@var{a})\nReturn the number of dimensions of @var{a}.\nFor any array, the result will always be larger than or equal to 2.\nTrailing singleton dimensions are not counted.\n\n@example\n@group\nndims (ones (4, 1, 2, 1))\n @result{} 3\n@end group\n@end example\n@seealso{size}\n@end deftypefn")
518  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (numel, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} numel (@var{a})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} numel (@var{a}, @var{idx1}, @var{idx2}, @dots{})\nReturn the number of elements in the object @var{a}.\nOptionally, if indices @var{idx1}, @var{idx2}, @dots{} are supplied,\nreturn the number of elements that would result from the indexing\n\n@example\n@var{a}(@var{idx1}, @var{idx2}, @dots{})\n@end example\n\nNote that the indices do not have to be numerical. For example,\n\n@example\n@group\n@var{a} = 1;\n@var{b} = ones (2, 3);\nnumel (@var{a}, @var{b})\n@end group\n@end example\n\n@noindent\nwill return 6, as this is the number of ways to index with @var{b}.\n\nThis method is also called when an object appears as lvalue with cs-list\nindexing, i.e., @code{object@{@dots{}@}} or @code{object(@dots{}).field}.\n@seealso{size}\n@end deftypefn")
519  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (size, args, nargout, "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} size (@var{a})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} size (@var{a}, @var{dim})\nReturn the number of rows and columns of @var{a}.\n\nWith one input argument and one output argument, the result is returned\nin a row vector. If there are multiple output arguments, the number of\nrows is assigned to the first, and the number of columns to the second,\netc. For example:\n\n@example\n@group\nsize ([1, 2; 3, 4; 5, 6])\n @result{} [ 3, 2 ]\n\n[nr, nc] = size ([1, 2; 3, 4; 5, 6])\n @result{} nr = 3\n @result{} nc = 2\n@end group\n@end example\n\nIf given a second argument, @code{size} will return the size of the\ncorresponding dimension. For example,\n\n@example\n@group\nsize ([1, 2; 3, 4; 5, 6], 2)\n @result{} 2\n@end group\n@end example\n\n@noindent\nreturns the number of columns in the given matrix.\n@seealso{numel, ndims, length, rows, columns}\n@end deftypefn")
520  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (size_equal, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} size_equal (@var{a}, @var{b}, @dots{})\nReturn true if the dimensions of all arguments agree.\nTrailing singleton dimensions are ignored.\nCalled with a single or no argument, size_equal returns true.\n@seealso{size, numel, ndims}\n@end deftypefn")
521  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (nnz, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {@var{scalar} =} nnz (@var{a})\nReturn the number of non zero elements in @var{a}.\n@seealso{sparse, nzmax}\n@end deftypefn")
522  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (nzmax, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {@var{scalar} =} nzmax (@var{SM})\nReturn the amount of storage allocated to the sparse matrix @var{SM}.\nNote that Octave tends to crop unused memory at the first opportunity\nfor sparse objects. There are some cases of user created sparse objects\nwhere the value returned by @dfn{nzmax} will not be the same as @dfn{nnz},\nbut in general they will give the same result.\n@seealso{nnz, spalloc, sparse}\n@end deftypefn")
523  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (rows, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} rows (@var{a})\nReturn the number of rows of @var{a}.\n@seealso{columns, size, length, numel, isscalar, isvector, ismatrix}\n@end deftypefn")
524  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (columns, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} columns (@var{a})\nReturn the number of columns of @var{a}.\n@seealso{rows, size, length, numel, isscalar, isvector, ismatrix}\n@end deftypefn")
525  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (sum, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} sum (@var{x})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} sum (@var{x}, @var{dim})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} sum (@dots{}, \"native\")\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} sum (@dots{}, \"double\")\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} sum (@dots{}, \"extra\")\nSum of elements along dimension @var{dim}. If @var{dim} is\nomitted, it defaults to the first non-singleton dimension.\n\nIf the optional argument @qcode{\"native\"} is given, then the sum is\nperformed in the same type as the original argument, rather than in the\ndefault double type. For example:\n\n@example\n@group\nsum ([true, true])\n @result{} 2\nsum ([true, true], \"native\")\n @result{} true\n@end group\n@end example\n\nOn the contrary, if @qcode{\"double\"} is given, the sum is performed in\ndouble precision even for single precision inputs.\n\nFor double precision inputs, @qcode{\"extra\"} indicates that a more accurate\nalgorithm than straightforward summation is to be used. For single precision\ninputs, @qcode{\"extra\"} is the same as @qcode{\"double\"}. Otherwise,\n@qcode{\"extra\"} has no effect.\n@seealso{cumsum, sumsq, prod}\n@end deftypefn")
526  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (sumsq, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} sumsq (@var{x})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} sumsq (@var{x}, @var{dim})\nSum of squares of elements along dimension @var{dim}. If @var{dim}\nis omitted, it defaults to the first non-singleton dimension.\n\nThis function is conceptually equivalent to computing\n\n@example\nsum (x .* conj (x), dim)\n@end example\n\n@noindent\nbut it uses less memory and avoids calling @code{conj} if @var{x} is real.\n@seealso{sum, prod}\n@end deftypefn")
527  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (islogical, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} islogical (@var{x})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} isbool (@var{x})\nReturn true if @var{x} is a logical object.\n@seealso{isfloat, isinteger, ischar, isnumeric, isa}\n@end deftypefn")
528  XDEFALIAS_INTERNAL(isbool, islogical) ;
529  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (isinteger, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} isinteger (@var{x})\nReturn true if @var{x} is an integer object (int8, uint8, int16, etc.).\nNote that @w{@code{isinteger (14)}} is false because numeric constants in\nOctave are double precision floating point values.\n@seealso{isfloat, ischar, islogical, isnumeric, isa}\n@end deftypefn")
530  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (iscomplex, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} iscomplex (@var{x})\nReturn true if @var{x} is a complex-valued numeric object.\n@seealso{isreal, isnumeric, islogical, ischar, isfloat, isa}\n@end deftypefn")
531  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (isfloat, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} isfloat (@var{x})\nReturn true if @var{x} is a floating-point numeric object.\nObjects of class double or single are floating-point objects.\n@seealso{isinteger, ischar, islogical, isnumeric, isa}\n@end deftypefn")
532  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (complex, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} complex (@var{x})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} complex (@var{re}, @var{im})\nReturn a complex result from real arguments. With 1 real argument @var{x},\nreturn the complex result @code{@var{x} + 0i}. With 2 real arguments,\nreturn the complex result @code{@var{re} + @var{im}}. @code{complex} can\noften be more convenient than expressions such as @code{a + i*b}.\nFor example:\n\n@example\n@group\ncomplex ([1, 2], [3, 4])\n @result{} [ 1 + 3i 2 + 4i ]\n@end group\n@end example\n@seealso{real, imag, iscomplex, abs, arg}\n@end deftypefn")
533  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (isreal, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} isreal (@var{x})\nReturn true if @var{x} is a non-complex matrix or scalar.\nFor compatibility with @sc{matlab}, this includes logical and character\nmatrices.\n@seealso{iscomplex, isnumeric, isa}\n@end deftypefn")
534  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (isempty, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} isempty (@var{a})\nReturn true if @var{a} is an empty matrix (any one of its dimensions is\nzero). Otherwise, return false.\n@seealso{isnull, isa}\n@end deftypefn")
535  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (isnumeric, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} isnumeric (@var{x})\nReturn true if @var{x} is a numeric object, i.e., an integer, real, or\ncomplex array. Logical and character arrays are not considered to be\nnumeric.\n@seealso{isinteger, isfloat, isreal, iscomplex, islogical, ischar, iscell, isstruct, isa}\n@end deftypefn")
536  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (ismatrix, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} ismatrix (@var{a})\nReturn true if @var{a} is a numeric, logical, or character matrix.\nScalars (1x1 matrices) and vectors (@nospell{1xN} or @nospell{Nx1} matrices)\nare subsets of the more general N-dimensional matrix and @code{ismatrix}\nwill return true for these objects as well.\n@seealso{isscalar, isvector, iscell, isstruct, issparse, isa}\n@end deftypefn")
537  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (ones, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} ones (@var{n})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} ones (@var{m}, @var{n})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} ones (@var{m}, @var{n}, @var{k}, @dots{})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} ones ([@var{m} @var{n} @dots{}])\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} ones (@dots{}, @var{class})\nReturn a matrix or N-dimensional array whose elements are all 1.\nIf invoked with a single scalar integer argument @var{n}, return a square\n@nospell{NxN} matrix. If invoked with two or more scalar\ninteger arguments, or a vector of integer values, return an array with\nthe given dimensions.\n\nIf you need to create a matrix whose values are all the same, you should\nuse an expression like\n\n@example\nval_matrix = val * ones (m, n)\n@end example\n\nThe optional argument @var{class} specifies the class of the return array\nand defaults to double. For example:\n\n@example\nval = ones (m,n, \"uint8\")\n@end example\n@seealso{zeros}\n@end deftypefn")
538  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (zeros, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} zeros (@var{n})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} zeros (@var{m}, @var{n})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} zeros (@var{m}, @var{n}, @var{k}, @dots{})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} zeros ([@var{m} @var{n} @dots{}])\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} zeros (@dots{}, @var{class})\nReturn a matrix or N-dimensional array whose elements are all 0.\nIf invoked with a single scalar integer argument, return a square\n@nospell{NxN} matrix. If invoked with two or more scalar\ninteger arguments, or a vector of integer values, return an array with\nthe given dimensions.\n\nThe optional argument @var{class} specifies the class of the return array\nand defaults to double. For example:\n\n@example\nval = zeros (m,n, \"uint8\")\n@end example\n@seealso{ones}\n@end deftypefn")
539  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (Inf, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@c List other form of function in documentation index\n@findex inf\n\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} Inf\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} Inf (@var{n})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} Inf (@var{n}, @var{m})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} Inf (@var{n}, @var{m}, @var{k}, @dots{})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} Inf (@dots{}, @var{class})\nReturn a scalar, matrix or N-dimensional array whose elements are all equal\nto the IEEE representation for positive infinity.\n\nInfinity is produced when results are too large to be represented using the\nthe IEEE floating point format for numbers. Two common examples which\nproduce infinity are division by zero and overflow.\n\n@example\n@group\n[ 1/0 e^800 ]\n@result{} Inf Inf\n@end group\n@end example\n\nWhen called with no arguments, return a scalar with the value @samp{Inf}.\nWhen called with a single argument, return a square matrix with the dimension\nspecified. When called with more than one scalar argument the first two\narguments are taken as the number of rows and columns and any further\narguments specify additional matrix dimensions.\nThe optional argument @var{class} specifies the return type and may be\neither @qcode{\"double\"} or @qcode{\"single\"}.\n@seealso{isinf, NaN}\n@end deftypefn")
541  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (NaN, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@c List other form of function in documentation index\n@findex nan\n\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} NaN\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} NaN (@var{n})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} NaN (@var{n}, @var{m})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} NaN (@var{n}, @var{m}, @var{k}, @dots{})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} NaN (@dots{}, @var{class})\nReturn a scalar, matrix, or N-dimensional array whose elements are all equal\nto the IEEE symbol NaN (Not a Number).\nNaN is the result of operations which do not produce a well defined numerical\nresult. Common operations which produce a NaN are arithmetic with infinity\n@tex\n($\\infty - \\infty$), zero divided by zero ($0/0$),\n@end tex\n@ifnottex\n(Inf - Inf), zero divided by zero (0/0),\n@end ifnottex\nand any operation involving another NaN value (5 + NaN).\n\nNote that NaN always compares not equal to NaN (NaN != NaN). This behavior\nis specified by the IEEE standard for floating point arithmetic. To\nfind NaN values, use the @code{isnan} function.\n\nWhen called with no arguments, return a scalar with the value @samp{NaN}.\nWhen called with a single argument, return a square matrix with the dimension\nspecified. When called with more than one scalar argument the first two\narguments are taken as the number of rows and columns and any further\narguments specify additional matrix dimensions.\nThe optional argument @var{class} specifies the return type and may be\neither @qcode{\"double\"} or @qcode{\"single\"}.\n@seealso{isnan, Inf}\n@end deftypefn")
543  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (e, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} e\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} e (@var{n})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} e (@var{n}, @var{m})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} e (@var{n}, @var{m}, @var{k}, @dots{})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} e (@dots{}, @var{class})\nReturn a scalar, matrix, or N-dimensional array whose elements are all equal\nto the base of natural logarithms. The constant\n@tex\n$e$ satisfies the equation $\\log (e) = 1$.\n@end tex\n@ifnottex\n@samp{e} satisfies the equation @code{log} (e) = 1.\n@end ifnottex\n\nWhen called with no arguments, return a scalar with the value @math{e}. When\ncalled with a single argument, return a square matrix with the dimension\nspecified. When called with more than one scalar argument the first two\narguments are taken as the number of rows and columns and any further\narguments specify additional matrix dimensions.\nThe optional argument @var{class} specifies the return type and may be\neither @qcode{\"double\"} or @qcode{\"single\"}.\n@seealso{log, exp, pi, I}\n@end deftypefn")
544  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (eps, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} eps\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} eps (@var{x})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} eps (@var{n}, @var{m})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} eps (@var{n}, @var{m}, @var{k}, @dots{})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} eps (@dots{}, @var{class})\nReturn a scalar, matrix or N-dimensional array whose elements are all eps,\nthe machine precision. More precisely, @code{eps} is the relative spacing\nbetween any two adjacent numbers in the machine's floating point system.\nThis number is obviously system dependent. On machines that support IEEE\nfloating point arithmetic, @code{eps} is approximately\n@tex\n$2.2204\\times10^{-16}$ for double precision and $1.1921\\times10^{-7}$\n@end tex\n@ifnottex\n2.2204e-16 for double precision and 1.1921e-07\n@end ifnottex\nfor single precision.\n\nWhen called with no arguments, return a scalar with the value\n@code{eps (1.0)}.\nGiven a single argument @var{x}, return the distance between @var{x} and\nthe next largest value.\nWhen called with more than one argument the first two arguments are taken as\nthe number of rows and columns and any further\narguments specify additional matrix dimensions.\nThe optional argument @var{class} specifies the return type and may be\neither @qcode{\"double\"} or @qcode{\"single\"}.\n@seealso{realmax, realmin, intmax, bitmax}\n@end deftypefn")
545  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (pi, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} pi\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} pi (@var{n})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} pi (@var{n}, @var{m})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} pi (@var{n}, @var{m}, @var{k}, @dots{})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} pi (@dots{}, @var{class})\nReturn a scalar, matrix, or N-dimensional array whose elements are all equal\nto the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its\n@tex\ndiameter($\\pi$).\n@end tex\n@ifnottex\ndiameter.\n@end ifnottex\nInternally, @code{pi} is computed as @samp{4.0 * atan (1.0)}.\n\nWhen called with no arguments, return a scalar with the value of\n@tex\n$\\pi$.\n@end tex\n@ifnottex\npi.\n@end ifnottex\nWhen called with a single argument, return a square matrix with the dimension\nspecified. When called with more than one scalar argument the first two\narguments are taken as the number of rows and columns and any further\narguments specify additional matrix dimensions.\nThe optional argument @var{class} specifies the return type and may be\neither @qcode{\"double\"} or @qcode{\"single\"}.\n@seealso{e, I}\n@end deftypefn")
546  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (realmax, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} realmax\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} realmax (@var{n})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} realmax (@var{n}, @var{m})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} realmax (@var{n}, @var{m}, @var{k}, @dots{})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} realmax (@dots{}, @var{class})\nReturn a scalar, matrix or N-dimensional array whose elements are all equal\nto the largest floating point number that is representable. The actual\nvalue is system dependent. On machines that support IEEE\nfloating point arithmetic, @code{realmax} is approximately\n@tex\n$1.7977\\times10^{308}$ for double precision and $3.4028\\times10^{38}$\n@end tex\n@ifnottex\n1.7977e+308 for double precision and 3.4028e+38\n@end ifnottex\nfor single precision.\n\nWhen called with no arguments, return a scalar with the value\n@code{realmax (@qcode{\"double\"})}.\nWhen called with a single argument, return a square matrix with the dimension\nspecified. When called with more than one scalar argument the first two\narguments are taken as the number of rows and columns and any further\narguments specify additional matrix dimensions.\nThe optional argument @var{class} specifies the return type and may be\neither @qcode{\"double\"} or @qcode{\"single\"}.\n@seealso{realmin, intmax, bitmax, eps}\n@end deftypefn")
547  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (realmin, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} realmin\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} realmin (@var{n})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} realmin (@var{n}, @var{m})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} realmin (@var{n}, @var{m}, @var{k}, @dots{})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} realmin (@dots{}, @var{class})\nReturn a scalar, matrix or N-dimensional array whose elements are all equal\nto the smallest normalized floating point number that is representable.\nThe actual value is system dependent. On machines that support\nIEEE floating point arithmetic, @code{realmin} is approximately\n@tex\n$2.2251\\times10^{-308}$ for double precision and $1.1755\\times10^{-38}$\n@end tex\n@ifnottex\n2.2251e-308 for double precision and 1.1755e-38\n@end ifnottex\nfor single precision.\n\nWhen called with no arguments, return a scalar with the value\n@code{realmin (@qcode{\"double\"})}.\nWhen called with a single argument, return a square matrix with the dimension\nspecified. When called with more than one scalar argument the first two\narguments are taken as the number of rows and columns and any further\narguments specify additional matrix dimensions.\nThe optional argument @var{class} specifies the return type and may be\neither @qcode{\"double\"} or @qcode{\"single\"}.\n@seealso{realmax, intmin, eps}\n@end deftypefn")
548  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (I, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@c List other forms of function in documentation index\n@findex i\n@findex j\n@findex J\n\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} I\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} I (@var{n})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} I (@var{n}, @var{m})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} I (@var{n}, @var{m}, @var{k}, @dots{})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} I (@dots{}, @var{class})\nReturn a scalar, matrix, or N-dimensional array whose elements are all equal\nto the pure imaginary unit, defined as\n@tex\n$\\sqrt{-1}$.\n@end tex\n@ifnottex\n@code{sqrt (-1)}.\n@end ifnottex\n\nI, and its equivalents i, j, and J, are functions so any of the names may\nbe reused for other purposes (such as i for a counter variable).\n\nWhen called with no arguments, return a scalar with the value @math{i}. When\ncalled with a single argument, return a square matrix with the dimension\nspecified. When called with more than one scalar argument the first two\narguments are taken as the number of rows and columns and any further\narguments specify additional matrix dimensions.\nThe optional argument @var{class} specifies the return type and may be\neither @qcode{\"double\"} or @qcode{\"single\"}.\n@seealso{e, pi, log, exp}\n@end deftypefn")
552  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (NA, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} NA\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} NA (@var{n})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} NA (@var{n}, @var{m})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} NA (@var{n}, @var{m}, @var{k}, @dots{})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} NA (@dots{}, @var{class})\nReturn a scalar, matrix, or N-dimensional array whose elements are all equal\nto the special constant used to designate missing values.\n\nNote that NA always compares not equal to NA (NA != NA).\nTo find NA values, use the @code{isna} function.\n\nWhen called with no arguments, return a scalar with the value @samp{NA}.\nWhen called with a single argument, return a square matrix with the dimension\nspecified. When called with more than one scalar argument the first two\narguments are taken as the number of rows and columns and any further\narguments specify additional matrix dimensions.\nThe optional argument @var{class} specifies the return type and may be\neither @qcode{\"double\"} or @qcode{\"single\"}.\n@seealso{isna}\n@end deftypefn")
553  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (false, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} false (@var{x})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} false (@var{n}, @var{m})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} false (@var{n}, @var{m}, @var{k}, @dots{})\nReturn a matrix or N-dimensional array whose elements are all logical 0.\nIf invoked with a single scalar integer argument, return a square\nmatrix of the specified size. If invoked with two or more scalar\ninteger arguments, or a vector of integer values, return an array with\ngiven dimensions.\n@seealso{true}\n@end deftypefn")
554  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (true, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} true (@var{x})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} true (@var{n}, @var{m})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} true (@var{n}, @var{m}, @var{k}, @dots{})\nReturn a matrix or N-dimensional array whose elements are all logical 1.\nIf invoked with a single scalar integer argument, return a square\nmatrix of the specified size. If invoked with two or more scalar\ninteger arguments, or a vector of integer values, return an array with\ngiven dimensions.\n@seealso{false}\n@end deftypefn")
555  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (eye, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} eye (@var{n})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} eye (@var{m}, @var{n})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} eye ([@var{m} @var{n}])\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} eye (@dots{}, @var{class})\nReturn an identity matrix. If invoked with a single scalar argument @var{n},\nreturn a square @nospell{NxN} identity matrix. If\nsupplied two scalar arguments (@var{m}, @var{n}), @code{eye} takes them to be\nthe number of rows and columns. If given a vector with two elements,\n@code{eye} uses the values of the elements as the number of rows and columns,\nrespectively. For example:\n\n@example\n@group\neye (3)\n @result{} 1 0 0\n 0 1 0\n 0 0 1\n@end group\n@end example\n\nThe following expressions all produce the same result:\n\n@example\n@group\neye (2)\n@equiv{}\neye (2, 2)\n@equiv{}\neye (size ([1, 2; 3, 4])\n@end group\n@end example\n\nThe optional argument @var{class}, allows @code{eye} to return an array of\nthe specified type, like\n\n@example\nval = zeros (n,m, \"uint8\")\n@end example\n\nCalling @code{eye} with no arguments is equivalent to calling it\nwith an argument of 1. Any negative dimensions are treated as zero. \nThese odd definitions are for compatibility with @sc{matlab}.\n@seealso{speye, ones, zeros}\n@end deftypefn")
556  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (linspace, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} linspace (@var{base}, @var{limit})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} linspace (@var{base}, @var{limit}, @var{n})\nReturn a row vector with @var{n} linearly spaced elements between\n@var{base} and @var{limit}. If the number of elements is greater than one,\nthen the endpoints @var{base} and @var{limit} are always included in\nthe range. If @var{base} is greater than @var{limit}, the elements are\nstored in decreasing order. If the number of points is not specified, a\nvalue of 100 is used.\n\nThe @code{linspace} function always returns a row vector if both\n@var{base} and @var{limit} are scalars. If one, or both, of them are column\nvectors, @code{linspace} returns a matrix.\n\nFor compatibility with @sc{matlab}, return the second argument (@var{limit})\nif fewer than two values are requested.\n@seealso{logspace}\n@end deftypefn")
557  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (resize, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} resize (@var{x}, @var{m})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} resize (@var{x}, @var{m}, @var{n}, @dots{})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} resize (@var{x}, [@var{m} @var{n} @dots{}])\nResize @var{x} cutting off elements as necessary.\n\nIn the result, element with certain indices is equal to the corresponding\nelement of @var{x} if the indices are within the bounds of @var{x};\notherwise, the element is set to zero.\n\nIn other words, the statement\n\n@example\ny = resize (x, dv)\n@end example\n\n@noindent\nis equivalent to the following code:\n\n@example\n@group\ny = zeros (dv, class (x));\nsz = min (dv, size (x));\nfor i = 1:length (sz)\n idx@{i@} = 1:sz(i);\nendfor\ny(idx@{:@}) = x(idx@{:@});\n@end group\n@end example\n\n@noindent\nbut is performed more efficiently.\n\nIf only @var{m} is supplied, and it is a scalar, the dimension of the\nresult is @var{m}-by-@var{m}.\nIf @var{m}, @var{n}, @dots{} are all scalars, then the dimensions of\nthe result are @var{m}-by-@var{n}-by-@dots{}.\nIf given a vector as input, then the\ndimensions of the result are given by the elements of that vector.\n\nAn object can be resized to more dimensions than it has;\nin such case the missing dimensions are assumed to be 1.\nResizing an object to fewer dimensions is not possible.\n@seealso{reshape, postpad, prepad, cat}\n@end deftypefn")
558  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (reshape, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} reshape (@var{A}, @var{m}, @var{n}, @dots{})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} reshape (@var{A}, [@var{m} @var{n} @dots{}])\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} reshape (@var{A}, @dots{}, [], @dots{})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} reshape (@var{A}, @var{size})\nReturn a matrix with the specified dimensions (@var{m}, @var{n}, @dots{})\nwhose elements are taken from the matrix @var{A}. The elements of the\nmatrix are accessed in column-major order (like Fortran arrays are stored).\n\nThe following code demonstrates reshaping a 1x4 row vector into a 2x2 square\nmatrix.\n\n@example\n@group\nreshape ([1, 2, 3, 4], 2, 2)\n @result{} 1 3\n 2 4\n@end group\n@end example\n\n@noindent\nNote that the total number of elements in the original\nmatrix (@code{prod (size (@var{A}))}) must match the total number of elements\nin the new matrix (@code{prod ([@var{m} @var{n} @dots{}])}).\n\nA single dimension of the return matrix may be left unspecified and Octave\nwill determine its size automatically. An empty matrix ([]) is used to flag\nthe unspecified dimension.\n@seealso{resize, vec, postpad, cat, squeeze}\n@end deftypefn")
559  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (vec, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {@var{v} =} vec (@var{x})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {@var{v} =} vec (@var{x}, @var{dim})\nReturn the vector obtained by stacking the columns of the matrix @var{x}\none above the other. Without @var{dim} this is equivalent to\n@code{@var{x}(:)}. If @var{dim} is supplied, the dimensions of @var{v}\nare set to @var{dim} with all elements along the last dimension.\nThis is equivalent to @code{shiftdim (@var{x}(:), 1-@var{dim})}.\n@seealso{vech, resize, cat}\n@end deftypefn")
560  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (squeeze, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} squeeze (@var{x})\nRemove singleton dimensions from @var{x} and return the result.\nNote that for compatibility with @sc{matlab}, all objects have\na minimum of two dimensions and row vectors are left unchanged.\n@seealso{reshape}\n@end deftypefn")
561  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (full, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {@var{FM} =} full (@var{SM})\nReturn a full storage matrix from a sparse, diagonal, permutation matrix\nor a range.\n@seealso{sparse}\n@end deftypefn")
562  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (norm, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} norm (@var{A})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} norm (@var{A}, @var{p})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} norm (@var{A}, @var{p}, @var{opt})\nCompute the p-norm of the matrix @var{A}. If the second argument is\nmissing, @code{p = 2} is assumed.\n\nIf @var{A} is a matrix (or sparse matrix):\n\n@table @asis\n@item @var{p} = @code{1}\n1-norm, the largest column sum of the absolute values of @var{A}.\n\n@item @var{p} = @code{2}\nLargest singular value of @var{A}.\n\n@item @var{p} = @code{Inf} or @qcode{\"inf\"}\n@cindex infinity norm\nInfinity norm, the largest row sum of the absolute values of @var{A}.\n\n@item @var{p} = @qcode{\"fro\"}\n@cindex Frobenius norm\nFrobenius norm of @var{A}, @code{sqrt (sum (diag (@var{A}' * @var{A})))}.\n\n@item other @var{p}, @code{@var{p} > 1}\n@cindex general p-norm\nmaximum @code{norm (A*x, p)} such that @code{norm (x, p) == 1}\n@end table\n\nIf @var{A} is a vector or a scalar:\n\n@table @asis\n@item @var{p} = @code{Inf} or @qcode{\"inf\"}\n@code{max (abs (@var{A}))}.\n\n@item @var{p} = @code{-Inf}\n@code{min (abs (@var{A}))}.\n\n@item @var{p} = @qcode{\"fro\"}\nFrobenius norm of @var{A}, @code{sqrt (sumsq (abs (A)))}.\n\n@item @var{p} = 0\nHamming norm - the number of nonzero elements.\n\n@item other @var{p}, @code{@var{p} > 1}\np-norm of @var{A}, @code{(sum (abs (@var{A}) .^ @var{p})) ^ (1/@var{p})}.\n\n@item other @var{p} @code{@var{p} < 1}\nthe p-pseudonorm defined as above.\n@end table\n\nIf @var{opt} is the value @qcode{\"rows\"}, treat each row as a vector and\ncompute its norm. The result is returned as a column vector.\nSimilarly, if @var{opt} is @qcode{\"columns\"} or @qcode{\"cols\"} then\ncompute the norms of each column and return a row vector.\n@seealso{cond, svd}\n@end deftypefn")
563  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (not, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} not (@var{x})\nReturn the logical NOT of @var{x}. This function is equivalent to\n@code{! x}.\n@seealso{and, or, xor}\n@end deftypefn")
564  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (uplus, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} uplus (@var{x})\nThis function and @w{@tcode{+ x}} are equivalent.\n@seealso{uminus, plus, minus}\n@end deftypefn")
565  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (uminus, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} uminus (@var{x})\nThis function and @w{@tcode{- x}} are equivalent.\n@seealso{uplus, minus}\n@end deftypefn")
566  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (transpose, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} transpose (@var{x})\nReturn the transpose of @var{x}.\nThis function and @tcode{x.'} are equivalent.\n@seealso{ctranspose}\n@end deftypefn")
567  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (ctranspose, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} ctranspose (@var{x})\nReturn the complex conjugate transpose of @var{x}.\nThis function and @tcode{x'} are equivalent.\n@seealso{transpose}\n@end deftypefn")
568  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (plus, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} plus (@var{x}, @var{y})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} plus (@var{x1}, @var{x2}, @dots{})\nThis function and @w{@tcode{x + y}} are equivalent.\nIf more arguments are given, the summation is applied\ncumulatively from left to right:\n\n@example\n(@dots{}((x1 + x2) + x3) + @dots{})\n@end example\n\nAt least one argument is required.\n@seealso{minus, uplus}\n@end deftypefn")
569  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (minus, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} minus (@var{x}, @var{y})\nThis function and @w{@tcode{x - y}} are equivalent.\n@seealso{plus, uminus}\n@end deftypefn")
570  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (mtimes, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} mtimes (@var{x}, @var{y})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} mtimes (@var{x1}, @var{x2}, @dots{})\nReturn the matrix multiplication product of inputs.\nThis function and @w{@tcode{x * y}} are equivalent.\nIf more arguments are given, the multiplication is applied\ncumulatively from left to right:\n\n@example\n(@dots{}((x1 * x2) * x3) * @dots{})\n@end example\n\nAt least one argument is required.\n@seealso{times, plus, minus, rdivide, mrdivide, mldivide, mpower}\n@end deftypefn")
571  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (mrdivide, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} mrdivide (@var{x}, @var{y})\nReturn the matrix right division of @var{x} and @var{y}.\nThis function and @w{@tcode{x / y}} are equivalent.\n@seealso{mldivide, rdivide, plus, minus}\n@end deftypefn")
572  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (mpower, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} mpower (@var{x}, @var{y})\nReturn the matrix power operation of @var{x} raised to the @var{y} power.\nThis function and @w{@tcode{x ^ y}} are equivalent.\n@seealso{power, mtimes, plus, minus}\n@end deftypefn")
573  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (mldivide, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} mldivide (@var{x}, @var{y})\nReturn the matrix left division of @var{x} and @var{y}.\nThis function and @w{@tcode{x @xbackslashchar{} y}} are equivalent.\n@seealso{mrdivide, ldivide, rdivide}\n@end deftypefn")
574  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (lt, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} lt (@var{x}, @var{y})\nThis function is equivalent to @w{@code{x < y}}.\n@seealso{le, eq, ge, gt, ne}\n@end deftypefn")
575  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (le, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} le (@var{x}, @var{y})\nThis function is equivalent to @w{@code{x <= y}}.\n@seealso{eq, ge, gt, ne, lt}\n@end deftypefn")
576  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (eq, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} eq (@var{x}, @var{y})\nReturn true if the two inputs are equal.\nThis function is equivalent to @w{@code{x == y}}.\n@seealso{ne, isequal, le, ge, gt, ne, lt}\n@end deftypefn")
577  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (ge, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} ge (@var{x}, @var{y})\nThis function is equivalent to @w{@code{x >= y}}.\n@seealso{le, eq, gt, ne, lt}\n@end deftypefn")
578  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (gt, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} gt (@var{x}, @var{y})\nThis function is equivalent to @w{@code{x > y}}.\n@seealso{le, eq, ge, ne, lt}\n@end deftypefn")
579  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (ne, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} ne (@var{x}, @var{y})\nReturn true if the two inputs are not equal.\nThis function is equivalent to @w{@code{x != y}}.\n@seealso{eq, isequal, le, ge, lt}\n@end deftypefn")
580  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (times, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} times (@var{x}, @var{y})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} times (@var{x1}, @var{x2}, @dots{})\nReturn the element-by-element multiplication product of inputs.\nThis function and @w{@tcode{x .* y}} are equivalent.\nIf more arguments are given, the multiplication is applied\ncumulatively from left to right:\n\n@example\n(@dots{}((x1 .* x2) .* x3) .* @dots{})\n@end example\n\nAt least one argument is required.\n@seealso{mtimes, rdivide}\n@end deftypefn")
581  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (rdivide, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} rdivide (@var{x}, @var{y})\nReturn the element-by-element right division of @var{x} and @var{y}.\nThis function and @w{@tcode{x ./ y}} are equivalent.\n@seealso{ldivide, mrdivide, times, plus}\n@end deftypefn")
582  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (power, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} power (@var{x}, @var{y})\nReturn the element-by-element operation of @var{x} raised to the\n@var{y} power. If several complex results are possible,\nreturns the one with smallest non-negative argument (angle). Use\n@code{realpow}, @code{realsqrt}, @code{cbrt}, or @code{nthroot} if a\nreal result is preferred.\n\nThis function and @w{@tcode{x .^ y}} are equivalent.\n@seealso{mpower, realpow, realsqrt, cbrt, nthroot}\n@end deftypefn")
583  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (ldivide, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} ldivide (@var{x}, @var{y})\nReturn the element-by-element left division of @var{x} and @var{y}.\nThis function and @w{@tcode{x .@xbackslashchar{} y}} are equivalent.\n@seealso{rdivide, mldivide, times, plus}\n@end deftypefn")
584  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (and, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} and (@var{x}, @var{y})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} and (@var{x1}, @var{x2}, @dots{})\nReturn the logical AND of @var{x} and @var{y}.\nThis function is equivalent to @w{@code{x & y}}.\nIf more arguments are given, the logical and is applied\ncumulatively from left to right:\n\n@example\n(@dots{}((x1 & x2) & x3) & @dots{})\n@end example\n\nAt least one argument is required.\n@seealso{or, not, xor}\n@end deftypefn")
585  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (or, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} or (@var{x}, @var{y})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} or (@var{x1}, @var{x2}, @dots{})\nReturn the logical OR of @var{x} and @var{y}.\nThis function is equivalent to @w{@code{x | y}}.\nIf more arguments are given, the logical or is applied\ncumulatively from left to right:\n\n@example\n(@dots{}((x1 | x2) | x3) | @dots{})\n@end example\n\nAt least one argument is required.\n@seealso{and, not, xor}\n@end deftypefn")
586  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (tic, args, nargout, "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} tic ()\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {@var{id} =} tic ()\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} toc ()\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} toc (@var{id})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {@var{val} =} toc (@dots{})\nSet or check a wall-clock timer. Calling @code{tic} without an\noutput argument sets the internal timer state. Subsequent calls\nto @code{toc} return the number of seconds since the timer was set.\nFor example,\n\n@example\n@group\ntic ();\n# many computations later@dots{}\nelapsed_time = toc ();\n@end group\n@end example\n\n@noindent\nwill set the variable @code{elapsed_time} to the number of seconds since\nthe most recent call to the function @code{tic}.\n\nIf called with one output argument, @code{tic} returns a scalar\nof type @code{uint64} that may be later passed to @code{toc}.\n\n@example\n@group\nid = tic; sleep (5); toc (id)\n @result{} 5.0010\n@end group\n@end example\n\nCalling @code{tic} and @code{toc} this way allows nested timing calls.\n\nIf you are more interested in the CPU time that your process used, you\nshould use the @code{cputime} function instead. The @code{tic} and\n@code{toc} functions report the actual wall clock time that elapsed\nbetween the calls. This may include time spent processing other jobs or\ndoing nothing at all.\n@seealso{toc, cputime}\n@end deftypefn")
587  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (toc, args, nargout, "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} toc ()\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} toc (@var{id})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {@var{val} =} toc (@dots{})\n@seealso{tic, cputime}\n@end deftypefn")
588  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (cputime, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {[@var{total}, @var{user}, @var{system}] =} cputime ();\nReturn the CPU time used by your Octave session. The first output is\nthe total time spent executing your process and is equal to the sum of\nsecond and third outputs, which are the number of CPU seconds spent\nexecuting in user mode and the number of CPU seconds spent executing in\nsystem mode, respectively. If your system does not have a way to report\nCPU time usage, @code{cputime} returns 0 for each of its output values.\nNote that because Octave used some CPU time to start, it is reasonable\nto check to see if @code{cputime} works by checking to see if the total\nCPU time used is nonzero.\n@seealso{tic, toc}\n@end deftypefn")
589  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (sort, args, nargout, "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {[@var{s}, @var{i}] =} sort (@var{x})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {[@var{s}, @var{i}] =} sort (@var{x}, @var{dim})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {[@var{s}, @var{i}] =} sort (@var{x}, @var{mode})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {[@var{s}, @var{i}] =} sort (@var{x}, @var{dim}, @var{mode})\nReturn a copy of @var{x} with the elements arranged in increasing\norder. For matrices, @code{sort} orders the elements within columns\n\nFor example:\n\n@example\n@group\nsort ([1, 2; 2, 3; 3, 1])\n @result{} 1 1\n 2 2\n 3 3\n@end group\n@end example\n\nIf the optional argument @var{dim} is given, then the matrix is sorted\nalong the dimension defined by @var{dim}. The optional argument @code{mode}\ndefines the order in which the values will be sorted. Valid values of\n@code{mode} are @qcode{\"ascend\"} or @qcode{\"descend\"}.\n\nThe @code{sort} function may also be used to produce a matrix\ncontaining the original row indices of the elements in the sorted\nmatrix. For example:\n\n@example\n@group\n[s, i] = sort ([1, 2; 2, 3; 3, 1])\n @result{} s = 1 1\n 2 2\n 3 3\n @result{} i = 1 3\n 2 1\n 3 2\n@end group\n@end example\n\nFor equal elements, the indices are such that equal elements are listed\nin the order in which they appeared in the original list.\n\nSorting of complex entries is done first by magnitude (@code{abs (@var{z})})\nand for any ties by phase angle (@code{angle (z)}). For example:\n\n@example\n@group\nsort ([1+i; 1; 1-i])\n @result{} 1 + 0i\n 1 - 1i\n 1 + 1i\n@end group\n@end example\n\nNaN values are treated as being greater than any other value and are sorted\nto the end of the list.\n\nThe @code{sort} function may also be used to sort strings and cell arrays\nof strings, in which case ASCII dictionary order (uppercase 'A' precedes\nlowercase 'a') of the strings is used.\n\nThe algorithm used in @code{sort} is optimized for the sorting of partially\nordered lists.\n@seealso{sortrows, issorted}\n@end deftypefn")
590  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (__sort_rows_idx__, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} __sort_rows_idx__ (@var{a}, @var{mode})\nUndocumented internal function.\n@end deftypefn\n")
591  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (issorted, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} issorted (@var{a})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} issorted (@var{a}, @var{mode})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} issorted (@var{a}, \"rows\", @var{mode})\nReturn true if the array is sorted according to @var{mode}, which\nmay be either @qcode{\"ascending\"}, @qcode{\"descending\"}, or\n@qcode{\"either\"}. By default, @var{mode} is @qcode{\"ascending\"}. NaNs\nare treated in the same manner as @code{sort}.\n\nIf the optional argument @qcode{\"rows\"} is supplied, check whether\nthe array is sorted by rows as output by the function @code{sortrows}\n(with no options).\n\nThis function does not support sparse matrices.\n@seealso{sort, sortrows}\n@end deftypefn\n")
592  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (nth_element, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} nth_element (@var{x}, @var{n})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} nth_element (@var{x}, @var{n}, @var{dim})\nSelect the n-th smallest element of a vector, using the ordering defined by\n@code{sort}. In other words, the result is equivalent to\n@code{sort(@var{x})(@var{n})}.\n@var{n} can also be a contiguous range, either ascending @code{l:u}\nor descending @code{u:-1:l}, in which case a range of elements is returned.\nIf @var{x} is an array, @code{nth_element} operates along the dimension\ndefined by @var{dim}, or the first non-singleton dimension if @var{dim} is\nnot given.\n\nnth_element encapsulates the C++ standard library algorithms nth_element and\npartial_sort. On average, the complexity of the operation is O(M*log(K)),\nwhere @w{@code{M = size (@var{x}, @var{dim})}} and\n@w{@code{K = length (@var{n})}}.\nThis function is intended for cases where the ratio K/M is small; otherwise,\nit may be better to use @code{sort}.\n@seealso{sort, min, max}\n@end deftypefn")
593  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (__accumarray_sum__, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} __accumarray_sum__ (@var{idx}, @var{vals}, @var{n})\nUndocumented internal function.\n@end deftypefn")
594  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (__accumarray_min__, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} __accumarray_min__ (@var{idx}, @var{vals}, @var{zero}, @var{n})\nUndocumented internal function.\n@end deftypefn")
595  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (__accumarray_max__, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} __accumarray_max__ (@var{idx}, @var{vals}, @var{zero}, @var{n})\nUndocumented internal function.\n@end deftypefn")
596  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (__accumdim_sum__, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} __accumdim_sum__ (@var{idx}, @var{vals}, @var{dim}, @var{n})\nUndocumented internal function.\n@end deftypefn")
597  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (merge, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} merge (@var{mask}, @var{tval}, @var{fval})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} ifelse (@var{mask}, @var{tval}, @var{fval})\nMerge elements of @var{true_val} and @var{false_val}, depending on the\nvalue of @var{mask}. If @var{mask} is a logical scalar, the other two\narguments can be arbitrary values. Otherwise, @var{mask} must be a logical\narray, and @var{tval}, @var{fval} should be arrays of matching class, or\ncell arrays. In the scalar mask case, @var{tval} is returned if @var{mask}\nis true, otherwise @var{fval} is returned.\n\nIn the array mask case, both @var{tval} and @var{fval} must be either\nscalars or arrays with dimensions equal to @var{mask}. The result is\nconstructed as follows:\n\n@example\n@group\nresult(mask) = tval(mask);\nresult(! mask) = fval(! mask);\n@end group\n@end example\n\n@var{mask} can also be arbitrary numeric type, in which case\nit is first converted to logical.\n@seealso{logical, diff}\n@end deftypefn")
598  XDEFALIAS_INTERNAL(ifelse, merge) ;
599  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (diff, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} diff (@var{x})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} diff (@var{x}, @var{k})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} diff (@var{x}, @var{k}, @var{dim})\nIf @var{x} is a vector of length @math{n}, @code{diff (@var{x})} is the\nvector of first differences\n@tex\n $x_2 - x_1, \\ldots{}, x_n - x_{n-1}$.\n@end tex\n@ifnottex\n @var{x}(2) - @var{x}(1), @dots{}, @var{x}(n) - @var{x}(n-1).\n@end ifnottex\n\nIf @var{x} is a matrix, @code{diff (@var{x})} is the matrix of column\ndifferences along the first non-singleton dimension.\n\nThe second argument is optional. If supplied, @code{diff (@var{x},\n@var{k})}, where @var{k} is a non-negative integer, returns the\n@var{k}-th differences. It is possible that @var{k} is larger than\nthe first non-singleton dimension of the matrix. In this case,\n@code{diff} continues to take the differences along the next\nnon-singleton dimension.\n\nThe dimension along which to take the difference can be explicitly\nstated with the optional variable @var{dim}. In this case the\n@var{k}-th order differences are calculated along this dimension.\nIn the case where @var{k} exceeds @code{size (@var{x}, @var{dim})}\nan empty matrix is returned.\n@seealso{sort, merge}\n@end deftypefn")
600  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (repelems, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} repelems (@var{x}, @var{r})\nConstruct a vector of repeated elements from @var{x}. @var{r}\nis a 2x@var{N} integer matrix specifying which elements to repeat and\nhow often to repeat each element.\n\nEntries in the first row, @var{r}(1,j), select an element to repeat.\nThe corresponding entry in the second row, @var{r}(2,j), specifies\nthe repeat count. If @var{x} is a matrix then the columns of @var{x} are\nimagined to be stacked on top of each other for purposes of the selection\nindex. A row vector is always returned.\n\nConceptually the result is calculated as follows:\n\n@example\n@group\ny = [];\nfor i = 1:columns (@var{r})\n y = [y, @var{x}(@var{r}(1,i)*ones(1, @var{r}(2,i)))];\nendfor\n@end group\n@end example\n@seealso{repmat, cat}\n@end deftypefn")
601  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (base64_encode, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {@var{s} =} base64_encode (@var{x})\nEncode a double matrix or array @var{x} into the base64 format string\n@var{s}.\n\n@seealso{base64_decode}\n@end deftypefn")
602  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (base64_decode, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {@var{x} =} base64_decode (@var{s})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {@var{x} =} base64_decode (@var{s}, @var{dims})\nDecode the double matrix or array @var{x} from the base64 encoded string\n@var{s}. The optional input parameter @var{dims} should be a vector\ncontaining the dimensions of the decoded array.\n@seealso{base64_encode}\n@end deftypefn")
603 }
605 static void
607 {
608 // DO NOT EDIT! Generated automatically by mkdefs.
609  XDEFUN_FILE_NAME ("libinterp/corefcn/")
610  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (dbstop, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {@var{rline} =} dbstop (\"@var{func}\")\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {@var{rline} =} dbstop (\"@var{func}\", @var{line})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {@var{rline} =} dbstop (\"@var{func}\", @var{line1}, @var{line2}, @dots{})\nSet a breakpoint in function @var{func}.\n\nArguments are\n\n@table @var\n@item func\nFunction name as a string variable. When already in debug\nmode this should be left out and only the line should be given.\n\n@item line\nLine number where the breakpoint should be set. Multiple\nlines may be given as separate arguments or as a vector.\n@end table\n\nWhen called with a single argument @var{func}, the breakpoint\nis set at the first executable line in the named function.\n\nThe optional output @var{rline} is the real line number where the\nbreakpoint was set. This can differ from specified line if\nthe line is not executable. For example, if a breakpoint attempted on a\nblank line then Octave will set the real breakpoint at the\nnext executable line.\n@seealso{dbclear, dbstatus, dbstep, debug_on_error, debug_on_warning, debug_on_interrupt}\n@end deftypefn")
611  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (dbclear, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} dbclear (\"@var{func}\")\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} dbclear (\"@var{func}\", @var{line}, @dots{})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} dbclear (@var{line}, @dots{})\nDelete a breakpoint in the function @var{func}.\n\nArguments are\n\n@table @var\n@item func\nFunction name as a string variable. When already in debug\nmode this argument should be omitted and only the line number should be\ngiven.\n\n@item line\nLine number from which to remove a breakpoint. Multiple\nlines may be given as separate arguments or as a vector.\n@end table\n\nWhen called without a line number specification all breakpoints\nin the named function are cleared.\n\nIf the requested line is not a breakpoint no action is performed.\n@seealso{dbstop, dbstatus, dbwhere}\n@end deftypefn")
612  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (dbstatus, args, nargout, "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} dbstatus ()\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {@var{brk_list} =} dbstatus ()\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {@var{brk_list} =} dbstatus (\"@var{func}\")\nReport the location of active breakpoints.\n\nWhen called with no input or output arguments, print the list of\nall functions with breakpoints and the line numbers where those\nbreakpoints are set.\nIf a function name @var{func} is specified then only report breakpoints\nfor the named function.\n\nThe optional return argument @var{brk_list} is a struct array with the\nfollowing fields.\n\n@table @asis\n@item name\nThe name of the function with a breakpoint.\n\n@item file\nThe name of the m-file where the function code is located.\n\n@item line\nA line number, or vector of line numbers, with a breakpoint.\n@end table\n\n@seealso{dbclear, dbwhere}\n@end deftypefn")
613  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (dbwhere, , , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Command} {} dbwhere\nIn debugging mode, report the current file and line number where\nexecution is stopped.\n@seealso{dbstatus, dbcont, dbstep, dbup}\n@end deftypefn")
614  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (dbtype, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Command} {} dbtype\n@deftypefnx {Command} {} dbtype @var{lineno}\n@deftypefnx {Command} {} dbtype @var{startl:endl}\n@deftypefnx {Command} {} dbtype @var{startl:end}\n@deftypefnx {Command} {} dbtype @var{func}\n@deftypefnx {Command} {} dbtype @var{func} @var{lineno}\n@deftypefnx {Command} {} dbtype @var{func} @var{startl:endl}\n@deftypefnx {Command} {} dbtype @var{func} @var{startl:end}\nDisplay a script file with line numbers.\n\nWhen called with no arguments in debugging mode, display the script file\ncurrently being debugged. An optional range specification can be used to\nlist only a portion of the file. The special keyword @qcode{\"end\"} is a\nvalid line number specification for the last line of the file.\n\nWhen called with the name of a function, list that script file with line\nnumbers.\n@seealso{dbwhere, dbstatus, dbstop}\n@end deftypefn")
615  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (dblist, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Command} {} dblist\n@deftypefnx {Command} {} dblist @var{n}\nIn debugging mode, list @var{n} lines of the function being debugged\ncentered around the current line to be executed. If unspecified @var{n}\ndefaults to 10 (+/- 5 lines)\n@seealso{dbwhere, dbtype}\n@end deftypefn")
616  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (dbstack, args, nargout, "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Command} {} dbstack\n@deftypefnx {Command} {} dbstack @var{n}\n@deftypefnx {Command} {} dbstack @var{-completenames}\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {[@var{stack}, @var{idx}] =} dbstack (@dots{})\nDisplay or return current debugging function stack information.\nWith optional argument @var{n}, omit the @var{n} innermost stack frames.\n\nAlthough accepted, the argument @var{-completenames} is silently ignored.\nOctave always returns absolute file names. The arguments @var{n} and\n@var{-completenames} can be both specified in any order.\n\nThe optional return argument @var{stack} is a struct array with the\nfollowing fields:\n\n@table @asis\n@item file\nThe name of the m-file where the function code is located.\n\n@item name\nThe name of the function with a breakpoint.\n\n@item line\nThe line number of an active breakpoint.\n\n@item column\nThe column number of the line where the breakpoint begins.\n\n@item scope\nUndocumented.\n\n@item context\nUndocumented.\n@end table\n\nThe return argument @var{idx} specifies which element of the @var{stack}\nstruct array is currently active.\n@seealso{dbup, dbdown, dbwhere, dbstatus}\n@end deftypefn")
617  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (dbup, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} dbup\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} dbup (@var{n})\nIn debugging mode, move up the execution stack @var{n} frames.\nIf @var{n} is omitted, move up one frame.\n@seealso{dbstack, dbdown}\n@end deftypefn")
618  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (dbdown, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} dbdown\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} dbdown (@var{n})\nIn debugging mode, move down the execution stack @var{n} frames.\nIf @var{n} is omitted, move down one frame.\n@seealso{dbstack, dbup}\n@end deftypefn")
619  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (dbstep, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Command} {} dbstep\n@deftypefnx {Command} {} dbstep @var{n}\n@deftypefnx {Command} {} dbstep in\n@deftypefnx {Command} {} dbstep out\n@deftypefnx {Command} {} dbnext @dots{}\nIn debugging mode, execute the next @var{n} lines of code.\nIf @var{n} is omitted, execute the next single line of code.\nIf the next line of code is itself defined in terms of an m-file remain in\nthe existing function.\n\nUsing @code{dbstep in} will cause execution of the next line to step into\nany m-files defined on the next line. Using @code{dbstep out} will cause\nexecution to continue until the current function returns.\n\n@code{dbnext} is an alias for @code{dbstep}.\n@seealso{dbcont, dbquit}\n@end deftypefn")
620  XDEFALIAS_INTERNAL(dbnext, dbstep) ;
621  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (dbcont, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Command} {} dbcont\nLeave command-line debugging mode and continue code execution normally.\n@seealso{dbstep, dbquit}\n@end deftypefn")
622  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (dbquit, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Command} {} dbquit\nQuit debugging mode immediately without further code execution and\nreturn to the Octave prompt.\n@seealso{dbcont, dbstep}\n@end deftypefn")
623  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (isdebugmode, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} isdebugmode ()\nReturn true if in debugging mode, otherwise false.\n@seealso{dbwhere, dbstack, dbstatus}\n@end deftypefn")
624 }
626 static void
628 {
629 // DO NOT EDIT! Generated automatically by mkdefs.
630  XDEFUN_FILE_NAME ("libinterp/corefcn/")
631  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (EDITOR, args, nargout, "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {@var{val} =} EDITOR ()\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {@var{old_val} =} EDITOR (@var{new_val})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} EDITOR (@var{new_val}, \"local\")\nQuery or set the internal variable that specifies the default text editor.\n\nThe default value is taken from the environment variable @w{@env{EDITOR}}\nwhen Octave starts. If the\nenvironment variable is not initialized, @w{@env{EDITOR}} will be set to\n@qcode{\"emacs\"}.\n\nWhen called from inside a function with the @qcode{\"local\"} option, the\nvariable is changed locally for the function and any subroutines it calls. \nThe original variable value is restored when exiting the function.\n\n@seealso{edit, edit_history}\n@end deftypefn")
632  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (EXEC_PATH, args, nargout, "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {@var{val} =} EXEC_PATH ()\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {@var{old_val} =} EXEC_PATH (@var{new_val})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} EXEC_PATH (@var{new_val}, \"local\")\nQuery or set the internal variable that specifies a colon separated\nlist of directories to append to the shell PATH when executing external\nprograms. The initial value of is taken from the environment variable\n@w{@env{OCTAVE_EXEC_PATH}}, but that value can be overridden by\nthe command line argument @option{--exec-path PATH}.\n\nWhen called from inside a function with the @qcode{\"local\"} option, the\nvariable is changed locally for the function and any subroutines it calls. \nThe original variable value is restored when exiting the function.\n\n@seealso{IMAGE_PATH, OCTAVE_HOME}\n@end deftypefn")
633  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (IMAGE_PATH, args, nargout, "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {@var{val} =} IMAGE_PATH ()\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {@var{old_val} =} IMAGE_PATH (@var{new_val})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} IMAGE_PATH (@var{new_val}, \"local\")\nQuery or set the internal variable that specifies a colon separated\nlist of directories in which to search for image files.\n\nWhen called from inside a function with the @qcode{\"local\"} option, the\nvariable is changed locally for the function and any subroutines it calls. \nThe original variable value is restored when exiting the function.\n\n@seealso{EXEC_PATH, OCTAVE_HOME}\n@end deftypefn")
634  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (OCTAVE_HOME, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} OCTAVE_HOME ()\nReturn the name of the top-level Octave installation directory.\n\n@seealso{EXEC_PATH, IMAGE_PATH}\n@end deftypefn")
635  XDEFUNX_INTERNAL ("OCTAVE_VERSION", FOCTAVE_VERSION, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} OCTAVE_VERSION ()\nReturn the version number of Octave, as a string.\n@end deftypefn")
636 }
638 static void
640 {
641 // DO NOT EDIT! Generated automatically by mkdefs.
642  XDEFUN_FILE_NAME ("libinterp/corefcn/")
643  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (det, args, nargout, "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} det (@var{A})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {[@var{d}, @var{rcond}] =} det (@var{A})\nCompute the determinant of @var{A}.\n\nReturn an estimate of the reciprocal condition number if requested.\n\nRoutines from @sc{lapack} are used for full matrices and code from\n@sc{umfpack} is used for sparse matrices.\n\nThe determinant should not be used to check a matrix for singularity.\nFor that, use any of the condition number functions: @code{cond},\n@code{condest}, @code{rcond}.\n@seealso{cond, condest, rcond}\n@end deftypefn")
644 }
646 static void
648 {
649 // DO NOT EDIT! Generated automatically by mkdefs.
650  XDEFUN_FILE_NAME ("libinterp/corefcn/")
651  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (cd, args, nargout, "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Command} {} cd @var{dir}\n@deftypefnx {Command} {} cd\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {@var{old_dir} =} cd @var{dir}\n@deftypefnx {Command} {} chdir @dots{}\nChange the current working directory to @var{dir}.\n\nIf @var{dir} is omitted, the current directory is changed to the user's home\ndirectory (@qcode{\"~\"}).\n\nFor example,\n\n@example\ncd ~/octave\n@end example\n\n@noindent\nchanges the current working directory to @file{~/octave}. If the\ndirectory does not exist, an error message is printed and the working\ndirectory is not changed.\n\n@code{chdir} is an alias for @code{cd} and can be used in all of the same\ncalling formats.\n\nCompatibility Note: When called with no arguments, @sc{matlab} prints the\npresent working directory rather than changing to the user's home directory.\n@seealso{pwd, mkdir, rmdir, dir, ls}\n@end deftypefn")
652  XDEFALIAS_INTERNAL(chdir, cd) ;
653  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (pwd, , , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} pwd ()\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {@var{dir} =} pwd ()\nReturn the current working directory.\n@seealso{cd, dir, ls, mkdir, rmdir}\n@end deftypefn")
654  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (readdir, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {@var{files} =} readdir (@var{dir})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {[@var{files}, @var{err}, @var{msg}] =} readdir (@var{dir})\nReturn the names of files in the directory @var{dir} as a cell array of\nstrings.\n\nIf an error occurs, return an empty cell array in @var{files}.\nIf successful, @var{err} is 0 and @var{msg} is an empty string.\nOtherwise, @var{err} is nonzero and @var{msg} contains a\nsystem-dependent error message.\n@seealso{ls, dir, glob, what}\n@end deftypefn")
655  XDEFUNX_INTERNAL ("mkdir", Fmkdir, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} mkdir @var{dir}\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} mkdir (@var{parent}, @var{dir})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {[@var{status}, @var{msg}, @var{msgid}] =} mkdir (@dots{})\nCreate a directory named @var{dir} in the directory @var{parent}.\n\nIf no @var{parent} directory is specified the present working directory is\nused.\n\nIf successful, @var{status} is 1, and @var{msg}, @var{msgid} are empty\ncharacter strings (""). Otherwise, @var{status} is 0, @var{msg} contains a\nsystem-dependent error message, and @var{msgid} contains a unique message\nidentifier.\n@seealso{rmdir, pwd, cd}\n@end deftypefn")
656  XDEFUNX_INTERNAL ("rmdir", Frmdir, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} rmdir @var{dir}\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} rmdir (@var{dir}, \"s\")\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {[@var{status}, @var{msg}, @var{msgid}] =} rmdir (@dots{})\nRemove the directory named @var{dir}.\n\nIf successful, @var{status} is 1, and @var{msg}, @var{msgid} are empty\ncharacter strings (""). Otherwise, @var{status} is 0, @var{msg} contains a\nsystem-dependent error message, and @var{msgid} contains a unique message\nidentifier.\n\nIf the optional second parameter is supplied with value @qcode{\"s\"},\nrecursively remove all subdirectories as well.\n@seealso{mkdir, confirm_recursive_rmdir, pwd}\n@end deftypefn")
657  XDEFUNX_INTERNAL ("link", Flink, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} link @var{old} @var{new}\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {[@var{err}, @var{msg}] =} link (@var{old}, @var{new})\nCreate a new link (also known as a hard link) to an existing file.\n\nIf successful, @var{err} is 0 and @var{msg} is an empty string.\nOtherwise, @var{err} is nonzero and @var{msg} contains a\nsystem-dependent error message.\n@seealso{symlink, unlink, readlink, lstat}\n@end deftypefn")
658  XDEFUNX_INTERNAL ("symlink", Fsymlink, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} symlink @var{old} @var{new}\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {[@var{err}, @var{msg}] =} symlink (@var{old}, @var{new})\nCreate a symbolic link @var{new} which contains the string @var{old}.\n\nIf successful, @var{err} is 0 and @var{msg} is an empty string.\nOtherwise, @var{err} is nonzero and @var{msg} contains a\nsystem-dependent error message.\n@seealso{link, unlink, readlink, lstat}\n@end deftypefn")
659  XDEFUNX_INTERNAL ("readlink", Freadlink, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} readlink @var{symlink}\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {[@var{result}, @var{err}, @var{msg}] =} readlink (@var{symlink})\nRead the value of the symbolic link @var{symlink}.\n\nIf successful, @var{result} contains the contents of the symbolic link\n@var{symlink}, @var{err} is 0, and @var{msg} is an empty string.\nOtherwise, @var{err} is nonzero and @var{msg} contains a system-dependent\nerror message.\n@seealso{lstat, symlink, link, unlink, delete}\n@end deftypefn")
660  XDEFUNX_INTERNAL ("rename", Frename, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} rename @var{old} @var{new}\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {[@var{err}, @var{msg}] =} rename (@var{old}, @var{new})\nChange the name of file @var{old} to @var{new}.\n\nIf successful, @var{err} is 0 and @var{msg} is an empty string.\nOtherwise, @var{err} is nonzero and @var{msg} contains a\nsystem-dependent error message.\n@seealso{movefile, copyfile, ls, dir}\n@end deftypefn")
661  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (glob, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} glob (@var{pattern})\nGiven an array of pattern strings (as a char array or a cell array) in\n@var{pattern}, return a cell array of file names that match any of\nthem, or an empty cell array if no patterns match. The pattern strings are\ninterpreted as filename globbing patterns (as they are used by Unix shells).\nWithin a pattern\n\n@table @code\n@item *\nmatches any string, including the null string,\n\n@item ?\nmatches any single character, and\n\n@item [@dots{}]\nmatches any of the enclosed characters.\n@end table\n\nTilde expansion is performed on each of the patterns before looking for\nmatching file names. For example:\n\n@example\nls\n @result{}\n file1 file2 file3 myfile1 myfile1b\nglob (\"*file1\")\n @result{}\n @{\n [1,1] = file1\n [2,1] = myfile1\n @}\nglob (\"myfile?\")\n @result{}\n @{\n [1,1] = myfile1\n @}\nglob (\"file[12]\")\n @result{}\n @{\n [1,1] = file1\n [2,1] = file2\n @}\n@end example\n@seealso{ls, dir, readdir, what, fnmatch}\n@end deftypefn")
662  XDEFUNX_INTERNAL ("fnmatch", Ffnmatch, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} fnmatch (@var{pattern}, @var{string})\nReturn true or false for each element of @var{string} that matches any of\nthe elements of the string array @var{pattern}, using the rules of\nfilename pattern matching. For example:\n\n@example\n@group\nfnmatch (\"a*b\", @{\"ab\"; \"axyzb\"; \"xyzab\"@})\n @result{} [ 1; 1; 0 ]\n@end group\n@end example\n@seealso{glob, regexp}\n@end deftypefn")
663  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (filesep, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} filesep ()\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} filesep (\"all\")\nReturn the system-dependent character used to separate directory names.\n\nIf @qcode{\"all\"} is given, the function returns all valid file separators\nin the form of a string. The list of file separators is system-dependent.\nIt is @samp{/} (forward slash) under UNIX or @w{Mac OS X}, @samp{/} and\n@samp{\\} (forward and backward slashes) under Windows.\n@seealso{pathsep}\n@end deftypefn")
664  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (pathsep, args, nargout, "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {@var{val} =} pathsep ()\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {@var{old_val} =} pathsep (@var{new_val})\nQuery or set the character used to separate directories in a path.\n@seealso{filesep}\n@end deftypefn")
665  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (confirm_recursive_rmdir, args, nargout, "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {@var{val} =} confirm_recursive_rmdir ()\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {@var{old_val} =} confirm_recursive_rmdir (@var{new_val})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} confirm_recursive_rmdir (@var{new_val}, \"local\")\nQuery or set the internal variable that controls whether Octave\nwill ask for confirmation before recursively removing a directory tree.\n\nWhen called from inside a function with the @qcode{\"local\"} option, the\nvariable is changed locally for the function and any subroutines it calls. \nThe original variable value is restored when exiting the function.\n@seealso{rmdir}\n@end deftypefn")
666 }
668 static void
670 {
671 // DO NOT EDIT! Generated automatically by mkdefs.
672  XDEFUN_FILE_NAME ("libinterp/corefcn/")
673  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (dlmread, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {@var{data} =} dlmread (@var{file})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {@var{data} =} dlmread (@var{file}, @var{sep})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {@var{data} =} dlmread (@var{file}, @var{sep}, @var{r0}, @var{c0})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {@var{data} =} dlmread (@var{file}, @var{sep}, @var{range})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {@var{data} =} dlmread (@dots{}, \"emptyvalue\", @var{EMPTYVAL})\nRead the matrix @var{data} from a text file. If not defined the separator\nbetween fields is determined from the file itself. Otherwise the\nseparation character is defined by @var{sep}.\n\nGiven two scalar arguments @var{r0} and @var{c0}, these define the starting\nrow and column of the data to be read. These values are indexed from zero,\nsuch that the first row corresponds to an index of zero.\n\nThe @var{range} parameter may be a 4-element vector containing the upper\nleft and lower right corner @code{[@var{R0},@var{C0},@var{R1},@var{C1}]}\nwhere the lowest index value is zero. Alternatively, a spreadsheet style\nrange such as @qcode{\"A2..Q15\"} or @qcode{\"T1:AA5\"} can be used. The\nlowest alphabetical index @qcode{'A'} refers to the first column. The\nlowest row index is 1.\n\n@var{file} should be a file name or file id given by @code{fopen}. In the\nlatter case, the file is read until end of file is reached.\n\nThe @qcode{\"emptyvalue\"} option may be used to specify the value used to\nfill empty fields. The default is zero.\n@seealso{csvread, textscan, textread, dlmwrite}\n@end deftypefn")
674 }
676 static void
678 {
679 // DO NOT EDIT! Generated automatically by mkdefs.
680  XDEFUN_FILE_NAME ("libinterp/corefcn/")
681  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (dot, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} dot (@var{x}, @var{y}, @var{dim})\nCompute the dot product of two vectors. If @var{x} and @var{y}\nare matrices, calculate the dot products along the first\nnon-singleton dimension. If the optional argument @var{dim} is\ngiven, calculate the dot products along this dimension.\n\nThis is equivalent to\n@code{sum (conj (@var{X}) .* @var{Y}, @var{dim})},\nbut avoids forming a temporary array and is faster. When @var{X} and\n@var{Y} are column vectors, the result is equivalent to\n@code{@var{X}' * @var{Y}}.\n@seealso{cross, divergence}\n@end deftypefn")
682  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (blkmm, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} blkmm (@var{A}, @var{B})\nCompute products of matrix blocks. The blocks are given as\n2-dimensional subarrays of the arrays @var{A}, @var{B}.\nThe size of @var{A} must have the form @code{[m,k,@dots{}]} and\nsize of @var{B} must be @code{[k,n,@dots{}]}. The result is\nthen of size @code{[m,n,@dots{}]} and is computed as follows:\n\n@example\n@group\nfor i = 1:prod (size (@var{A})(3:end))\n @var{C}(:,:,i) = @var{A}(:,:,i) * @var{B}(:,:,i)\nendfor\n@end group\n@end example\n@end deftypefn")
683 }
685 static void
687 {
688 // DO NOT EDIT! Generated automatically by mkdefs.
689  XDEFUN_FILE_NAME ("libinterp/corefcn/")
690  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (eig, args, nargout, "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {@var{lambda} =} eig (@var{A})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {@var{lambda} =} eig (@var{A}, @var{B})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {[@var{V}, @var{lambda}] =} eig (@var{A})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {[@var{V}, @var{lambda}] =} eig (@var{A}, @var{B})\nCompute the eigenvalues (and optionally the eigenvectors) of a matrix\nor a pair of matrices\n\nThe algorithm used depends on whether there are one or two input\nmatrices, if they are real or complex and if they are symmetric\n(Hermitian if complex) or non-symmetric.\n\nThe eigenvalues returned by @code{eig} are not ordered.\n@seealso{eigs, svd}\n@end deftypefn")
691 }
693 static void
695 {
696 // DO NOT EDIT! Generated automatically by mkdefs.
697  XDEFUN_FILE_NAME ("libinterp/corefcn/")
698  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (ellipj, args, nargout, "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {[@var{sn}, @var{cn}, @var{dn}, @var{err}] =} ellipj (@var{u}, @var{m})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {[@var{sn}, @var{cn}, @var{dn}, @var{err}] =} ellipj (@var{u}, @var{m}, @var{tol})\nCompute the Jacobi elliptic functions @var{sn}, @var{cn}, and @var{dn}\nof complex argument @var{u} and real parameter @var{m}.\n\nIf @var{m} is a scalar, the results are the same size as @var{u}.\nIf @var{u} is a scalar, the results are the same size as @var{m}.\nIf @var{u} is a column vector and @var{m} is a row vector, the\nresults are matrices with @code{length (@var{u})} rows and\n@code{length (@var{m})} columns. Otherwise, @var{u} and\n@var{m} must conform in size and the results will be the same size as the\ninputs.\n\nThe value of @var{u} may be complex.\nThe value of @var{m} must be 0 @leq{} @var{m} @leq{} 1.\n\nThe optional input @var{tol} is currently ignored (@sc{matlab} uses this to\nallow faster, less accurate approximation).\n\nIf requested, @var{err} contains the following status information\nand is the same size as the result.\n\n@enumerate 0\n@item\nNormal return.\n\n@item\nError---no computation, algorithm termination condition not met,\nreturn @code{NaN}.\n@end enumerate\n\nReference: Milton Abramowitz and Irene A Stegun,\n@cite{Handbook of Mathematical Functions}, Chapter 16 (Sections 16.4, 16.13,\nand 16.15), Dover, 1965.\n\n@seealso{ellipke}\n@end deftypefn")
699 }
701 static void
703 {
704 // DO NOT EDIT! Generated automatically by mkdefs.
705  XDEFUN_FILE_NAME ("libinterp/corefcn/")
706  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (rethrow, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} rethrow (@var{err})\nReissue a previous error as defined by @var{err}. @var{err} is a structure\nthat must contain at least the @qcode{\"message\"} and @qcode{\"identifier\"}\nfields. @var{err} can also contain a field @qcode{\"stack\"} that gives\ninformation on the assumed location of the error. Typically @var{err} is\nreturned from @code{lasterror}.\n@seealso{lasterror, lasterr, error}\n@end deftypefn")
707  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (error, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} error (@var{template}, @dots{})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} error (@var{id}, @var{template}, @dots{})\nFormat the optional arguments under the control of the template string\n@var{template} using the same rules as the @code{printf} family of\nfunctions (@pxref{Formatted Output}) and print the resulting message\non the @code{stderr} stream. The message is prefixed by the character\nstring @samp{error: }.\n\nCalling @code{error} also sets Octave's internal error state such that\ncontrol will return to the top level without evaluating any more\ncommands. This is useful for aborting from functions or scripts.\n\nIf the error message does not end with a new line character, Octave will\nprint a traceback of all the function calls leading to the error. For\nexample, given the following function definitions:\n\n@example\n@group\nfunction f () g (); end\nfunction g () h (); end\nfunction h () nargin == 1 || error (\"nargin != 1\"); end\n@end group\n@end example\n\n@noindent\ncalling the function @code{f} will result in a list of messages that\ncan help you to quickly locate the exact location of the error:\n\n@example\n@group\nf ()\nerror: nargin != 1\nerror: called from:\nerror: error at line -1, column -1\nerror: h at line 1, column 27\nerror: g at line 1, column 15\nerror: f at line 1, column 15\n@end group\n@end example\n\nIf the error message ends in a new line character, Octave will print the\nmessage but will not display any traceback messages as it returns\ncontrol to the top level. For example, modifying the error message\nin the previous example to end in a new line causes Octave to only print\na single message:\n\n@example\n@group\nfunction h () nargin == 1 || error (\"nargin != 1\\n\"); end\nf ()\nerror: nargin != 1\n@end group\n@end example\n\nA null string (\"\") input to @code{error} will be ignored and the code\nwill continue running as if the statement were a NOP@. This is for\ncompatibility with @sc{matlab}. It also makes it possible to write code such\nas\n\n@example\n@group\nerr_msg = \"\";\nif (CONDITION 1)\n err_msg = \"CONDITION 1 found\";\nelseif (CONDITION2)\n err_msg = \"CONDITION 2 found\";\n@dots{}\nendif\nerror (err_msg);\n@end group\n@end example\n\n@noindent\nwhich will only stop execution if an error has been found.\n\nImplementation Note: For compatibility with @sc{matlab}, escape\nsequences (e.g., @qcode{\"\\n\"} => newline) are processed in @var{template}\nregardless of whether @var{template} has been defined within single quotes\nas long as there are two or more input arguments.\nUse a second backslash to stop interpolation of the escape sequence (e.g.,\n\"\\\\n\") or use the @code{regexptranslate} function.\n@seealso{warning, lasterror}\n@end deftypefn")
708  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (warning, args, nargout, "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} warning (@var{template}, @dots{})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} warning (@var{id}, @var{template}, @dots{})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} warning (\"on\", @var{id})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} warning (\"off\", @var{id})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} warning (\"query\", @var{id})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} warning (\"error\", @var{id})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} warning (@var{state}, @var{id}, \"local\")\nFormat the optional arguments under the control of the template string\n@var{template} using the same rules as the @code{printf} family of\nfunctions (@pxref{Formatted Output}) and print the resulting message\non the @code{stderr} stream. The message is prefixed by the character\nstring @samp{warning: }.\nYou should use this function when you want to notify the user\nof an unusual condition, but only when it makes sense for your program\nto go on.\n\nThe optional message identifier allows users to enable or disable\nwarnings tagged by @var{id}. A message identifier is of the form\n\"NAMESPACE:WARNING-NAME\". Octave's own warnings use the @qcode{\"Octave\"}\nnamespace (@pxref{XREFwarning_ids}). The special identifier @qcode{\"all\"}\nmay be used to set the state of all warnings.\n\nIf the first argument is @qcode{\"on\"} or @qcode{\"off\"},\nset the state of a particular warning using the identifier @var{id}. If the\nfirst argument is @qcode{\"query\"}, query the state of this warning\ninstead. If the identifier is omitted, a value of @qcode{\"all\"} is\nassumed. If you set the state of a warning to @qcode{\"error\"}, the\nwarning named by @var{id} is handled as if it were an error instead. So,\nfor example, the following handles all warnings as errors:\n\n@example\n@group\nwarning (\"error\");\n@end group\n@end example\n\nIf the state is @qcode{\"on\"}, @qcode{\"off\"}, or @qcode{\"error\"}\nand the third argument is @qcode{\"local\"}, then the warning state\nwill be set temporarily, until the end of the current function.\nChanges to warning states that are set locally affect the current\nfunction and all functions called from the current scope. The\nprevious warning state is restored on return from the current\nfunction. The @qcode{\"local\"} option is ignored if used in the top-level\nworkspace.\n\nImplementation Note: For compatibility with @sc{matlab}, escape\nsequences (e.g., @qcode{\"\\n\"} => newline) are processed in @var{template}\nregardless of whether @var{template} has been defined within single quotes\nas long as there are two or more input arguments.\nUse a second backslash to stop interpolation of the escape sequence (e.g.,\n\"\\\\n\") or use the @code{regexptranslate} function.\n@seealso{warning_ids, lastwarn, error}\n@end deftypefn")
709  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (lasterror, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {@var{lasterr} =} lasterror ()\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} lasterror (@var{err})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} lasterror (\"reset\")\nQuery or set the last error message structure. When called without\narguments, return a structure containing the last error message and other\ninformation related to this error. The elements of the structure are:\n\n@table @code\n@item message\nThe text of the last error message\n\n@item identifier\nThe message identifier of this error message\n\n@item stack\nA structure containing information on where the message occurred. This may\nbe an empty structure if the information cannot\nbe obtained. The fields of the structure are:\n\n@table @code\n@item file\nThe name of the file where the error occurred\n\n@item name\nThe name of function in which the error occurred\n\n@item line\nThe line number at which the error occurred\n\n@item column\nAn optional field with the column number at which the error occurred\n@end table\n@end table\n\nThe last error structure may be set by passing a scalar structure, @var{err},\nas input. Any fields of @var{err} that match those above are set while any\nunspecified fields are initialized with default values.\n\nIf @code{lasterror} is called with the argument @qcode{\"reset\"}, all\nfields are set to their default values.\n@seealso{lasterr, error, lastwarn}\n@end deftypefn")
710  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (lasterr, args, nargout, "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {[@var{msg}, @var{msgid}] =} lasterr ()\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} lasterr (@var{msg})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} lasterr (@var{msg}, @var{msgid})\nQuery or set the last error message. When called without input arguments,\nreturn the last error message and message identifier. With one\nargument, set the last error message to @var{msg}. With two arguments,\nalso set the last message identifier.\n@seealso{lasterror, error, lastwarn}\n@end deftypefn")
711  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (lastwarn, args, nargout, "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {[@var{msg}, @var{msgid}] =} lastwarn ()\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} lastwarn (@var{msg})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} lastwarn (@var{msg}, @var{msgid})\nQuery or set the last warning message. When called without input arguments,\nreturn the last warning message and message identifier. With one\nargument, set the last warning message to @var{msg}. With two arguments,\nalso set the last message identifier.\n@seealso{warning, lasterror, lasterr}\n@end deftypefn")
712  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (usage, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} usage (@var{msg})\nPrint the message @var{msg}, prefixed by the string @samp{usage: }, and\nset Octave's internal error state such that control will return to the\ntop level without evaluating any more commands. This is useful for\naborting from functions.\n\nAfter @code{usage} is evaluated, Octave will print a traceback of all\nthe function calls leading to the usage message.\n\nYou should use this function for reporting problems errors that result\nfrom an improper call to a function, such as calling a function with an\nincorrect number of arguments, or with arguments of the wrong type. For\nexample, most functions distributed with Octave begin with code like\nthis\n\n@example\n@group\nif (nargin != 2)\n usage (\"foo (a, b)\");\nendif\n@end group\n@end example\n\n@noindent\nto check for the proper number of arguments.\n@end deftypefn")
713  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (beep_on_error, args, nargout, "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {@var{val} =} beep_on_error ()\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {@var{old_val} =} beep_on_error (@var{new_val})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} beep_on_error (@var{new_val}, \"local\")\nQuery or set the internal variable that controls whether Octave will try\nto ring the terminal bell before printing an error message.\n\nWhen called from inside a function with the @qcode{\"local\"} option, the\nvariable is changed locally for the function and any subroutines it calls. \nThe original variable value is restored when exiting the function.\n@end deftypefn")
714  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (debug_on_error, args, nargout, "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {@var{val} =} debug_on_error ()\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {@var{old_val} =} debug_on_error (@var{new_val})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} debug_on_error (@var{new_val}, \"local\")\nQuery or set the internal variable that controls whether Octave will try\nto enter the debugger when an error is encountered. This will also\ninhibit printing of the normal traceback message (you will only see\nthe top-level error message).\n\nWhen called from inside a function with the @qcode{\"local\"} option, the\nvariable is changed locally for the function and any subroutines it calls. \nThe original variable value is restored when exiting the function.\n@seealso{debug_on_warning, debug_on_interrupt}\n@end deftypefn")
715  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (debug_on_warning, args, nargout, "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {@var{val} =} debug_on_warning ()\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {@var{old_val} =} debug_on_warning (@var{new_val})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} debug_on_warning (@var{new_val}, \"local\")\nQuery or set the internal variable that controls whether Octave will try\nto enter the debugger when a warning is encountered.\n\nWhen called from inside a function with the @qcode{\"local\"} option, the\nvariable is changed locally for the function and any subroutines it calls. \nThe original variable value is restored when exiting the function.\n@seealso{debug_on_error, debug_on_interrupt}\n@end deftypefn")
716 }
718 static void
720 {
721 // DO NOT EDIT! Generated automatically by mkdefs.
722  XDEFUN_FILE_NAME ("libinterp/corefcn/")
723  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (fft, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} fft (@var{x})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} fft (@var{x}, @var{n})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} fft (@var{x}, @var{n}, @var{dim})\nCompute the discrete Fourier transform of @var{A} using\na Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) algorithm.\n\nThe FFT is calculated along the first non-singleton dimension of the\narray. Thus if @var{x} is a matrix, @code{fft (@var{x})} computes the\nFFT for each column of @var{x}.\n\nIf called with two arguments, @var{n} is expected to be an integer\nspecifying the number of elements of @var{x} to use, or an empty\nmatrix to specify that its value should be ignored. If @var{n} is\nlarger than the dimension along which the FFT is calculated, then\n@var{x} is resized and padded with zeros. Otherwise, if @var{n} is\nsmaller than the dimension along which the FFT is calculated, then\n@var{x} is truncated.\n\nIf called with three arguments, @var{dim} is an integer specifying the\ndimension of the matrix along which the FFT is performed\n@seealso{ifft, fft2, fftn, fftw}\n@end deftypefn")
724  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (ifft, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} ifft (@var{x})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} ifft (@var{x}, @var{n})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} ifft (@var{x}, @var{n}, @var{dim})\nCompute the inverse discrete Fourier transform of @var{A}\nusing a Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) algorithm.\n\nThe inverse FFT is calculated along the first non-singleton dimension\nof the array. Thus if @var{x} is a matrix, @code{fft (@var{x})} computes\nthe inverse FFT for each column of @var{x}.\n\nIf called with two arguments, @var{n} is expected to be an integer\nspecifying the number of elements of @var{x} to use, or an empty\nmatrix to specify that its value should be ignored. If @var{n} is\nlarger than the dimension along which the inverse FFT is calculated, then\n@var{x} is resized and padded with zeros. Otherwise, if @var{n} is\nsmaller than the dimension along which the inverse FFT is calculated,\nthen @var{x} is truncated.\n\nIf called with three arguments, @var{dim} is an integer specifying the\ndimension of the matrix along which the inverse FFT is performed\n@seealso{fft, ifft2, ifftn, fftw}\n@end deftypefn")
725 }
727 static void
729 {
730 // DO NOT EDIT! Generated automatically by mkdefs.
731  XDEFUN_FILE_NAME ("libinterp/corefcn/")
732  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (fft2, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} fft2 (@var{A})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} fft2 (@var{A}, @var{m}, @var{n})\nCompute the two-dimensional discrete Fourier transform of @var{A} using\na Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) algorithm.\n\nThe optional arguments @var{m} and @var{n} may be used specify the\nnumber of rows and columns of @var{A} to use. If either of these is\nlarger than the size of @var{A}, @var{A} is resized and padded with\nzeros.\n\nIf @var{A} is a multi-dimensional matrix, each two-dimensional sub-matrix\nof @var{A} is treated separately.\n@seealso {ifft2, fft, fftn, fftw}\n@end deftypefn")
733  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (ifft2, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} ifft2 (@var{A})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} ifft2 (@var{A}, @var{m}, @var{n})\nCompute the inverse two-dimensional discrete Fourier transform of @var{A}\nusing a Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) algorithm.\n\nThe optional arguments @var{m} and @var{n} may be used specify the\nnumber of rows and columns of @var{A} to use. If either of these is\nlarger than the size of @var{A}, @var{A} is resized and padded with\nzeros.\n\nIf @var{A} is a multi-dimensional matrix, each two-dimensional sub-matrix\nof @var{A} is treated separately\n@seealso {fft2, ifft, ifftn, fftw}\n@end deftypefn")
734 }
736 static void
738 {
739 // DO NOT EDIT! Generated automatically by mkdefs.
740  XDEFUN_FILE_NAME ("libinterp/corefcn/")
741  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (fftn, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} fftn (@var{A})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} fftn (@var{A}, @var{size})\nCompute the N-dimensional discrete Fourier transform of @var{A} using\na Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) algorithm.\n\nThe optional vector argument @var{size} may be used specify the\ndimensions of the array to be used. If an element of @var{size} is\nsmaller than the corresponding dimension of @var{A}, then the dimension of\n@var{A} is truncated prior to performing the FFT@. Otherwise, if an element\nof @var{size} is larger than the corresponding dimension then @var{A}\nis resized and padded with zeros.\n@seealso{ifftn, fft, fft2, fftw}\n@end deftypefn")
742  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (ifftn, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} ifftn (@var{A})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} ifftn (@var{A}, @var{size})\nCompute the inverse N-dimensional discrete Fourier transform of @var{A}\nusing a Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) algorithm.\n\nThe optional vector argument @var{size} may be used specify the\ndimensions of the array to be used. If an element of @var{size} is\nsmaller than the corresponding dimension of @var{A}, then the dimension of\n@var{A} is truncated prior to performing the inverse FFT@. Otherwise, if an\nelement of @var{size} is larger than the corresponding dimension then @var{A}\nis resized and padded with zeros.\n@seealso{fftn, ifft, ifft2, fftw}\n@end deftypefn")
743 }
745 static void
747 {
748 // DO NOT EDIT! Generated automatically by mkdefs.
749  XDEFUN_FILE_NAME ("libinterp/corefcn/")
750  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (fclose, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} fclose (@var{fid})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} fclose (\"all\")\nClose the specified file. If successful, @code{fclose} returns 0,\notherwise, it returns -1. The second form of the @code{fclose} call closes\nall open files except @code{stdout}, @code{stderr}, and @code{stdin}.\n@seealso{fopen, freport}\n@end deftypefn")
751  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (fclear, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} fclear (@var{fid})\nClear the stream state for the specified file.\n@seealso{fopen}\n@end deftypefn")
752  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (fflush, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} fflush (@var{fid})\nFlush output to @var{fid}. This is useful for ensuring that all\npending output makes it to the screen before some other event occurs.\nFor example, it is always a good idea to flush the standard output\nstream before calling @code{input}.\n\n@code{fflush} returns 0 on success and an OS dependent error value\n(@minus{}1 on Unix) on error.\n@seealso{fopen, fclose}\n@end deftypefn")
753  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (fgetl, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {@var{str} =} fgetl (@var{fid})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {@var{str} =} fgetl (@var{fid}, @var{len})\nRead characters from a file, stopping after a newline, or EOF,\nor @var{len} characters have been read. The characters read, excluding\nthe possible trailing newline, are returned as a string.\n\nIf @var{len} is omitted, @code{fgetl} reads until the next newline\ncharacter.\n\nIf there are no more characters to read, @code{fgetl} returns @minus{}1.\n\nTo read a line and return the terminating newline see @code{fgets}.\n@seealso{fgets, fscanf, fread, fopen}\n@end deftypefn")
754  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (fgets, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {@var{str} =} fgets (@var{fid})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {@var{str} =} fgets (@var{fid}, @var{len})\nRead characters from a file, stopping after a newline, or EOF,\nor @var{len} characters have been read. The characters read, including\nthe possible trailing newline, are returned as a string.\n\nIf @var{len} is omitted, @code{fgets} reads until the next newline\ncharacter.\n\nIf there are no more characters to read, @code{fgets} returns @minus{}1.\n\nTo read a line and discard the terminating newline see @code{fgetl}.\n@seealso{fputs, fgetl, fscanf, fread, fopen}\n@end deftypefn")
755  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (fskipl, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {@var{nlines} =} fskipl (@var{fid})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {@var{nlines} =} fskipl (@var{fid}, @var{count})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {@var{nlines} =} fskipl (@var{fid}, Inf)\nRead and skip @var{count} lines from the file descriptor @var{fid}.\n@code{fskipl} discards characters until an end-of-line is encountered exactly\n@var{count}-times, or until the end-of-file marker is found.\n\nIf @var{count} is omitted, it defaults to 1. @var{count} may also be\n@code{Inf}, in which case lines are skipped until the end of the file.\nThis form is suitable for counting the number of lines in a file.\n\nReturns the number of lines skipped (end-of-line sequences encountered).\n@seealso{fgetl, fgets, fscanf, fopen}\n@end deftypefn")
756  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (fopen, args, nargout, "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {[@var{fid}, @var{msg}] =} fopen (@var{name}, @var{mode}, @var{arch})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {@var{fid_list} =} fopen (\"all\")\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {[@var{file}, @var{mode}, @var{arch}] =} fopen (@var{fid})\nThe first form of the @code{fopen} function opens the named file with\nthe specified mode (read-write, read-only, etc.) and architecture\ninterpretation (IEEE big endian, IEEE little endian, etc.), and returns\nan integer value that may be used to refer to the file later. If an\nerror occurs, @var{fid} is set to @minus{}1 and @var{msg} contains the\ncorresponding system error message. The @var{mode} is a one or two\ncharacter string that specifies whether the file is to be opened for\nreading, writing, or both.\n\nThe second form of the @code{fopen} function returns a vector of file ids\ncorresponding to all the currently open files, excluding the\n@code{stdin}, @code{stdout}, and @code{stderr} streams.\n\nThe third form of the @code{fopen} function returns information about the\nopen file given its file id.\n\nFor example,\n\n@example\nmyfile = fopen (\"splat.dat\", \"r\", \"ieee-le\");\n@end example\n\n@noindent\nopens the file @file{splat.dat} for reading. If necessary, binary\nnumeric values will be read assuming they are stored in IEEE format with\nthe least significant bit first, and then converted to the native\nrepresentation.\n\nOpening a file that is already open simply opens it again and returns a\nseparate file id. It is not an error to open a file several times,\nthough writing to the same file through several different file ids may\nproduce unexpected results.\n\nThe possible values @samp{mode} may have are\n\n@table @asis\n@item @samp{r}\nOpen a file for reading.\n\n@item @samp{w}\nOpen a file for writing. The previous contents are discarded.\n\n@item @samp{a}\nOpen or create a file for writing at the end of the file.\n\n@item @samp{r+}\nOpen an existing file for reading and writing.\n\n@item @samp{w+}\nOpen a file for reading or writing. The previous contents are\ndiscarded.\n\n@item @samp{a+}\nOpen or create a file for reading or writing at the end of the\nfile.\n@end table\n\nAppend a @qcode{\"t\"} to the mode string to open the file in text mode or a\n@qcode{\"b\"} to open in binary mode. On Windows and Macintosh systems, text\nmode reading and writing automatically converts linefeeds to the\nappropriate line end character for the system (carriage-return linefeed\non Windows, carriage-return on Macintosh). The default if no mode is\nspecified is binary mode.\n\nAdditionally, you may append a @qcode{\"z\"} to the mode string to open a\ngzipped file for reading or writing. For this to be successful, you\nmust also open the file in binary mode.\n\nThe parameter @var{arch} is a string specifying the default data format\nfor the file. Valid values for @var{arch} are:\n\n@table @samp\n@item native\nThe format of the current machine (this is the default).\n\n@item ieee-be\nIEEE big endian format.\n\n@item ieee-le\nIEEE little endian format.\n@end table\n\n@noindent\nhowever, conversions are currently only supported for @samp{native}\n@samp{ieee-be}, and @samp{ieee-le} formats.\n@seealso{fclose, fgets, fgetl, fscanf, fread, fputs, fdisp, fprintf, fwrite, fskipl, fseek, frewind, ftell, feof, ferror, fclear, fflush, freport}\n@end deftypefn")
757  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (freport, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} freport ()\nPrint a list of which files have been opened, and whether they are open\nfor reading, writing, or both. For example:\n\n@example\n@group\nfreport ()\n\n @print{} number mode name\n @print{}\n @print{} 0 r stdin\n @print{} 1 w stdout\n @print{} 2 w stderr\n @print{} 3 r myfile\n@end group\n@end example\n@seealso{fopen, fclose}\n@end deftypefn")
758  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (frewind, args, nargout, "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} frewind (@var{fid})\nMove the file pointer to the beginning of the file @var{fid}, returning\n0 for success, and -1 if an error was encountered. It is equivalent to\n@code{fseek (@var{fid}, 0, SEEK_SET)}.\n@seealso{fseek, ftell, fopen}\n@end deftypefn")
759  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (fseek, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} fseek (@var{fid}, @var{offset})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} fseek (@var{fid}, @var{offset}, @var{origin})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {@var{status} =} fseek (@dots{})\nSet the file pointer to any location within the file @var{fid}.\n\nThe pointer is positioned @var{offset} characters from the @var{origin},\nwhich may be one of the predefined variables @w{@code{SEEK_CUR}} (current\nposition), @w{@code{SEEK_SET}} (beginning), or @w{@code{SEEK_END}} (end of\nfile) or strings @qcode{\"cof\"}, @qcode{\"bof\"} or @qcode{\"eof\"}. If\n@var{origin} is omitted, @w{@code{SEEK_SET}} is assumed. @var{offset} may\nbe positive, negative, or zero but not all combinations of @var{origin} and\n@var{offset} can be realized.\n\nReturn 0 on success and -1 on error.\n@seealso{fskipl, frewind, ftell, fopen}\n@end deftypefn")
760  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (ftell, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} ftell (@var{fid})\nReturn the position of the file pointer as the number of characters\nfrom the beginning of the file @var{fid}.\n@seealso{fseek, feof, fopen}\n@end deftypefn")
761  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (fprintf, args, nargout, "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} fprintf (@var{fid}, @var{template}, @dots{})\nThis function is just like @code{printf}, except that the output is\nwritten to the stream @var{fid} instead of @code{stdout}.\nIf @var{fid} is omitted, the output is written to @code{stdout}.\n@seealso{fputs, fdisp, fwrite, fscanf, printf, sprintf, fopen}\n@end deftypefn")
762  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (printf, args, nargout, "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} printf (@var{template}, @dots{})\nPrint optional arguments under the control of the template string\n@var{template} to the stream @code{stdout} and return the number of\ncharacters printed.\n@ifclear OCTAVE_MANUAL\n\nSee the Formatted Output section of the GNU Octave manual for a\ncomplete description of the syntax of the template string.\n@end ifclear\n@seealso{fprintf, sprintf, scanf}\n@end deftypefn")
763  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (fputs, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} fputs (@var{fid}, @var{string})\nWrite a string to a file with no formatting.\n\nReturn a non-negative number on success and EOF on error.\n@seealso{fdisp, fprintf, fwrite, fopen}\n@end deftypefn")
764  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (puts, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} puts (@var{string})\nWrite a string to the standard output with no formatting.\n\nReturn a non-negative number on success and EOF on error.\n@seealso{fputs, disp}\n@end deftypefn")
765  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (sprintf, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} sprintf (@var{template}, @dots{})\nThis is like @code{printf}, except that the output is returned as a\nstring. Unlike the C library function, which requires you to provide a\nsuitably sized string as an argument, Octave's @code{sprintf} function\nreturns the string, automatically sized to hold all of the items\nconverted.\n@seealso{printf, fprintf, sscanf}\n@end deftypefn")
766  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (fscanf, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {[@var{val}, @var{count}, @var{errmsg}] =} fscanf (@var{fid}, @var{template}, @var{size})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {[@var{v1}, @var{v2}, @dots{}, @var{count}, @var{errmsg}] =} fscanf (@var{fid}, @var{template}, \"C\")\nIn the first form, read from @var{fid} according to @var{template},\nreturning the result in the matrix @var{val}.\n\nThe optional argument @var{size} specifies the amount of data to read\nand may be one of\n\n@table @code\n@item Inf\nRead as much as possible, returning a column vector.\n\n@item @var{nr}\nRead up to @var{nr} elements, returning a column vector.\n\n@item [@var{nr}, Inf]\nRead as much as possible, returning a matrix with @var{nr} rows. If the\nnumber of elements read is not an exact multiple of @var{nr}, the last\ncolumn is padded with zeros.\n\n@item [@var{nr}, @var{nc}]\nRead up to @code{@var{nr} * @var{nc}} elements, returning a matrix with\n@var{nr} rows. If the number of elements read is not an exact multiple\nof @var{nr}, the last column is padded with zeros.\n@end table\n\n@noindent\nIf @var{size} is omitted, a value of @code{Inf} is assumed.\n\nA string is returned if @var{template} specifies only character\nconversions.\n\nThe number of items successfully read is returned in @var{count}.\n\nIf an error occurs, @var{errmsg} contains a system-dependent error message.\n\nIn the second form, read from @var{fid} according to @var{template},\nwith each conversion specifier in @var{template} corresponding to a\nsingle scalar return value. This form is more ``C-like'', and also\ncompatible with previous versions of Octave. The number of successful\nconversions is returned in @var{count}\n@ifclear OCTAVE_MANUAL\n\nSee the Formatted Input section of the GNU Octave manual for a\ncomplete description of the syntax of the template string.\n@end ifclear\n@seealso{fgets, fgetl, fread, scanf, sscanf, fopen}\n@end deftypefn")
767  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (sscanf, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {[@var{val}, @var{count}, @var{errmsg}, @var{pos}] =} sscanf (@var{string}, @var{template}, @var{size})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {[@var{v1}, @var{v2}, @dots{}, @var{count}, @var{errmsg}] =} sscanf (@var{string}, @var{template}, \"C\")\nThis is like @code{fscanf}, except that the characters are taken from the\nstring @var{string} instead of from a stream. Reaching the end of the\nstring is treated as an end-of-file condition. In addition to the values\nreturned by @code{fscanf}, the index of the next character to be read\nis returned in @var{pos}.\n@seealso{fscanf, scanf, sprintf}\n@end deftypefn")
768  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (scanf, args, nargout, "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {[@var{val}, @var{count}, @var{errmsg}] =} scanf (@var{template}, @var{size})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {[@var{v1}, @var{v2}, @dots{}, @var{count}, @var{errmsg}]] =} scanf (@var{template}, \"C\")\nThis is equivalent to calling @code{fscanf} with @var{fid} = @code{stdin}.\n\nIt is currently not useful to call @code{scanf} in interactive\nprograms.\n@seealso{fscanf, sscanf, printf}\n@end deftypefn")
769  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (fread, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {[@var{val}, @var{count}] =} fread (@var{fid}, @var{size}, @var{precision}, @var{skip}, @var{arch})\nRead binary data of type @var{precision} from the specified file ID\n@var{fid}.\n\nThe optional argument @var{size} specifies the amount of data to read\nand may be one of\n\n@table @code\n@item Inf\nRead as much as possible, returning a column vector.\n\n@item @var{nr}\nRead up to @var{nr} elements, returning a column vector.\n\n@item [@var{nr}, Inf]\nRead as much as possible, returning a matrix with @var{nr} rows. If the\nnumber of elements read is not an exact multiple of @var{nr}, the last\ncolumn is padded with zeros.\n\n@item [@var{nr}, @var{nc}]\nRead up to @code{@var{nr} * @var{nc}} elements, returning a matrix with\n@var{nr} rows. If the number of elements read is not an exact multiple\nof @var{nr}, the last column is padded with zeros.\n@end table\n\n@noindent\nIf @var{size} is omitted, a value of @code{Inf} is assumed.\n\nThe optional argument @var{precision} is a string specifying the type of\ndata to read and may be one of\n\n@table @asis\n@item @qcode{\"schar\"}\n@itemx @qcode{\"signed char\"}\nSigned character.\n\n@item @qcode{\"uchar\"}\n@itemx @qcode{\"unsigned char\"}\nUnsigned character.\n\n@item @qcode{\"int8\"}\n@itemx @qcode{\"integer*1\"}\n\n8-bit signed integer.\n\n@item @qcode{\"int16\"}\n@itemx @qcode{\"integer*2\"}\n16-bit signed integer.\n\n@item @qcode{\"int32\"}\n@itemx @qcode{\"integer*4\"}\n32-bit signed integer.\n\n@item @qcode{\"int64\"}\n@itemx @qcode{\"integer*8\"}\n64-bit signed integer.\n\n@item @qcode{\"uint8\"}\n8-bit unsigned integer.\n\n@item @qcode{\"uint16\"}\n16-bit unsigned integer.\n\n@item @qcode{\"uint32\"}\n32-bit unsigned integer.\n\n@item @qcode{\"uint64\"}\n64-bit unsigned integer.\n\n@item @qcode{\"single\"}\n@itemx @qcode{\"float32\"}\n@itemx @qcode{\"real*4\"}\n32-bit floating point number.\n\n@item @qcode{\"double\"}\n@itemx @qcode{\"float64\"}\n@itemx @qcode{\"real*8\"}\n64-bit floating point number.\n\n@item @qcode{\"char\"}\n@itemx @qcode{\"char*1\"}\nSingle character.\n\n@item @qcode{\"short\"}\nShort integer (size is platform dependent).\n\n@item @qcode{\"int\"}\nInteger (size is platform dependent).\n\n@item @qcode{\"long\"}\nLong integer (size is platform dependent).\n\n@item @qcode{\"ushort\"}\n@itemx @qcode{\"unsigned short\"}\nUnsigned short integer (size is platform dependent).\n\n@item @qcode{\"uint\"}\n@itemx @qcode{\"unsigned int\"}\nUnsigned integer (size is platform dependent).\n\n@item @qcode{\"ulong\"}\n@itemx @qcode{\"unsigned long\"}\nUnsigned long integer (size is platform dependent).\n\n@item @qcode{\"float\"}\nSingle precision floating point number (size is platform dependent).\n@end table\n\n@noindent\nThe default precision is @qcode{\"uchar\"}.\n\nThe @var{precision} argument may also specify an optional repeat\ncount. For example, @samp{32*single} causes @code{fread} to read\na block of 32 single precision floating point numbers. Reading in\nblocks is useful in combination with the @var{skip} argument.\n\nThe @var{precision} argument may also specify a type conversion.\nFor example, @samp{int16=>int32} causes @code{fread} to read 16-bit\ninteger values and return an array of 32-bit integer values. By\ndefault, @code{fread} returns a double precision array. The special\nform @samp{*TYPE} is shorthand for @samp{TYPE=>TYPE}.\n\nThe conversion and repeat counts may be combined. For example, the\nspecification @samp{32*single=>single} causes @code{fread} to read\nblocks of single precision floating point values and return an array\nof single precision values instead of the default array of double\nprecision values.\n\nThe optional argument @var{skip} specifies the number of bytes to skip\nafter each element (or block of elements) is read. If it is not\nspecified, a value of 0 is assumed. If the final block read is not\ncomplete, the final skip is omitted. For example,\n\n@example\nfread (f, 10, \"3*single=>single\", 8)\n@end example\n\n@noindent\nwill omit the final 8-byte skip because the last read will not be\na complete block of 3 values.\n\nThe optional argument @var{arch} is a string specifying the data format\nfor the file. Valid values are\n\n@table @code\n@item @qcode{\"native\"}\nThe format of the current machine.\n\n@item \"ieee-be\"\nIEEE big endian.\n\n@item \"ieee-le\"\nIEEE little endian.\n@end table\n\nThe data read from the file is returned in @var{val}, and the number of\nvalues read is returned in @code{count}\n@seealso{fwrite, fgets, fgetl, fscanf, fopen}\n@end deftypefn")
770  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (fwrite, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {@var{count} =} fwrite (@var{fid}, @var{data}, @var{precision}, @var{skip}, @var{arch})\nWrite data in binary form of type @var{precision} to the specified file\nID @var{fid}, returning the number of values successfully written to the\nfile.\n\nThe argument @var{data} is a matrix of values that are to be written to\nthe file. The values are extracted in column-major order.\n\nThe remaining arguments @var{precision}, @var{skip}, and @var{arch} are\noptional, and are interpreted as described for @code{fread}.\n\nThe behavior of @code{fwrite} is undefined if the values in @var{data}\nare too large to fit in the specified precision.\n@seealso{fread, fputs, fprintf, fopen}\n@end deftypefn")
771  XDEFUNX_INTERNAL ("feof", Ffeof, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} feof (@var{fid})\nReturn 1 if an end-of-file condition has been encountered for a given\nfile and 0 otherwise. Note that it will only return 1 if the end of the\nfile has already been encountered, not if the next read operation will\nresult in an end-of-file condition.\n@seealso{fread, fopen}\n@end deftypefn")
772  XDEFUNX_INTERNAL ("ferror", Fferror, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {[@var{err}, @var{msg}] =} ferror (@var{fid})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {[@var{err}, @var{msg}] =} ferror (@var{fid}, \"clear\")\nReturn 1 if an error condition has been encountered for the file ID\n@var{fid} and 0 otherwise. Note that it will only return 1 if an error\nhas already been encountered, not if the next operation will result in\nan error condition.\n\nThe second argument is optional. If it is supplied, also clear the\nerror condition.\n@seealso{fclear, fopen}\n@end deftypefn")
773  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (popen, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {@var{fid} =} popen (@var{command}, @var{mode})\nStart a process and create a pipe. The name of the command to run is\ngiven by @var{command}. The file identifier corresponding to the input\nor output stream of the process is returned in @var{fid}. The argument\n@var{mode} may be\n\n@table @code\n@item @qcode{\"r\"}\nThe pipe will be connected to the standard output of the process, and\nopen for reading.\n\n@item @qcode{\"w\"}\nThe pipe will be connected to the standard input of the process, and\nopen for writing.\n@end table\n\nFor example:\n\n@example\n@group\nfid = popen (\"ls -ltr / | tail -3\", \"r\");\nwhile (ischar (s = fgets (fid)))\n fputs (stdout, s);\nendwhile\n\n @print{} drwxr-xr-x 33 root root 3072 Feb 15 13:28 etc\n @print{} drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 1024 Feb 15 13:28 lib\n @print{} drwxrwxrwt 15 root root 2048 Feb 17 14:53 tmp\n@end group\n@end example\n@end deftypefn")
774  XDEFUNX_INTERNAL ("pclose", Fpclose, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} pclose (@var{fid})\nClose a file identifier that was opened by @code{popen}. You may also\nuse @code{fclose} for the same purpose.\n@end deftypefn")
775  XDEFUNX_INTERNAL ("tmpnam", Ftmpnam, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@c List other forms of function in documentation index\n@findex octave_tmp_file_name\n\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} tmpnam ()\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} tmpnam (@var{dir})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} tmpnam (@var{dir}, @var{prefix})\nReturn a unique temporary file name as a string.\n\nIf @var{prefix} is omitted, a value of @qcode{\"oct-\"} is used.\nIf @var{dir} is also omitted, the default directory for temporary files\nis used. If @var{dir} is provided, it must exist, otherwise the default\ndirectory for temporary files is used. Since the named file is not\nopened, by @code{tmpnam}, it is possible (though relatively unlikely)\nthat it will not be available by the time your program attempts to open it.\n@seealso{tmpfile, mkstemp, P_tmpdir}\n@end deftypefn")
776  XDEFALIAS_INTERNAL(octave_tmp_file_name, tmpnam) ;
777  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (tmpfile, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {[@var{fid}, @var{msg}] =} tmpfile ()\nReturn the file ID corresponding to a new temporary file with a unique\nname. The file is opened in binary read/write (@qcode{\"w+b\"}) mode.\nThe file will be deleted automatically when it is closed or when Octave\nexits.\n\nIf successful, @var{fid} is a valid file ID and @var{msg} is an empty\nstring. Otherwise, @var{fid} is -1 and @var{msg} contains a\nsystem-dependent error message.\n@seealso{tmpnam, mkstemp, P_tmpdir}\n@end deftypefn")
778  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (mkstemp, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {[@var{fid}, @var{name}, @var{msg}] =} mkstemp (@var{template}, @var{delete})\nReturn the file ID corresponding to a new temporary file with a unique\nname created from @var{template}. The last six characters of @var{template}\nmust be @code{XXXXXX} and these are replaced with a string that makes the\nfilename unique. The file is then created with mode read/write and\npermissions that are system dependent (on GNU/Linux systems, the permissions\nwill be 0600 for versions of glibc 2.0.7 and later). The file is opened\nin binary mode and with the @w{@code{O_EXCL}} flag.\n\nIf the optional argument @var{delete} is supplied and is true,\nthe file will be deleted automatically when Octave exits.\n\nIf successful, @var{fid} is a valid file ID, @var{name} is the name of\nthe file, and @var{msg} is an empty string. Otherwise, @var{fid}\nis -1, @var{name} is empty, and @var{msg} contains a system-dependent\nerror message.\n@seealso{tmpfile, tmpnam, P_tmpdir}\n@end deftypefn")
779  XDEFUNX_INTERNAL ("umask", Fumask, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} umask (@var{mask})\nSet the permission mask for file creation. The parameter @var{mask}\nis an integer, interpreted as an octal number. If successful,\nreturns the previous value of the mask (as an integer to be\ninterpreted as an octal number); otherwise an error message is printed.\n@end deftypefn")
780  XDEFUNX_INTERNAL ("P_tmpdir", FP_tmpdir, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} P_tmpdir ()\nReturn the default name of the directory for temporary files on\nthis system. The name of this directory is system dependent.\n@end deftypefn")
781  XDEFUNX_INTERNAL ("SEEK_SET", FSEEK_SET, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} SEEK_SET ()\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} SEEK_CUR ()\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} SEEK_END ()\nReturn the numerical value to pass to @code{fseek} to perform\none of the following actions:\n\n@table @code\n@item SEEK_SET\nPosition file relative to the beginning.\n\n@item SEEK_CUR\nPosition file relative to the current position.\n\n@item SEEK_END\nPosition file relative to the end.\n@end table\n@seealso{fseek}\n@end deftypefn")
782  XDEFUNX_INTERNAL ("SEEK_CUR", FSEEK_CUR, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} SEEK_CUR ()\nReturn the numerical value to pass to @code{fseek} to\nposition the file pointer relative to the current position.\n@seealso{SEEK_SET, SEEK_END}\n@end deftypefn")
783  XDEFUNX_INTERNAL ("SEEK_END", FSEEK_END, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} SEEK_END ()\nReturn the numerical value to pass to @code{fseek} to\nposition the file pointer relative to the end of the file.\n@seealso{SEEK_SET, SEEK_CUR}\n@end deftypefn")
784  XDEFUNX_INTERNAL ("stdin", Fstdin, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} stdin ()\nReturn the numeric value corresponding to the standard input stream.\nWhen Octave is used interactively, this is filtered through the command\nline editing functions.\n@seealso{stdout, stderr}\n@end deftypefn")
785  XDEFUNX_INTERNAL ("stdout", Fstdout, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} stdout ()\nReturn the numeric value corresponding to the standard output stream.\nData written to the standard output is normally filtered through the pager.\n@seealso{stdin, stderr}\n@end deftypefn")
786  XDEFUNX_INTERNAL ("stderr", Fstderr, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} stderr ()\nReturn the numeric value corresponding to the standard error stream.\nEven if paging is turned on, the standard error is not sent to the\npager. It is useful for error messages and prompts.\n@seealso{stdin, stdout}\n@end deftypefn")
787 }
789 static void
791 {
792 // DO NOT EDIT! Generated automatically by mkdefs.
793  XDEFUN_FILE_NAME ("libinterp/corefcn/")
794  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (filter, args, nargout, "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {y =} filter (@var{b}, @var{a}, @var{x})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {[@var{y}, @var{sf}] =} filter (@var{b}, @var{a}, @var{x}, @var{si})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {[@var{y}, @var{sf}] =} filter (@var{b}, @var{a}, @var{x}, [], @var{dim})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {[@var{y}, @var{sf}] =} filter (@var{b}, @var{a}, @var{x}, @var{si}, @var{dim})\nReturn the solution to the following linear, time-invariant difference\nequation:\n@tex\n$$\n\\sum_{k=0}^N a_{k+1} y_{n-k} = \\sum_{k=0}^M b_{k+1} x_{n-k}, \\qquad\n 1 \\le n \\le P\n$$\n@end tex\n@ifnottex\n@c Set example in small font to prevent overfull line\n\n@smallexample\n@group\n N M\nSUM a(k+1) y(n-k) = SUM b(k+1) x(n-k) for 1<=n<=length(x)\nk=0 k=0\n@end group\n@end smallexample\n\n@end ifnottex\n\n@noindent\nwhere\n@ifnottex\nN=length(a)-1 and M=length(b)-1.\n@end ifnottex\n@tex\n$a \\in \\Re^{N-1}$, $b \\in \\Re^{M-1}$, and $x \\in \\Re^P$.\n@end tex\nThe result is calculated over the first non-singleton dimension of @var{x}\nor over @var{dim} if supplied.\n\nAn equivalent form of the equation is:\n@tex\n$$\ny_n = -\\sum_{k=1}^N c_{k+1} y_{n-k} + \\sum_{k=0}^M d_{k+1} x_{n-k}, \\qquad\n 1 \\le n \\le P\n$$\n@end tex\n@ifnottex\n@c Set example in small font to prevent overfull line\n\n@smallexample\n@group\n N M\ny(n) = - SUM c(k+1) y(n-k) + SUM d(k+1) x(n-k) for 1<=n<=length(x)\n k=1 k=0\n@end group\n@end smallexample\n\n@end ifnottex\n\n@noindent\nwhere\n@ifnottex\n c = a/a(1) and d = b/a(1).\n@end ifnottex\n@tex\n$c = a/a_1$ and $d = b/a_1$.\n@end tex\n\nIf the fourth argument @var{si} is provided, it is taken as the\ninitial state of the system and the final state is returned as\n@var{sf}. The state vector is a column vector whose length is\nequal to the length of the longest coefficient vector minus one.\nIf @var{si} is not supplied, the initial state vector is set to all\nzeros.\n\nIn terms of the Z Transform, y is the result of passing the discrete-\ntime signal x through a system characterized by the following rational\nsystem function:\n@tex\n$$\nH(z) = {\\displaystyle\\sum_{k=0}^M d_{k+1} z^{-k}\n \\over 1 + \\displaystyle\\sum_{k+1}^N c_{k+1} z^{-k}}\n$$\n@end tex\n@ifnottex\n\n@example\n@group\n M\n SUM d(k+1) z^(-k)\n k=0\nH(z) = ---------------------\n N\n 1 + SUM c(k+1) z^(-k)\n k=1\n@end group\n@end example\n\n@end ifnottex\n@seealso{filter2, fftfilt, freqz}\n@end deftypefn")
795 }
797 static void
799 {
800 // DO NOT EDIT! Generated automatically by mkdefs.
801  XDEFUN_FILE_NAME ("libinterp/corefcn/")
802  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (find, args, nargout, "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {@var{idx} =} find (@var{x})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {@var{idx} =} find (@var{x}, @var{n})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {@var{idx} =} find (@var{x}, @var{n}, @var{direction})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {[i, j] =} find (@dots{})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {[i, j, v] =} find (@dots{})\nReturn a vector of indices of nonzero elements of a matrix, as a row if\n@var{x} is a row vector or as a column otherwise. To obtain a single index\nfor each matrix element, Octave pretends that the columns of a matrix form\none long vector (like Fortran arrays are stored). For example:\n\n@example\n@group\nfind (eye (2))\n @result{} [ 1; 4 ]\n@end group\n@end example\n\nIf two outputs are requested, @code{find} returns the row and column\nindices of nonzero elements of a matrix. For example:\n\n@example\n@group\n[i, j] = find (2 * eye (2))\n @result{} i = [ 1; 2 ]\n @result{} j = [ 1; 2 ]\n@end group\n@end example\n\nIf three outputs are requested, @code{find} also returns a vector\ncontaining the nonzero values. For example:\n\n@example\n@group\n[i, j, v] = find (3 * eye (2))\n @result{} i = [ 1; 2 ]\n @result{} j = [ 1; 2 ]\n @result{} v = [ 3; 3 ]\n@end group\n@end example\n\nIf two inputs are given, @var{n} indicates the maximum number of\nelements to find from the beginning of the matrix or vector.\n\nIf three inputs are given, @var{direction} should be one of\n@qcode{\"first\"} or @qcode{\"last\"}, requesting only the first or last\n@var{n} indices, respectively. However, the indices are always returned in\nascending order.\n\nNote that this function is particularly useful for sparse matrices, as\nit extracts the non-zero elements as vectors, which can then be used to\ncreate the original matrix. For example:\n\n@example\n@group\nsz = size (a);\n[i, j, v] = find (a);\nb = sparse (i, j, v, sz(1), sz(2));\n@end group\n@end example\n@seealso{nonzeros}\n@end deftypefn")
803 }
805 static void
807 {
808 // DO NOT EDIT! Generated automatically by mkdefs.
809  XDEFUN_FILE_NAME ("libinterp/corefcn/")
810  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (gammainc, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Mapping Function} {} gammainc (@var{x}, @var{a})\n@deftypefnx {Mapping Function} {} gammainc (@var{x}, @var{a}, \"lower\")\n@deftypefnx {Mapping Function} {} gammainc (@var{x}, @var{a}, \"upper\")\nCompute the normalized incomplete gamma function,\n@tex\n$$\n \\gamma (x, a) = {1 \\over {\\Gamma (a)}}\\displaystyle{\\int_0^x t^{a-1} e^{-t} dt}\n$$\n@end tex\n@ifnottex\n\n@example\n@group\n x\n 1 /\ngammainc (x, a) = --------- | exp (-t) t^(a-1) dt\n gamma (a) /\n t=0\n@end group\n@end example\n\n@end ifnottex\nwith the limiting value of 1 as @var{x} approaches infinity.\nThe standard notation is @math{P(a,x)}, e.g., Abramowitz and Stegun (6.5.1).\n\nIf @var{a} is scalar, then @code{gammainc (@var{x}, @var{a})} is returned\nfor each element of @var{x} and vice versa.\n\nIf neither @var{x} nor @var{a} is scalar, the sizes of @var{x} and\n@var{a} must agree, and @code{gammainc} is applied element-by-element.\n\nBy default the incomplete gamma function integrated from 0 to @var{x} is\ncomputed. If @qcode{\"upper\"} is given then the complementary function\nintegrated from @var{x} to infinity is calculated. It should be noted that\n\n@example\ngammainc (@var{x}, @var{a}) @equiv{} 1 - gammainc (@var{x}, @var{a}, \"upper\")\n@end example\n@seealso{gamma, lgamma}\n@end deftypefn")
811 }
813 static void
815 {
816 // DO NOT EDIT! Generated automatically by mkdefs.
817  XDEFUN_FILE_NAME ("libinterp/corefcn/")
818  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (gcd, args, nargout, "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {@var{g} =} gcd (@var{a1}, @var{a2}, @dots{})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {[@var{g}, @var{v1}, @dots{}] =} gcd (@var{a1}, @var{a2}, @dots{})\n\nCompute the greatest common divisor of @var{a1}, @var{a2}, @dots{}. If more\nthan one argument is given all arguments must be the same size or scalar.\nIn this case the greatest common divisor is calculated for each element\nindividually. All elements must be ordinary or Gaussian (complex)\nintegers. Note that for Gaussian integers, the gcd is not unique up to\nunits (multiplication by 1, -1, @var{i} or -@var{i}), so an arbitrary\ngreatest common divisor amongst four possible is returned.\n\nExample code:\n\n@example\n@group\ngcd ([15, 9], [20, 18])\n @result{} 5 9\n@end group\n@end example\n\nOptional return arguments @var{v1}, etc., contain integer vectors such\nthat,\n\n@tex\n$g = v_1 a_1 + v_2 a_2 + \\cdots$\n@end tex\n@ifnottex\n\n@example\n@var{g} = @var{v1} .* @var{a1} + @var{v2} .* @var{a2} + @dots{}\n@end example\n\n@end ifnottex\n\n@seealso{lcm, factor}\n@end deftypefn")
819 }
821 static void
823 {
824 // DO NOT EDIT! Generated automatically by mkdefs.
825  XDEFUN_FILE_NAME ("libinterp/corefcn/")
826  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (getgrent, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {@var{grp_struct} =} getgrent ()\nReturn an entry from the group database, opening it if necessary.\nOnce the end of data has been reached, @code{getgrent} returns 0.\n@end deftypefn")
827  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (getgrgid, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {@var{grp_struct} =} getgrgid (@var{gid}).\nReturn the first entry from the group database with the group ID\n@var{gid}. If the group ID does not exist in the database,\n@code{getgrgid} returns 0.\n@end deftypefn")
828  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (getgrnam, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {@var{grp_struct} =} getgrnam (@var{name})\nReturn the first entry from the group database with the group name\n@var{name}. If the group name does not exist in the database,\n@code{getgrnam} returns 0.\n@end deftypefn")
829  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (setgrent, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} setgrent ()\nReturn the internal pointer to the beginning of the group database.\n@end deftypefn")
830  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (endgrent, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} endgrent ()\nClose the group database.\n@end deftypefn")
831 }
833 static void
835 {
836 // DO NOT EDIT! Generated automatically by mkdefs.
837  XDEFUN_FILE_NAME ("libinterp/corefcn/")
838  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (getpwent, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {@var{pw_struct} =} getpwent ()\nReturn a structure containing an entry from the password database,\nopening it if necessary. Once the end of the data has been reached,\n@code{getpwent} returns 0.\n@end deftypefn")
839  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (getpwuid, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {@var{pw_struct} =} getpwuid (@var{uid}).\nReturn a structure containing the first entry from the password database\nwith the user ID @var{uid}. If the user ID does not exist in the\ndatabase, @code{getpwuid} returns 0.\n@end deftypefn")
840  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (getpwnam, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {@var{pw_struct} =} getpwnam (@var{name})\nReturn a structure containing the first entry from the password database\nwith the user name @var{name}. If the user name does not exist in the\ndatabase, @code{getpwname} returns 0.\n@end deftypefn")
841  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (setpwent, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} setpwent ()\nReturn the internal pointer to the beginning of the password database.\n@end deftypefn")
842  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (endpwent, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} endpwent ()\nClose the password database.\n@end deftypefn")
843 }
845 static void
847 {
848 // DO NOT EDIT! Generated automatically by mkdefs.
849  XDEFUN_FILE_NAME ("libinterp/corefcn/")
850  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (getrusage, , , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} getrusage ()\nReturn a structure containing a number of statistics about the current\nOctave process. Not all fields are available on all systems. If it is\nnot possible to get CPU time statistics, the CPU time slots are set to\nzero. Other missing data are replaced by NaN@. The list of possible\nfields is:\n\n@table @code\n@item idrss\nUnshared data size.\n\n@item inblock\nNumber of block input operations.\n\n@item isrss\nUnshared stack size.\n\n@item ixrss\nShared memory size.\n\n@item majflt\nNumber of major page faults.\n\n@item maxrss\nMaximum data size.\n\n@item minflt\nNumber of minor page faults.\n\n@item msgrcv\nNumber of messages received.\n\n@item msgsnd\nNumber of messages sent.\n\n@item nivcsw\nNumber of involuntary context switches.\n\n@item nsignals\nNumber of signals received.\n\n@item nswap\nNumber of swaps.\n\n@item nvcsw\nNumber of voluntary context switches.\n\n@item oublock\nNumber of block output operations.\n\n@item stime\nA structure containing the system CPU time used. The structure has the\nelements @code{sec} (seconds) @code{usec} (microseconds).\n\n@item utime\nA structure containing the user CPU time used. The structure has the\nelements @code{sec} (seconds) @code{usec} (microseconds).\n@end table\n@end deftypefn")
851 }
853 static void
855 {
856 // DO NOT EDIT! Generated automatically by mkdefs.
857  XDEFUN_FILE_NAME ("libinterp/corefcn/")
858  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (givens, args, nargout, "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {@var{g} =} givens (@var{x}, @var{y})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {[@var{c}, @var{s}] =} givens (@var{x}, @var{y})\n@tex\nReturn a $2\\times 2$ orthogonal matrix\n$$\n G = \\left[\\matrix{c & s\\cr -s'& c\\cr}\\right]\n$$\nsuch that\n$$\n G \\left[\\matrix{x\\cr y}\\right] = \\left[\\matrix{\\ast\\cr 0}\\right]\n$$\nwith $x$ and $y$ scalars.\n@end tex\n@ifnottex\nReturn a 2 by 2 orthogonal matrix\n@code{@var{g} = [@var{c} @var{s}; -@var{s}' @var{c}]} such that\n@code{@var{g} [@var{x}; @var{y}] = [*; 0]} with @var{x} and @var{y} scalars.\n@end ifnottex\n\nFor example:\n\n@example\n@group\ngivens (1, 1)\n @result{} 0.70711 0.70711\n -0.70711 0.70711\n@end group\n@end example\n@end deftypefn")
859 }
861 static void
863 {
864 // DO NOT EDIT! Generated automatically by mkdefs.
865  XDEFUN_FILE_NAME ("libinterp/corefcn/")
866  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (ishandle, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} ishandle (@var{h})\nReturn true if @var{h} is a graphics handle and false otherwise.\n\n@var{h} may also be a matrix of handles in which case a logical\narray is returned that is true where the elements of @var{h} are\ngraphics handles and false where they are not.\n@seealso{isaxes, isfigure}\n@end deftypefn")
867  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (__is_handle_visible__, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} __is_handle_visible__ (@var{h})\nUndocumented internal function.\n@end deftypefn")
868  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (reset, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} reset (@var{h}, @var{property})\nRemove any defaults set for the handle @var{h}. The default figure\nproperties of @qcode{\"position\"}, @qcode{\"units\"},\n@qcode{\"windowstyle\"} and @qcode{\"paperunits\"} and the default axes\nproperties of @qcode{\"position\"} and @qcode{\"units\"} are not reset.\n@seealso{cla, clf}\n@end deftypefn")
869  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (set, args, nargout, "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} set (@var{h}, @var{property}, @var{value}, @dots{})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} set (@var{h}, @var{properties}, @var{values})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} set (@var{h}, @var{pv})\nSet named property values for the graphics handle (or vector of graphics\nhandles) @var{h}.\nThere are three ways how to give the property names and values:\n\n@itemize\n@item as a comma separated list of @var{property}, @var{value} pairs\n\nHere, each @var{property} is a string containing the property name, each\n@var{value} is a value of the appropriate type for the property.\n\n@item as a cell array of strings @var{properties} containing property names\nand a cell array @var{values} containing property values.\n\nIn this case, the number of columns of @var{values} must match the number of\nelements in @var{properties}. The first column of @var{values} contains\nvalues for the first entry in @var{properties}, etc. The number of rows of\n@var{values} must be 1 or match the number of elements of @var{h}. In the\nfirst case, each handle in @var{h} will be assigned the same values. In the\nlatter case, the first handle in @var{h} will be assigned the values from\nthe first row of @var{values} and so on.\n\n@item as a structure array @var{pv}\n\nHere, the field names of @var{pv} represent the property names, and the field\nvalues give the property values. In contrast to the previous case, all\nelements of @var{pv} will be set in all handles in @var{h} independent of\nthe dimensions of @var{pv}.\n@end itemize\n@seealso{get}\n@end deftypefn")
870  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (get, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {@var{val} =} get (@var{h})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {@var{val} =} get (@var{h}, @var{p})\nReturn the value of the named property @var{p} from the graphics handle\n@var{h}. If @var{p} is omitted, return the complete property list for\n@var{h}. If @var{h} is a vector, return a cell array including the property\nvalues or lists respectively.\n@seealso{set}\n@end deftypefn")
871  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (__get__, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} __get__ (@var{h})\nUndocumented internal function.\n@end deftypefn")
872  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (__go_figure__, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} __go_figure__ (@var{fignum})\nUndocumented internal function.\n@end deftypefn")
873  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (__calc_dimensions__, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} __calc_dimensions__ (@var{axes})\nInternal function. Determine the number of dimensions in a graphics\nobject, whether 2 or 3.\n@end deftypefn")
874  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (__go_axes__, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} __go_axes__ (@var{parent})\nUndocumented internal function.\n@end deftypefn")
875  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (__go_line__, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} __go_line__ (@var{parent})\nUndocumented internal function.\n@end deftypefn")
876  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (__go_text__, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} __go_text__ (@var{parent})\nUndocumented internal function.\n@end deftypefn")
877  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (__go_image__, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} __go_image__ (@var{parent})\nUndocumented internal function.\n@end deftypefn")
878  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (__go_surface__, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} __go_surface__ (@var{parent})\nUndocumented internal function.\n@end deftypefn")
879  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (__go_patch__, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} __go_patch__ (@var{parent})\nUndocumented internal function.\n@end deftypefn")
880  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (__go_hggroup__, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} __go_hggroup__ (@var{parent})\nUndocumented internal function.\n@end deftypefn")
881  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (__go_uimenu__, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} __go_uimenu__ (@var{parent})\nUndocumented internal function.\n@end deftypefn")
882  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (__go_uicontrol__, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} __go_uicontrol__ (@var{parent})\nUndocumented internal function.\n@end deftypefn")
883  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (__go_uipanel__, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} __go_uipanel__ (@var{parent})\nUndocumented internal function.\n@end deftypefn")
884  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (__go_uicontextmenu__, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} __go_uicontextmenu__ (@var{parent})\nUndocumented internal function.\n@end deftypefn")
885  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (__go_uitoolbar__, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} __go_uitoolbar__ (@var{parent})\nUndocumented internal function.\n@end deftypefn")
886  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (__go_uipushtool__, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} __go_uipushtool__ (@var{parent})\nUndocumented internal function.\n@end deftypefn")
887  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (__go_uitoggletool__, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} __go_uitoggletool__ (@var{parent})\nUndocumented internal function.\n@end deftypefn")
888  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (__go_delete__, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} __go_delete__ (@var{h})\nUndocumented internal function.\n@end deftypefn")
889  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (__go_axes_init__, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} __go_axes_init__ (@var{h}, @var{mode})\nUndocumented internal function.\n@end deftypefn")
890  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (__go_handles__, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} __go_handles__ (@var{show_hidden})\nUndocumented internal function.\n@end deftypefn")
891  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (__go_figure_handles__, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} __go_figure_handles__ (@var{show_hidden})\nUndocumented internal function.\n@end deftypefn")
892  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (__go_execute_callback__, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} __go_execute_callback__ (@var{h}, @var{name})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} __go_execute_callback__ (@var{h}, @var{name}, @var{param})\nUndocumented internal function.\n@end deftypefn")
893  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (__image_pixel_size__, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {@var{px}, @var{py}} __image_pixel_size__ (@var{h})\nInternal function: returns the pixel size of the image in normalized units.\n@end deftypefn")
894  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (available_graphics_toolkits, , , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} available_graphics_toolkits ()\nReturn a cell array of registered graphics toolkits.\n@seealso{graphics_toolkit, register_graphics_toolkit}\n@end deftypefn")
895  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (register_graphics_toolkit, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} register_graphics_toolkit (@var{toolkit})\nList @var{toolkit} as an available graphics toolkit.\n@seealso{available_graphics_toolkits}\n@end deftypefn")
896  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (loaded_graphics_toolkits, , , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} loaded_graphics_toolkits ()\nReturn a cell array of the currently loaded graphics toolkits.\n@seealso{available_graphics_toolkits}\n@end deftypefn")
897  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (drawnow, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} drawnow ()\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} drawnow (\"expose\")\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} drawnow (@var{term}, @var{file}, @var{mono}, @var{debug_file})\nUpdate figure windows and their children. The event queue is flushed and\nany callbacks generated are executed. With the optional argument\n@qcode{\"expose\"}, only graphic objects are updated and no other events or\ncallbacks are processed.\nThe third calling form of @code{drawnow} is for debugging and is\nundocumented.\n@end deftypefn")
898  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (addlistener, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} addlistener (@var{h}, @var{prop}, @var{fcn})\nRegister @var{fcn} as listener for the property @var{prop} of the graphics\nobject @var{h}. Property listeners are executed (in order of registration)\nwhen the property is set. The new value is already available when the\nlisteners are executed.\n\n@var{prop} must be a string naming a valid property in @var{h}.\n\n@var{fcn} can be a function handle, a string or a cell array whose first\nelement is a function handle. If @var{fcn} is a function handle, the\ncorresponding function should accept at least 2 arguments, that will be\nset to the object handle and the empty matrix respectively. If @var{fcn}\nis a string, it must be any valid octave expression. If @var{fcn} is a cell\narray, the first element must be a function handle with the same signature\nas described above. The next elements of the cell array are passed\nas additional arguments to the function.\n\nExample:\n\n@example\n@group\nfunction my_listener (h, dummy, p1)\n fprintf (\"my_listener called with p1=%s\\n\", p1);\nendfunction\n\naddlistener (gcf, \"position\", @{@@my_listener, \"my string\"@})\n@end group\n@end example\n\n@seealso{addproperty, hggroup}\n@end deftypefn")
899  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (dellistener, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} dellistener (@var{h}, @var{prop}, @var{fcn})\nRemove the registration of @var{fcn} as a listener for the property\n@var{prop} of the graphics object @var{h}. The function @var{fcn} must\nbe the same variable (not just the same value), as was passed to the\noriginal call to @code{addlistener}.\n\nIf @var{fcn} is not defined then all listener functions of @var{prop}\nare removed.\n\nExample:\n\n@example\n@group\nfunction my_listener (h, dummy, p1)\n fprintf (\"my_listener called with p1=%s\\n\", p1);\nendfunction\n\nc = @{@@my_listener, \"my string\"@};\naddlistener (gcf, \"position\", c);\ndellistener (gcf, \"position\", c);\n@end group\n@end example\n\n@end deftypefn")
900  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (addproperty, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} addproperty (@var{name}, @var{h}, @var{type})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} addproperty (@var{name}, @var{h}, @var{type}, @var{arg}, @dots{})\nCreate a new property named @var{name} in graphics object @var{h}.\n@var{type} determines the type of the property to create. @var{args}\nusually contains the default value of the property, but additional\narguments might be given, depending on the type of the property.\n\nThe supported property types are:\n\n@table @code\n@item string\nA string property. @var{arg} contains the default string value.\n\n@item any\nAn @nospell{un-typed} property. This kind of property can hold any octave\nvalue. @var{args} contains the default value.\n\n@item radio\nA string property with a limited set of accepted values. The first\nargument must be a string with all accepted values separated by\na vertical bar ('|'). The default value can be marked by enclosing\nit with a '@{' '@}' pair. The default value may also be given as\nan optional second string argument.\n\n@item boolean\nA boolean property. This property type is equivalent to a radio\nproperty with \"on|off\" as accepted values. @var{arg} contains\nthe default property value.\n\n@item double\nA scalar double property. @var{arg} contains the default value.\n\n@item handle\nA handle property. This kind of property holds the handle of a\ngraphics object. @var{arg} contains the default handle value.\nWhen no default value is given, the property is initialized to\nthe empty matrix.\n\n@item data\nA data (matrix) property. @var{arg} contains the default data\nvalue. When no default value is given, the data is initialized to\nthe empty matrix.\n\n@item color\nA color property. @var{arg} contains the default color value.\nWhen no default color is given, the property is set to black.\nAn optional second string argument may be given to specify an\nadditional set of accepted string values (like a radio property).\n@end table\n\n@var{type} may also be the concatenation of a core object type and\na valid property name for that object type. The property created\nthen has the same characteristics as the referenced property (type,\npossible values, hidden state@dots{}). This allows to clone an existing\nproperty into the graphics object @var{h}.\n\nExamples:\n\n@example\n@group\naddproperty (\"my_property\", gcf, \"string\", \"a string value\");\naddproperty (\"my_radio\", gcf, \"radio\", \"val_1|val_2|@{val_3@}\");\naddproperty (\"my_style\", gcf, \"linelinestyle\", \"--\");\n@end group\n@end example\n\n@seealso{addlistener, hggroup}\n@end deftypefn")
901  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (waitfor, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} waitfor (@var{h})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} waitfor (@var{h}, @var{prop})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} waitfor (@var{h}, @var{prop}, @var{value})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} waitfor (@dots{}, \"timeout\", @var{timeout})\nSuspend the execution of the current program until a condition is\nsatisfied on the graphics handle @var{h}.\n\nWhile the program is suspended graphics events are still being processed\nnormally, allowing callbacks to modify the state of graphics objects. This\nfunction is reentrant and can be called from a callback, while another\n@code{waitfor} call is pending at the top-level.\n\nIn the first form, program execution is suspended until the graphics object\n@var{h} is destroyed. If the graphics handle is invalid, the function\nreturns immediately.\n\nIn the second form, execution is suspended until the graphics object is\ndestroyed or the property named @var{prop} is modified. If the graphics\nhandle is invalid or the property does not exist, the function returns\nimmediately.\n\nIn the third form, execution is suspended until the graphics object is\ndestroyed or the property named @var{prop} is set to @var{value}. The\nfunction @code{isequal} is used to compare property values. If the graphics\nhandle is invalid, the property does not exist or the property is already\nset to @var{value}, the function returns immediately.\n\nAn optional timeout can be specified using the property @code{timeout}.\nThis timeout value is the number of seconds to wait for the condition to be\ntrue. @var{timeout} must be at least 1. If a smaller value is specified, a\nwarning is issued and a value of 1 is used instead. If the timeout value is\nnot an integer, it is truncated towards 0.\n\nTo define a condition on a property named @code{timeout}, use the string\n@code{\\timeout} instead.\n\nIn all cases, typing CTRL-C stops program execution immediately.\n@seealso{waitforbuttonpress, isequal}\n@end deftypefn")
902 }
904 static void
906 {
907 // DO NOT EDIT! Generated automatically by mkdefs.
908  XDEFUN_FILE_NAME ("libinterp/corefcn/")
909  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (built_in_docstrings_file, args, nargout, "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {@var{val} =} built_in_docstrings_file ()\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {@var{old_val} =} built_in_docstrings_file (@var{new_val})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} built_in_docstrings_file (@var{new_val}, \"local\")\nQuery or set the internal variable that specifies the name of the\nfile containing docstrings for built-in Octave functions.\nThe default value is\n@file{@var{octave-home}/share/octave/@var{version}/etc/built-in-docstrings},\nin which @var{octave-home} is the root directory of the Octave installation,\nand @var{version} is the Octave version number.\nThe default value may be overridden by the environment variable\n@w{@env{OCTAVE_BUILT_IN_DOCSTRINGS_FILE}}, or the command line argument\n@samp{--built-in-docstrings-file FNAME}.\n\nNote: This variable is only used when Octave is initializing itself.\nModifying it during a running session of Octave will have no effect.\n@end deftypefn")
910  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (get_help_text, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {[@var{text}, @var{format}] =} get_help_text (@var{name})\nReturn the raw help text of function @var{name}.\n\nThe raw help text is returned in @var{text} and the format in @var{format}\nThe format is a string which is one of @qcode{\"texinfo\"},\n@qcode{\"html\"}, or @qcode{\"plain text\"}.\n@end deftypefn")
911  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (get_help_text_from_file, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {[@var{text}, @var{format}] =} get_help_text_from_file (@var{fname})\nReturn the raw help text from the file @var{fname}.\n\nThe raw help text is returned in @var{text} and the format in @var{format}\nThe format is a string which is one of @qcode{\"texinfo\"},\n@qcode{\"html\"}, or @qcode{\"plain text\"}.\n@end deftypefn")
912  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (__operators__, , , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Function File} __operators__ ()\nUndocumented internal function.\n@end deftypefn")
913  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (__keywords__, , , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Function File} __keywords__ ()\nUndocumented internal function.\n@end deftypefn")
914  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (__builtins__, , , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Function File} __builtins__ ()\nUndocumented internal function.\n@end deftypefn")
915  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (__which__, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} __which__ (@var{name}, @dots{})\nUndocumented internal function.\n@end deftypefn")
916  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (__list_functions__, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Function File} {@var{retval} =} __list_functions__ ()\n@deftypefnx {Function File} {@var{retval} =} __list_functions__ (@var{directory})\nUndocumented internal function.\n@end deftypefn")
917  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (doc_cache_file, args, nargout, "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {@var{val} =} doc_cache_file ()\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {@var{old_val} =} doc_cache_file (@var{new_val})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} doc_cache_file (@var{new_val}, \"local\")\nQuery or set the internal variable that specifies the name of the\nOctave documentation cache file. A cache file significantly improves\nthe performance of the @code{lookfor} command. The default value is \n@file{@var{octave-home}/share/octave/@var{version}/etc/doc-cache},\nin which @var{octave-home} is the root directory of the Octave installation,\nand @var{version} is the Octave version number.\nThe default value may be overridden by the environment variable\n@w{@env{OCTAVE_DOC_CACHE_FILE}}, or the command line argument\n@samp{--doc-cache-file FNAME}.\n\nWhen called from inside a function with the @qcode{\"local\"} option, the\nvariable is changed locally for the function and any subroutines it calls. \nThe original variable value is restored when exiting the function.\n@seealso{doc_cache_create, lookfor, info_program, doc, help, makeinfo_program}\n@end deftypefn")
918  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (texi_macros_file, args, nargout, "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {@var{val} =} texi_macros_file ()\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {@var{old_val} =} texi_macros_file (@var{new_val})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} texi_macros_file (@var{new_val}, \"local\")\nQuery or set the internal variable that specifies the name of the\nfile containing Texinfo macros that are prepended to documentation strings\nbefore they are passed to makeinfo. The default value is \n@file{@var{octave-home}/share/octave/@var{version}/etc/macros.texi},\nin which @var{octave-home} is the root directory of the Octave installation,\nand @var{version} is the Octave version number.\nThe default value may be overridden by the environment variable\n@w{@env{OCTAVE_TEXI_MACROS_FILE}}, or the command line argument\n@samp{--texi-macros-file FNAME}.\n\nWhen called from inside a function with the @qcode{\"local\"} option, the\nvariable is changed locally for the function and any subroutines it calls. \nThe original variable value is restored when exiting the function.\n@seealso{makeinfo_program}\n@end deftypefn")
919  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (info_file, args, nargout, "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {@var{val} =} info_file ()\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {@var{old_val} =} info_file (@var{new_val})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} info_file (@var{new_val}, \"local\")\nQuery or set the internal variable that specifies the name of the\nOctave info file. The default value is\n@file{@var{octave-home}/info/}, in\nwhich @var{octave-home} is the root directory of the Octave installation.\nThe default value may be overridden by the environment variable\n@w{@env{OCTAVE_INFO_FILE}}, or the command line argument\n@samp{--info-file FNAME}.\n\nWhen called from inside a function with the @qcode{\"local\"} option, the\nvariable is changed locally for the function and any subroutines it calls. \nThe original variable value is restored when exiting the function.\n@seealso{info_program, doc, help, makeinfo_program}\n@end deftypefn")
920  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (info_program, args, nargout, "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {@var{val} =} info_program ()\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {@var{old_val} =} info_program (@var{new_val})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} info_program (@var{new_val}, \"local\")\nQuery or set the internal variable that specifies the name of the\ninfo program to run. The default value is\n@file{@var{octave-home}/libexec/octave/@var{version}/exec/@var{arch}/info}\nin which @var{octave-home} is the root directory of the Octave installation,\n@var{version} is the Octave version number, and @var{arch}\nis the system type (for example, @code{i686-pc-linux-gnu}). The\ndefault value may be overridden by the environment variable\n@w{@env{OCTAVE_INFO_PROGRAM}}, or the command line argument\n@samp{--info-program NAME}.\n\nWhen called from inside a function with the @qcode{\"local\"} option, the\nvariable is changed locally for the function and any subroutines it calls. \nThe original variable value is restored when exiting the function.\n@seealso{info_file, doc, help, makeinfo_program}\n@end deftypefn")
921  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (makeinfo_program, args, nargout, "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {@var{val} =} makeinfo_program ()\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {@var{old_val} =} makeinfo_program (@var{new_val})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} makeinfo_program (@var{new_val}, \"local\")\nQuery or set the internal variable that specifies the name of the\nprogram that Octave runs to format help text containing\nTexinfo markup commands. The default value is @code{makeinfo}.\n\nWhen called from inside a function with the @qcode{\"local\"} option, the\nvariable is changed locally for the function and any subroutines it calls. \nThe original variable value is restored when exiting the function.\n@seealso{texi_macros_file, info_file, info_program, doc, help}\n@end deftypefn")
922  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (suppress_verbose_help_message, args, nargout, "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {@var{val} =} suppress_verbose_help_message ()\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {@var{old_val} =} suppress_verbose_help_message (@var{new_val})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} suppress_verbose_help_message (@var{new_val}, \"local\")\nQuery or set the internal variable that controls whether Octave\nwill add additional help information to the end of the output from\nthe @code{help} command and usage messages for built-in commands.\n\nWhen called from inside a function with the @qcode{\"local\"} option, the\nvariable is changed locally for the function and any subroutines it calls. \nThe original variable value is restored when exiting the function.\n@end deftypefn")
923 }
925 static void
927 {
928 // DO NOT EDIT! Generated automatically by mkdefs.
929  XDEFUN_FILE_NAME ("libinterp/corefcn/")
930  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (hess, args, nargout, "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {@var{H} =} hess (@var{A})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {[@var{P}, @var{H}] =} hess (@var{A})\n@cindex Hessenberg decomposition\nCompute the Hessenberg decomposition of the matrix @var{A}.\n\nThe Hessenberg decomposition is\n@tex\n$$\nA = PHP^T\n$$\nwhere $P$ is a square unitary matrix ($P^TP = I$), and $H$\nis upper Hessenberg ($H_{i,j} = 0, \\forall i \\ge j+1$).\n@end tex\n@ifnottex\n@code{@var{P} * @var{H} * @var{P}' = @var{A}} where @var{P} is a square\nunitary matrix (@code{@var{P}' * @var{P} = I}, using complex-conjugate\ntransposition) and @var{H} is upper Hessenberg\n(@code{@var{H}(i, j) = 0 forall i >= j+1)}.\n@end ifnottex\n\nThe Hessenberg decomposition is usually used as the first step in an\neigenvalue computation, but has other applications as well (see Golub,\nNash, and Van Loan, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 1979).\n@seealso{eig, chol, lu, qr, qz, schur, svd}\n@end deftypefn")
931 }
933 static void
935 {
936 // DO NOT EDIT! Generated automatically by mkdefs.
937  XDEFUN_FILE_NAME ("libinterp/corefcn/")
938  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (hex2num, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {@var{n} =} hex2num (@var{s})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {@var{n} =} hex2num (@var{s}, @var{class})\nTypecast the 16 character hexadecimal character string to an IEEE 754\ndouble precision number. If fewer than 16 characters are given the\nstrings are right padded with @qcode{'0'} characters.\n\nGiven a string matrix, @code{hex2num} treats each row as a separate\nnumber.\n\n@example\n@group\nhex2num ([\"4005bf0a8b145769\"; \"4024000000000000\"])\n @result{} [2.7183; 10.000]\n@end group\n@end example\n\nThe optional argument @var{class} can be passed as the string\n@qcode{\"single\"} to specify that the given string should be interpreted as\na single precision number. In this case, @var{s} should be an 8 character\nhexadecimal string. For example: \n\n@example\n@group\nhex2num ([\"402df854\"; \"41200000\"], \"single\")\n @result{} [2.7183; 10.000]\n@end group\n@end example\n@seealso{num2hex, hex2dec, dec2hex}\n@end deftypefn")
939  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (num2hex, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {@var{s} =} num2hex (@var{n})\nTypecast a double or single precision number or vector to a 8 or 16\ncharacter hexadecimal string of the IEEE 754 representation of the number.\nFor example:\n\n@example\n@group\nnum2hex ([-1, 1, e, Inf])\n@result{} \"bff0000000000000\n 3ff0000000000000\n 4005bf0a8b145769\n 7ff0000000000000\"\n@end group\n@end example\n\nIf the argument @var{n} is a single precision number or vector, the returned\nstring has a length of 8. For example:\n\n@example\n@group\nnum2hex (single ([-1, 1, e, Inf]))\n@result{} \"bf800000\n 3f800000\n 402df854\n 7f800000\"\n@end group\n@end example\n@seealso{hex2num, hex2dec, dec2hex}\n@end deftypefn")
940 }
942 static void
944 {
945 // DO NOT EDIT! Generated automatically by mkdefs.
946  XDEFUN_FILE_NAME ("libinterp/corefcn/")
947  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (input, args, nargout, "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {@var{ans} =} input (@var{prompt})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {@var{ans} =} input (@var{prompt}, \"s\")\nPrint a prompt and wait for user input. For example,\n\n@example\ninput (\"Pick a number, any number! \")\n@end example\n\n@noindent\nprints the prompt\n\n@example\nPick a number, any number!\n@end example\n\n@noindent\nand waits for the user to enter a value. The string entered by the user\nis evaluated as an expression, so it may be a literal constant, a\nvariable name, or any other valid expression.\n\nCurrently, @code{input} only returns one value, regardless of the number\nof values produced by the evaluation of the expression.\n\nIf you are only interested in getting a literal string value, you can\ncall @code{input} with the character string @qcode{\"s\"} as the second\nargument. This tells Octave to return the string entered by the user\ndirectly, without evaluating it first.\n\nBecause there may be output waiting to be displayed by the pager, it is\na good idea to always call @code{fflush (stdout)} before calling\n@code{input}. This will ensure that all pending output is written to\nthe screen before your prompt.\n@seealso{yes_or_no, kbhit}\n@end deftypefn")
948  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (yes_or_no, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {@var{ans} =} yes_or_no (\"@var{prompt}\")\nAsk the user a yes-or-no question. Return logical true if the answer is yes\nor false if the answer is no. Takes one argument, @var{prompt}, which is\nthe string to display when asking the question. @var{prompt} should end in\na space; @code{yes-or-no} adds the string @samp{(yes or no) } to it. The\nuser must confirm the answer with @key{RET} and can edit it until it has\nbeen confirmed.\n@seealso{input}\n@end deftypefn")
949  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (keyboard, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} keyboard ()\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} keyboard (\"@var{prompt}\")\nThis function is normally used for simple debugging. When the\n@code{keyboard} function is executed, Octave prints a prompt and waits\nfor user input. The input strings are then evaluated and the results\nare printed. This makes it possible to examine the values of variables\nwithin a function, and to assign new values if necessary. To leave the\nprompt and return to normal execution type @samp{return} or @samp{dbcont}.\nThe @code{keyboard} function does not return an exit status.\n\nIf @code{keyboard} is invoked without arguments, a default prompt of\n@samp{debug> } is used.\n@seealso{dbcont, dbquit}\n@end deftypefn")
950  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (echo, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Command} {} echo options\nControl whether commands are displayed as they are executed. Valid\noptions are:\n\n@table @code\n@item on\nEnable echoing of commands as they are executed in script files.\n\n@item off\nDisable echoing of commands as they are executed in script files.\n\n@item on all\nEnable echoing of commands as they are executed in script files and\nfunctions.\n\n@item off all\nDisable echoing of commands as they are executed in script files and\nfunctions.\n@end table\n\n@noindent\nWith no arguments, @code{echo} toggles the current echo state.\n@end deftypefn")
951  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (completion_matches, args, nargout, "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} completion_matches (@var{hint})\nGenerate possible completions given @var{hint}.\n\nThis function is provided for the benefit of programs like Emacs which\nmight be controlling Octave and handling user input. The current\ncommand number is not incremented when this function is called. This is\na feature, not a bug.\n@end deftypefn")
952  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (readline_read_init_file, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} readline_read_init_file (@var{file})\nRead the readline library initialization file @var{file}. If\n@var{file} is omitted, read the default initialization file (normally\n@file{~/.inputrc}).\n\n@xref{Readline Init File, , , readline, GNU Readline Library},\nfor details.\n@seealso{readline_re_read_init_file}\n@end deftypefn")
953  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (readline_re_read_init_file, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} readline_re_read_init_file ()\nRe-read the last readline library initialization file that was read.\n@xref{Readline Init File, , , readline, GNU Readline Library},\nfor details.\n@seealso{readline_read_init_file}\n@end deftypefn")
954  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (add_input_event_hook, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {@var{id} =} add_input_event_hook (@var{fcn})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {@var{id} =} add_input_event_hook (@var{fcn}, @var{data})\nAdd the named function or function handle @var{fcn} to the list of functions\nto call periodically when Octave is waiting for input. The function should\nhave the form\n\n@example\n@var{fcn} (@var{data})\n@end example\n\nIf @var{data} is omitted, Octave calls the function without any\narguments.\n\nThe returned identifier may be used to remove the function handle from\nthe list of input hook functions.\n@seealso{remove_input_event_hook}\n@end deftypefn")
955  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (remove_input_event_hook, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} remove_input_event_hook (@var{name})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} remove_input_event_hook (@var{fcn_id})\nRemove the named function or function handle with the given identifier\nfrom the list of functions to call periodically when Octave is waiting\nfor input.\n@seealso{add_input_event_hook}\n@end deftypefn")
956  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (PS1, args, nargout, "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {@var{val} =} PS1 ()\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {@var{old_val} =} PS1 (@var{new_val})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} PS1 (@var{new_val}, \"local\")\nQuery or set the primary prompt string. When executing interactively,\nOctave displays the primary prompt when it is ready to read a command.\n\nThe default value of the primary prompt string is @qcode{\"octave:\\#> \"}.\nTo change it, use a command like\n\n@example\nPS1 (\"\\\\u@@\\\\H> \")\n@end example\n\n@noindent\nwhich will result in the prompt @samp{boris@@kremvax> } for the user\n@samp{boris} logged in on the host @samp{}. Note that two\nbackslashes are required to enter a backslash into a double-quoted\ncharacter string. @xref{Strings}.\n\nYou can also use ANSI escape sequences if your terminal supports them.\nThis can be useful for coloring the prompt. For example,\n\n@example\nPS1 (\"\\\\[\\\\033[01;31m\\\\]\\\\s:\\\\#> \\\\[\\\\033[0m\\\\]\")\n@end example\n\n@noindent\nwill give the default Octave prompt a red coloring.\n\nWhen called from inside a function with the @qcode{\"local\"} option, the\nvariable is changed locally for the function and any subroutines it calls. \nThe original variable value is restored when exiting the function.\n@seealso{PS2, PS4}\n@end deftypefn")
957  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (PS2, args, nargout, "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {@var{val} =} PS2 ()\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {@var{old_val} =} PS2 (@var{new_val})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} PS2 (@var{new_val}, \"local\")\nQuery or set the secondary prompt string. The secondary prompt is\nprinted when Octave is expecting additional input to complete a\ncommand. For example, if you are typing a @code{for} loop that spans several\nlines, Octave will print the secondary prompt at the beginning of\neach line after the first. The default value of the secondary prompt\nstring is @qcode{\"> \"}.\n\nWhen called from inside a function with the @qcode{\"local\"} option, the\nvariable is changed locally for the function and any subroutines it calls. \nThe original variable value is restored when exiting the function.\n@seealso{PS1, PS4}\n@end deftypefn")
958  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (PS4, args, nargout, "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {@var{val} =} PS4 ()\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {@var{old_val} =} PS4 (@var{new_val})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} PS4 (@var{new_val}, \"local\")\nQuery or set the character string used to prefix output produced\nwhen echoing commands is enabled.\nThe default value is @qcode{\"+ \"}.\n@xref{Diary and Echo Commands}, for a description of echoing commands.\n\nWhen called from inside a function with the @qcode{\"local\"} option, the\nvariable is changed locally for the function and any subroutines it calls. \nThe original variable value is restored when exiting the function.\n@seealso{echo, echo_executing_commands, PS1, PS2}\n@end deftypefn")
959  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (completion_append_char, args, nargout, "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {@var{val} =} completion_append_char ()\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {@var{old_val} =} completion_append_char (@var{new_val})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} completion_append_char (@var{new_val}, \"local\")\nQuery or set the internal character variable that is appended to\nsuccessful command-line completion attempts. The default\nvalue is @qcode{\" \"} (a single space).\n\nWhen called from inside a function with the @qcode{\"local\"} option, the\nvariable is changed locally for the function and any subroutines it calls. \nThe original variable value is restored when exiting the function.\n@end deftypefn")
960  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (echo_executing_commands, args, nargout, "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {@var{val} =} echo_executing_commands ()\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {@var{old_val} =} echo_executing_commands (@var{new_val})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} echo_executing_commands (@var{new_val}, \"local\")\nQuery or set the internal variable that controls the echo state.\nIt may be the sum of the following values:\n\n@table @asis\n@item 1\nEcho commands read from script files.\n\n@item 2\nEcho commands from functions.\n\n@item 4\nEcho commands read from command line.\n@end table\n\nMore than one state can be active at once. For example, a value of 3 is\nequivalent to the command @kbd{echo on all}.\n\nThe value of @code{echo_executing_commands} may be set by the @kbd{echo}\ncommand or the command line option @option{--echo-commands}.\n\nWhen called from inside a function with the @qcode{\"local\"} option, the\nvariable is changed locally for the function and any subroutines it calls. \nThe original variable value is restored when exiting the function.\n@end deftypefn")
961  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (__request_drawnow__, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} __request_drawnow__ ()\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} __request_drawnow__ (@var{flag})\nUndocumented internal function.\n@end deftypefn")
962  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (__gud_mode__, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} __gud_mode__ ()\nUndocumented internal function.\n@end deftypefn")
963  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (filemarker, args, nargout, "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {@var{val} =} filemarker ()\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} filemarker (@var{new_val})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} filemarker (@var{new_val}, \"local\")\nQuery or set the character used to separate filename from the\nthe subfunction names contained within the file. This can be used in\na generic manner to interact with subfunctions. For example,\n\n@example\nhelp ([\"myfunc\", filemarker, \"mysubfunc\"])\n@end example\n\n@noindent\nreturns the help string associated with the subfunction @code{mysubfunc}\nof the function @code{myfunc}. Another use of @code{filemarker} is when\ndebugging it allows easier placement of breakpoints within subfunctions.\nFor example,\n\n@example\ndbstop ([\"myfunc\", filemarker, \"mysubfunc\"])\n@end example\n\n@noindent\nwill set a breakpoint at the first line of the subfunction @code{mysubfunc}.\n\nWhen called from inside a function with the @qcode{\"local\"} option, the\nvariable is changed locally for the function and any subroutines it calls. \nThe original variable value is restored when exiting the function.\n@end deftypefn")
964 }
966 static void
968 {
969 // DO NOT EDIT! Generated automatically by mkdefs.
970  XDEFUN_FILE_NAME ("libinterp/corefcn/")
971  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (inv, args, nargout, "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {@var{x} =} inv (@var{A})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {[@var{x}, @var{rcond}] =} inv (@var{A})\nCompute the inverse of the square matrix @var{A}. Return an estimate\nof the reciprocal condition number if requested, otherwise warn of an\nill-conditioned matrix if the reciprocal condition number is small.\n\nIn general it is best to avoid calculating the inverse of a matrix\ndirectly. For example, it is both faster and more accurate to solve\nsystems of equations (@var{A}*@math{x} = @math{b}) with\n@code{@var{y} = @var{A} \\ @math{b}}, rather than\n@code{@var{y} = inv (@var{A}) * @math{b}}.\n\nIf called with a sparse matrix, then in general @var{x} will be a full\nmatrix requiring significantly more storage. Avoid forming the inverse\nof a sparse matrix if possible.\n@seealso{ldivide, rdivide}\n@end deftypefn")
972  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (inverse, args, nargout, "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {@var{x} =} inverse (@var{A})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {[@var{x}, @var{rcond}] =} inverse (@var{A})\nCompute the inverse of the square matrix @var{A}.\n\nThis is an alias for @code{inv}.\n@seealso{inv}\n@end deftypefn")
973 }
975 static void
977 {
978 // DO NOT EDIT! Generated automatically by mkdefs.
979  XDEFUN_FILE_NAME ("libinterp/corefcn/")
980  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (kron, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} kron (@var{A}, @var{B})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} kron (@var{A1}, @var{A2}, @dots{})\nForm the Kronecker product of two or more matrices, defined block by \nblock as\n\n@example\nx = [ a(i,j)*b ]\n@end example\n\nFor example:\n\n@example\n@group\nkron (1:4, ones (3, 1))\n @result{} 1 2 3 4\n 1 2 3 4\n 1 2 3 4\n@end group\n@end example\n\nIf there are more than two input arguments @var{A1}, @var{A2}, @dots{}, \n@var{An} the Kronecker product is computed as\n\n@example\nkron (kron (@var{A1}, @var{A2}), @dots{}, @var{An})\n@end example\n\n@noindent\nSince the Kronecker product is associative, this is well-defined.\n@end deftypefn")
981 }
983 static void
985 {
986 // DO NOT EDIT! Generated automatically by mkdefs.
987  XDEFUN_FILE_NAME ("libinterp/corefcn/")
988  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (genpath, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} genpath (@var{dir})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} genpath (@var{dir}, @var{skip}, @dots{})\nReturn a path constructed from @var{dir} and all its subdirectories.\nIf additional string parameters are given, the resulting path will\nexclude directories with those names.\n@end deftypefn")
989  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (rehash, , , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} rehash ()\nReinitialize Octave's load path directory cache.\n@end deftypefn")
990  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (command_line_path, , , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} command_line_path (@dots{})\nReturn the command line path variable.\n\n@seealso{path, addpath, rmpath, genpath, pathdef, savepath, pathsep}\n@end deftypefn")
991  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (restoredefaultpath, , , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} restoredefaultpath (@dots{})\nRestore Octave's path to its initial state at startup.\n\n@seealso{path, addpath, rmpath, genpath, pathdef, savepath, pathsep}\n@end deftypefn")
992  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (__pathorig__, , , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {@var{val} =} __pathorig__ ()\nUndocumented internal function.\n@end deftypefn")
993  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (path, args, nargout, "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} path (@dots{})\nModify or display Octave's load path.\n\nIf @var{nargin} and @var{nargout} are zero, display the elements of\nOctave's load path in an easy to read format.\n\nIf @var{nargin} is zero and nargout is greater than zero, return the\ncurrent load path.\n\nIf @var{nargin} is greater than zero, concatenate the arguments,\nseparating them with @code{pathsep}. Set the internal search path\nto the result and return it.\n\nNo checks are made for duplicate elements.\n@seealso{addpath, rmpath, genpath, pathdef, savepath, pathsep}\n@end deftypefn")
994  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (addpath, args, nargout, "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} addpath (@var{dir1}, @dots{})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} addpath (@var{dir1}, @dots{}, @var{option})\nAdd named directories to the function search path. If\n@var{option} is @qcode{\"-begin\"} or 0 (the default), prepend the\ndirectory name to the current path. If @var{option} is @qcode{\"-end\"}\nor 1, append the directory name to the current path.\nDirectories added to the path must exist.\n\nIn addition to accepting individual directory arguments, lists of\ndirectory names separated by @code{pathsep} are also accepted. For example:\n\n@example\naddpath (\"dir1:/dir2:~/dir3\")\n@end example\n@seealso{path, rmpath, genpath, pathdef, savepath, pathsep}\n@end deftypefn")
995  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (rmpath, args, nargout, "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} rmpath (@var{dir1}, @dots{})\nRemove @var{dir1}, @dots{} from the current function search path.\n\nIn addition to accepting individual directory arguments, lists of\ndirectory names separated by @code{pathsep} are also accepted. For example:\n\n@example\nrmpath (\"dir1:/dir2:~/dir3\")\n@end example\n@seealso{path, addpath, genpath, pathdef, savepath, pathsep}\n@end deftypefn")
996 }
998 static void
1000 {
1001 // DO NOT EDIT! Generated automatically by mkdefs.
1002  XDEFUN_FILE_NAME ("libinterp/corefcn/")
1003  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (load, args, nargout, "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Command} {} load file\n@deftypefnx {Command} {} load options file\n@deftypefnx {Command} {} load options file v1 v2 @dots{}\n@deftypefnx {Command} {S =} load (\"options\", \"file\", \"v1\", \"v2\", @dots{})\n@deftypefnx {Command} {} load file options\n@deftypefnx {Command} {} load file options v1 v2 @dots{}\n@deftypefnx {Command} {S =} load (\"file\", \"options\", \"v1\", \"v2\", @dots{})\nLoad the named variables @var{v1}, @var{v2}, @dots{}, from the file\n@var{file}. If no variables are specified then all variables found in the\nfile will be loaded. As with @code{save}, the list of variables to extract\ncan be full names or use a pattern syntax. The format of the file is\nautomatically detected but may be overridden by supplying the appropriate\noption.\n\nIf load is invoked using the functional form\n\n@example\nload (\"-option1\", @dots{}, \"file\", \"v1\", @dots{})\n@end example\n\n@noindent\nthen the @var{options}, @var{file}, and variable name arguments\n(@var{v1}, @dots{}) must be specified as character strings.\n\nIf a variable that is not marked as global is loaded from a file when a\nglobal symbol with the same name already exists, it is loaded in the\nglobal symbol table. Also, if a variable is marked as global in a file\nand a local symbol exists, the local symbol is moved to the global\nsymbol table and given the value from the file.\n\nIf invoked with a single output argument, Octave returns data instead\nof inserting variables in the symbol table. If the data file contains\nonly numbers (TAB- or space-delimited columns), a matrix of values is\nreturned. Otherwise, @code{load} returns a structure with members\n corresponding to the names of the variables in the file.\n\nThe @code{load} command can read data stored in Octave's text and\nbinary formats, and @sc{matlab}'s binary format. If compiled with zlib\nsupport, it can also load gzip-compressed files. It will automatically\ndetect the type of file and do conversion from different floating point\nformats (currently only IEEE big and little endian, though other formats\nmay be added in the future).\n\nValid options for @code{load} are listed in the following table.\n\n@table @code\n@item -force\nThis option is accepted for backward compatibility but is ignored.\nOctave now overwrites variables currently in memory with\nthose of the same name found in the file.\n\n@item -ascii\nForce Octave to assume the file contains columns of numbers in text format\nwithout any header or other information. Data in the file will be loaded\nas a single numeric matrix with the name of the variable derived from the\nname of the file.\n\n@item -binary\nForce Octave to assume the file is in Octave's binary format.\n\n@item -hdf5\nForce Octave to assume the file is in @sc{hdf5} format.\n(@sc{hdf5} is a free, portable binary format developed by the National\nCenter for Supercomputing Applications at the University of Illinois.)\nNote that Octave can read @sc{hdf5} files not created by itself, but may\nskip some datasets in formats that it cannot support. This format is\nonly available if Octave was built with a link to the @sc{hdf5} libraries.\n\n@item -import\nThis option is accepted for backward compatibility but is ignored.\nOctave can now support multi-dimensional HDF data and automatically\nmodifies variable names if they are invalid Octave identifiers.\n\n@item -mat\n@itemx -mat-binary\n@itemx -6\n@itemx -v6\n@itemx -7\n@itemx -v7\nForce Octave to assume the file is in @sc{matlab}'s version 6 or 7 binary\nformat.\n\n@item -mat4-binary\n@itemx -4\n@itemx -v4\n@itemx -V4\nForce Octave to assume the file is in the binary format written by\n@sc{matlab} version 4.\n\n@item -text\nForce Octave to assume the file is in Octave's text format.\n@end table\n@seealso{save, dlmwrite, csvwrite, fwrite}\n@end deftypefn")
1004  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (save, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Command} {} save file\n@deftypefnx {Command} {} save options file\n@deftypefnx {Command} {} save options file @var{v1} @var{v2} @dots{}\n@deftypefnx {Command} {} save options file -struct @var{STRUCT} @var{f1} @var{f2} @dots{}\nSave the named variables @var{v1}, @var{v2}, @dots{}, in the file\n@var{file}. The special filename @samp{-} may be used to write\noutput to the terminal. If no variable names are listed, Octave saves\nall the variables in the current scope. Otherwise, full variable names or\npattern syntax can be used to specify the variables to save.\nIf the @option{-struct} modifier is used, fields @var{f1} @var{f2} @dots{}\nof the scalar structure @var{STRUCT} are saved as if they were variables\nwith corresponding names.\nValid options for the @code{save} command are listed in the following table.\nOptions that modify the output format override the format specified by\n@code{save_default_options}.\n\nIf save is invoked using the functional form\n\n@example\nsave (\"-option1\", @dots{}, \"file\", \"v1\", @dots{})\n@end example\n\n@noindent\nthen the @var{options}, @var{file}, and variable name arguments\n(@var{v1}, @dots{}) must be specified as character strings.\n\n@table @code\n@item -append\nAppend to the destination instead of overwriting.\n\n@item -ascii\nSave a single matrix in a text file without header or any other information.\n\n@item -binary\nSave the data in Octave's binary data format.\n\n@item -float-binary\nSave the data in Octave's binary data format but only using single\nprecision. Only use this format if you know that all the\nvalues to be saved can be represented in single precision.\n\n@item -hdf5\nSave the data in @sc{hdf5} format.\n(HDF5 is a free, portable binary format developed by the National\nCenter for Supercomputing Applications at the University of Illinois.)\nThis format is only available if Octave was built with a link to the\n@sc{hdf5} libraries.\n\n@item -float-hdf5\nSave the data in @sc{hdf5} format but only using single precision.\nOnly use this format if you know that all the\nvalues to be saved can be represented in single precision.\n\n@item -V7\n@itemx -v7\n@itemx -7\n@itemx -mat7-binary\nSave the data in @sc{matlab}'s v7 binary data format.\n\n@item -V6\n@itemx -v6\n@itemx -6\n@itemx -mat\n@itemx -mat-binary\nSave the data in @sc{matlab}'s v6 binary data format.\n\n@item -V4\n@itemx -v4\n@itemx -4\n@itemx -mat4-binary\nSave the data in the binary format written by @sc{matlab} version 4.\n\n@item -text\nSave the data in Octave's text data format. (default).\n\n@item -zip\n@itemx -z\nUse the gzip algorithm to compress the file. This works equally on files\nthat are compressed with gzip outside of octave, and gzip can equally be\nused to convert the files for backward compatibility.\nThis option is only available if Octave was built with a link to the zlib\nlibraries.\n@end table\n\nThe list of variables to save may use wildcard patterns containing\nthe following special characters:\n\n@table @code\n@item ?\nMatch any single character.\n\n@item *\nMatch zero or more characters.\n\n@item [ @var{list} ]\nMatch the list of characters specified by @var{list}. If the first\ncharacter is @code{!} or @code{^}, match all characters except those\nspecified by @var{list}. For example, the pattern @code{[a-zA-Z]} will\nmatch all lower and uppercase alphabetic characters.\n\nWildcards may also be used in the field name specifications when using\nthe @option{-struct} modifier (but not in the struct name itself).\n\n@end table\n\nExcept when using the @sc{matlab} binary data file format or the\n@samp{-ascii} format, saving global\nvariables also saves the global status of the variable. If the variable\nis restored at a later time using @samp{load}, it will be restored as a\nglobal variable.\n\nThe command\n\n@example\nsave -binary data a b*\n@end example\n\n@noindent\nsaves the variable @samp{a} and all variables beginning with @samp{b} to\nthe file @file{data} in Octave's binary format.\n@seealso{load, save_default_options, save_header_format_string, dlmread, csvread, fread}\n@end deftypefn")
1005  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (crash_dumps_octave_core, args, nargout, "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {@var{val} =} crash_dumps_octave_core ()\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {@var{old_val} =} crash_dumps_octave_core (@var{new_val})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} crash_dumps_octave_core (@var{new_val}, \"local\")\nQuery or set the internal variable that controls whether Octave tries\nto save all current variables to the file @file{octave-workspace} if it\ncrashes or receives a hangup, terminate or similar signal.\n\nWhen called from inside a function with the @qcode{\"local\"} option, the\nvariable is changed locally for the function and any subroutines it calls. \nThe original variable value is restored when exiting the function.\n@seealso{octave_core_file_limit, octave_core_file_name, octave_core_file_options}\n@end deftypefn")
1006  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (save_default_options, args, nargout, "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {@var{val} =} save_default_options ()\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {@var{old_val} =} save_default_options (@var{new_val})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} save_default_options (@var{new_val}, \"local\")\nQuery or set the internal variable that specifies the default options\nfor the @code{save} command, and defines the default format.\nTypical values include @qcode{\"-ascii\"}, @qcode{\"-text -zip\"}.\nThe default value is @option{-text}.\n\nWhen called from inside a function with the @qcode{\"local\"} option, the\nvariable is changed locally for the function and any subroutines it calls. \nThe original variable value is restored when exiting the function.\n@seealso{save}\n@end deftypefn")
1007  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (octave_core_file_limit, args, nargout, "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {@var{val} =} octave_core_file_limit ()\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {@var{old_val} =} octave_core_file_limit (@var{new_val})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} octave_core_file_limit (@var{new_val}, \"local\")\nQuery or set the internal variable that specifies the maximum amount\nof memory (in kilobytes) of the top-level workspace that Octave will\nattempt to save when writing data to the crash dump file (the name of\nthe file is specified by @var{octave_core_file_name}). If\n@var{octave_core_file_options} flags specify a binary format,\nthen @var{octave_core_file_limit} will be approximately the maximum\nsize of the file. If a text file format is used, then the file could\nbe much larger than the limit. The default value is -1 (unlimited)\n\nWhen called from inside a function with the @qcode{\"local\"} option, the\nvariable is changed locally for the function and any subroutines it calls. \nThe original variable value is restored when exiting the function.\n@seealso{crash_dumps_octave_core, octave_core_file_name, octave_core_file_options}\n@end deftypefn")
1008  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (octave_core_file_name, args, nargout, "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {@var{val} =} octave_core_file_name ()\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {@var{old_val} =} octave_core_file_name (@var{new_val})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} octave_core_file_name (@var{new_val}, \"local\")\nQuery or set the internal variable that specifies the name of the file\nused for saving data from the top-level workspace if Octave aborts.\nThe default value is @qcode{\"octave-workspace\"}\n\nWhen called from inside a function with the @qcode{\"local\"} option, the\nvariable is changed locally for the function and any subroutines it calls. \nThe original variable value is restored when exiting the function.\n@seealso{crash_dumps_octave_core, octave_core_file_name, octave_core_file_options}\n@end deftypefn")
1009  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (octave_core_file_options, args, nargout, "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {@var{val} =} octave_core_file_options ()\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {@var{old_val} =} octave_core_file_options (@var{new_val})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} octave_core_file_options (@var{new_val}, \"local\")\nQuery or set the internal variable that specifies the options used for\nsaving the workspace data if Octave aborts. The value of\n@code{octave_core_file_options} should follow the same format as the\noptions for the @code{save} function. The default value is Octave's binary\nformat.\n\nWhen called from inside a function with the @qcode{\"local\"} option, the\nvariable is changed locally for the function and any subroutines it calls. \nThe original variable value is restored when exiting the function.\n@seealso{crash_dumps_octave_core, octave_core_file_name, octave_core_file_limit}\n@end deftypefn")
1010  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (save_header_format_string, args, nargout, "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {@var{val} =} save_header_format_string ()\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {@var{old_val} =} save_header_format_string (@var{new_val})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} save_header_format_string (@var{new_val}, \"local\")\nQuery or set the internal variable that specifies the format\nstring used for the comment line written at the beginning of\ntext-format data files saved by Octave. The format string is\npassed to @code{strftime} and should begin with the character\n@samp{#} and contain no newline characters. If the value of\n@code{save_header_format_string} is the empty string,\nthe header comment is omitted from text-format data files. The\ndefault value is\n@c Set example in small font to prevent overfull line\n\n@smallexample\n\"# Created by Octave VERSION, %a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y %Z <USER@@HOST>\"\n@end smallexample\n\nWhen called from inside a function with the @qcode{\"local\"} option, the\nvariable is changed locally for the function and any subroutines it calls. \nThe original variable value is restored when exiting the function.\n@seealso{strftime, save}\n@end deftypefn")
1011 }
1013 static void
1015 {
1016 // DO NOT EDIT! Generated automatically by mkdefs.
1017  XDEFUN_FILE_NAME ("libinterp/corefcn/")
1018  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (lookup, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {@var{idx} =} lookup (@var{table}, @var{y})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {@var{idx} =} lookup (@var{table}, @var{y}, @var{opt})\nLookup values in a sorted table. Usually used as a prelude to\ninterpolation.\n\nIf table is increasing and @code{idx = lookup (table, y)}, then\n@code{table(idx(i)) <= y(i) < table(idx(i+1))} for all @code{y(i)}\nwithin the table. If @code{y(i) < table(1)} then\n@code{idx(i)} is 0. If @code{y(i) >= table(end)} or @code{isnan (y(i))} then\n@code{idx(i)} is @code{n}.\n\nIf the table is decreasing, then the tests are reversed.\nFor non-strictly monotonic tables, empty intervals are always skipped.\nThe result is undefined if @var{table} is not monotonic, or if\n@var{table} contains a NaN.\n\nThe complexity of the lookup is O(M*log(N)) where N is the size of\n@var{table} and M is the size of @var{y}. In the special case when @var{y}\nis also sorted, the complexity is O(min(M*log(N),M+N)).\n\n@var{table} and @var{y} can also be cell arrays of strings\n(or @var{y} can be a single string). In this case, string lookup\nis performed using lexicographical comparison.\n\nIf @var{opts} is specified, it must be a string with letters indicating\nadditional options.\n\n@table @code\n@item m\n@code{table(idx(i)) == val(i)} if @code{val(i)}\noccurs in table; otherwise, @code{idx(i)} is zero.\n\n@item b\n@code{idx(i)} is a logical 1 or 0, indicating whether\n@code{val(i)} is contained in table or not.\n\n@item l\nFor numeric lookups\nthe leftmost subinterval shall be extended to infinity (i.e., all indices\nat least 1)\n\n@item r\nFor numeric lookups\nthe rightmost subinterval shall be extended to infinity (i.e., all indices\nat most n-1).\n@end table\n@end deftypefn")
1019 }
1021 static void
1023 {
1024 // DO NOT EDIT! Generated automatically by mkdefs.
1025  XDEFUN_FILE_NAME ("libinterp/corefcn/")
1026  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (save_precision, args, nargout, "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {@var{val} =} save_precision ()\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {@var{old_val} =} save_precision (@var{new_val})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} save_precision (@var{new_val}, \"local\")\nQuery or set the internal variable that specifies the number of\ndigits to keep when saving data in text format.\n\nWhen called from inside a function with the @qcode{\"local\"} option, the\nvariable is changed locally for the function and any subroutines it calls.\nThe original variable value is restored when exiting the function.\n@end deftypefn")
1027 }
1029 static void
1031 {
1032 // DO NOT EDIT! Generated automatically by mkdefs.
1033  XDEFUN_FILE_NAME ("libinterp/corefcn/")
1034  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (lsode_options, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} lsode_options ()\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {val =} lsode_options (@var{opt})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} lsode_options (@var{opt}, @var{val})\nQuery or set options for the function @code{lsode}.\nWhen called with no arguments, the names of all available options and\ntheir current values are displayed.\nGiven one argument, return the value of the corresponding option.\nWhen called with two arguments, @code{lsode_options} set the option\n@var{opt} to value @var{val}.\n\nOptions include\n\n@table @code\n@item @qcode{\"absolute tolerance\"}\nAbsolute tolerance. May be either vector or scalar. If a vector, it\nmust match the dimension of the state vector.\n\n@item @qcode{\"relative tolerance\"}\nRelative tolerance parameter. Unlike the absolute tolerance, this\nparameter may only be a scalar.\n\nThe local error test applied at each integration step is\n\n@example\n@group\n abs (local error in x(i)) <= ...\n rtol * abs (y(i)) + atol(i)\n@end group\n@end example\n\n@item @qcode{\"integration method\"}\nA string specifying the method of integration to use to solve the ODE\nsystem. Valid values are\n\n@table @asis\n@item @qcode{\"adams\"}\n@itemx @qcode{\"non-stiff\"}\nNo Jacobian used (even if it is available).\n\n@item @qcode{\"bdf\"}\n@itemx @qcode{\"stiff\"}\nUse stiff backward differentiation formula (BDF) method. If a\nfunction to compute the Jacobian is not supplied, @code{lsode} will\ncompute a finite difference approximation of the Jacobian matrix.\n@end table\n\n@item @qcode{\"initial step size\"}\nThe step size to be attempted on the first step (default is determined\nautomatically).\n\n@item @qcode{\"maximum order\"}\nRestrict the maximum order of the solution method. If using the Adams\nmethod, this option must be between 1 and 12. Otherwise, it must be\nbetween 1 and 5, inclusive.\n\n@item @qcode{\"maximum step size\"}\nSetting the maximum stepsize will avoid passing over very large\nregions (default is not specified).\n\n@item @qcode{\"minimum step size\"}\nThe minimum absolute step size allowed (default is 0).\n\n@item @qcode{\"step limit\"}\nMaximum number of steps allowed (default is 100000).\n@end table\n@end deftypefn")
1035  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (lsode, args, nargout, "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {[@var{x}, @var{istate}, @var{msg}] =} lsode (@var{fcn}, @var{x_0}, @var{t})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {[@var{x}, @var{istate}, @var{msg}] =} lsode (@var{fcn}, @var{x_0}, @var{t}, @var{t_crit})\nSolve the set of differential equations\n@tex\n$$ {dx \\over dt} = f (x, t) $$\nwith\n$$ x(t_0) = x_0 $$\n@end tex\n@ifnottex\n\n@example\n@group\ndx\n-- = f (x, t)\ndt\n@end group\n@end example\n\n@noindent\nwith\n\n@example\nx(t_0) = x_0\n@end example\n\n@end ifnottex\nThe solution is returned in the matrix @var{x}, with each row\ncorresponding to an element of the vector @var{t}. The first element\nof @var{t} should be @math{t_0} and should correspond to the initial\nstate of the system @var{x_0}, so that the first row of the output\nis @var{x_0}.\n\nThe first argument, @var{fcn}, is a string, inline, or function handle\nthat names the function @math{f} to call to compute the vector of right\nhand sides for the set of equations. The function must have the form\n\n@example\n@var{xdot} = f (@var{x}, @var{t})\n@end example\n\n@noindent\nin which @var{xdot} and @var{x} are vectors and @var{t} is a scalar.\n\nIf @var{fcn} is a two-element string array or a two-element cell array\nof strings, inline functions, or function handles, the first element names\nthe function @math{f} described above, and the second element names a\nfunction to compute the Jacobian of @math{f}. The Jacobian function\nmust have the form\n\n@example\n@var{jac} = j (@var{x}, @var{t})\n@end example\n\n@noindent\nin which @var{jac} is the matrix of partial derivatives\n@tex\n$$ J = {\\partial f_i \\over \\partial x_j} = \\left[\\matrix{\n{\\partial f_1 \\over \\partial x_1}\n & {\\partial f_1 \\over \\partial x_2}\n & \\cdots\n & {\\partial f_1 \\over \\partial x_N} \\cr\n{\\partial f_2 \\over \\partial x_1}\n & {\\partial f_2 \\over \\partial x_2}\n & \\cdots\n & {\\partial f_2 \\over \\partial x_N} \\cr\n \\vdots & \\vdots & \\ddots & \\vdots \\cr\n{\\partial f_3 \\over \\partial x_1}\n & {\\partial f_3 \\over \\partial x_2}\n & \\cdots\n & {\\partial f_3 \\over \\partial x_N} \\cr}\\right]$$\n@end tex\n@ifnottex\n\n@example\n@group\n | df_1 df_1 df_1 |\n | ---- ---- ... ---- |\n | dx_1 dx_2 dx_N |\n | |\n | df_2 df_2 df_2 |\n | ---- ---- ... ---- |\n df_i | dx_1 dx_2 dx_N |\njac = ---- = | |\n dx_j | . . . . |\n | . . . . |\n | . . . . |\n | |\n | df_N df_N df_N |\n | ---- ---- ... ---- |\n | dx_1 dx_2 dx_N |\n@end group\n@end example\n\n@end ifnottex\n\nThe second and third arguments specify the initial state of the system,\n@math{x_0}, and the initial value of the independent variable @math{t_0}.\n\nThe fourth argument is optional, and may be used to specify a set of\ntimes that the ODE solver should not integrate past. It is useful for\navoiding difficulties with singularities and points where there is a\ndiscontinuity in the derivative.\n\nAfter a successful computation, the value of @var{istate} will be 2\n(consistent with the Fortran version of @sc{lsode}).\n\nIf the computation is not successful, @var{istate} will be something\nother than 2 and @var{msg} will contain additional information.\n\nYou can use the function @code{lsode_options} to set optional\nparameters for @code{lsode}.\n@seealso{daspk, dassl, dasrt}\n@end deftypefn")
1036 }
1038 static void
1040 {
1041 // DO NOT EDIT! Generated automatically by mkdefs.
1042  XDEFUN_FILE_NAME ("libinterp/corefcn/")
1043  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (lu, args, nargout, "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {[@var{L}, @var{U}] =} lu (@var{A})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {[@var{L}, @var{U}, @var{P}] =} lu (@var{A})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {[@var{L}, @var{U}, @var{P}, @var{Q}] =} lu (@var{S})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {[@var{L}, @var{U}, @var{P}, @var{Q}, @var{R}] =} lu (@var{S})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {[@dots{}] =} lu (@var{S}, @var{thres})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {@var{y} =} lu (@dots{})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {[@dots{}] =} lu (@dots{}, \"vector\")\n@cindex LU decomposition\nCompute the LU@tie{}decomposition of @var{A}. If @var{A} is full\nsubroutines from\n@sc{lapack} are used and if @var{A} is sparse then @sc{umfpack} is used. The\nresult is returned in a permuted form, according to the optional return\nvalue @var{P}. For example, given the matrix @code{a = [1, 2; 3, 4]},\n\n@example\n[l, u, p] = lu (@var{a})\n@end example\n\n@noindent\nreturns\n\n@example\n@group\nl =\n\n 1.00000 0.00000\n 0.33333 1.00000\n\nu =\n\n 3.00000 4.00000\n 0.00000 0.66667\n\np =\n\n 0 1\n 1 0\n@end group\n@end example\n\nThe matrix is not required to be square.\n\nWhen called with two or three output arguments and a spare input matrix,\n@code{lu} does not attempt to perform sparsity preserving column\npermutations. Called with a fourth output argument, the sparsity\npreserving column transformation @var{Q} is returned, such that\n@code{@var{P} * @var{A} * @var{Q} = @var{L} * @var{U}}.\n\nCalled with a fifth output argument and a sparse input matrix,\n@code{lu} attempts to use a scaling factor @var{R} on the input matrix\nsuch that\n@code{@var{P} * (@var{R} \\ @var{A}) * @var{Q} = @var{L} * @var{U}}.\nThis typically leads to a sparser and more stable factorization.\n\nAn additional input argument @var{thres}, that defines the pivoting\nthreshold can be given. @var{thres} can be a scalar, in which case\nit defines the @sc{umfpack} pivoting tolerance for both symmetric and\nunsymmetric cases. If @var{thres} is a 2-element vector, then the first\nelement defines the pivoting tolerance for the unsymmetric @sc{umfpack}\npivoting strategy and the second for the symmetric strategy. By default,\nthe values defined by @code{spparms} are used ([0.1, 0.001]).\n\nGiven the string argument @qcode{\"vector\"}, @code{lu} returns the values\nof @var{P} and @var{Q} as vector values, such that for full matrix,\n@code{@var{A} (@var{P},:) = @var{L} * @var{U}}, and @code{@var{R}(@var{P},:)\n* @var{A} (:, @var{Q}) = @var{L} * @var{U}}.\n\nWith two output arguments, returns the permuted forms of the upper and\nlower triangular matrices, such that @code{@var{A} = @var{L} * @var{U}}.\nWith one output argument @var{y}, then the matrix returned by the @sc{lapack}\nroutines is returned. If the input matrix is sparse then the matrix @var{L}\nis embedded into @var{U} to give a return value similar to the full case.\nFor both full and sparse matrices, @code{lu} loses the permutation\ninformation.\n@seealso{luupdate, chol, hess, qr, qz, schur, svd}\n@end deftypefn")
1044  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (luupdate, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {[@var{L}, @var{U}] =} luupdate (@var{L}, @var{U}, @var{x}, @var{y})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {[@var{L}, @var{U}, @var{P}] =} luupdate (@var{L}, @var{U}, @var{P}, @var{x}, @var{y})\nGiven an LU@tie{}factorization of a real or complex matrix\n@w{@var{A} = @var{L}*@var{U}}, @var{L}@tie{}lower unit trapezoidal and\n@var{U}@tie{}upper trapezoidal, return the LU@tie{}factorization\nof @w{@var{A} + @var{x}*@var{y}.'}, where @var{x} and @var{y} are\ncolumn vectors (rank-1 update) or matrices with equal number of columns\n(rank-k update).\nOptionally, row-pivoted updating can be used by supplying\na row permutation (pivoting) matrix @var{P};\nin that case, an updated permutation matrix is returned.\nNote that if @var{L}, @var{U}, @var{P} is a pivoted LU@tie{}factorization\nas obtained by @code{lu}:\n\n@example\n[@var{L}, @var{U}, @var{P}] = lu (@var{A});\n@end example\n\n@noindent\nthen a factorization of @tcode{@var{A}+@var{x}*@var{y}.'} can be obtained\neither as\n\n@example\n[@var{L1}, @var{U1}] = lu (@var{L}, @var{U}, @var{P}*@var{x}, @var{y})\n@end example\n\n@noindent\nor\n\n@example\n[@var{L1}, @var{U1}, @var{P1}] = lu (@var{L}, @var{U}, @var{P}, @var{x}, @var{y})\n@end example\n\nThe first form uses the unpivoted algorithm, which is faster, but less\nstable. The second form uses a slower pivoted algorithm, which is more\nstable.\n\nThe matrix case is done as a sequence of rank-1 updates;\nthus, for large enough k, it will be both faster and more accurate to\nrecompute the factorization from scratch.\n@seealso{lu, cholupdate, qrupdate}\n@end deftypefn")
1045 }
1047 static void
1049 {
1050 // DO NOT EDIT! Generated automatically by mkdefs.
1051  XDEFUN_FILE_NAME ("libinterp/corefcn/")
1052  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (luinc, args, nargout, "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {[@var{L}, @var{U}, @var{P}, @var{Q}] =} luinc (@var{A}, '0')\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {[@var{L}, @var{U}, @var{P}, @var{Q}] =} luinc (@var{A}, @var{droptol})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {[@var{L}, @var{U}, @var{P}, @var{Q}] =} luinc (@var{A}, @var{opts})\n@cindex LU decomposition\nProduce the incomplete LU@tie{}factorization of the sparse matrix @var{A}.\nTwo types of incomplete factorization are possible, and the type\nis determined by the second argument to @code{luinc}.\n\nCalled with a second argument of @qcode{'0'}, the zero-level incomplete\nLU@tie{}factorization is produced. This creates a factorization of @var{A}\nwhere the position of the non-zero arguments correspond to the same\npositions as in the matrix @var{A}.\n\nAlternatively, the fill-in of the incomplete LU@tie{}factorization can\nbe controlled through the variable @var{droptol} or the structure\n@var{opts}. The @sc{umfpack} multifrontal factorization code by Tim A.\nDavis is used for the incomplete LU@tie{}factorization, (availability\n@url{})\n\n@var{droptol} determines the values below which the values in the\nLU@tie{} factorization are dropped and replaced by zero. It must be a\npositive scalar, and any values in the factorization whose absolute value\nare less than this value are dropped, expect if leaving them increase the\nsparsity of the matrix. Setting @var{droptol} to zero results in a complete\nLU@tie{}factorization which is the default.\n\n@var{opts} is a structure containing one or more of the fields\n\n@table @code\n@item droptol\nThe drop tolerance as above. If @var{opts} only contains @code{droptol}\nthen this is equivalent to using the variable @var{droptol}.\n\n@item milu\nA logical variable flagging whether to use the modified incomplete\nLU@tie{} factorization. In the case that @code{milu} is true, the dropped\nvalues are subtracted from the diagonal of the matrix @var{U} of the\nfactorization. The default is @code{false}.\n\n@item udiag\nA logical variable that flags whether zero elements on the diagonal of\n@var{U} should be replaced with @var{droptol} to attempt to avoid singular\nfactors. The default is @code{false}.\n\n@item thresh\nDefines the pivot threshold in the interval [0,1]. Values outside that\nrange are ignored.\n@end table\n\nAll other fields in @var{opts} are ignored. The outputs from @code{luinc}\nare the same as for @code{lu}.\n\nGiven the string argument @qcode{\"vector\"}, @code{luinc} returns the\nvalues of @var{p} @var{q} as vector values.\n@seealso{sparse, lu}\n@end deftypefn")
1053 }
1055 static void
1057 {
1058 // DO NOT EDIT! Generated automatically by mkdefs.
1059  XDEFUN_FILE_NAME ("libinterp/corefcn/")
1060  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (abs, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Mapping Function} {} abs (@var{z})\nCompute the magnitude of @var{z}, defined as\n@tex\n$|z| = \\sqrt{x^2 + y^2}$.\n@end tex\n@ifnottex\n|@var{z}| = @code{sqrt (x^2 + y^2)}.\n@end ifnottex\n\nFor example:\n\n@example\n@group\nabs (3 + 4i)\n @result{} 5\n@end group\n@end example\n@end deftypefn")
1061  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (acos, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Mapping Function} {} acos (@var{x})\nCompute the inverse cosine in radians for each element of @var{x}.\n@seealso{cos, acosd}\n@end deftypefn")
1062  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (acosh, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Mapping Function} {} acosh (@var{x})\nCompute the inverse hyperbolic cosine for each element of @var{x}.\n@seealso{cosh}\n@end deftypefn")
1063  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (angle, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Mapping Function} {} angle (@var{z})\nSee arg.\n@end deftypefn")
1064  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (arg, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Mapping Function} {} arg (@var{z})\n@deftypefnx {Mapping Function} {} angle (@var{z})\nCompute the argument of @var{z}, defined as,\n@tex\n$\\theta = atan2 (y, x),$\n@end tex\n@ifnottex\n@var{theta} = @code{atan2 (@var{y}, @var{x})},\n@end ifnottex\nin radians.\n\nFor example:\n\n@example\n@group\narg (3 + 4i)\n @result{} 0.92730\n@end group\n@end example\n@end deftypefn")
1065  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (asin, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Mapping Function} {} asin (@var{x})\nCompute the inverse sine in radians for each element of @var{x}.\n@seealso{sin, asind}\n@end deftypefn")
1066  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (asinh, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Mapping Function} {} asinh (@var{x})\nCompute the inverse hyperbolic sine for each element of @var{x}.\n@seealso{sinh}\n@end deftypefn")
1067  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (atan, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Mapping Function} {} atan (@var{x})\nCompute the inverse tangent in radians for each element of @var{x}.\n@seealso{tan, atand}\n@end deftypefn")
1068  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (atanh, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Mapping Function} {} atanh (@var{x})\nCompute the inverse hyperbolic tangent for each element of @var{x}.\n@seealso{tanh}\n@end deftypefn")
1069  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (cbrt, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Mapping Function} {} cbrt (@var{x})\nCompute the real cube root of each element of @var{x}.\nUnlike @code{@var{x}^(1/3)}, the result will be negative if @var{x} is\nnegative.\n@seealso{nthroot}\n@end deftypefn")
1070  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (ceil, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Mapping Function} {} ceil (@var{x})\nReturn the smallest integer not less than @var{x}. This is equivalent to\nrounding towards positive infinity. If @var{x} is\ncomplex, return @code{ceil (real (@var{x})) + ceil (imag (@var{x})) * I}.\n\n@example\n@group\nceil ([-2.7, 2.7])\n @result{} -2 3\n@end group\n@end example\n@seealso{floor, round, fix}\n@end deftypefn")
1071  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (conj, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Mapping Function} {} conj (@var{z})\nReturn the complex conjugate of @var{z}, defined as\n@tex\n$\\bar{z} = x - iy$.\n@end tex\n@ifnottex\n@code{conj (@var{z})} = @var{x} - @var{i}@var{y}.\n@end ifnottex\n@seealso{real, imag}\n@end deftypefn")
1072  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (cos, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Mapping Function} {} cos (@var{x})\nCompute the cosine for each element of @var{x} in radians.\n@seealso{acos, cosd, cosh}\n@end deftypefn")
1073  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (cosh, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Mapping Function} {} cosh (@var{x})\nCompute the hyperbolic cosine for each element of @var{x}.\n@seealso{acosh, sinh, tanh}\n@end deftypefn")
1074  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (erf, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Mapping Function} {} erf (@var{z})\nCompute the error function,\n@tex\n$$\n {\\rm erf} (z) = {2 \\over \\sqrt{\\pi}}\\int_0^z e^{-t^2} dt\n$$\n@end tex\n@ifnottex\n\n@example\n@group\n z\n 2 /\nerf (z) = --------- * | e^(-t^2) dt\n sqrt (pi) /\n t=0\n@end group\n@end example\n\n@end ifnottex\n@seealso{erfc, erfcx, erfi, dawson, erfinv, erfcinv}\n@end deftypefn")
1075  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (erfinv, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Mapping Function} {} erfinv (@var{x})\nCompute the inverse error function, i.e., @var{y} such that\n\n@example\nerf (@var{y}) == @var{x}\n@end example\n@seealso{erf, erfc, erfcx, erfi, dawson, erfcinv}\n@end deftypefn")
1076  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (erfcinv, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Mapping Function} {} erfcinv (@var{x})\nCompute the inverse complementary error function, i.e., @var{y} such that\n\n@example\nerfc (@var{y}) == @var{x}\n@end example\n@seealso{erfc, erf, erfcx, erfi, dawson, erfinv}\n@end deftypefn")
1077  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (erfc, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Mapping Function} {} erfc (@var{z})\nCompute the complementary error function,\n@tex\n$1 - {\\rm erf} (z)$.\n@end tex\n@ifnottex\n@w{@code{1 - erf (@var{z})}}.\n@end ifnottex\n@seealso{erfcinv, erfcx, erfi, dawson, erf, erfinv}\n@end deftypefn")
1078  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (erfcx, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Mapping Function} {} erfcx (@var{z})\nCompute the scaled complementary error function,\n@tex\n$$\n e^{z^2} {\\rm erfc} (z) \\equiv e^{z^2} (1 - {\\rm erf} (z))\n$$\n@end tex\n@ifnottex\n\n@example\nexp (z^2) * erfc (z)\n@end example\n\n@end ifnottex\n@seealso{erfc, erf, erfi, dawson, erfinv, erfcinv}\n@end deftypefn")
1079  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (erfi, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Mapping Function} {} erfi (@var{z})\nCompute the imaginary error function,\n@tex\n$$\n -i {\\rm erf} (iz) \n$$\n@end tex\n@ifnottex\n\n@example\n-i * erf (i*z)\n@end example\n\n@end ifnottex\n@seealso{erfc, erf, erfcx, dawson, erfinv, erfcinv}\n@end deftypefn")
1080  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (dawson, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Mapping Function} {} dawson (@var{z})\nCompute the Dawson (scaled imaginary error) function,\n@tex\n$$\n {\\sqrt{\\pi} \\over 2} e^{-z^2} {\\rm erfi} (z) \\equiv -i {\\sqrt{\\pi} \\over 2} e^{-z^2} {\\rm erf} (iz)\n$$\n@end tex\n@ifnottex\n\n@example\n(sqrt (pi) / 2) * exp (-z^2) * erfi (z)\n@end example\n\n@end ifnottex\n@seealso{erfc, erf, erfcx, erfi, erfinv, erfcinv}\n@end deftypefn")
1081  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (exp, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Mapping Function} {} exp (@var{x})\nCompute\n@tex\n$e^{x}$\n@end tex\n@ifnottex\n@code{e^x}\n@end ifnottex\nfor each element of @var{x}. To compute the matrix\nexponential, see @ref{Linear Algebra}.\n@seealso{log}\n@end deftypefn")
1082  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (expm1, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Mapping Function} {} expm1 (@var{x})\nCompute\n@tex\n$ e^{x} - 1 $\n@end tex\n@ifnottex\n@code{exp (@var{x}) - 1}\n@end ifnottex\naccurately in the neighborhood of zero.\n@seealso{exp}\n@end deftypefn")
1083  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (isfinite, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Mapping Function} {} isfinite (@var{x})\n@deftypefnx {Mapping Function} {} finite (@var{x})\nReturn a logical array which is true where the elements of @var{x} are\nfinite values and false where they are not.\nFor example:\n\n@example\n@group\nfinite ([13, Inf, NA, NaN])\n @result{} [ 1, 0, 0, 0 ]\n@end group\n@end example\n@seealso{isinf, isnan, isna}\n@end deftypefn")
1084  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (fix, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Mapping Function} {} fix (@var{x})\nTruncate fractional portion of @var{x} and return the integer portion. This\nis equivalent to rounding towards zero. If @var{x} is complex, return\n@code{fix (real (@var{x})) + fix (imag (@var{x})) * I}.\n\n@example\n@group\nfix ([-2.7, 2.7])\n @result{} -2 2\n@end group\n@end example\n@seealso{ceil, floor, round}\n@end deftypefn")
1085  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (floor, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Mapping Function} {} floor (@var{x})\nReturn the largest integer not greater than @var{x}. This is equivalent to\nrounding towards negative infinity. If @var{x} is\ncomplex, return @code{floor (real (@var{x})) + floor (imag (@var{x})) * I}.\n\n@example\n@group\nfloor ([-2.7, 2.7])\n @result{} -3 2\n@end group\n@end example\n@seealso{ceil, round, fix}\n@end deftypefn")
1086  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (gamma, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Mapping Function} {} gamma (@var{z})\nCompute the Gamma function,\n@tex\n$$\n \\Gamma (z) = \\int_0^\\infty t^{z-1} e^{-t} dt.\n$$\n@end tex\n@ifnottex\n\n@example\n@group\n infinity\n /\ngamma (z) = | t^(z-1) exp (-t) dt.\n /\n t=0\n@end group\n@end example\n\n@end ifnottex\n@seealso{gammainc, lgamma}\n@end deftypefn")
1087  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (imag, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Mapping Function} {} imag (@var{z})\nReturn the imaginary part of @var{z} as a real number.\n@seealso{real, conj}\n@end deftypefn")
1088  XDEFUNX_INTERNAL ("isalnum", Fisalnum, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Mapping Function} {} isalnum (@var{s})\nReturn a logical array which is true where the elements of @var{s} are\nletters or digits and false where they are not. This is equivalent to\n(@code{isalpha (@var{s}) | isdigit (@var{s})}).\n@seealso{isalpha, isdigit, ispunct, isspace, iscntrl}\n@end deftypefn")
1089  XDEFUNX_INTERNAL ("isalpha", Fisalpha, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Mapping Function} {} isalpha (@var{s})\nReturn a logical array which is true where the elements of @var{s} are\nletters and false where they are not. This is equivalent to\n(@code{islower (@var{s}) | isupper (@var{s})}).\n@seealso{isdigit, ispunct, isspace, iscntrl, isalnum, islower, isupper}\n@end deftypefn")
1090  XDEFUNX_INTERNAL ("isascii", Fisascii, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Mapping Function} {} isascii (@var{s})\nReturn a logical array which is true where the elements of @var{s} are\nASCII characters (in the range 0 to 127 decimal) and false where they are\nnot.\n@end deftypefn")
1091  XDEFUNX_INTERNAL ("iscntrl", Fiscntrl, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Mapping Function} {} iscntrl (@var{s})\nReturn a logical array which is true where the elements of @var{s} are\ncontrol characters and false where they are not.\n@seealso{ispunct, isspace, isalpha, isdigit}\n@end deftypefn")
1092  XDEFUNX_INTERNAL ("isdigit", Fisdigit, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Mapping Function} {} isdigit (@var{s})\nReturn a logical array which is true where the elements of @var{s} are\ndecimal digits (0-9) and false where they are not.\n@seealso{isxdigit, isalpha, isletter, ispunct, isspace, iscntrl}\n@end deftypefn")
1093  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (isinf, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Mapping Function} {} isinf (@var{x})\nReturn a logical array which is true where the elements of @var{x} are\nare infinite and false where they are not.\nFor example:\n\n@example\n@group\nisinf ([13, Inf, NA, NaN])\n @result{} [ 0, 1, 0, 0 ]\n@end group\n@end example\n@seealso{isfinite, isnan, isna}\n@end deftypefn")
1094  XDEFUNX_INTERNAL ("isgraph", Fisgraph, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Mapping Function} {} isgraph (@var{s})\nReturn a logical array which is true where the elements of @var{s} are\nprintable characters (but not the space character) and false where they are\nnot.\n@seealso{isprint}\n@end deftypefn")
1095  XDEFUNX_INTERNAL ("islower", Fislower, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Mapping Function} {} islower (@var{s})\nReturn a logical array which is true where the elements of @var{s} are\nlowercase letters and false where they are not.\n@seealso{isupper, isalpha, isletter, isalnum}\n@end deftypefn")
1096  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (isna, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Mapping Function} {} isna (@var{x})\nReturn a logical array which is true where the elements of @var{x} are\nNA (missing) values and false where they are not.\nFor example:\n\n@example\n@group\nisna ([13, Inf, NA, NaN])\n @result{} [ 0, 0, 1, 0 ]\n@end group\n@end example\n@seealso{isnan, isinf, isfinite}\n@end deftypefn")
1097  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (isnan, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Mapping Function} {} isnan (@var{x})\nReturn a logical array which is true where the elements of @var{x} are\nNaN values and false where they are not.\nNA values are also considered NaN values. For example:\n\n@example\n@group\nisnan ([13, Inf, NA, NaN])\n @result{} [ 0, 0, 1, 1 ]\n@end group\n@end example\n@seealso{isna, isinf, isfinite}\n@end deftypefn")
1098  XDEFUNX_INTERNAL ("isprint", Fisprint, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Mapping Function} {} isprint (@var{s})\nReturn a logical array which is true where the elements of @var{s} are\nprintable characters (including the space character) and false where they\nare not.\n@seealso{isgraph}\n@end deftypefn")
1099  XDEFUNX_INTERNAL ("ispunct", Fispunct, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Mapping Function} {} ispunct (@var{s})\nReturn a logical array which is true where the elements of @var{s} are\npunctuation characters and false where they are not.\n@seealso{isalpha, isdigit, isspace, iscntrl}\n@end deftypefn")
1100  XDEFUNX_INTERNAL ("isspace", Fisspace, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Mapping Function} {} isspace (@var{s})\nReturn a logical array which is true where the elements of @var{s} are\nwhitespace characters (space, formfeed, newline, carriage return, tab, and\nvertical tab) and false where they are not.\n@seealso{iscntrl, ispunct, isalpha, isdigit}\n@end deftypefn")
1101  XDEFUNX_INTERNAL ("isupper", Fisupper, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Mapping Function} {} isupper (@var{s})\nReturn a logical array which is true where the elements of @var{s} are\nuppercase letters and false where they are not.\n@seealso{islower, isalpha, isletter, isalnum}\n@end deftypefn")
1102  XDEFUNX_INTERNAL ("isxdigit", Fisxdigit, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Mapping Function} {} isxdigit (@var{s})\nReturn a logical array which is true where the elements of @var{s} are\nhexadecimal digits (0-9 and @nospell{a-fA-F}).\n@seealso{isdigit}\n@end deftypefn")
1103  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (lgamma, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Mapping Function} {} lgamma (@var{x})\n@deftypefnx {Mapping Function} {} gammaln (@var{x})\nReturn the natural logarithm of the gamma function of @var{x}.\n@seealso{gamma, gammainc}\n@end deftypefn")
1104  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (log, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Mapping Function} {} log (@var{x})\nCompute the natural logarithm,\n@tex\n$\\ln{(x)},$\n@end tex\n@ifnottex\n@code{ln (@var{x})},\n@end ifnottex\nfor each element of @var{x}. To compute the\nmatrix logarithm, see @ref{Linear Algebra}.\n@seealso{exp, log1p, log2, log10, logspace}\n@end deftypefn")
1105  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (log10, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Mapping Function} {} log10 (@var{x})\nCompute the base-10 logarithm of each element of @var{x}.\n@seealso{log, log2, logspace, exp}\n@end deftypefn")
1106  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (log1p, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Mapping Function} {} log1p (@var{x})\nCompute\n@tex\n$\\ln{(1 + x)}$\n@end tex\n@ifnottex\n@code{log (1 + @var{x})}\n@end ifnottex\naccurately in the neighborhood of zero.\n@seealso{log, exp, expm1}\n@end deftypefn")
1107  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (real, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Mapping Function} {} real (@var{z})\nReturn the real part of @var{z}.\n@seealso{imag, conj}\n@end deftypefn")
1108  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (round, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Mapping Function} {} round (@var{x})\nReturn the integer nearest to @var{x}. If @var{x} is complex, return\n@code{round (real (@var{x})) + round (imag (@var{x})) * I}. If there\nare two nearest integers, return the one further away from zero.\n\n@example\n@group\nround ([-2.7, 2.7])\n @result{} -3 3\n@end group\n@end example\n@seealso{ceil, floor, fix, roundb}\n@end deftypefn")
1109  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (roundb, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Mapping Function} {} roundb (@var{x})\nReturn the integer nearest to @var{x}. If there are two nearest\nintegers, return the even one (banker's rounding). If @var{x} is complex,\nreturn @code{roundb (real (@var{x})) + roundb (imag (@var{x})) * I}.\n@seealso{round}\n@end deftypefn")
1110  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (sign, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Mapping Function} {} sign (@var{x})\nCompute the @dfn{signum} function, which is defined as\n@tex\n$$\n{\\rm sign} (@var{x}) = \\cases{1,&$x>0$;\\cr 0,&$x=0$;\\cr -1,&$x<0$.\\cr}\n$$\n@end tex\n@ifnottex\n\n@example\n@group\n -1, x < 0;\nsign (x) = 0, x = 0;\n 1, x > 0.\n@end group\n@end example\n\n@end ifnottex\n\nFor complex arguments, @code{sign} returns @code{x ./ abs (@var{x})}.\n\nNote that @code{sign (-0.0)} is 0.\nAlthough IEEE 754 floating point\nallows zero to be signed, 0.0 and -0.0 compare equal. If you must test\nwhether zero is signed, use the @code{signbit} function.\n@seealso{signbit}\n@end deftypefn")
1111  XDEFUNX_INTERNAL ("signbit", Fsignbit, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Mapping Function} {} signbit (@var{x})\nReturn logical true if the value of @var{x} has its sign bit set.\nOtherwise return logical false. This behavior is consistent with the other\nlogical functions. See@ref{Logical Values}. The behavior differs from the\nC language function which returns non-zero if the sign bit is set.\n\nThis is not the same as @code{x < 0.0}, because IEEE 754 floating point\nallows zero to be signed. The comparison @code{-0.0 < 0.0} is false,\nbut @code{signbit (-0.0)} will return a nonzero value.\n@seealso{sign}\n@end deftypefn")
1112  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (sin, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Mapping Function} {} sin (@var{x})\nCompute the sine for each element of @var{x} in radians.\n@seealso{asin, sind, sinh}\n@end deftypefn")
1113  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (sinh, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Mapping Function} {} sinh (@var{x})\nCompute the hyperbolic sine for each element of @var{x}.\n@seealso{asinh, cosh, tanh}\n@end deftypefn")
1114  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (sqrt, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Mapping Function} {} sqrt (@var{x})\nCompute the square root of each element of @var{x}. If @var{x} is negative,\na complex result is returned. To compute the matrix square root, see\n@ref{Linear Algebra}.\n@seealso{realsqrt, nthroot}\n@end deftypefn")
1115  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (tan, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Mapping Function} {} tan (@var{z})\nCompute the tangent for each element of @var{x} in radians.\n@seealso{atan, tand, tanh}\n@end deftypefn")
1116  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (tanh, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Mapping Function} {} tanh (@var{x})\nCompute hyperbolic tangent for each element of @var{x}.\n@seealso{atanh, sinh, cosh}\n@end deftypefn")
1117  XDEFUNX_INTERNAL ("toascii", Ftoascii, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Mapping Function} {} toascii (@var{s})\nReturn ASCII representation of @var{s} in a matrix. For example:\n\n@example\n@group\ntoascii (\"ASCII\")\n @result{} [ 65, 83, 67, 73, 73 ]\n@end group\n\n@end example\n@seealso{char}\n@end deftypefn")
1118  XDEFUNX_INTERNAL ("tolower", Ftolower, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Mapping Function} {} tolower (@var{s})\n@deftypefnx {Mapping Function} {} lower (@var{s})\nReturn a copy of the string or cell string @var{s}, with each uppercase\ncharacter replaced by the corresponding lowercase one; non-alphabetic\ncharacters are left unchanged. For example:\n\n@example\n@group\ntolower (\"MiXeD cAsE 123\")\n @result{} \"mixed case 123\"\n@end group\n@end example\n@seealso{toupper}\n@end deftypefn")
1119  XDEFALIAS_INTERNAL(lower, tolower) ;
1120  XDEFUNX_INTERNAL ("toupper", Ftoupper, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Mapping Function} {} toupper (@var{s})\n@deftypefnx {Mapping Function} {} upper (@var{s})\nReturn a copy of the string or cell string @var{s}, with each lowercase\ncharacter replaced by the corresponding uppercase one; non-alphabetic\ncharacters are left unchanged. For example:\n\n@example\n@group\ntoupper (\"MiXeD cAsE 123\")\n @result{} \"MIXED CASE 123\"\n@end group\n@end example\n@seealso{tolower}\n@end deftypefn")
1121  XDEFALIAS_INTERNAL(upper, toupper) ;
1122  XDEFALIAS_INTERNAL(gammaln, lgamma) ;
1123  XDEFALIAS_INTERNAL(finite, isfinite) ;
1124 }
1126 static void
1128 {
1129 // DO NOT EDIT! Generated automatically by mkdefs.
1130  XDEFUN_FILE_NAME ("libinterp/corefcn/")
1131  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (matrix_type, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {@var{type} =} matrix_type (@var{A})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {@var{type} =} matrix_type (@var{A}, \"nocompute\")\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {@var{A} =} matrix_type (@var{A}, @var{type})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {@var{A} =} matrix_type (@var{A}, \"upper\", @var{perm})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {@var{A} =} matrix_type (@var{A}, \"lower\", @var{perm})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {@var{A} =} matrix_type (@var{A}, \"banded\", @var{nl}, @var{nu})\nIdentify the matrix type or mark a matrix as a particular type. This allows\nmore rapid solutions of linear equations involving @var{A} to be performed.\nCalled with a single argument, @code{matrix_type} returns the type of the\nmatrix and caches it for future use. Called with more than one argument,\n@code{matrix_type} allows the type of the matrix to be defined.\n\nIf the option @qcode{\"nocompute\"} is given, the function will not attempt\nto guess the type if it is still unknown. This is useful for debugging\npurposes.\n\nThe possible matrix types depend on whether the matrix is full or sparse, and\ncan be one of the following\n\n@table @asis\n@item @qcode{\"unknown\"}\nRemove any previously cached matrix type, and mark type as unknown.\n\n@item @qcode{\"full\"}\nMark the matrix as full.\n\n@item @qcode{\"positive definite\"}\nProbable full positive definite matrix.\n\n@item @qcode{\"diagonal\"}\nDiagonal matrix. (Sparse matrices only)\n\n@item @qcode{\"permuted diagonal\"}\nPermuted Diagonal matrix. The permutation does not need to be specifically\nindicated, as the structure of the matrix explicitly gives this. (Sparse\nmatrices only)\n\n@item @qcode{\"upper\"}\nUpper triangular. If the optional third argument @var{perm} is given, the\nmatrix is assumed to be a permuted upper triangular with the permutations\ndefined by the vector @var{perm}.\n\n@item @qcode{\"lower\"}\nLower triangular. If the optional third argument @var{perm} is given, the\nmatrix is assumed to be a permuted lower triangular with the permutations\ndefined by the vector @var{perm}.\n\n@item @qcode{\"banded\"}\n@itemx @qcode{\"banded positive definite\"}\nBanded matrix with the band size of @var{nl} below the diagonal and @var{nu}\nabove it. If @var{nl} and @var{nu} are 1, then the matrix is tridiagonal and\ntreated with specialized code. In addition the matrix can be marked as\nprobably a positive definite. (Sparse matrices only)\n\n@item @qcode{\"singular\"}\nThe matrix is assumed to be singular and will be treated with a minimum norm\nsolution.\n\n@end table\n\nNote that the matrix type will be discovered automatically on the first\nattempt to solve a linear equation involving @var{A}. Therefore\n@code{matrix_type} is only useful to give Octave hints of the matrix type.\nIncorrectly defining the matrix type will result in incorrect results from\nsolutions of linear equations; it is entirely @strong{the responsibility of\nthe user} to correctly identify the matrix type.\n\nAlso, the test for positive definiteness is a low-cost test for a Hermitian\nmatrix with a real positive diagonal. This does not guarantee that the\nmatrix is positive definite, but only that it is a probable candidate. When\nsuch a matrix is factorized, a Cholesky@tie{}factorization is first\nattempted, and if that fails the matrix is then treated with an\nLU@tie{}factorization. Once the matrix has been factorized,\n@code{matrix_type} will return the correct classification of the matrix.\n@end deftypefn")
1132 }
1134 static void
1136 {
1137 // DO NOT EDIT! Generated automatically by mkdefs.
1138  XDEFUN_FILE_NAME ("libinterp/corefcn/")
1139  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (min, args, nargout, "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} min (@var{x})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} min (@var{x}, @var{y})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} min (@var{x}, [], @var{dim})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} min (@var{x}, @var{y}, @var{dim})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {[@var{w}, @var{iw}] =} min (@var{x})\nFor a vector argument, return the minimum value. For a matrix\nargument, return the minimum value from each column, as a row\nvector, or over the dimension @var{dim} if defined, in which case @var{y} \nshould be set to the empty matrix (it's ignored otherwise). For two matrices\n(or a matrix and scalar), return the pair-wise minimum.\nThus,\n\n@example\nmin (min (@var{x}))\n@end example\n\n@noindent\nreturns the smallest element of @var{x}, and\n\n@example\n@group\nmin (2:5, pi)\n @result{} 2.0000 3.0000 3.1416 3.1416\n@end group\n@end example\n\n@noindent\ncompares each element of the range @code{2:5} with @code{pi}, and\nreturns a row vector of the minimum values.\n\nFor complex arguments, the magnitude of the elements are used for\ncomparison.\n\nIf called with one input and two output arguments,\n@code{min} also returns the first index of the\nminimum value(s). Thus,\n\n@example\n@group\n[x, ix] = min ([1, 3, 0, 2, 0])\n @result{} x = 0\n ix = 3\n@end group\n@end example\n@seealso{max, cummin, cummax}\n@end deftypefn")
1140  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (max, args, nargout, "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} max (@var{x})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} max (@var{x}, @var{y})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} max (@var{x}, [], @var{dim})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} max (@var{x}, @var{y}, @var{dim})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {[@var{w}, @var{iw}] =} max (@var{x})\nFor a vector argument, return the maximum value. For a matrix\nargument, return the maximum value from each column, as a row\nvector, or over the dimension @var{dim} if defined, in which case @var{y} \nshould be set to the empty matrix (it's ignored otherwise). For two matrices\n(or a matrix and scalar), return the pair-wise maximum.\nThus,\n\n@example\nmax (max (@var{x}))\n@end example\n\n@noindent\nreturns the largest element of the matrix @var{x}, and\n\n@example\n@group\nmax (2:5, pi)\n @result{} 3.1416 3.1416 4.0000 5.0000\n@end group\n@end example\n\n@noindent\ncompares each element of the range @code{2:5} with @code{pi}, and\nreturns a row vector of the maximum values.\n\nFor complex arguments, the magnitude of the elements are used for\ncomparison.\n\nIf called with one input and two output arguments,\n@code{max} also returns the first index of the\nmaximum value(s). Thus,\n\n@example\n@group\n[x, ix] = max ([1, 3, 5, 2, 5])\n @result{} x = 5\n ix = 3\n@end group\n@end example\n@seealso{min, cummax, cummin}\n@end deftypefn")
1141  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (cummin, args, nargout, "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} cummin (@var{x})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} cummin (@var{x}, @var{dim})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {[@var{w}, @var{iw}] =} cummin (@var{x})\nReturn the cumulative minimum values along dimension @var{dim}.\n\nIf @var{dim} is unspecified it defaults to column-wise operation. For\nexample:\n\n@example\n@group\ncummin ([5 4 6 2 3 1])\n @result{} 5 4 4 2 2 1\n@end group\n@end example\n\nIf called with two output arguments the index of the minimum value is also\nreturned.\n\n@example\n@group\n[w, iw] = cummin ([5 4 6 2 3 1])\n@result{}\nw = 5 4 4 2 2 1\niw = 1 2 2 4 4 6\n@end group\n@end example\n\n@seealso{cummax, min, max}\n@end deftypefn")
1142  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (cummax, args, nargout, "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} cummax (@var{x})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} cummax (@var{x}, @var{dim})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {[@var{w}, @var{iw}] =} cummax (@dots{})\nReturn the cumulative maximum values along dimension @var{dim}.\n\nIf @var{dim} is unspecified it defaults to column-wise operation. For\nexample:\n\n@example\n@group\ncummax ([1 3 2 6 4 5])\n @result{} 1 3 3 6 6 6\n@end group\n@end example\n\nIf called with two output arguments the index of the maximum value is also\nreturned.\n\n@example\n@group\n[w, iw] = cummax ([1 3 2 6 4 5])\n@result{}\nw = 1 3 3 6 6 6\niw = 1 2 2 4 4 4\n@end group\n@end example\n\n@seealso{cummin, max, min}\n@end deftypefn")
1143 }
1145 static void
1147 {
1148 // DO NOT EDIT! Generated automatically by mkdefs.
1149  XDEFUN_FILE_NAME ("libinterp/corefcn/")
1150  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (md5sum, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} md5sum (@var{file})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} md5sum (@var{str}, @var{opt})\nCalculate the MD5 sum of the file @var{file}. If the second parameter\n@var{opt} exists and is true, then calculate the MD5 sum of the\nstring @var{str}.\n@end deftypefn")
1151 }
1153 static void
1155 {
1156 // DO NOT EDIT! Generated automatically by mkdefs.
1157  XDEFUN_FILE_NAME ("libinterp/corefcn/")
1158  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (mgorth, args, nargout, "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {[@var{y}, @var{h}] =} mgorth (@var{x}, @var{v})\nOrthogonalize a given column vector @var{x} with respect to a set of\northonormal vectors comprising the columns of @var{v}\nusing the modified Gram-Schmidt method.\nOn exit, @var{y} is a unit vector such that:\n\n@example\n@group\n norm (@var{y}) = 1\n @var{v}' * @var{y} = 0\n @var{x} = [@var{v}, @var{y}]*@var{h}'\n@end group\n@end example\n\n@end deftypefn")
1159 }
1161 static void
1163 {
1164 // DO NOT EDIT! Generated automatically by mkdefs.
1165  XDEFUN_FILE_NAME ("libinterp/corefcn/")
1166  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (nproc, args, nargout, "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} nproc ()\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} nproc (@var{query})\nReturn the current number of available processors.\n\nIf called with the optional argument @var{query}, modify how processors\nare counted as follows:\n\n@table @code\n@item all\ntotal number of processors.\n\n@item current\nprocessors available to the current process.\n\n@item overridable\nlikewise, but overridable through the @w{@env{OMP_NUM_THREADS}} environment\nvariable.\n@end table\n@end deftypefn")
1167 }
1169 static void
1171 {
1172 // DO NOT EDIT! Generated automatically by mkdefs.
1173  XDEFUN_FILE_NAME ("libinterp/corefcn/")
1174  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (edit_history, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Command} {} edit_history\n@deftypefnx {Command} {} edit_history @var{cmd_number}\n@deftypefnx {Command} {} edit_history @var{first} @var{last}\nEdit the history list using the editor named by the variable\n@w{@env{EDITOR}}.\n\nThe commands to be edited are first copied to a temporary file. When you\nexit the editor, Octave executes the commands that remain in the file. It\nis often more convenient to use @code{edit_history} to define functions\nrather than attempting to enter them directly on the command line.\nThe block of commands is executed as soon as you exit the editor.\nTo avoid executing any commands, simply delete all the lines from the buffer\nbefore leaving the editor.\n\nWhen invoked with no arguments, edit the previously executed command;\nWith one argument, edit the specified command @var{cmd_number};\nWith two arguments, edit the list of commands between @var{first} and\n@var{last}. Command number specifiers may also be negative where -1\nrefers to the most recently executed command.\nThe following are equivalent and edit the most recently executed command.\n\n@example\n@group\nedit_history\nedit_history -1\n@end group\n@end example\n\nWhen using ranges, specifying a larger number for the first command than the\nlast command reverses the list of commands before they are placed in the\nbuffer to be edited.\n@seealso{run_history}\n@end deftypefn")
1175  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (history, args, nargout, "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Command} {} history\n@deftypefnx {Command} {} history @var{opt1} @dots{}\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {@var{h} =} history ()\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {@var{h} =} history (@var{opt1}, @dots{})\nIf invoked with no arguments, @code{history} displays a list of commands\nthat you have executed. Valid options are:\n\n@table @code\n@item @var{n}\n@itemx -@var{n}\nDisplay only the most recent @var{n} lines of history.\n\n@item -c\nClear the history list.\n\n@item -q\nDon't number the displayed lines of history. This is useful for cutting\nand pasting commands using the X Window System.\n\n@item -r @var{file}\nRead the file @var{file}, appending its contents to the current\nhistory list. If the name is omitted, use the default history file\n(normally @file{~/.octave_hist}).\n\n@item -w @var{file}\nWrite the current history to the file @var{file}. If the name is\nomitted, use the default history file (normally @file{~/.octave_hist}).\n@end table\n\nFor example, to display the five most recent commands that you have\ntyped without displaying line numbers, use the command\n@kbd{history -q 5}.\n\nIf invoked with a single output argument, the history will be saved to that\nargument as a cell string and will not be output to screen.\n@end deftypefn")
1176  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (run_history, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Command} {} run_history\n@deftypefnx {Command} {} run_history @var{cmd_number}\n@deftypefnx {Command} {} run_history @var{first} @var{last}\nRun commands from the history list.\n\nWhen invoked with no arguments, run the previously executed command;\nWith one argument, run the specified command @var{cmd_number};\nWith two arguments, run the list of commands between @var{first} and\n@var{last}. Command number specifiers may also be negative where -1\nrefers to the most recently executed command.\nFor example, the command\n\n@example\n@group\nrun_history\n OR\nrun_history -1\n@end group\n@end example\n\n@noindent\nexecutes the most recent command again.\nThe command\n\n@example\nrun_history 13 169\n@end example\n\n@noindent\nexecutes commands 13 through 169.\n\nSpecifying a larger number for the first command than the last command\nreverses the list of commands before executing them.\nFor example:\n\n@example\n@group\ndisp (1)\ndisp (2)\nrun_history -1 -2\n@result{}\n 2\n 1\n@end group\n@end example\n\n@seealso{edit_history}\n@end deftypefn")
1177  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (history_control, args, nargout, "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {@var{val} =} history_control ()\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {@var{old_val} =} history_control (@var{new_val})\nQuery or set the internal variable that specifies how commands are saved\nto the history list. The default value is an empty character string,\nbut may be overridden by the environment variable\n@w{@env{OCTAVE_HISTCONTROL}}.\n\nThe value of @code{history_control} is a colon-separated list of values\ncontrolling how commands are saved on the history list. If the list\nof values includes @code{ignorespace}, lines which begin with a space\ncharacter are not saved in the history list. A value of @code{ignoredups}\ncauses lines matching the previous history entry to not be saved.\nA value of @code{ignoreboth} is shorthand for @code{ignorespace} and\n@code{ignoredups}. A value of @code{erasedups} causes all previous lines\nmatching the current line to be removed from the history list before that\nline is saved. Any value not in the above list is ignored. If\n@code{history_control} is the empty string, all commands are saved on\nthe history list, subject to the value of @code{history_save}.\n@seealso{history_file, history_size, history_timestamp_format_string, history_save}\n@end deftypefn")
1178  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (history_size, args, nargout, "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {@var{val} =} history_size ()\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {@var{old_val} =} history_size (@var{new_val})\nQuery or set the internal variable that specifies how many entries\nto store in the history file. The default value is @code{1000},\nbut may be overridden by the environment variable @w{@env{OCTAVE_HISTSIZE}}.\n@seealso{history_file, history_timestamp_format_string, history_save}\n@end deftypefn")
1179  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (history_file, args, nargout, "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {@var{val} =} history_file ()\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {@var{old_val} =} history_file (@var{new_val})\nQuery or set the internal variable that specifies the name of the\nfile used to store command history. The default value is\n@file{~/.octave_hist}, but may be overridden by the environment\nvariable @w{@env{OCTAVE_HISTFILE}}.\n@seealso{history_size, history_save, history_timestamp_format_string}\n@end deftypefn")
1180  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (history_timestamp_format_string, args, nargout, "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {@var{val} =} history_timestamp_format_string ()\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {@var{old_val} =} history_timestamp_format_string (@var{new_val})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} history_timestamp_format_string (@var{new_val}, \"local\")\nQuery or set the internal variable that specifies the format string\nfor the comment line that is written to the history file when Octave\nexits. The format string is passed to @code{strftime}. The default\nvalue is\n\n@example\n\"# Octave VERSION, %a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y %Z <USER@@HOST>\"\n@end example\n\nWhen called from inside a function with the @qcode{\"local\"} option, the\nvariable is changed locally for the function and any subroutines it calls. \nThe original variable value is restored when exiting the function.\n@seealso{strftime, history_file, history_size, history_save}\n@end deftypefn")
1181  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (history_save, args, nargout, "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {@var{val} =} history_save ()\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {@var{old_val} =} history_save (@var{new_val})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} history_save (@var{new_val}, \"local\")\nQuery or set the internal variable that controls whether commands entered\non the command line are saved in the history file.\n\nWhen called from inside a function with the @qcode{\"local\"} option, the\nvariable is changed locally for the function and any subroutines it calls. \nThe original variable value is restored when exiting the function.\n@seealso{history_control, history_file, history_size, history_timestamp_format_string}\n@end deftypefn")
1182 }
1184 static void
1186 {
1187 // DO NOT EDIT! Generated automatically by mkdefs.
1188  XDEFUN_FILE_NAME ("libinterp/corefcn/")
1189  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (__octave_link_enabled__, , , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} __octave_link_enabled__ ()\nUndocumented internal function.\n@end deftypefn")
1190  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (__octave_link_edit_file__, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} __octave_link_edit_file__ (@var{file})\nUndocumented internal function.\n@end deftypefn")
1191  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (__octave_link_message_dialog__, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} __octave_link_message_dialog__ (@var{dlg}, @var{msg}, @var{title})\nUndocumented internal function.\n@end deftypefn")
1192  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (__octave_link_question_dialog__, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} __octave_link_question_dialog__ (@var{msg}, @var{title}, @var{btn1}, @var{btn2}, @var{btn3}, @var{default})\nUndocumented internal function.\n@end deftypefn")
1193  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (__octave_link_file_dialog__, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} __octave_link_file_dialog__ (@var{filterlist}, @var{title}, @var{filename}, @var{size} @var{multiselect}, @var{pathname})\nUndocumented internal function.\n@end deftypefn")
1194  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (__octave_link_list_dialog__, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} __octave_link_list_dialog__ (@var{list}, @var{mode}, @var{size}, @var{intial}, @var{name}, @var{prompt}, @var{ok_string}, @var{cancel_string})\nUndocumented internal function.\n@end deftypefn")
1195  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (__octave_link_input_dialog__, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} __octave_link_input_dialog__ (@var{prompt}, @var{title}, @var{rowscols}, @var{defaults})\nUndocumented internal function.\n@end deftypefn")
1196  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (__octave_link_show_preferences__, , , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} __octave_link_show_preferences__ ()\nUndocumented internal function.\n@end deftypefn")
1197  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (__octave_link_show_doc__, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} __octave_link_show_doc__ ( @var{filename} )\nUndocumented internal function.\n@end deftypefn")
1198 }
1200 static void
1202 {
1203 // DO NOT EDIT! Generated automatically by mkdefs.
1204  XDEFUN_FILE_NAME ("libinterp/corefcn/")
1205  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (diary, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Command} {} diary\n@deftypefnx {Command} {} diary on\n@deftypefnx {Command} {} diary off\n@deftypefnx {Command} {} diary @var{filename}\nRecord a list of all commands @emph{and} the output they produce, mixed\ntogether just as they appear on the terminal.\n\nValid options are:\n\n@table @asis\n@item on\nStart recording a session in a file called @file{diary} in the\ncurrent working directory.\n\n@item off\nStop recording the session in the diary file.\n\n@item @var{filename}\nRecord the session in the file named @var{filename}.\n@end table\n\nWith no arguments, @code{diary} toggles the current diary state.\n@seealso{history}\n@end deftypefn")
1206  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (more, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Command} {} more\n@deftypefnx {Command} {} more on\n@deftypefnx {Command} {} more off\nTurn output pagination on or off. Without an argument, @code{more}\ntoggles the current state.\nThe current state can be determined via @code{page_screen_output}.\n@seealso{page_screen_output, page_output_immediately, PAGER, PAGER_FLAGS}\n@end deftypefn")
1207  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (terminal_size, , , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} terminal_size ()\nReturn a two-element row vector containing the current size of the\nterminal window in characters (rows and columns).\n@seealso{list_in_columns}\n@end deftypefn")
1208  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (page_output_immediately, args, nargout, "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {@var{val} =} page_output_immediately ()\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {@var{old_val} =} page_output_immediately (@var{new_val})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} page_output_immediately (@var{new_val}, \"local\")\nQuery or set the internal variable that controls whether Octave sends\noutput to the pager as soon as it is available. Otherwise, Octave\nbuffers its output and waits until just before the prompt is printed to\nflush it to the pager.\n\nWhen called from inside a function with the @qcode{\"local\"} option, the\nvariable is changed locally for the function and any subroutines it calls. \nThe original variable value is restored when exiting the function.\n@seealso{page_screen_output, more, PAGER, PAGER_FLAGS}\n@end deftypefn")
1209  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (page_screen_output, args, nargout, "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {@var{val} =} page_screen_output ()\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {@var{old_val} =} page_screen_output (@var{new_val})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} page_screen_output (@var{new_val}, \"local\")\nQuery or set the internal variable that controls whether output intended\nfor the terminal window that is longer than one page is sent through a\npager. This allows you to view one screenful at a time. Some pagers\n(such as @code{less}---see @ref{Installation}) are also capable of moving\nbackward on the output.\n\nWhen called from inside a function with the @qcode{\"local\"} option, the\nvariable is changed locally for the function and any subroutines it calls. \nThe original variable value is restored when exiting the function.\n@seealso{more, page_output_immediately, PAGER, PAGER_FLAGS}\n@end deftypefn")
1210  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (PAGER, args, nargout, "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {@var{val} =} PAGER ()\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {@var{old_val} =} PAGER (@var{new_val})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} PAGER (@var{new_val}, \"local\")\nQuery or set the internal variable that specifies the program to use\nto display terminal output on your system. The default value is\nnormally @qcode{\"less\"}, @qcode{\"more\"}, or\n@qcode{\"pg\"}, depending on what programs are installed on your system.\n@xref{Installation}.\n\nWhen called from inside a function with the @qcode{\"local\"} option, the\nvariable is changed locally for the function and any subroutines it calls. \nThe original variable value is restored when exiting the function.\n@seealso{PAGER_FLAGS, page_output_immediately, more, page_screen_output}\n@end deftypefn")
1211  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (PAGER_FLAGS, args, nargout, "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {@var{val} =} PAGER_FLAGS ()\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {@var{old_val} =} PAGER_FLAGS (@var{new_val})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} PAGER_FLAGS (@var{new_val}, \"local\")\nQuery or set the internal variable that specifies the options to pass\nto the pager.\n\nWhen called from inside a function with the @qcode{\"local\"} option, the\nvariable is changed locally for the function and any subroutines it calls. \nThe original variable value is restored when exiting the function.\n@seealso{PAGER, more, page_screen_output, page_output_immediately}\n@end deftypefn")
1212 }
1214 static void
1216 {
1217 // DO NOT EDIT! Generated automatically by mkdefs.
1218  XDEFUN_FILE_NAME ("libinterp/corefcn/")
1219  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (pinv, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} pinv (@var{x})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} pinv (@var{x}, @var{tol})\nReturn the pseudoinverse of @var{x}. Singular values less than\n@var{tol} are ignored.\n\nIf the second argument is omitted, it is taken to be\n\n@example\ntol = max (size (@var{x})) * sigma_max (@var{x}) * eps,\n@end example\n\n@noindent\nwhere @code{sigma_max (@var{x})} is the maximal singular value of @var{x}.\n@end deftypefn")
1220 }
1222 static void
1224 {
1225 // DO NOT EDIT! Generated automatically by mkdefs.
1226  XDEFUN_FILE_NAME ("libinterp/corefcn/")
1227  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (rats, args, nargout, "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} rats (@var{x}, @var{len})\nConvert @var{x} into a rational approximation represented as a string.\nYou can convert the string back into a matrix as follows:\n\n@example\n@group\nr = rats (hilb (4));\nx = str2num (r)\n@end group\n@end example\n\nThe optional second argument defines the maximum length of the string\nrepresenting the elements of @var{x}. By default @var{len} is 9.\n@seealso{format, rat}\n@end deftypefn")
1228  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (disp, args, nargout, "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} disp (@var{x})\nDisplay the value of @var{x}. For example:\n\n@example\n@group\ndisp (\"The value of pi is:\"), disp (pi)\n\n @print{} the value of pi is:\n @print{} 3.1416\n@end group\n@end example\n\n@noindent\nNote that the output from @code{disp} always ends with a newline.\n\nIf an output value is requested, @code{disp} prints nothing and\nreturns the formatted output in a string.\n@seealso{fdisp}\n@end deftypefn")
1229  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (fdisp, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} fdisp (@var{fid}, @var{x})\nDisplay the value of @var{x} on the stream @var{fid}. For example:\n\n@example\n@group\nfdisp (stdout, \"The value of pi is:\"), fdisp (stdout, pi)\n\n @print{} the value of pi is:\n @print{} 3.1416\n@end group\n@end example\n\n@noindent\nNote that the output from @code{fdisp} always ends with a newline.\n@seealso{disp}\n@end deftypefn")
1230  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (format, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Command} {} format\n@deftypefnx {Command} {} format options\nReset or specify the format of the output produced by @code{disp} and\nOctave's normal echoing mechanism. This command only affects the display\nof numbers but not how they are stored or computed. To change the internal\nrepresentation from the default double use one of the conversion functions\nsuch as @code{single}, @code{uint8}, @code{int64}, etc.\n\nBy default, Octave displays 5 significant digits in a human readable form\n(option @samp{short} paired with @samp{loose} format for matrices).\nIf @code{format} is invoked without any options, this default format\nis restored.\n\nValid formats for floating point numbers are listed in the following\ntable.\n\n@table @code\n@item short\nFixed point format with 5 significant figures in a field that is a maximum\nof 10 characters wide. (default).\n\nIf Octave is unable to format a matrix so that columns line up on the\ndecimal point and all numbers fit within the maximum field width then\nit switches to an exponential @samp{e} format.\n\n@item long\nFixed point format with 15 significant figures in a field that is a maximum\nof 20 characters wide.\n\nAs with the @samp{short} format, Octave will switch to an exponential\n@samp{e} format if it is unable to format a matrix properly using the\ncurrent format.\n\n@item short e\n@itemx long e\nExponential format. The number to be represented is split between a mantissa\nand an exponent (power of 10). The mantissa has 5 significant digits in the\nshort format and 15 digits in the long format.\nFor example, with the @samp{short e} format, @code{pi} is displayed as\n@code{3.1416e+00}.\n\n@item short E\n@itemx long E\nIdentical to @samp{short e} or @samp{long e} but displays an uppercase\n@samp{E} to indicate the exponent.\nFor example, with the @samp{long E} format, @code{pi} is displayed as\n@code{3.14159265358979E+00}.\n\n@item short g\n@itemx long g\nOptimally choose between fixed point and exponential format based on\nthe magnitude of the number.\nFor example, with the @samp{short g} format,\n@code{pi .^ [2; 4; 8; 16; 32]} is displayed as\n\n@example\n@group\nans =\n\n 9.8696\n 97.409\n 9488.5\n 9.0032e+07\n 8.1058e+15\n@end group\n@end example\n\n@item short eng\n@itemx long eng\nIdentical to @samp{short e} or @samp{long e} but displays the value\nusing an engineering format, where the exponent is divisible by 3. For\nexample, with the @samp{short eng} format, @code{10 * pi} is displayed as\n@code{31.4159e+00}.\n\n@item long G\n@itemx short G\nIdentical to @samp{short g} or @samp{long g} but displays an uppercase\n@samp{E} to indicate the exponent.\n\n@item free\n@itemx none\nPrint output in free format, without trying to line up columns of\nmatrices on the decimal point. This also causes complex numbers to be\nformatted as numeric pairs like this @samp{(0.60419, 0.60709)} instead\nof like this @samp{0.60419 + 0.60709i}.\n@end table\n\nThe following formats affect all numeric output (floating point and\ninteger types).\n\n@table @code\n@item +\n@itemx + @var{chars}\n@itemx plus\n@itemx plus @var{chars}\nPrint a @samp{+} symbol for nonzero matrix elements and a space for zero\nmatrix elements. This format can be very useful for examining the\nstructure of a large sparse matrix.\n\nThe optional argument @var{chars} specifies a list of 3 characters to use\nfor printing values greater than zero, less than zero and equal to zero.\nFor example, with the @samp{+ \"+-.\"} format, @code{[1, 0, -1; -1, 0, 1]}\nis displayed as\n\n@example\n@group\nans =\n\n+.-\n-.+\n@end group\n@end example\n\n@item bank\nPrint in a fixed format with two digits to the right of the decimal\npoint.\n\n@item native-hex\nPrint the hexadecimal representation of numbers as they are stored in\nmemory. For example, on a workstation which stores 8 byte real values\nin IEEE format with the least significant byte first, the value of\n@code{pi} when printed in @code{native-hex} format is\n@code{400921fb54442d18}.\n\n@item hex\nThe same as @code{native-hex}, but always print the most significant\nbyte first.\n\n@item native-bit\nPrint the bit representation of numbers as stored in memory.\nFor example, the value of @code{pi} is\n\n@example\n@group\n01000000000010010010000111111011\n01010100010001000010110100011000\n@end group\n@end example\n\n(shown here in two 32 bit sections for typesetting purposes) when\nprinted in native-bit format on a workstation which stores 8 byte real values\nin IEEE format with the least significant byte first.\n\n@item bit\nThe same as @code{native-bit}, but always print the most significant\nbits first.\n\n@item rat\nPrint a rational approximation, i.e., values are approximated\nas the ratio of small integers.\nFor example, with the @samp{rat} format,\n@code{pi} is displayed as @code{355/113}.\n@end table\n\nThe following two options affect the display of all matrices.\n\n@table @code\n@item compact\nRemove blank lines around column number labels and between\nmatrices producing more compact output with more data per page.\n\n@item loose\nInsert blank lines above and below column number labels and between matrices\nto produce a more readable output with less data per page. (default).\n@end table\n@seealso{fixed_point_format, output_max_field_width, output_precision, split_long_rows, rats}\n@end deftypefn")
1231  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (fixed_point_format, args, nargout, "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {@var{val} =} fixed_point_format ()\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {@var{old_val} =} fixed_point_format (@var{new_val})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} fixed_point_format (@var{new_val}, \"local\")\nQuery or set the internal variable that controls whether Octave will\nuse a scaled format to print matrix values such that the largest\nelement may be written with a single leading digit with the scaling\nfactor is printed on the first line of output. For example:\n\n@example\n@group\noctave:1> logspace (1, 7, 5)'\nans =\n\n 1.0e+07 *\n\n 0.00000\n 0.00003\n 0.00100\n 0.03162\n 1.00000\n@end group\n@end example\n\n@noindent\nNotice that first value appears to be zero when it is actually 1. For\nthis reason, you should be careful when setting\n@code{fixed_point_format} to a nonzero value.\n\nWhen called from inside a function with the @qcode{\"local\"} option, the\nvariable is changed locally for the function and any subroutines it calls. \nThe original variable value is restored when exiting the function.\n@seealso{format, output_max_field_width, output_precision}\n@end deftypefn")
1232  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (print_empty_dimensions, args, nargout, "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {@var{val} =} print_empty_dimensions ()\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {@var{old_val} =} print_empty_dimensions (@var{new_val})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} print_empty_dimensions (@var{new_val}, \"local\")\nQuery or set the internal variable that controls whether the\ndimensions of empty matrices are printed along with the empty matrix\nsymbol, @samp{[]}. For example, the expression\n\n@example\nzeros (3, 0)\n@end example\n\n@noindent\nwill print\n\n@example\nans = [](3x0)\n@end example\n\nWhen called from inside a function with the @qcode{\"local\"} option, the\nvariable is changed locally for the function and any subroutines it calls. \nThe original variable value is restored when exiting the function.\n@seealso{format}\n@end deftypefn")
1233  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (split_long_rows, args, nargout, "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {@var{val} =} split_long_rows ()\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {@var{old_val} =} split_long_rows (@var{new_val})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} split_long_rows (@var{new_val}, \"local\")\nQuery or set the internal variable that controls whether rows of a matrix\nmay be split when displayed to a terminal window. If the rows are split,\nOctave will display the matrix in a series of smaller pieces, each of\nwhich can fit within the limits of your terminal width and each set of\nrows is labeled so that you can easily see which columns are currently\nbeing displayed. For example:\n\n@example\n@group\noctave:13> rand (2,10)\nans =\n\n Columns 1 through 6:\n\n 0.75883 0.93290 0.40064 0.43818 0.94958 0.16467\n 0.75697 0.51942 0.40031 0.61784 0.92309 0.40201\n\n Columns 7 through 10:\n\n 0.90174 0.11854 0.72313 0.73326\n 0.44672 0.94303 0.56564 0.82150\n@end group\n@end example\n\nWhen called from inside a function with the @qcode{\"local\"} option, the\nvariable is changed locally for the function and any subroutines it calls. \nThe original variable value is restored when exiting the function.\n@seealso{format}\n@end deftypefn")
1234  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (output_max_field_width, args, nargout, "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {@var{val} =} output_max_field_width ()\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {@var{old_val} =} output_max_field_width (@var{new_val})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} output_max_field_width (@var{new_val}, \"local\")\nQuery or set the internal variable that specifies the maximum width\nof a numeric output field.\n\nWhen called from inside a function with the @qcode{\"local\"} option, the\nvariable is changed locally for the function and any subroutines it calls. \nThe original variable value is restored when exiting the function.\n@seealso{format, fixed_point_format, output_precision}\n@end deftypefn")
1235  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (output_precision, args, nargout, "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {@var{val} =} output_precision ()\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {@var{old_val} =} output_precision (@var{new_val})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} output_precision (@var{new_val}, \"local\")\nQuery or set the internal variable that specifies the minimum number of\nsignificant figures to display for numeric output.\n\nWhen called from inside a function with the @qcode{\"local\"} option, the\nvariable is changed locally for the function and any subroutines it calls. \nThe original variable value is restored when exiting the function.\n@seealso{format, fixed_point_format, output_max_field_width}\n@end deftypefn")
1236 }
1238 static void
1240 {
1241 // DO NOT EDIT! Generated automatically by mkdefs.
1242  XDEFUN_FILE_NAME ("libinterp/corefcn/")
1243  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (__profiler_enable__, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Function File} __profiler_enable ()\nUndocumented internal function.\n@end deftypefn")
1244  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (__profiler_reset__, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Function File} __profiler_reset ()\nUndocumented internal function.\n@end deftypefn")
1245  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (__profiler_data__, args, nargout, "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Function File} __profiler_data ()\nUndocumented internal function.\n@end deftypefn")
1246 }
1248 static void
1250 {
1251 // DO NOT EDIT! Generated automatically by mkdefs.
1252  XDEFUN_FILE_NAME ("libinterp/corefcn/")
1253  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (quad_options, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} quad_options ()\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {val =} quad_options (@var{opt})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} quad_options (@var{opt}, @var{val})\nQuery or set options for the function @code{quad}.\nWhen called with no arguments, the names of all available options and\ntheir current values are displayed.\nGiven one argument, return the value of the corresponding option.\nWhen called with two arguments, @code{quad_options} set the option\n@var{opt} to value @var{val}.\n\nOptions include\n\n@table @code\n@item @qcode{\"absolute tolerance\"}\nAbsolute tolerance; may be zero for pure relative error test.\n\n@item @qcode{\"relative tolerance\"}\nNon-negative relative tolerance. If the absolute tolerance is zero,\nthe relative tolerance must be greater than or equal to\n@w{@code{max (50*eps, 0.5e-28)}}.\n\n@item @qcode{\"single precision absolute tolerance\"}\nAbsolute tolerance for single precision; may be zero for pure relative\nerror test.\n\n@item @qcode{\"single precision relative tolerance\"}\nNon-negative relative tolerance for single precision. If the absolute\ntolerance is zero, the relative tolerance must be greater than or equal to\n@w{@code{max (50*eps, 0.5e-28)}}.\n@end table\n@end deftypefn")
1254  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (quad, args, nargout, "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {@var{q} =} quad (@var{f}, @var{a}, @var{b})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {@var{q} =} quad (@var{f}, @var{a}, @var{b}, @var{tol})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {@var{q} =} quad (@var{f}, @var{a}, @var{b}, @var{tol}, @var{sing})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {[@var{q}, @var{ier}, @var{nfun}, @var{err}] =} quad (@dots{})\nNumerically evaluate the integral of @var{f} from @var{a} to @var{b} using\nFortran routines from @w{@sc{quadpack}}. @var{f} is a function handle,\ninline function, or a string containing the name of the function to\nevaluate. The function must have the form @code{y = f (x)} where @var{y} and\n@var{x} are scalars.\n\n@var{a} and @var{b} are the lower and upper limits of integration. Either\nor both may be infinite.\n\nThe optional argument @var{tol} is a vector that specifies the desired\naccuracy of the result. The first element of the vector is the desired\nabsolute tolerance, and the second element is the desired relative\ntolerance. To choose a relative test only, set the absolute\ntolerance to zero. To choose an absolute test only, set the relative\ntolerance to zero. Both tolerances default to @code{sqrt (eps)} or\napproximately @math{1.5e^{-8}}.\n\nThe optional argument @var{sing} is a vector of values at which the\nintegrand is known to be singular.\n\nThe result of the integration is returned in @var{q}. @var{ier}\ncontains an integer error code (0 indicates a successful integration).\n@var{nfun} indicates the number of function evaluations that were\nmade, and @var{err} contains an estimate of the error in the\nsolution.\n\nThe function @code{quad_options} can set other optional\nparameters for @code{quad}.\n\nNote: because @code{quad} is written in Fortran it cannot be called\nrecursively. This prevents its use in integrating over more than one\nvariable by routines @code{dblquad} and @code{triplequad}.\n@seealso{quad_options, quadv, quadl, quadgk, quadcc, trapz, dblquad, triplequad}\n@end deftypefn")
1255 }
1257 static void
1259 {
1260 // DO NOT EDIT! Generated automatically by mkdefs.
1261  XDEFUN_FILE_NAME ("libinterp/corefcn/")
1262  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (quadcc, args, nargout, "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Function File} {@var{q} =} quadcc (@var{f}, @var{a}, @var{b})\n@deftypefnx {Function File} {@var{q} =} quadcc (@var{f}, @var{a}, @var{b}, @var{tol})\n@deftypefnx {Function File} {@var{q} =} quadcc (@var{f}, @var{a}, @var{b}, @var{tol}, @var{sing})\n@deftypefnx {Function File} {[@var{q}, @var{err}, @var{nr_points}] =} quadcc (@dots{})\nNumerically evaluate the integral of @var{f} from @var{a} to @var{b}\nusing the doubly-adaptive Clenshaw-Curtis quadrature described by P. Gonnet\nin @cite{Increasing the Reliability of Adaptive Quadrature Using Explicit\nInterpolants}.\n@var{f} is a function handle, inline function, or string\ncontaining the name of the function to evaluate.\nThe function @var{f} must be vectorized and must return a vector of output\nvalues if given a vector of input values. For example,\n\n@example\nf = @@(x) x .* sin (1./x) .* sqrt (abs (1 - x));\n@end example\n\n@noindent\nwhich uses the element-by-element ``dot'' form for all operators.\n\n@var{a} and @var{b} are the lower and upper limits of integration. Either\nor both limits may be infinite. @code{quadcc} handles an inifinite limit\nby substituting the variable of integration with @code{x = tan (pi/2*u)}.\n\nThe optional argument @var{tol} defines the relative tolerance used to stop\nthe integration procedure. The default value is @math{1e^{-6}}.\n\nThe optional argument @var{sing} contains a list of points where the\nintegrand has known singularities, or discontinuities\nin any of its derivatives, inside the integration interval.\nFor the example above, which has a discontinuity at x=1, the call to\n@code{quadcc} would be as follows\n\n@example\nint = quadcc (f, a, b, 1.0e-6, [ 1 ]);\n@end example\n\nThe result of the integration is returned in @var{q}.\n@var{err} is an estimate of the absolute integration error and\n@var{nr_points} is the number of points at which the integrand was evaluated.\nIf the adaptive integration did not converge, the value of\n@var{err} will be larger than the requested tolerance. Therefore, it is\nrecommended to verify this value for difficult integrands.\n\n@code{quadcc} is capable of dealing with non-numeric\nvalues of the integrand such as @code{NaN} or @code{Inf}.\nIf the integral diverges, and @code{quadcc} detects this,\nthen a warning is issued and @code{Inf} or @code{-Inf} is returned.\n\nNote: @code{quadcc} is a general purpose quadrature algorithm\nand, as such, may be less efficient for a smooth or otherwise\nwell-behaved integrand than other methods such as @code{quadgk}.\n\nThe algorithm uses Clenshaw-Curtis quadrature rules of increasing\ndegree in each interval and bisects the interval if either the\nfunction does not appear to be smooth or a rule of maximum\ndegree has been reached. The error estimate is computed from the\nL2-norm of the difference between two successive interpolations\nof the integrand over the nodes of the respective quadrature rules.\n\nReference: P. Gonnet, @cite{Increasing the Reliability of Adaptive\nQuadrature Using Explicit Interpolants}, ACM Transactions on\nMathematical Software, Vol. 37, Issue 3, Article No. 3, 2010.\n@seealso{quad, quadv, quadl, quadgk, trapz, dblquad, triplequad}\n@end deftypefn")
1263 }
1265 static void
1267 {
1268 // DO NOT EDIT! Generated automatically by mkdefs.
1269  XDEFUN_FILE_NAME ("libinterp/corefcn/")
1270  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (qz, args, nargout, "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {@var{lambda} =} qz (@var{A}, @var{B})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {@var{lambda} =} qz (@var{A}, @var{B}, @var{opt})\nQZ@tie{}decomposition of the generalized eigenvalue problem\n(@math{A x = s B x}). There are three ways to call this function:\n@enumerate\n@item @code{@var{lambda} = qz (@var{A}, @var{B})}\n\nComputes the generalized eigenvalues\n@tex\n$\\lambda$\n@end tex\n@ifnottex\n@var{lambda}\n@end ifnottex\nof @math{(A - s B)}.\n\n@item @code{[AA, BB, Q, Z, V, W, @var{lambda}] = qz (@var{A}, @var{B})}\n\nComputes QZ@tie{}decomposition, generalized eigenvectors, and\ngeneralized eigenvalues of @math{(A - s B)}\n@tex\n$$ AV = BV{ \\rm diag }(\\lambda) $$\n$$ W^T A = { \\rm diag }(\\lambda)W^T B $$\n$$ AA = Q^T AZ, BB = Q^T BZ $$\n@end tex\n@ifnottex\n\n@example\n@group\n\nA * V = B * V * diag (@var{lambda})\nW' * A = diag (@var{lambda}) * W' * B\nAA = Q * A * Z, BB = Q * B * Z\n\n@end group\n@end example\n\n@end ifnottex\nwith @var{Q} and @var{Z} orthogonal (unitary)= @var{I}\n\n@item @code{[AA,BB,Z@{, @var{lambda}@}] = qz (@var{A}, @var{B}, @var{opt})}\n\nAs in form [2], but allows ordering of generalized eigenpairs\nfor (e.g.) solution of discrete time algebraic Riccati equations.\nForm 3 is not available for complex matrices, and does not compute\nthe generalized eigenvectors @var{V}, @var{W}, nor the orthogonal matrix\n@var{Q}.\n\n@table @var\n@item opt\nfor ordering eigenvalues of the @nospell{GEP} pencil. The leading block\nof the revised pencil contains all eigenvalues that satisfy:\n\n@table @asis\n@item @qcode{\"N\"}\n= unordered (default)\n\n@item @qcode{\"S\"}\n= small: leading block has all |lambda| @leq{} 1\n\n@item @qcode{\"B\"}\n= big: leading block has all |lambda| @geq{} 1\n\n@item @qcode{\"-\"}\n= negative real part: leading block has all eigenvalues\nin the open left half-plane\n\n@item @qcode{\"+\"}\n= non-negative real part: leading block has all eigenvalues\nin the closed right half-plane\n@end table\n@end table\n@end enumerate\n\nNote: @code{qz} performs permutation balancing, but not scaling\n(@pxref{XREFbalance}). The order of output arguments was selected for\ncompatibility with @sc{matlab}.\n@seealso{eig, balance, lu, chol, hess, qr, qzhess, schur, svd}\n@end deftypefn")
1271 }
1273 static void
1275 {
1276 // DO NOT EDIT! Generated automatically by mkdefs.
1277  XDEFUN_FILE_NAME ("libinterp/corefcn/")
1278  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (rand, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} rand (@var{n})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} rand (@var{n}, @var{m}, @dots{})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} rand ([@var{n} @var{m} @dots{}])\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {@var{v} =} rand (\"state\")\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} rand (\"state\", @var{v})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} rand (\"state\", \"reset\")\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {@var{v} =} rand (\"seed\")\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} rand (\"seed\", @var{v})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} rand (\"seed\", \"reset\")\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} rand (@dots{}, \"single\")\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} rand (@dots{}, \"double\")\nReturn a matrix with random elements uniformly distributed on the\ninterval (0, 1). The arguments are handled the same as the arguments\nfor @code{eye}.\n\nYou can query the state of the random number generator using the\nform\n\n@example\nv = rand (\"state\")\n@end example\n\nThis returns a column vector @var{v} of length 625. Later, you can\nrestore the random number generator to the state @var{v}\nusing the form\n\n@example\nrand (\"state\", v)\n@end example\n\n@noindent\nYou may also initialize the state vector from an arbitrary vector of\nlength @leq{} 625 for @var{v}. This new state will be a hash based on the\nvalue of @var{v}, not @var{v} itself.\n\nBy default, the generator is initialized from @code{/dev/urandom} if it is\navailable, otherwise from CPU time, wall clock time, and the current\nfraction of a second. Note that this differs from @sc{matlab}, which\nalways initializes the state to the same state at startup. To obtain\nbehavior comparable to @sc{matlab}, initialize with a deterministic state\nvector in Octave's startup files (@pxref{Startup Files}).\n\nTo compute the pseudo-random sequence, @code{rand} uses the Mersenne\nTwister with a period of @math{2^{19937}-1} (See M. Matsumoto and\nT. Nishimura,\n@cite{Mersenne Twister: A 623-dimensionally equidistributed uniform\npseudorandom number generator}, ACM Trans. on\nModeling and Computer Simulation Vol. 8, No. 1, pp. 3-30, January 1998,\n@url{}).\nDo @strong{not} use for cryptography without securely hashing\nseveral returned values together, otherwise the generator state\ncan be learned after reading 624 consecutive values.\n\nOlder versions of Octave used a different random number generator.\nThe new generator is used by default\nas it is significantly faster than the old generator, and produces\nrandom numbers with a significantly longer cycle time. However, in\nsome circumstances it might be desirable to obtain the same random\nsequences as used by the old generators. To do this the keyword\n@qcode{\"seed\"} is used to specify that the old generators should be use,\nas in\n\n@example\nrand (\"seed\", val)\n@end example\n\n@noindent\nwhich sets the seed of the generator to @var{val}. The seed of the\ngenerator can be queried with\n\n@example\ns = rand (\"seed\")\n@end example\n\nHowever, it should be noted that querying the seed will not cause\n@code{rand} to use the old generators, only setting the seed will.\nTo cause @code{rand} to once again use the new generators, the\nkeyword @qcode{\"state\"} should be used to reset the state of the\n@code{rand}.\n\nThe state or seed of the generator can be reset to a new random value\nusing the @qcode{\"reset\"} keyword.\n\nThe class of the value returned can be controlled by a trailing\n@qcode{\"double\"} or @qcode{\"single\"} argument. These are the only valid\nclasses.\n@seealso{randn, rande, randg, randp}\n@end deftypefn")
1279  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (randn, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} randn (@var{n})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} randn (@var{n}, @var{m}, @dots{})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} randn ([@var{n} @var{m} @dots{}])\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {@var{v} =} randn (\"state\")\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} randn (\"state\", @var{v})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} randn (\"state\", \"reset\")\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {@var{v} =} randn (\"seed\")\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} randn (\"seed\", @var{v})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} randn (\"seed\", \"reset\")\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} randn (@dots{}, \"single\")\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} randn (@dots{}, \"double\")\nReturn a matrix with normally distributed random\nelements having zero mean and variance one. The arguments are\nhandled the same as the arguments for @code{rand}.\n\nBy default, @code{randn} uses the Marsaglia and Tsang ``Ziggurat technique''\nto transform from a uniform to a normal distribution.\n\nThe class of the value returned can be controlled by a trailing\n@qcode{\"double\"} or @qcode{\"single\"} argument. These are the only valid\nclasses.\n\nReference: G. Marsaglia and W.W. Tsang,\n@cite{Ziggurat Method for Generating Random Variables},\nJ. Statistical Software, vol 5, 2000,\n@url{})\n\n@seealso{rand, rande, randg, randp}\n@end deftypefn")
1280  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (rande, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} rande (@var{n})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} rande (@var{n}, @var{m}, @dots{})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} rande ([@var{n} @var{m} @dots{}])\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {@var{v} =} rande (\"state\")\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} rande (\"state\", @var{v})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} rande (\"state\", \"reset\")\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {@var{v} =} rande (\"seed\")\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} rande (\"seed\", @var{v})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} rande (\"seed\", \"reset\")\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} rande (@dots{}, \"single\")\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} rande (@dots{}, \"double\")\nReturn a matrix with exponentially distributed random elements. The\narguments are handled the same as the arguments for @code{rand}.\n\nBy default, @code{randn} uses the Marsaglia and Tsang ``Ziggurat technique''\nto transform from a uniform to an exponential distribution.\n\nThe class of the value returned can be controlled by a trailing\n@qcode{\"double\"} or @qcode{\"single\"} argument. These are the only valid\nclasses.\n\nReference: G. Marsaglia and W.W. Tsang,\n@cite{Ziggurat Method for Generating Random Variables},\nJ. Statistical Software, vol 5, 2000,\n@url{})\n\n@seealso{rand, randn, randg, randp}\n@end deftypefn")
1281  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (randg, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} randg (@var{n})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} randg (@var{n}, @var{m}, @dots{})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} randg ([@var{n} @var{m} @dots{}])\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {@var{v} =} randg (\"state\")\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} randg (\"state\", @var{v})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} randg (\"state\", \"reset\")\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {@var{v} =} randg (\"seed\")\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} randg (\"seed\", @var{v})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} randg (\"seed\", \"reset\")\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} randg (@dots{}, \"single\")\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} randg (@dots{}, \"double\")\nReturn a matrix with @code{gamma (@var{a},1)} distributed random elements.\nThe arguments are handled the same as the arguments for @code{rand},\nexcept for the argument @var{a}.\n\nThis can be used to generate many distributions:\n\n@table @asis\n@item @code{gamma (a, b)} for @code{a > -1}, @code{b > 0}\n\n@example\nr = b * randg (a)\n@end example\n\n@item @code{beta (a, b)} for @code{a > -1}, @code{b > -1}\n\n@example\n@group\nr1 = randg (a, 1)\nr = r1 / (r1 + randg (b, 1))\n@end group\n@end example\n\n@item @code{Erlang (a, n)}\n\n@example\nr = a * randg (n)\n@end example\n\n@item @code{chisq (df)} for @code{df > 0}\n\n@example\nr = 2 * randg (df / 2)\n@end example\n\n@item @code{t (df)} for @code{0 < df < inf} (use randn if df is infinite)\n\n@example\nr = randn () / sqrt (2 * randg (df / 2) / df)\n@end example\n\n@item @code{F (n1, n2)} for @code{0 < n1}, @code{0 < n2}\n\n@example\n@group\n## r1 equals 1 if n1 is infinite\nr1 = 2 * randg (n1 / 2) / n1\n## r2 equals 1 if n2 is infinite\nr2 = 2 * randg (n2 / 2) / n2\nr = r1 / r2\n\n@end group\n@end example\n\n@item negative @code{binomial (n, p)} for @code{n > 0}, @code{0 < p <= 1}\n\n@example\nr = randp ((1 - p) / p * randg (n))\n@end example\n\n@item non-central @code{chisq (df, L)}, for @code{df >= 0} and @code{L > 0}\n(use chisq if @code{L = 0})\n\n@example\n@group\nr = randp (L / 2)\nr(r > 0) = 2 * randg (r(r > 0))\nr(df > 0) += 2 * randg (df(df > 0)/2)\n@end group\n@end example\n\n@item @code{Dirichlet (a1, @dots{} ak)}\n\n@example\n@group\nr = (randg (a1), @dots{}, randg (ak))\nr = r / sum (r)\n@end group\n@end example\n\n@end table\n\nThe class of the value returned can be controlled by a trailing\n@qcode{\"double\"} or @qcode{\"single\"} argument. These are the only valid\nclasses.\n@seealso{rand, randn, rande, randp}\n@end deftypefn")
1282  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (randp, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} randp (@var{l}, @var{n})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} randp (@var{l}, @var{n}, @var{m}, @dots{})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} randp (@var{l}, [@var{n} @var{m} @dots{}])\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {@var{v} =} randp (\"state\")\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} randp (\"state\", @var{v})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} randp (\"state\", \"reset\")\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {@var{v} =} randp (\"seed\")\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} randp (\"seed\", @var{v})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} randp (\"seed\", \"reset\")\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} randp (@dots{}, \"single\")\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} randp (@dots{}, \"double\")\nReturn a matrix with Poisson distributed random elements with mean value\nparameter given by the first argument, @var{l}. The arguments\nare handled the same as the arguments for @code{rand}, except for the\nargument @var{l}.\n\nFive different algorithms are used depending on the range of @var{l}\nand whether or not @var{l} is a scalar or a matrix.\n\n@table @asis\n@item For scalar @var{l} @leq{} 12, use direct method.\nW.H. Press, et al., @cite{Numerical Recipes in C},\nCambridge University Press, 1992.\n\n@item For scalar @var{l} > 12, use rejection method.[1]\nW.H. Press, et al., @cite{Numerical Recipes in C},\nCambridge University Press, 1992.\n\n@item For matrix @var{l} @leq{} 10, use inversion method.[2]\nE. Stadlober, et al., WinRand source code, available via FTP.\n\n@item For matrix @var{l} > 10, use patchwork rejection method.\nE. Stadlober, et al., WinRand source code, available via FTP, or\nH. Zechner, @cite{Efficient sampling from continuous and discrete\nunimodal distributions}, Doctoral Dissertation, 156pp., Technical\nUniversity Graz, Austria, 1994.\n\n@item For @var{l} > 1e8, use normal approximation.\nL. Montanet, et al., @cite{Review of Particle Properties}, Physical Review\nD 50 p1284, 1994.\n@end table\n\nThe class of the value returned can be controlled by a trailing\n@qcode{\"double\"} or @qcode{\"single\"} argument. These are the only valid\nclasses.\n@seealso{rand, randn, rande, randg}\n@end deftypefn")
1283  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (randperm, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} randperm (@var{n})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} randperm (@var{n}, @var{m})\nReturn a row vector containing a random permutation of @code{1:@var{n}}.\nIf @var{m} is supplied, return @var{m} unique entries, sampled without\nreplacement from @code{1:@var{n}}. The complexity is O(@var{n}) in\nmemory and O(@var{m}) in time, unless @var{m} < @var{n}/5, in which case\nO(@var{m}) memory is used as well. The randomization is performed using\nrand(). All permutations are equally likely.\n@seealso{perms}\n@end deftypefn")
1284 }
1286 static void
1288 {
1289 // DO NOT EDIT! Generated automatically by mkdefs.
1290  XDEFUN_FILE_NAME ("libinterp/corefcn/")
1291  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (rcond, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {@var{c} =} rcond (@var{A})\nCompute the 1-norm estimate of the reciprocal condition number as returned\nby @sc{lapack}. If the matrix is well-conditioned then @var{c} will be near\n1 and if the matrix is poorly conditioned it will be close to zero.\n\nThe matrix @var{A} must not be sparse. If the matrix is sparse then\n@code{condest (@var{A})} or @code{rcond (full (@var{A}))} should be used\ninstead.\n@seealso{cond, condest}\n@end deftypefn")
1292 }
1294 static void
1296 {
1297 // DO NOT EDIT! Generated automatically by mkdefs.
1298  XDEFUN_FILE_NAME ("libinterp/corefcn/")
1299  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (regexp, args, nargout, "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {[@var{s}, @var{e}, @var{te}, @var{m}, @var{t}, @var{nm}, @var{sp}] =} regexp (@var{str}, @var{pat})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {[@dots{}] =} regexp (@var{str}, @var{pat}, \"@var{opt1}\", @dots{})\nRegular expression string matching. Search for @var{pat} in @var{str} and\nreturn the positions and substrings of any matches, or empty values if there\nare none.\n\nThe matched pattern @var{pat} can include any of the standard regex\noperators, including:\n\n@table @code\n@item .\nMatch any character\n\n@item * + ? @{@}\nRepetition operators, representing\n\n@table @code\n@item *\nMatch zero or more times\n\n@item +\nMatch one or more times\n\n@item ?\nMatch zero or one times\n\n@item @{@var{n}@}\nMatch exactly @var{n} times\n\n@item @{@var{n},@}\nMatch @var{n} or more times\n\n@item @{@var{m},@var{n}@}\nMatch between @var{m} and @var{n} times\n@end table\n\n@item [@dots{}] [^@dots{}]\n\nList operators. The pattern will match any character listed between \"[\"\nand \"]\". If the first character is \"^\" then the pattern is inverted and\nany character except those listed between brackets will match.\n\nEscape sequences defined below can also be used inside list\noperators. For example, a template for a floating point number might be\n@code{[-+.\\d]+}.\n\n@item () (?:)\nGrouping operator. The first form, parentheses only, also creates a token.\n\n@item |\nAlternation operator. Match one of a choice of regular expressions. The\nalternatives must be delimited by the grouping operator @code{()} above.\n\n@item ^ $\nAnchoring operators. Requires pattern to occur at the start (@code{^}) or\nend (@code{$}) of the string.\n@end table\n\nIn addition, the following escaped characters have special meaning.\n\n@table @code\n\n@item \\d\nMatch any digit\n\n@item \\D\nMatch any non-digit\n\n@item \\s\nMatch any whitespace character\n\n@item \\S\nMatch any non-whitespace character\n\n@item \\w\nMatch any word character\n\n@item \\W\nMatch any non-word character\n\n@item \\<\nMatch the beginning of a word\n\n@item \\>\nMatch the end of a word\n\n@item \\B\nMatch within a word\n@end table\n\nImplementation Note: For compatibility with @sc{matlab}, ordinary escape\nsequences (e.g., @qcode{\"\\n\"} => newline) are processed in @var{pat}\nregardless of whether @var{pat} has been defined within single quotes. Use\na second backslash to stop interpolation of the escape sequence (e.g.,\n\"\\\\n\") or use the @code{regexptranslate} function.\n\nThe outputs of @code{regexp} default to the order given below\n\n@table @var\n@item s\nThe start indices of each matching substring\n\n@item e\nThe end indices of each matching substring\n\n@item te\nThe extents of each matched token surrounded by @code{(@dots{})} in\n@var{pat}\n\n@item m\nA cell array of the text of each match\n\n@item t\nA cell array of the text of each token matched\n\n@item nm\nA structure containing the text of each matched named token, with the name\nbeing used as the fieldname. A named token is denoted by\n@code{(?<name>@dots{})}.\n\n@item sp\nA cell array of the text not returned by match, i.e., what remains if you\nsplit the string based on @var{pat}.\n@end table\n\nParticular output arguments, or the order of the output arguments, can be\nselected by additional @var{opt} arguments. These are strings and the\ncorrespondence between the output arguments and the optional argument\nare\n\n@multitable @columnfractions 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.2\n@item @tab @qcode{'start'} @tab @var{s} @tab\n@item @tab @qcode{'end'} @tab @var{e} @tab\n@item @tab @qcode{'tokenExtents'} @tab @var{te} @tab\n@item @tab @qcode{'match'} @tab @var{m} @tab\n@item @tab @qcode{'tokens'} @tab @var{t} @tab\n@item @tab @qcode{'names'} @tab @var{nm} @tab\n@item @tab @qcode{'split'} @tab @var{sp} @tab\n@end multitable\n\nAdditional arguments are summarized below.\n\n@table @samp\n@item once\nReturn only the first occurrence of the pattern.\n\n@item matchcase\nMake the matching case sensitive. (default)\n\nAlternatively, use (?-i) in the pattern.\n\n@item ignorecase\nIgnore case when matching the pattern to the string.\n\nAlternatively, use (?i) in the pattern.\n\n@item stringanchors\nMatch the anchor characters at the beginning and end of the string.\n(default)\n\nAlternatively, use (?-m) in the pattern.\n\n@item lineanchors\nMatch the anchor characters at the beginning and end of the line.\n\nAlternatively, use (?m) in the pattern.\n\n@item dotall\nThe pattern @code{.} matches all characters including the newline character.\n (default)\n\nAlternatively, use (?s) in the pattern.\n\n@item dotexceptnewline\nThe pattern @code{.} matches all characters except the newline character.\n\nAlternatively, use (?-s) in the pattern.\n\n@item literalspacing\nAll characters in the pattern, including whitespace, are significant and are\nused in pattern matching. (default)\n\nAlternatively, use (?-x) in the pattern.\n\n@item freespacing\nThe pattern may include arbitrary whitespace and also comments beginning with\nthe character @samp{#}.\n\nAlternatively, use (?x) in the pattern.\n\n@item noemptymatch\nZero-length matches are not returned. (default)\n\n@item emptymatch\nReturn zero-length matches.\n\n@code{regexp ('a', 'b*', 'emptymatch')} returns @code{[1 2]} because there\nare zero or more @qcode{'b'} characters at positions 1 and end-of-string.\n\n@end table\n@seealso{regexpi, strfind, regexprep}\n@end deftypefn")
1300  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (regexpi, args, nargout, "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {[@var{s}, @var{e}, @var{te}, @var{m}, @var{t}, @var{nm}, @var{sp}] =} regexpi (@var{str}, @var{pat})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {[@dots{}] =} regexpi (@var{str}, @var{pat}, \"@var{opt1}\", @dots{})\n\nCase insensitive regular expression string matching. Search for @var{pat} in\n@var{str} and return the positions and substrings of any matches, or empty\nvalues if there are none. @xref{XREFregexp,,regexp}, for details on the\nsyntax of the search pattern.\n@seealso{regexp}\n@end deftypefn")
1301  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (regexprep, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {@var{outstr} =} regexprep (@var{string}, @var{pat}, @var{repstr})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {@var{outstr} =} regexprep (@var{string}, @var{pat}, @var{repstr}, \"@var{opt1}\", @dots{})\nReplace occurrences of pattern @var{pat} in @var{string} with @var{repstr}.\n\nThe pattern is a regular expression as documented for @code{regexp}.\n@xref{XREFregexp,,regexp}.\n\nThe replacement string may contain @code{$i}, which substitutes\nfor the ith set of parentheses in the match string. For example,\n\n@example\nregexprep (\"Bill Dunn\", '(\\w+) (\\w+)', '$2, $1')\n@end example\n\n@noindent\nreturns \"Dunn, Bill\"\n\nOptions in addition to those of @code{regexp} are\n\n@table @samp\n\n@item once\nReplace only the first occurrence of @var{pat} in the result.\n\n@item warnings\nThis option is present for compatibility but is ignored.\n\n@end table\n\nImplementation Note: For compatibility with @sc{matlab}, ordinary escape\nsequences (e.g., @qcode{\"\\n\"} => newline) are processed in both @var{pat}\nand @var{repstr} regardless of whether they were defined within single\nquotes. Use a second backslash to stop interpolation of the escape sequence\n(e.g., \"\\\\n\") or use the @code{regexptranslate} function.\n@seealso{regexp, regexpi, strrep}\n@end deftypefn")
1302 }
1304 static void
1306 {
1307 // DO NOT EDIT! Generated automatically by mkdefs.
1308  XDEFUN_FILE_NAME ("libinterp/corefcn/")
1309  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (schur, args, nargout, "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {@var{S} =} schur (@var{A})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {@var{S} =} schur (@var{A}, \"real\")\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {@var{S} =} schur (@var{A}, \"complex\")\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {@var{S} =} schur (@var{A}, @var{opt})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {[@var{U}, @var{S}] =} schur (@var{A}, @dots{})\n@cindex Schur decomposition\nCompute the Schur@tie{}decomposition of @var{A}\n@tex\n$$\n S = U^T A U\n$$\n@end tex\n@ifnottex\n\n@example\n@code{@var{S} = @var{U}' * @var{A} * @var{U}}\n@end example\n\n@end ifnottex\nwhere @var{U} is a unitary matrix\n@tex\n($U^T U$ is identity)\n@end tex\n@ifnottex\n(@code{@var{U}'* @var{U}} is identity)\n@end ifnottex\nand @var{S} is upper triangular. The eigenvalues of @var{A} (and @var{S})\nare the diagonal elements of @var{S}. If the matrix @var{A}\nis real, then the real Schur@tie{}decomposition is computed, in which the\nmatrix @var{U} is orthogonal and @var{S} is block upper triangular\nwith blocks of size at most\n@tex\n$2 \\times 2$\n@end tex\n@ifnottex\n@code{2 x 2}\n@end ifnottex\nalong the diagonal. The diagonal elements of @var{S}\n(or the eigenvalues of the\n@tex\n$2 \\times 2$\n@end tex\n@ifnottex\n@code{2 x 2}\n@end ifnottex\nblocks, when appropriate) are the eigenvalues of @var{A} and @var{S}.\n\nThe default for real matrices is a real Schur@tie{}decomposition.\nA complex decomposition may be forced by passing the flag\n@qcode{\"complex\"}.\n\nThe eigenvalues are optionally ordered along the diagonal according to\nthe value of @var{opt}. @code{@var{opt} = \"a\"} indicates that all\neigenvalues with negative real parts should be moved to the leading\nblock of @var{S}\n(used in @code{are}), @code{@var{opt} = \"d\"} indicates that all eigenvalues\nwith magnitude less than one should be moved to the leading block of @var{S}\n(used in @code{dare}), and @code{@var{opt} = \"u\"}, the default, indicates\nthat no ordering of eigenvalues should occur. The leading @var{k}\ncolumns of @var{U} always span the @var{A}-invariant\nsubspace corresponding to the @var{k} leading eigenvalues of @var{S}.\n\nThe Schur@tie{}decomposition is used to compute eigenvalues of a\nsquare matrix, and has applications in the solution of algebraic\nRiccati equations in control (see @code{are} and @code{dare}).\n@seealso{rsf2csf, lu, chol, hess, qr, qz, svd}\n@end deftypefn")
1310  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (rsf2csf, args, nargout, "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Function File} {[@var{U}, @var{T}] =} rsf2csf (@var{UR}, @var{TR})\nConvert a real, upper quasi-triangular Schur@tie{}form @var{TR} to a complex,\nupper triangular Schur@tie{}form @var{T}.\n\nNote that the following relations hold:\n\n@tex\n$UR \\cdot TR \\cdot {UR}^T = U T U^{\\dagger}$ and\n$U^{\\dagger} U$ is the identity matrix I.\n@end tex\n@ifnottex\n@tcode{@var{UR} * @var{TR} * @var{UR}' = @var{U} * @var{T} * @var{U}'} and\n@code{@var{U}' * @var{U}} is the identity matrix I.\n@end ifnottex\n\nNote also that @var{U} and @var{T} are not unique.\n@seealso{schur}\n@end deftypefn")
1311 }
1313 static void
1315 {
1316 // DO NOT EDIT! Generated automatically by mkdefs.
1317  XDEFUN_FILE_NAME ("libinterp/corefcn/")
1318  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (SIG, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} SIG ()\nReturn a structure containing Unix signal names and their defined values.\n@end deftypefn")
1319  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (debug_on_interrupt, args, nargout, "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {@var{val} =} debug_on_interrupt ()\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {@var{old_val} =} debug_on_interrupt (@var{new_val})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} debug_on_interrupt (@var{new_val}, \"local\")\nQuery or set the internal variable that controls whether Octave will try\nto enter debugging mode when it receives an interrupt signal (typically\ngenerated with @kbd{C-c}). If a second interrupt signal is received\nbefore reaching the debugging mode, a normal interrupt will occur.\n\nWhen called from inside a function with the @qcode{\"local\"} option, the\nvariable is changed locally for the function and any subroutines it calls. \nThe original variable value is restored when exiting the function.\n@seealso{debug_on_error, debug_on_warning}\n@end deftypefn")
1320  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (sighup_dumps_octave_core, args, nargout, "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {@var{val} =} sighup_dumps_octave_core ()\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {@var{old_val} =} sighup_dumps_octave_core (@var{new_val})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} sighup_dumps_octave_core (@var{new_val}, \"local\")\nQuery or set the internal variable that controls whether Octave tries\nto save all current variables to the file @file{octave-workspace} if it\nreceives a hangup signal.\n\nWhen called from inside a function with the @qcode{\"local\"} option, the\nvariable is changed locally for the function and any subroutines it calls. \nThe original variable value is restored when exiting the function.\n@end deftypefn")
1321  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (sigterm_dumps_octave_core, args, nargout, "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {@var{val} =} sigterm_dumps_octave_core ()\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {@var{old_val} =} sigterm_dumps_octave_core (@var{new_val})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} sigterm_dumps_octave_core (@var{new_val}, \"local\")\nQuery or set the internal variable that controls whether Octave tries\nto save all current variables to the file @file{octave-workspace} if it\nreceives a terminate signal.\n\nWhen called from inside a function with the @qcode{\"local\"} option, the\nvariable is changed locally for the function and any subroutines it calls. \nThe original variable value is restored when exiting the function.\n@end deftypefn")
1322 }
1324 static void
1326 {
1327 // DO NOT EDIT! Generated automatically by mkdefs.
1328  XDEFUN_FILE_NAME ("libinterp/corefcn/")
1329  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (issparse, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} issparse (@var{x})\nReturn true if @var{x} is a sparse matrix.\n@seealso{ismatrix}\n@end deftypefn")
1330  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (sparse, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {@var{s} =} sparse (@var{a})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {@var{s} =} sparse (@var{i}, @var{j}, @var{sv}, @var{m}, @var{n}, @var{nzmax})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {@var{s} =} sparse (@var{i}, @var{j}, @var{sv})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {@var{s} =} sparse (@var{i}, @var{j}, @var{s}, @var{m}, @var{n}, \"unique\")\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {@var{s} =} sparse (@var{m}, @var{n})\nCreate a sparse matrix from the full matrix or row, column, value triplets.\nIf @var{a} is a full matrix, convert it to a sparse matrix representation,\nremoving all zero values in the process.\n\nGiven the integer index vectors @var{i} and @var{j}, a 1-by-@code{nnz} vector\nof real of complex values @var{sv}, overall dimensions @var{m} and @var{n}\nof the sparse matrix. The argument @code{nzmax} is ignored but accepted for\ncompatibility with @sc{matlab}. If @var{m} or @var{n} are not specified\ntheir values are derived from the maximum index in the vectors @var{i} and\n@var{j} as given by @code{@var{m} = max (@var{i})},\n@code{@var{n} = max (@var{j})}.\n\n@strong{Note}: if multiple values are specified with the same\n@var{i}, @var{j} indices, the corresponding values in @var{s} will\nbe added. See @code{accumarray} for an example of how to produce different\nbehavior, such as taking the minimum instead.\n\nThe following are all equivalent:\n\n@example\n@group\ns = sparse (i, j, s, m, n)\ns = sparse (i, j, s, m, n, \"summation\")\ns = sparse (i, j, s, m, n, \"sum\")\n@end group\n@end example\n\nGiven the option @qcode{\"unique\"}, if more than two values are specified\nfor the same @var{i}, @var{j} indices, the last specified value will be\nused.\n\n@code{sparse (@var{m}, @var{n})} is equivalent to\n@code{sparse ([], [], [], @var{m}, @var{n}, 0)}\n\nIf any of @var{sv}, @var{i} or @var{j} are scalars, they are expanded\nto have a common size.\n@seealso{full, accumarray}\n@end deftypefn")
1331  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (spalloc, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {@var{s} =} spalloc (@var{m}, @var{n}, @var{nz})\nCreate an @var{m}-by-@var{n} sparse matrix with pre-allocated space for at\nmost @var{nz} nonzero elements. This is useful for building the matrix\nincrementally by a sequence of indexed assignments. Subsequent indexed\nassignments will reuse the pre-allocated memory, provided they are of one of\nthe simple forms\n\n@itemize\n@item @code{@var{s}(I:J) = @var{x}}\n\n@item @code{@var{s}(:,I:J) = @var{x}}\n\n@item @code{@var{s}(K:L,I:J) = @var{x}}\n@end itemize\n\n@b{and} that the following conditions are met:\n\n@itemize\n@item the assignment does not decrease nnz (@var{S}).\n\n@item after the assignment, nnz (@var{S}) does not exceed @var{nz}.\n\n@item no index is out of bounds.\n@end itemize\n\nPartial movement of data may still occur, but in general the assignment will\nbe more memory and time-efficient under these circumstances. In particular,\nit is possible to efficiently build a pre-allocated sparse matrix from\ncontiguous block of columns.\n\nThe amount of pre-allocated memory for a given matrix may be queried using\nthe function @code{nzmax}.\n@seealso{nzmax, sparse}\n@end deftypefn")
1332 }
1334 static void
1336 {
1337 // DO NOT EDIT! Generated automatically by mkdefs.
1338  XDEFUN_FILE_NAME ("libinterp/corefcn/")
1339  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (spparms, args, nargout, "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} { } spparms ()\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {@var{vals} =} spparms ()\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {[@var{keys}, @var{vals}] =} spparms ()\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {@var{val} =} spparms (@var{key})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} { } spparms (@var{vals})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} { } spparms (\"defaults\")\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} { } spparms (\"tight\")\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} { } spparms (@var{key}, @var{val})\nQuery or set the parameters used by the sparse solvers and factorization\nfunctions. The first four calls above get information about the current\nsettings, while the others change the current settings. The parameters are\nstored as pairs of keys and values, where the values are all floats and the\nkeys are one of the following strings:\n\n@table @samp\n@item spumoni\nPrinting level of debugging information of the solvers (default 0)\n\n@item ths_rel\nIncluded for compatibility. Not used. (default 1)\n\n@item ths_abs\nIncluded for compatibility. Not used. (default 1)\n\n@item exact_d\nIncluded for compatibility. Not used. (default 0)\n\n@item supernd\nIncluded for compatibility. Not used. (default 3)\n\n@item rreduce\nIncluded for compatibility. Not used. (default 3)\n\n@item wh_frac\nIncluded for compatibility. Not used. (default 0.5)\n\n@item autommd\nFlag whether the LU/QR and the '\\' and '/' operators will automatically\nuse the sparsity preserving mmd functions (default 1)\n\n@item autoamd\nFlag whether the LU and the '\\' and '/' operators will automatically\nuse the sparsity preserving amd functions (default 1)\n\n@item piv_tol\nThe pivot tolerance of the @sc{umfpack} solvers (default 0.1)\n\n@item sym_tol\nThe pivot tolerance of the @sc{umfpack} symmetric solvers (default 0.001)\n\n@item bandden\nThe density of non-zero elements in a banded matrix before it is treated\nby the @sc{lapack} banded solvers (default 0.5)\n\n@item umfpack\nFlag whether the @sc{umfpack} or mmd solvers are used for the LU, '\\' and\n'/' operations (default 1)\n@end table\n\nThe value of individual keys can be set with\n@code{spparms (@var{key}, @var{val})}.\nThe default values can be restored with the special keyword\n@qcode{\"defaults\"}. The special keyword @qcode{\"tight\"} can be used to\nset the mmd solvers to attempt a sparser solution at the potential cost of\nlonger running time.\n@end deftypefn")
1340 }
1342 static void
1344 {
1345 // DO NOT EDIT! Generated automatically by mkdefs.
1346  XDEFUN_FILE_NAME ("libinterp/corefcn/")
1347  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (sqrtm, args, nargout, "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {@var{s} =} sqrtm (@var{A})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {[@var{s}, @var{error_estimate}] =} sqrtm (@var{A})\nCompute the matrix square root of the square matrix @var{A}.\n\nRef: N.J. Higham. @cite{A New sqrtm for @sc{matlab}}. Numerical\nAnalysis Report No. 336, Manchester @nospell{Centre} for Computational\nMathematics, Manchester, England, January 1999.\n@seealso{expm, logm}\n@end deftypefn")
1348 }
1350 static void
1352 {
1353 // DO NOT EDIT! Generated automatically by mkdefs.
1354  XDEFUN_FILE_NAME ("libinterp/corefcn/")
1355  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (str2double, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} str2double (@var{s})\nConvert a string to a real or complex number.\n\nThe string must be in one of the following formats where\na and b are real numbers and the complex unit is @qcode{'i'} or @qcode{'j'}:\n\n@itemize\n@item a + bi\n\n@item a + b*i\n\n@item a + i*b\n\n@item bi + a\n\n@item b*i + a\n\n@item i*b + a\n@end itemize\n\nIf present, a and/or b are of the form @nospell{[+-]d[,.]d[[eE][+-]d]} where\nthe brackets indicate optional arguments and @qcode{'d'} indicates zero or\nmore digits. The special input values @code{Inf}, @code{NaN}, and @code{NA}\nare also accepted.\n\n@var{s} may be a character string, character matrix, or cell array.\nFor character arrays the conversion is repeated for every row, and\na double or complex array is returned. Empty rows in @var{s} are deleted\nand not returned in the numeric array. For cell arrays each character\nstring element is processed and a double or complex array of the same\ndimensions as @var{s} is returned.\n\nFor unconvertible scalar or character string input @code{str2double} returns\na NaN@. Similarly, for character array input @code{str2double} returns a\nNaN for any row of @var{s} that could not be converted. For a cell array,\n@code{str2double} returns a NaN for any element of @var{s} for which\nconversion fails. Note that numeric elements in a mixed string/numeric\ncell array are not strings and the conversion will fail for these elements\nand return NaN.\n\n@code{str2double} can replace @code{str2num}, and it avoids the security\nrisk of using @code{eval} on unknown data.\n@seealso{str2num}\n@end deftypefn")
1356 }
1358 static void
1360 {
1361 // DO NOT EDIT! Generated automatically by mkdefs.
1362  XDEFUN_FILE_NAME ("libinterp/corefcn/")
1363  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (strfind, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {@var{idx} =} strfind (@var{str}, @var{pattern})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {@var{idx} =} strfind (@var{cellstr}, @var{pattern})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {@var{idx} =} strfind (@dots{}, \"overlaps\", @var{val})\nSearch for @var{pattern} in the string @var{str} and return the\nstarting index of every such occurrence in the vector @var{idx}.\n\nIf there is no such occurrence, or if @var{pattern} is longer\nthan @var{str}, then @var{idx} is the empty array @code{[]}.\nThe optional argument @qcode{\"overlaps\"} determines whether the pattern\ncan match at every position in @var{str} (true), or only for unique\noccurrences of the complete pattern (false). The default is true.\n\nIf a cell array of strings @var{cellstr} is specified\nthen @var{idx} is a cell array of vectors, as specified above.\n\nExamples:\n\n@example\n@group\nstrfind (\"abababa\", \"aba\")\n @result{} [1, 3, 5]\n\nstrfind (\"abababa\", \"aba\", \"overlaps\", false)\n @result{} [1, 5]\n\nstrfind (@{\"abababa\", \"bebebe\", \"ab\"@}, \"aba\")\n @result{}\n @{\n [1,1] =\n\n 1 3 5\n\n [1,2] = [](1x0)\n [1,3] = [](1x0)\n @}\n@end group\n@end example\n@seealso{findstr, strmatch, regexp, regexpi, find}\n@end deftypefn")
1364  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (strrep, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {@var{newstr} =} strrep (@var{str}, @var{ptn}, @var{rep})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {@var{newstr} =} strrep (@var{cellstr}, @var{ptn}, @var{rep})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {@var{newstr} =} strrep (@dots{}, \"overlaps\", @var{val})\nReplace all occurrences of the pattern @var{ptn} in the string @var{str}\nwith the string @var{rep} and return the result.\n\nThe optional argument @qcode{\"overlaps\"} determines whether the pattern\ncan match at every position in @var{str} (true), or only for unique\noccurrences of the complete pattern (false). The default is true.\n\n@var{s} may also be a cell array of strings, in which case the replacement is\ndone for each element and a cell array is returned.\n\nExample:\n\n@example\n@group\nstrrep (\"This is a test string\", \"is\", \"&%$\")\n @result{} \"Th&%$ &%$ a test string\"\n@end group\n@end example\n\n@seealso{regexprep, strfind, findstr}\n@end deftypefn")
1365 }
1367 static void
1369 {
1370 // DO NOT EDIT! Generated automatically by mkdefs.
1371  XDEFUN_FILE_NAME ("libinterp/corefcn/")
1372  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (char, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} char (@var{x})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} char (@var{x}, @dots{})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} char (@var{s1}, @var{s2}, @dots{})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} char (@var{cell_array})\nCreate a string array from one or more numeric matrices, character\nmatrices, or cell arrays. Arguments are concatenated vertically.\nThe returned values are padded with blanks as needed to make each row\nof the string array have the same length. Empty input strings are\nsignificant and will concatenated in the output.\n\nFor numerical input, each element is converted\nto the corresponding ASCII character. A range error results if an input\nis outside the ASCII range (0-255).\n\nFor cell arrays, each element is concatenated separately. Cell arrays\nconverted through\n@code{char} can mostly be converted back with @code{cellstr}.\nFor example:\n\n@example\n@group\nchar ([97, 98, 99], \"\", @{\"98\", \"99\", 100@}, \"str1\", [\"ha\", \"lf\"])\n @result{} [\"abc \"\n \" \"\n \"98 \"\n \"99 \"\n \"d \"\n \"str1 \"\n \"half \"]\n@end group\n@end example\n@seealso{strvcat, cellstr}\n@end deftypefn")
1373  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (strvcat, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} strvcat (@var{x})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} strvcat (@var{x}, @dots{})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} strvcat (@var{s1}, @var{s2}, @dots{})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} strvcat (@var{cell_array})\nCreate a character array from one or more numeric matrices, character\nmatrices, or cell arrays. Arguments are concatenated vertically.\nThe returned values are padded with blanks as needed to make each row\nof the string array have the same length. Unlike @code{char}, empty\nstrings are removed and will not appear in the output.\n\nFor numerical input, each element is converted\nto the corresponding ASCII character. A range error results if an input\nis outside the ASCII range (0-255).\n\nFor cell arrays, each element is concatenated separately. Cell arrays\nconverted through\n@code{strvcat} can mostly be converted back with @code{cellstr}.\nFor example:\n\n@example\n@group\nstrvcat ([97, 98, 99], \"\", @{\"98\", \"99\", 100@}, \"str1\", [\"ha\", \"lf\"])\n @result{} [\"abc \"\n \"98 \"\n \"99 \"\n \"d \"\n \"str1 \"\n \"half \"]\n@end group\n@end example\n@seealso{char, strcat, cstrcat}\n@end deftypefn")
1374  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (ischar, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} ischar (@var{x})\nReturn true if @var{x} is a character array.\n@seealso{isfloat, isinteger, islogical, isnumeric, iscellstr, isa}\n@end deftypefn")
1375  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (strcmp, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} strcmp (@var{s1}, @var{s2})\nReturn 1 if the character strings @var{s1} and @var{s2} are the same,\nand 0 otherwise.\n\nIf either @var{s1} or @var{s2} is a cell array of strings, then an array\nof the same size is returned, containing the values described above for\nevery member of the cell array. The other argument may also be a cell\narray of strings (of the same size or with only one element), char matrix\nor character string.\n\n@strong{Caution:} For compatibility with @sc{matlab}, Octave's strcmp\nfunction returns 1 if the character strings are equal, and 0 otherwise.\nThis is just the opposite of the corresponding C library function.\n@seealso{strcmpi, strncmp, strncmpi}\n@end deftypefn")
1376  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (strncmp, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} strncmp (@var{s1}, @var{s2}, @var{n})\nReturn 1 if the first @var{n} characters of strings @var{s1} and @var{s2} are\nthe same, and 0 otherwise.\n\n@example\n@group\nstrncmp (\"abce\", \"abcd\", 3)\n @result{} 1\n@end group\n@end example\n\nIf either @var{s1} or @var{s2} is a cell array of strings, then an array\nof the same size is returned, containing the values described above for\nevery member of the cell array. The other argument may also be a cell\narray of strings (of the same size or with only one element), char matrix\nor character string.\n\n@example\n@group\nstrncmp (\"abce\", @{\"abcd\", \"bca\", \"abc\"@}, 3)\n @result{} [1, 0, 1]\n@end group\n@end example\n\n@strong{Caution:} For compatibility with @sc{matlab}, Octave's strncmp\nfunction returns 1 if the character strings are equal, and 0 otherwise.\nThis is just the opposite of the corresponding C library function.\n@seealso{strncmpi, strcmp, strcmpi}\n@end deftypefn")
1377  XDEFUNX_INTERNAL ("strcmpi", Fstrcmpi, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} strcmpi (@var{s1}, @var{s2})\nReturn 1 if the character strings @var{s1} and @var{s2} are the same,\ndisregarding case of alphabetic characters, and 0 otherwise.\n\nIf either @var{s1} or @var{s2} is a cell array of strings, then an array\nof the same size is returned, containing the values described above for\nevery member of the cell array. The other argument may also be a cell\narray of strings (of the same size or with only one element), char matrix\nor character string.\n\n@strong{Caution:} For compatibility with @sc{matlab}, Octave's strcmp\nfunction returns 1 if the character strings are equal, and 0 otherwise.\nThis is just the opposite of the corresponding C library function.\n\n@strong{Caution:} National alphabets are not supported.\n@seealso{strcmp, strncmp, strncmpi}\n@end deftypefn")
1378  XDEFUNX_INTERNAL ("strncmpi", Fstrncmpi, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} strncmpi (@var{s1}, @var{s2}, @var{n})\nReturn 1 if the first @var{n} character of @var{s1} and @var{s2} are the\nsame, disregarding case of alphabetic characters, and 0 otherwise.\n\nIf either @var{s1} or @var{s2} is a cell array of strings, then an array\nof the same size is returned, containing the values described above for\nevery member of the cell array. The other argument may also be a cell\narray of strings (of the same size or with only one element), char matrix\nor character string.\n\n@strong{Caution:} For compatibility with @sc{matlab}, Octave's strncmpi\nfunction returns 1 if the character strings are equal, and 0 otherwise.\nThis is just the opposite of the corresponding C library function.\n\n@strong{Caution:} National alphabets are not supported.\n@seealso{strncmp, strcmp, strcmpi}\n@end deftypefn")
1379  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (list_in_columns, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} list_in_columns (@var{arg}, @var{width}, @var{prefix})\nReturn a string containing the elements of @var{arg} listed in\ncolumns with an overall maximum width of @var{width} and optional\nprefix @var{prefix}. The argument @var{arg} must be a cell array\nof character strings or a character array. If @var{width} is not\nspecified or is an empty matrix, or less than or equal to zero,\nthe width of the terminal screen is used.\nNewline characters are used to break the lines in the output string.\nFor example:\n@c Set example in small font to prevent overfull line\n\n@smallexample\n@group\nlist_in_columns (@{\"abc\", \"def\", \"ghijkl\", \"mnop\", \"qrs\", \"tuv\"@}, 20)\n @result{} abc mnop\n def qrs\n ghijkl tuv\n\nwhos ans\n @result{}\n Variables in the current scope:\n\n Attr Name Size Bytes Class\n ==== ==== ==== ===== =====\n ans 1x37 37 char\n\n Total is 37 elements using 37 bytes\n@end group\n@end smallexample\n\n@seealso{terminal_size}\n@end deftypefn")
1380 }
1382 static void
1384 {
1385 // DO NOT EDIT! Generated automatically by mkdefs.
1386  XDEFUN_FILE_NAME ("libinterp/corefcn/")
1387  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (sub2ind, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Function File} {@var{ind} =} sub2ind (@var{dims}, @var{i}, @var{j})\n@deftypefnx {Function File} {@var{ind} =} sub2ind (@var{dims}, @var{s1}, @var{s2}, @dots{}, @var{sN})\nConvert subscripts to a linear index.\n\nThe following example shows how to convert the two-dimensional\nindex @code{(2,3)} of a 3-by-3 matrix to a linear index. The matrix\nis linearly indexed moving from one column to next, filling up\nall rows in each column.\n\n@example\n@group\nlinear_index = sub2ind ([3, 3], 2, 3)\n@result{} 8\n@end group\n@end example\n@seealso{ind2sub}\n@end deftypefn")
1388  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (ind2sub, args, nargout, "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Function File} {[@var{s1}, @var{s2}, @dots{}, @var{sN}] =} ind2sub (@var{dims}, @var{ind})\nConvert a linear index to subscripts.\n\nThe following example shows how to convert the linear index @code{8}\nin a 3-by-3 matrix into a subscript. The matrix is linearly indexed\nmoving from one column to next, filling up all rows in each column.\n\n@example\n@group\n[r, c] = ind2sub ([3, 3], 8)\n @result{} r = 2\n @result{} c = 3\n@end group\n@end example\n@seealso{sub2ind}\n@end deftypefn")
1389 }
1391 static void
1393 {
1394 // DO NOT EDIT! Generated automatically by mkdefs.
1395  XDEFUN_FILE_NAME ("libinterp/corefcn/")
1396  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (svd, args, nargout, "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {@var{s} =} svd (@var{A})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {[@var{U}, @var{S}, @var{V}] =} svd (@var{A})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {[@var{U}, @var{S}, @var{V}] =} svd (@var{A}, @var{econ})\n@cindex singular value decomposition\nCompute the singular value decomposition of @var{A}\n@tex\n$$\n A = U S V^{\\dagger}\n$$\n@end tex\n@ifnottex\n\n@example\nA = U*S*V'\n@end example\n\n@end ifnottex\n\nThe function @code{svd} normally returns only the vector of singular values.\nWhen called with three return values, it computes\n@tex\n$U$, $S$, and $V$.\n@end tex\n@ifnottex\n@var{U}, @var{S}, and @var{V}.\n@end ifnottex\nFor example,\n\n@example\nsvd (hilb (3))\n@end example\n\n@noindent\nreturns\n\n@example\n@group\nans =\n\n 1.4083189\n 0.1223271\n 0.0026873\n@end group\n@end example\n\n@noindent\nand\n\n@example\n[u, s, v] = svd (hilb (3))\n@end example\n\n@noindent\nreturns\n\n@example\n@group\nu =\n\n -0.82704 0.54745 0.12766\n -0.45986 -0.52829 -0.71375\n -0.32330 -0.64901 0.68867\n\ns =\n\n 1.40832 0.00000 0.00000\n 0.00000 0.12233 0.00000\n 0.00000 0.00000 0.00269\n\nv =\n\n -0.82704 0.54745 0.12766\n -0.45986 -0.52829 -0.71375\n -0.32330 -0.64901 0.68867\n@end group\n@end example\n\nIf given a second argument, @code{svd} returns an economy-sized\ndecomposition, eliminating the unnecessary rows or columns of @var{U} or\n@var{V}.\n@seealso{svd_driver, svds, eig, lu, chol, hess, qr, qz}\n@end deftypefn")
1397  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (svd_driver, args, nargout, "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {@var{val} =} svd_driver ()\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {@var{old_val} =} svd_driver (@var{new_val})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} svd_driver (@var{new_val}, \"local\")\nQuery or set the underlying @sc{lapack} driver used by @code{svd}.\nCurrently recognized values are @qcode{\"gesvd\"} and @qcode{\"gesdd\"}. \nThe default is @qcode{\"gesvd\"}.\n\nWhen called from inside a function with the @qcode{\"local\"} option, the\nvariable is changed locally for the function and any subroutines it calls. \nThe original variable value is restored when exiting the function.\n@seealso{svd}\n@end deftypefn")
1398 }
1400 static void
1402 {
1403 // DO NOT EDIT! Generated automatically by mkdefs.
1404  XDEFUN_FILE_NAME ("libinterp/corefcn/")
1405  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (syl, args, nargout, "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {@var{x} =} syl (@var{A}, @var{B}, @var{C})\nSolve the Sylvester equation\n@tex\n$$\n A X + X B + C = 0\n$$\n@end tex\n@ifnottex\n\n@example\nA X + X B + C = 0\n@end example\n\n@end ifnottex\nusing standard @sc{lapack} subroutines. For example:\n\n@example\n@group\nsyl ([1, 2; 3, 4], [5, 6; 7, 8], [9, 10; 11, 12])\n @result{} [ -0.50000, -0.66667; -0.66667, -0.50000 ]\n@end group\n@end example\n@end deftypefn")
1406 }
1408 static void
1410 {
1411 // DO NOT EDIT! Generated automatically by mkdefs.
1412  XDEFUN_FILE_NAME ("libinterp/corefcn/")
1413  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (ignore_function_time_stamp, args, nargout, "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {@var{val} =} ignore_function_time_stamp ()\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {@var{old_val} =} ignore_function_time_stamp (@var{new_val})\nQuery or set the internal variable that controls whether Octave checks\nthe time stamp on files each time it looks up functions defined in\nfunction files. If the internal variable is set to @qcode{\"system\"},\nOctave will not automatically recompile function files in subdirectories of\n@file{@var{octave-home}/lib/@var{version}} if they have changed since\nthey were last compiled, but will recompile other function files in the\nsearch path if they change. If set to @qcode{\"all\"}, Octave will not\nrecompile any function files unless their definitions are removed with\n@code{clear}. If set to @qcode{\"none\"}, Octave will always check time\nstamps on files to determine whether functions defined in function files\nneed to recompiled.\n@end deftypefn")
1414  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (__current_scope__, , , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {[@var{scope}, @var{context}]} __dump_symtab_info__ ()\nUndocumented internal function.\n@end deftypefn")
1415  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (__dump_symtab_info__, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} __dump_symtab_info__ ()\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} __dump_symtab_info__ (@var{scope})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} __dump_symtab_info__ (\"scopes\")\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} __dump_symtab_info__ (\"functions\")\nUndocumented internal function.\n@end deftypefn")
1416 }
1418 static void
1420 {
1421 // DO NOT EDIT! Generated automatically by mkdefs.
1422  XDEFUN_FILE_NAME ("libinterp/corefcn/")
1423  XDEFUNX_INTERNAL ("dup2", Fdup2, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {[@var{fid}, @var{msg}] =} dup2 (@var{old}, @var{new})\nDuplicate a file descriptor.\n\nIf successful, @var{fid} is greater than zero and contains the new file\nID@. Otherwise, @var{fid} is negative and @var{msg} contains a\nsystem-dependent error message.\n@end deftypefn")
1424  XDEFUNX_INTERNAL ("exec", Fexec, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {[@var{err}, @var{msg}] =} exec (@var{file}, @var{args})\nReplace current process with a new process. Calling @code{exec} without\nfirst calling @code{fork} will terminate your current Octave process and\nreplace it with the program named by @var{file}. For example,\n\n@example\nexec (\"ls\" \"-l\")\n@end example\n\n@noindent\nwill run @code{ls} and return you to your shell prompt.\n\nIf successful, @code{exec} does not return. If @code{exec} does return,\n@var{err} will be nonzero, and @var{msg} will contain a system-dependent\nerror message.\n@end deftypefn")
1425  XDEFUNX_INTERNAL ("popen2", Fpopen2, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {[@var{in}, @var{out}, @var{pid}] =} popen2 (@var{command}, @var{args})\nStart a subprocess with two-way communication. The name of the process\nis given by @var{command}, and @var{args} is an array of strings\ncontaining options for the command. The file identifiers for the input\nand output streams of the subprocess are returned in @var{in} and\n@var{out}. If execution of the command is successful, @var{pid}\ncontains the process ID of the subprocess. Otherwise, @var{pid} is\n@minus{}1.\n\nFor example:\n\n@example\n[in, out, pid] = popen2 (\"sort\", \"-r\");\nfputs (in, \"these\\nare\\nsome\\nstrings\\n\");\nfclose (in);\nEAGAIN = errno (\"EAGAIN\");\ndone = false;\ndo\n s = fgets (out);\n if (ischar (s))\n fputs (stdout, s);\n elseif (errno () == EAGAIN)\n sleep (0.1);\n fclear (out);\n else\n done = true;\n endif\nuntil (done)\nfclose (out);\nwaitpid (pid);\n\n @print{} these\n @print{} strings\n @print{} some\n @print{} are\n@end example\n\nNote that @code{popen2}, unlike @code{popen}, will not @nospell{\"reap\"} the\nchild process. If you don't use @code{waitpid} to check the child's\nexit status, it will linger until Octave exits.\n@seealso{popen, waitpid}\n@end deftypefn")
1426  XDEFUNX_INTERNAL ("fcntl", Ffcntl, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {[@var{err}, @var{msg}] =} fcntl (@var{fid}, @var{request}, @var{arg})\nChange the properties of the open file @var{fid}. The following values\nmay be passed as @var{request}:\n\n@vtable @code\n@item F_DUPFD\nReturn a duplicate file descriptor.\n\n@item F_GETFD\nReturn the file descriptor flags for @var{fid}.\n\n@item F_SETFD\nSet the file descriptor flags for @var{fid}.\n\n@item F_GETFL\nReturn the file status flags for @var{fid}. The following codes may be\nreturned (some of the flags may be undefined on some systems).\n\n@vtable @code\n@item O_RDONLY\nOpen for reading only.\n\n@item O_WRONLY\nOpen for writing only.\n\n@item O_RDWR\nOpen for reading and writing.\n\n@item O_APPEND\nAppend on each write.\n\n@item O_CREAT\nCreate the file if it does not exist.\n\n@item O_NONBLOCK\nNon-blocking mode.\n\n@item O_SYNC\nWait for writes to complete.\n\n@item O_ASYNC\nAsynchronous I/O.\n@end vtable\n\n@item F_SETFL\nSet the file status flags for @var{fid} to the value specified by\n@var{arg}. The only flags that can be changed are @w{@code{O_APPEND}} and\n@w{@code{O_NONBLOCK}}.\n@end vtable\n\nIf successful, @var{err} is 0 and @var{msg} is an empty string.\nOtherwise, @var{err} is nonzero and @var{msg} contains a\nsystem-dependent error message.\n@end deftypefn")
1427  XDEFUNX_INTERNAL ("fork", Ffork, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {[@var{pid}, @var{msg}] =} fork ()\nCreate a copy of the current process.\n\nFork can return one of the following values:\n\n@table @asis\n@item > 0\nYou are in the parent process. The value returned from @code{fork} is\nthe process id of the child process. You should probably arrange to\nwait for any child processes to exit.\n\n@item 0\nYou are in the child process. You can call @code{exec} to start another\nprocess. If that fails, you should probably call @code{exit}.\n\n@item < 0\nThe call to @code{fork} failed for some reason. You must take evasive\naction. A system dependent error message will be waiting in @var{msg}.\n@end table\n@end deftypefn")
1428  XDEFUNX_INTERNAL ("getpgrp", Fgetpgrp, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {pgid =} getpgrp ()\nReturn the process group id of the current process.\n@end deftypefn")
1429  XDEFUNX_INTERNAL ("getpid", Fgetpid, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {pid =} getpid ()\nReturn the process id of the current process.\n@end deftypefn")
1430  XDEFUNX_INTERNAL ("getppid", Fgetppid, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {pid =} getppid ()\nReturn the process id of the parent process.\n@end deftypefn")
1431  XDEFUNX_INTERNAL ("getegid", Fgetegid, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {egid =} getegid ()\nReturn the effective group id of the current process.\n@end deftypefn")
1432  XDEFUNX_INTERNAL ("getgid", Fgetgid, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {gid =} getgid ()\nReturn the real group id of the current process.\n@end deftypefn")
1433  XDEFUNX_INTERNAL ("geteuid", Fgeteuid, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {euid =} geteuid ()\nReturn the effective user id of the current process.\n@end deftypefn")
1434  XDEFUNX_INTERNAL ("getuid", Fgetuid, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {uid =} getuid ()\nReturn the real user id of the current process.\n@end deftypefn")
1435  XDEFUNX_INTERNAL ("kill", Fkill, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {[@var{err}, @var{msg}] =} kill (@var{pid}, @var{sig})\nSend signal @var{sig} to process @var{pid}.\n\nIf @var{pid} is positive, then signal @var{sig} is sent to @var{pid}.\n\nIf @var{pid} is 0, then signal @var{sig} is sent to every process\nin the process group of the current process.\n\nIf @var{pid} is -1, then signal @var{sig} is sent to every process\nexcept process 1.\n\nIf @var{pid} is less than -1, then signal @var{sig} is sent to every\nprocess in the process group @var{-pid}.\n\nIf @var{sig} is 0, then no signal is sent, but error checking is still\nperformed.\n\nReturn 0 if successful, otherwise return -1.\n@end deftypefn")
1436  XDEFUNX_INTERNAL ("lstat", Flstat, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {@var{info} =} lstat (@var{symlink})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {[@var{info}, @var{err}, @var{msg}] =} lstat (@var{symlink})\nReturn a structure @var{info} containing information about the symbolic link\n@var{symlink}.\n\nThe function outputs are described in the documentation for @code{stat}.\n@seealso{stat, symlink}\n@end deftypefn")
1437  XDEFUNX_INTERNAL ("mkfifo", Fmkfifo, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} mkfifo (@var{name}, @var{mode})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {[@var{err}, @var{msg}] =} mkfifo (@var{name}, @var{mode})\nCreate a FIFO special file named @var{name} with file mode @var{mode}\n\nIf successful, @var{err} is 0 and @var{msg} is an empty string.\nOtherwise, @var{err} is nonzero and @var{msg} contains a\nsystem-dependent error message.\n@seealso{pipe}\n@end deftypefn")
1438  XDEFUNX_INTERNAL ("pipe", Fpipe, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {[@var{read_fd}, @var{write_fd}, @var{err}, @var{msg}] =} pipe ()\nCreate a pipe and return the reading and writing ends of the pipe\ninto @var{read_fd} and @var{write_fd} respectively.\n\nIf successful, @var{err} is 0 and @var{msg} is an empty string.\nOtherwise, @var{err} is nonzero and @var{msg} contains a\nsystem-dependent error message.\n@seealso{mkfifo}\n@end deftypefn")
1439  XDEFUNX_INTERNAL ("stat", Fstat, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {[@var{info}, @var{err}, @var{msg}] =} stat (@var{file})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {[@var{info}, @var{err}, @var{msg}] =} stat (@var{fid})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {[@var{info}, @var{err}, @var{msg}] =} lstat (@var{file})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {[@var{info}, @var{err}, @var{msg}] =} lstat (@var{fid})\nReturn a structure @var{info} containing the following information about\n@var{file} or file identifier @var{fid}.\n\n@table @code\n@item dev\nID of device containing a directory entry for this file.\n\n@item ino\nFile number of the file.\n\n@item mode\nFile mode, as an integer. Use the functions @w{@code{S_ISREG}},\n@w{@code{S_ISDIR}}, @w{@code{S_ISCHR}}, @w{@code{S_ISBLK}},\n@w{@code{S_ISFIFO}}, @w{@code{S_ISLNK}}, or @w{@code{S_ISSOCK}} to extract\ninformation from this value.\n\n@item modestr\nFile mode, as a string of ten letters or dashes as would be returned by\n@kbd{ls -l}.\n\n@item nlink\nNumber of links.\n\n@item uid\nUser ID of file's owner.\n\n@item gid\nGroup ID of file's group.\n\n@item rdev\nID of device for block or character special files.\n\n@item size\nSize in bytes.\n\n@item atime\nTime of last access in the same form as time values returned from\n@code{time}. @xref{Timing Utilities}.\n\n@item mtime\nTime of last modification in the same form as time values returned from\n@code{time}. @xref{Timing Utilities}.\n\n@item ctime\nTime of last file status change in the same form as time values\nreturned from @code{time}. @xref{Timing Utilities}.\n\n@item blksize\nSize of blocks in the file.\n\n@item blocks\nNumber of blocks allocated for file.\n@end table\n\nIf the call is successful @var{err} is 0 and @var{msg} is an empty\nstring. If the file does not exist, or some other error occurs, @var{info}\nis an empty matrix, @var{err} is @minus{}1, and @var{msg} contains the\ncorresponding system error message.\n\nIf @var{file} is a symbolic link, @code{stat} will return information\nabout the actual file that is referenced by the link. Use @code{lstat}\nif you want information about the symbolic link itself.\n\nFor example:\n\n@example\n[info, err, msg] = stat (\"/vmlinuz\")\n @result{} info =\n @{\n atime = 855399756\n rdev = 0\n ctime = 847219094\n uid = 0\n size = 389218\n blksize = 4096\n mtime = 847219094\n gid = 6\n nlink = 1\n blocks = 768\n mode = -rw-r--r--\n modestr = -rw-r--r--\n ino = 9316\n dev = 2049\n @}\n @result{} err = 0\n @result{} msg =\n@end example\n@seealso{lstat, ls, dir}\n@end deftypefn")
1440  XDEFUNX_INTERNAL ("S_ISREG", FS_ISREG, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} S_ISREG (@var{mode})\nReturn true if @var{mode} corresponds to a regular file.\n\nThe value of @var{mode} is assumed to be returned from a call to @code{stat}.\n@seealso{stat, lstat}\n@end deftypefn")
1441  XDEFUNX_INTERNAL ("S_ISDIR", FS_ISDIR, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} S_ISDIR (@var{mode})\nReturn true if @var{mode} corresponds to a directory.\n\nThe value of @var{mode} is assumed to be returned from a call to @code{stat}.\n@seealso{stat, lstat}\n@end deftypefn")
1442  XDEFUNX_INTERNAL ("S_ISCHR", FS_ISCHR, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} S_ISCHR (@var{mode})\nReturn true if @var{mode} corresponds to a character device.\n\nThe value of @var{mode} is assumed to be returned from a call to @code{stat}.\n@seealso{stat, lstat}\n@end deftypefn")
1443  XDEFUNX_INTERNAL ("S_ISBLK", FS_ISBLK, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} S_ISBLK (@var{mode})\nReturn true if @var{mode} corresponds to a block device.\n\nThe value of @var{mode} is assumed to be returned from a call to @code{stat}.\n@seealso{stat, lstat}\n@end deftypefn")
1444  XDEFUNX_INTERNAL ("S_ISFIFO", FS_ISFIFO, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} S_ISFIFO (@var{mode})\nReturn true if @var{mode} corresponds to a fifo.\n\nThe value of @var{mode} is assumed to be returned from a call to @code{stat}.\n@seealso{stat, lstat}\n@end deftypefn")
1445  XDEFUNX_INTERNAL ("S_ISLNK", FS_ISLNK, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} S_ISLNK (@var{mode})\nReturn true if @var{mode} corresponds to a symbolic link.\n\nThe value of @var{mode} is assumed to be returned from a call to @code{stat}.\n@seealso{stat, lstat}\n@end deftypefn")
1446  XDEFUNX_INTERNAL ("S_ISSOCK", FS_ISSOCK, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} S_ISSOCK (@var{mode})\nReturn true if @var{mode} corresponds to a socket.\n\nThe value of @var{mode} is assumed to be returned from a call to @code{stat}.\n@seealso{stat, lstat}\n@end deftypefn")
1447  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (gethostname, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} gethostname ()\nReturn the hostname of the system where Octave is running.\n@end deftypefn")
1448  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (uname, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {[@var{uts}, @var{err}, @var{msg}] =} uname ()\nReturn system information in the structure. For example:\n\n@example\n@group\nuname ()\n @result{} @{\n sysname = x86_64\n nodename = segfault\n release = 2.6.15-1-amd64-k8-smp\n version = Linux\n machine = #2 SMP Thu Feb 23 04:57:49 UTC 2006\n @}\n@end group\n@end example\n\nIf successful, @var{err} is 0 and @var{msg} is an empty string.\nOtherwise, @var{err} is nonzero and @var{msg} contains a\nsystem-dependent error message.\n@end deftypefn")
1449  XDEFUNX_INTERNAL ("unlink", Funlink, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {[@var{err}, @var{msg}] =} unlink (@var{file})\nDelete the file named @var{file}.\n\nIf successful, @var{err} is 0 and @var{msg} is an empty string.\nOtherwise, @var{err} is nonzero and @var{msg} contains a\nsystem-dependent error message.\n@end deftypefn")
1450  XDEFUNX_INTERNAL ("waitpid", Fwaitpid, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {[@var{pid}, @var{status}, @var{msg}] =} waitpid (@var{pid}, @var{options})\nWait for process @var{pid} to terminate. The @var{pid} argument can be:\n\n@table @asis\n@item @minus{}1\nWait for any child process.\n\n@item 0\nWait for any child process whose process group ID is equal to that of\nthe Octave interpreter process.\n\n@item > 0\nWait for termination of the child process with ID @var{pid}.\n@end table\n\nThe @var{options} argument can be a bitwise OR of zero or more of\nthe following constants:\n\n@table @code\n@item 0\nWait until signal is received or a child process exits (this is the\ndefault if the @var{options} argument is missing).\n\n@item WNOHANG\nDo not hang if status is not immediately available.\n\n@item WUNTRACED\nReport the status of any child processes that are stopped, and whose\nstatus has not yet been reported since they stopped.\n\n@item WCONTINUE\nReturn if a stopped child has been resumed by delivery of @code{SIGCONT}.\nThis value may not be meaningful on all systems.\n@end table\n\nIf the returned value of @var{pid} is greater than 0, it is the process\nID of the child process that exited. If an error occurs, @var{pid} will\nbe less than zero and @var{msg} will contain a system-dependent error\nmessage. The value of @var{status} contains additional system-dependent\ninformation about the subprocess that exited.\n@seealso{WCONTINUE, WCOREDUMP, WEXITSTATUS, WIFCONTINUED, WIFSIGNALED, WIFSTOPPED, WNOHANG, WSTOPSIG, WTERMSIG, WUNTRACED}\n@end deftypefn")
1451  XDEFUNX_INTERNAL ("WIFEXITED", FWIFEXITED, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} WIFEXITED (@var{status})\nGiven @var{status} from a call to @code{waitpid}, return true if the\nchild terminated normally.\n@seealso{waitpid, WEXITSTATUS, WIFSIGNALED, WTERMSIG, WCOREDUMP, WIFSTOPPED, WSTOPSIG, WIFCONTINUED}\n@end deftypefn")
1452  XDEFUNX_INTERNAL ("WEXITSTATUS", FWEXITSTATUS, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} WEXITSTATUS (@var{status})\nGiven @var{status} from a call to @code{waitpid}, return the exit\nstatus of the child. This function should only be employed if\n@code{WIFEXITED} returned true.\n@seealso{waitpid, WIFEXITED, WIFSIGNALED, WTERMSIG, WCOREDUMP, WIFSTOPPED, WSTOPSIG, WIFCONTINUED}\n@end deftypefn")
1453  XDEFUNX_INTERNAL ("WIFSIGNALED", FWIFSIGNALED, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} WIFSIGNALED (@var{status})\nGiven @var{status} from a call to @code{waitpid}, return true if the\nchild process was terminated by a signal.\n@seealso{waitpid, WIFEXITED, WEXITSTATUS, WTERMSIG, WCOREDUMP, WIFSTOPPED, WSTOPSIG, WIFCONTINUED}\n@end deftypefn")
1454  XDEFUNX_INTERNAL ("WTERMSIG", FWTERMSIG, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} WTERMSIG (@var{status})\nGiven @var{status} from a call to @code{waitpid}, return the number of\nthe signal that caused the child process to terminate. This function\nshould only be employed if @code{WIFSIGNALED} returned true.\n@seealso{waitpid, WIFEXITED, WEXITSTATUS, WIFSIGNALED, WCOREDUMP, WIFSTOPPED, WSTOPSIG, WIFCONTINUED}\n@end deftypefn")
1455  XDEFUNX_INTERNAL ("WCOREDUMP", FWCOREDUMP, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} WCOREDUMP (@var{status})\nGiven @var{status} from a call to @code{waitpid}, return true if the\nchild produced a core dump. This function should only be employed if\n@code{WIFSIGNALED} returned true. The macro used to implement this\nfunction is not specified in POSIX.1-2001 and is not available on some\nUnix implementations (e.g., AIX, SunOS).\n@seealso{waitpid, WIFEXITED, WEXITSTATUS, WIFSIGNALED, WTERMSIG, WIFSTOPPED, WSTOPSIG, WIFCONTINUED}\n@end deftypefn")
1456  XDEFUNX_INTERNAL ("WIFSTOPPED", FWIFSTOPPED, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} WIFSTOPPED (@var{status})\nGiven @var{status} from a call to @code{waitpid}, return true if the\nchild process was stopped by delivery of a signal; this is only\npossible if the call was done using @code{WUNTRACED} or when the child\nis being traced (see ptrace(2)).\n@seealso{waitpid, WIFEXITED, WEXITSTATUS, WIFSIGNALED, WTERMSIG, WCOREDUMP, WSTOPSIG, WIFCONTINUED}\n@end deftypefn")
1457  XDEFUNX_INTERNAL ("WSTOPSIG", FWSTOPSIG, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} WSTOPSIG (@var{status})\nGiven @var{status} from a call to @code{waitpid}, return the number of\nthe signal which caused the child to stop. This function should only\nbe employed if @code{WIFSTOPPED} returned true.\n@seealso{waitpid, WIFEXITED, WEXITSTATUS, WIFSIGNALED, WTERMSIG, WCOREDUMP, WIFSTOPPED, WIFCONTINUED}\n@end deftypefn")
1458  XDEFUNX_INTERNAL ("WIFCONTINUED", FWIFCONTINUED, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} WIFCONTINUED (@var{status})\nGiven @var{status} from a call to @code{waitpid}, return true if the\nchild process was resumed by delivery of @code{SIGCONT}.\n@seealso{waitpid, WIFEXITED, WEXITSTATUS, WIFSIGNALED, WTERMSIG, WCOREDUMP, WIFSTOPPED, WSTOPSIG}\n@end deftypefn")
1459  XDEFUNX_INTERNAL ("canonicalize_file_name", Fcanonicalize_file_name, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {[@var{cname}, @var{status}, @var{msg}] =} canonicalize_file_name (@var{fname})\nReturn the canonical name of file @var{fname}. If the file does not exist\nthe empty string (\"\") is returned.\n@seealso{make_absolute_filename, is_absolute_filename, is_rooted_relative_filename}\n@end deftypefn")
1460  XDEFUNX_INTERNAL ("F_DUPFD", FF_DUPFD, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} F_DUPFD ()\nReturn the numerical value to pass to @code{fcntl} to return a\nduplicate file descriptor.\n@seealso{fcntl, F_GETFD, F_GETFL, F_SETFD, F_SETFL}\n@end deftypefn")
1461  XDEFUNX_INTERNAL ("F_GETFD", FF_GETFD, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} F_GETFD ()\nReturn the numerical value to pass to @code{fcntl} to return the\nfile descriptor flags.\n@seealso{fcntl, F_DUPFD, F_GETFL, F_SETFD, F_SETFL}\n@end deftypefn")
1462  XDEFUNX_INTERNAL ("F_GETFL", FF_GETFL, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} F_GETFL ()\nReturn the numerical value to pass to @code{fcntl} to return the\nfile status flags.\n@seealso{fcntl, F_DUPFD, F_GETFD, F_SETFD, F_SETFL}\n@end deftypefn")
1463  XDEFUNX_INTERNAL ("F_SETFD", FF_SETFD, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} F_SETFD ()\nReturn the numerical value to pass to @code{fcntl} to set the file\ndescriptor flags.\n@seealso{fcntl, F_DUPFD, F_GETFD, F_GETFL, F_SETFL}\n@end deftypefn")
1464  XDEFUNX_INTERNAL ("F_SETFL", FF_SETFL, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} F_SETFL ()\nReturn the numerical value to pass to @code{fcntl} to set the file\nstatus flags.\n@seealso{fcntl, F_DUPFD, F_GETFD, F_GETFL, F_SETFD}\n@end deftypefn")
1465  XDEFUNX_INTERNAL ("O_APPEND", FO_APPEND, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} O_APPEND ()\nReturn the numerical value of the file status flag that may be\nreturned by @code{fcntl} to indicate each write operation appends,\nor that may be passed to @code{fcntl} to set the write mode to append.\n@seealso{fcntl, O_ASYNC, O_CREAT, O_EXCL, O_NONBLOCK, O_RDONLY, O_RDWR, O_SYNC, O_TRUNC, O_WRONLY}\n@end deftypefn")
1466  XDEFUNX_INTERNAL ("O_ASYNC", FO_ASYNC, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} O_ASYNC ()\nReturn the numerical value of the file status flag that may be\nreturned by @code{fcntl} to indicate asynchronous I/O.\n@seealso{fcntl, O_APPEND, O_CREAT, O_EXCL, O_NONBLOCK, O_RDONLY, O_RDWR, O_SYNC, O_TRUNC, O_WRONLY}\n@end deftypefn")
1467  XDEFUNX_INTERNAL ("O_CREAT", FO_CREAT, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} O_CREAT ()\nReturn the numerical value of the file status flag that may be\nreturned by @code{fcntl} to indicate that a file should be\ncreated if it does not exist.\n@seealso{fcntl, O_APPEND, O_ASYNC, O_EXCL, O_NONBLOCK, O_RDONLY, O_RDWR, O_SYNC, O_TRUNC, O_WRONLY}\n@end deftypefn")
1468  XDEFUNX_INTERNAL ("O_EXCL", FO_EXCL, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} O_EXCL ()\nReturn the numerical value of the file status flag that may be\nreturned by @code{fcntl} to indicate that file locking is used.\n@seealso{fcntl, O_APPEND, O_ASYNC, O_CREAT, O_NONBLOCK, O_RDONLY, O_RDWR, O_SYNC, O_TRUNC, O_WRONLY}\n@end deftypefn")
1469  XDEFUNX_INTERNAL ("O_NONBLOCK", FO_NONBLOCK, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} O_NONBLOCK ()\nReturn the numerical value of the file status flag that may be\nreturned by @code{fcntl} to indicate that non-blocking I/O is in use,\nor that may be passsed to @code{fcntl} to set non-blocking I/O.\n@seealso{fcntl, O_APPEND, O_ASYNC, O_CREAT, O_EXCL, O_RDONLY, O_RDWR, O_SYNC, O_TRUNC, O_WRONLY}\n@end deftypefn")
1470  XDEFUNX_INTERNAL ("O_RDONLY", FO_RDONLY, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} O_RDONLY ()\nReturn the numerical value of the file status flag that may be\nreturned by @code{fcntl} to indicate that a file is open for\nreading only.\n@seealso{fcntl, O_APPEND, O_ASYNC, O_CREAT, O_EXCL, O_NONBLOCK, O_RDWR, O_SYNC, O_TRUNC, O_WRONLY}\n@end deftypefn")
1471  XDEFUNX_INTERNAL ("O_RDWR", FO_RDWR, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} O_RDWR ()\nReturn the numerical value of the file status flag that may be\nreturned by @code{fcntl} to indicate that a file is open for both\nreading and writing.\n@seealso{fcntl, O_APPEND, O_ASYNC, O_CREAT, O_EXCL, O_NONBLOCK, O_RDONLY, O_SYNC, O_TRUNC, O_WRONLY}\n@end deftypefn")
1472  XDEFUNX_INTERNAL ("O_SYNC", FO_SYNC, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} O_SYNC ()\nReturn the numerical value of the file status flag that may be\nreturned by @code{fcntl} to indicate that a file is open for\nsynchronous I/O.\n@seealso{fcntl, O_APPEND, O_ASYNC, O_CREAT, O_EXCL, O_NONBLOCK, O_RDONLY, O_RDWR, O_TRUNC, O_WRONLY}\n@end deftypefn")
1473  XDEFUNX_INTERNAL ("O_TRUNC", FO_TRUNC, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} O_TRUNC ()\nReturn the numerical value of the file status flag that may be\nreturned by @code{fcntl} to indicate that if file exists, it should\nbe truncated when writing.\n@seealso{fcntl, O_APPEND, O_ASYNC, O_CREAT, O_EXCL, O_NONBLOCK, O_RDONLY, O_RDWR, O_SYNC, O_WRONLY}\n@end deftypefn")
1474  XDEFUNX_INTERNAL ("O_WRONLY", FO_WRONLY, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} O_WRONLY ()\nReturn the numerical value of the file status flag that may be\nreturned by @code{fcntl} to indicate that a file is open for\nwriting only.\n@seealso{fcntl, O_APPEND, O_ASYNC, O_CREAT, O_EXCL, O_NONBLOCK, O_RDONLY, O_RDWR, O_SYNC, O_TRUNC}\n@end deftypefn")
1475  XDEFUNX_INTERNAL ("WNOHANG", FWNOHANG, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} WNOHANG ()\nReturn the numerical value of the option argument that may be\npassed to @code{waitpid} to indicate that it should return its\nstatus immediately instead of waiting for a process to exit.\n@seealso{waitpid, WUNTRACED, WCONTINUE}\n@end deftypefn")
1476  XDEFUNX_INTERNAL ("WUNTRACED", FWUNTRACED, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} WUNTRACED ()\nReturn the numerical value of the option argument that may be\npassed to @code{waitpid} to indicate that it should also return\nif the child process has stopped but is not traced via the\n@code{ptrace} system call\n@seealso{waitpid, WNOHANG, WCONTINUE}\n@end deftypefn")
1477  XDEFUNX_INTERNAL ("WCONTINUE", FWCONTINUE, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} WCONTINUE ()\nReturn the numerical value of the option argument that may be\npassed to @code{waitpid} to indicate that it should also return\nif a stopped child has been resumed by delivery of a @code{SIGCONT}\nsignal.\n@seealso{waitpid, WNOHANG, WUNTRACED}\n@end deftypefn")
1478 }
1480 static void
1482 {
1483 // DO NOT EDIT! Generated automatically by mkdefs.
1484  XDEFUN_FILE_NAME ("libinterp/corefcn/")
1485  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (clc, , , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} clc ()\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} home ()\nClear the terminal screen and move the cursor to the upper left corner.\n@end deftypefn")
1486  XDEFALIAS_INTERNAL(home, clc) ;
1487  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (getenv, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} getenv (@var{var})\nReturn the value of the environment variable @var{var}. For example,\n\n@example\ngetenv (\"PATH\")\n@end example\n\n@noindent\nreturns a string containing the value of your path.\n@end deftypefn")
1488  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (putenv, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} putenv (@var{var}, @var{value})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} setenv (@var{var}, @var{value})\nSet the value of the environment variable @var{var} to @var{value}.\n@end deftypefn")
1489  XDEFALIAS_INTERNAL(setenv, putenv) ;
1490  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (kbhit, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} kbhit ()\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} kbhit (1)\nRead a single keystroke from the keyboard. If called with an\nargument, don't wait for a keypress. For example,\n\n@example\nx = kbhit ();\n@end example\n\n@noindent\nwill set @var{x} to the next character typed at the keyboard as soon as\nit is typed.\n\n@example\nx = kbhit (1);\n@end example\n\n@noindent\nis identical to the above example, but doesn't wait for a keypress,\nreturning the empty string if no key is available.\n@seealso{input}\n@end deftypefn")
1491  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (pause, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} pause (@var{seconds})\nSuspend the execution of the program. If invoked without any arguments,\nOctave waits until you type a character. With a numeric argument, it\npauses for the given number of seconds. For example, the following\nstatement prints a message and then waits 5 seconds before clearing the\nscreen.\n\n@example\n@group\nfprintf (stderr, \"wait please...\\n\");\npause (5);\nclc;\n@end group\n@end example\n@end deftypefn")
1492  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (sleep, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} sleep (@var{seconds})\nSuspend the execution of the program for the given number of seconds.\n@end deftypefn")
1493  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (usleep, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} usleep (@var{microseconds})\nSuspend the execution of the program for the given number of\nmicroseconds. On systems where it is not possible to sleep for periods\nof time less than one second, @code{usleep} will pause the execution for\n@code{round (@var{microseconds} / 1e6)} seconds.\n@end deftypefn")
1494  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (isieee, , , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} isieee ()\nReturn true if your computer @emph{claims} to conform to the IEEE standard\nfor floating point calculations. No actual tests are performed.\n@end deftypefn")
1495  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (native_float_format, , , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} native_float_format ()\nReturn the native floating point format as a string\n@end deftypefn")
1496  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (tilde_expand, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} tilde_expand (@var{string})\nPerform tilde expansion on @var{string}. If @var{string} begins with a\ntilde character, (@samp{~}), all of the characters preceding the first\nslash (or all characters, if there is no slash) are treated as a\npossible user name, and the tilde and the following characters up to the\nslash are replaced by the home directory of the named user. If the\ntilde is followed immediately by a slash, the tilde is replaced by the\nhome directory of the user running Octave. For example:\n\n@example\n@group\ntilde_expand (\"~joeuser/bin\")\n @result{} \"/home/joeuser/bin\"\ntilde_expand (\"~/bin\")\n @result{} \"/home/jwe/bin\"\n@end group\n@end example\n@end deftypefn")
1497  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (have_window_system, , , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} have_window_system ()\nReturn true if Octave a window system is available (X11, Windows,\nor Apple OS X) and false otherwise.\n@end deftypefn")
1498 }
1500 static void
1502 {
1503 // DO NOT EDIT! Generated automatically by mkdefs.
1504  XDEFUN_FILE_NAME ("libinterp/corefcn/")
1505  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (time, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {@var{seconds} =} time ()\nReturn the current time as the number of seconds since the epoch. The\nepoch is referenced to 00:00:00 CUT (Coordinated Universal Time) 1 Jan\n1970. For example, on Monday February 17, 1997 at 07:15:06 CUT, the\nvalue returned by @code{time} was 856163706.\n@seealso{strftime, strptime, localtime, gmtime, mktime, now, date, clock, datenum, datestr, datevec, calendar, weekday}\n@end deftypefn")
1506  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (gmtime, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {@var{tm_struct} =} gmtime (@var{t})\nGiven a value returned from @code{time}, or any non-negative integer,\nreturn a time structure corresponding to CUT (Coordinated Universal Time).\nFor example:\n\n@example\n@group\ngmtime (time ())\n @result{} @{\n usec = 0\n sec = 6\n min = 15\n hour = 7\n mday = 17\n mon = 1\n year = 97\n wday = 1\n yday = 47\n isdst = 0\n zone = CST\n @}\n@end group\n@end example\n@seealso{strftime, strptime, localtime, mktime, time, now, date, clock, datenum, datestr, datevec, calendar, weekday}\n@end deftypefn")
1507  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (localtime, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {@var{tm_struct} =} localtime (@var{t})\nGiven a value returned from @code{time}, or any non-negative integer,\nreturn a time structure corresponding to the local time zone.\n\n@example\n@group\nlocaltime (time ())\n @result{} @{\n usec = 0\n sec = 6\n min = 15\n hour = 1\n mday = 17\n mon = 1\n year = 97\n wday = 1\n yday = 47\n isdst = 0\n zone = CST\n @}\n@end group\n@end example\n@seealso{strftime, strptime, gmtime, mktime, time, now, date, clock, datenum, datestr, datevec, calendar, weekday}\n@end deftypefn")
1508  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (mktime, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {@var{seconds} =} mktime (@var{tm_struct})\nConvert a time structure corresponding to the local time to the number\nof seconds since the epoch. For example:\n\n@example\n@group\nmktime (localtime (time ()))\n @result{} 856163706\n@end group\n@end example\n@seealso{strftime, strptime, localtime, gmtime, time, now, date, clock, datenum, datestr, datevec, calendar, weekday}\n@end deftypefn")
1509  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (strftime, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} strftime (@var{fmt}, @var{tm_struct})\nFormat the time structure @var{tm_struct} in a flexible way using the\nformat string @var{fmt} that contains @samp{%} substitutions\nsimilar to those in @code{printf}. Except where noted, substituted\nfields have a fixed size; numeric fields are padded if necessary.\nPadding is with zeros by default; for fields that display a single\nnumber, padding can be changed or inhibited by following the @samp{%}\nwith one of the modifiers described below. Unknown field specifiers are\ncopied as normal characters. All other characters are copied to the\noutput without change. For example:\n\n@example\n@group\nstrftime (\"%r (%Z) %A %e %B %Y\", localtime (time ()))\n @result{} \"01:15:06 AM (CST) Monday 17 February 1997\"\n@end group\n@end example\n\nOctave's @code{strftime} function supports a superset of the ANSI C\nfield specifiers.\n\n@noindent\nLiteral character fields:\n\n@table @code\n@item %%\n% character.\n\n@item %n\nNewline character.\n\n@item %t\nTab character.\n@end table\n\n@noindent\nNumeric modifiers (a nonstandard extension):\n\n@table @code\n@item - (dash)\nDo not pad the field.\n\n@item _ (underscore)\nPad the field with spaces.\n@end table\n\n@noindent\nTime fields:\n\n@table @code\n@item %H\nHour (00-23).\n\n@item %I\nHour (01-12).\n\n@item %k\nHour (0-23).\n\n@item %l\nHour (1-12).\n\n@item %M\nMinute (00-59).\n\n@item %p\nLocale's AM or PM.\n\n@item %r\nTime, 12-hour (hh:mm:ss [AP]M).\n\n@item %R\nTime, 24-hour (hh:mm).\n\n@item %s\nTime in seconds since 00:00:00, Jan 1, 1970 (a nonstandard extension).\n\n@item %S\nSecond (00-61).\n\n@item %T\nTime, 24-hour (hh:mm:ss).\n\n@item %X\nLocale's time representation (%H:%M:%S).\n\n@item %Z\nTime zone (EDT), or nothing if no time zone is determinable.\n@end table\n\n@noindent\nDate fields:\n\n@table @code\n@item %a\nLocale's abbreviated weekday name (Sun-Sat).\n\n@item %A\nLocale's full weekday name, variable length (Sunday-Saturday).\n\n@item %b\nLocale's abbreviated month name (Jan-Dec).\n\n@item %B\nLocale's full month name, variable length (January-December).\n\n@item %c\nLocale's date and time (Sat Nov 04 12:02:33 EST 1989).\n\n@item %C\nCentury (00-99).\n\n@item %d\nDay of month (01-31).\n\n@item %e\nDay of month ( 1-31).\n\n@item %D\nDate (mm/dd/yy).\n\n@item %h\nSame as %b.\n\n@item %j\nDay of year (001-366).\n\n@item %m\nMonth (01-12).\n\n@item %U\nWeek number of year with Sunday as first day of week (00-53).\n\n@item %w\nDay of week (0-6).\n\n@item %W\nWeek number of year with Monday as first day of week (00-53).\n\n@item %x\nLocale's date representation (mm/dd/yy).\n\n@item %y\nLast two digits of year (00-99).\n\n@item %Y\nYear (1970-).\n@end table\n@seealso{strptime, localtime, gmtime, mktime, time, now, date, clock, datenum, datestr, datevec, calendar, weekday}\n@end deftypefn")
1510  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (strptime, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {[@var{tm_struct}, @var{nchars}] =} strptime (@var{str}, @var{fmt})\nConvert the string @var{str} to the time structure @var{tm_struct} under\nthe control of the format string @var{fmt}.\n\nIf @var{fmt} fails to match, @var{nchars} is 0; otherwise, it is set to the\nposition of last matched character plus 1. Always check for this unless\nyou're absolutely sure the date string will be parsed correctly.\n@seealso{strftime, localtime, gmtime, mktime, time, now, date, clock, datenum, datestr, datevec, calendar, weekday}\n@end deftypefn")
1511 }
1513 static void
1515 {
1516 // DO NOT EDIT! Generated automatically by mkdefs.
1517  XDEFUN_FILE_NAME ("libinterp/corefcn/")
1518  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (quit, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} exit (@var{status})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} quit (@var{status})\nExit the current Octave session. If the optional integer value\n@var{status} is supplied, pass that value to the operating system as the\nOctave's exit status. The default value is zero.\n@end deftypefn")
1519  XDEFALIAS_INTERNAL(exit, quit) ;
1520  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (warranty, , , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} warranty ()\nDescribe the conditions for copying and distributing Octave.\n@end deftypefn")
1521  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (system, args, nargout, "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} system (\"@var{string}\")\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} system (\"@var{string}\", @var{return_output})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} system (\"@var{string}\", @var{return_output}, @var{type})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {[@var{status}, @var{output}] =} system (@dots{})\nExecute a shell command specified by @var{string}.\nIf the optional argument @var{type} is @qcode{\"async\"}, the process\nis started in the background and the process ID of the child process\nis returned immediately. Otherwise, the child process is started and\nOctave waits until it exits. If the @var{type} argument is omitted, it\ndefaults to the value @qcode{\"sync\"}.\n\nIf @var{system} is called with one or more output arguments, or if the\noptional argument @var{return_output} is true and the subprocess is started\nsynchronously, then the output from the command is returned as a variable. \nOtherwise, if the subprocess is executed synchronously, its output is sent\nto the standard output. To send the output of a command executed with\n@code{system} through the pager, use a command like\n\n@example\n@group\n[output, text] = system (\"cmd\");\ndisp (text);\n@end group\n@end example\n\n@noindent\nor\n\n@example\nprintf (\"%s\\n\", nthargout (2, \"system\", \"cmd\"));\n@end example\n\nThe @code{system} function can return two values. The first is the\nexit status of the command and the second is any output from the\ncommand that was written to the standard output stream. For example,\n\n@example\n[status, output] = system (\"echo foo; exit 2\");\n@end example\n\n@noindent\nwill set the variable @code{output} to the string @samp{foo}, and the\nvariable @code{status} to the integer @samp{2}.\n\nFor commands run asynchronously, @var{status} is the process id of the\ncommand shell that is started to run the command.\n@seealso{unix, dos}\n@end deftypefn")
1522  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (atexit, args, nargout, "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} atexit (@var{fcn})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} atexit (@var{fcn}, @var{flag})\nRegister a function to be called when Octave exits. For example,\n\n@example\n@group\nfunction last_words ()\n disp (\"Bye bye\");\nendfunction\natexit (\"last_words\");\n@end group\n@end example\n\n@noindent\nwill print the message @qcode{\"Bye bye\"} when Octave exits.\n\nThe additional argument @var{flag} will register or unregister\n@var{fcn} from the list of functions to be called when Octave\nexits. If @var{flag} is true, the function is registered, and if\n@var{flag} is false, it is unregistered. For example,\nafter registering the function @code{last_words} above,\n\n@example\natexit (\"last_words\", false);\n@end example\n\n@noindent\nwill remove the function from the list and Octave will not call\n@code{last_words} when it exits.\n\nNote that @code{atexit} only removes the first occurrence of a function\nfrom the list, so if a function was placed in the list multiple\ntimes with @code{atexit}, it must also be removed from the list\nmultiple times.\n@end deftypefn")
1523  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (octave_config_info, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} octave_config_info ()\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} octave_config_info (@var{option})\nReturn a structure containing configuration and installation\ninformation for Octave.\n\nIf @var{option} is a string, return the configuration information for the\nspecified option.\n\n@end deftypefn")
1524 }
1526 static void
1528 {
1529 // DO NOT EDIT! Generated automatically by mkdefs.
1530  XDEFUN_FILE_NAME ("libinterp/corefcn/")
1531  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (tril, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Function File} {} tril (@var{A})\n@deftypefnx {Function File} {} tril (@var{A}, @var{k})\n@deftypefnx {Function File} {} tril (@var{A}, @var{k}, @var{pack})\n@deftypefnx {Function File} {} triu (@var{A})\n@deftypefnx {Function File} {} triu (@var{A}, @var{k})\n@deftypefnx {Function File} {} triu (@var{A}, @var{k}, @var{pack})\nReturn a new matrix formed by extracting the lower (@code{tril})\nor upper (@code{triu}) triangular part of the matrix @var{A}, and\nsetting all other elements to zero. The second argument is optional,\nand specifies how many diagonals above or below the main diagonal should\nalso be set to zero.\n\nThe default value of @var{k} is zero, so that @code{triu} and\n@code{tril} normally include the main diagonal as part of the result.\n\nIf the value of @var{k} is nonzero integer, the selection of elements\nstarts at an offset of @var{k} diagonals above or below the main\ndiagonal; above for positive @var{k} and below for negative @var{k}.\n\nThe absolute value of @var{k} must not be greater than the number of\nsub-diagonals or super-diagonals.\n\nFor example:\n\n@example\n@group\ntril (ones (3), -1)\n @result{} 0 0 0\n 1 0 0\n 1 1 0\n@end group\n@end example\n\n@noindent\nand\n\n@example\n@group\ntril (ones (3), 1)\n @result{} 1 1 0\n 1 1 1\n 1 1 1\n@end group\n@end example\n\nIf the option @qcode{\"pack\"} is given as third argument, the extracted\nelements are not inserted into a matrix, but rather stacked column-wise one\nabove other.\n@seealso{diag}\n@end deftypefn")
1532  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (triu, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Function File} {} triu (@var{A})\n@deftypefnx {Function File} {} triu (@var{A}, @var{k})\n@deftypefnx {Function File} {} triu (@var{A}, @var{k}, @var{pack})\nSee the documentation for the @code{tril} function (@pxref{tril}).\n@end deftypefn")
1533 }
1535 static void
1537 {
1538 // DO NOT EDIT! Generated automatically by mkdefs.
1539  XDEFUN_FILE_NAME ("libinterp/corefcn/")
1540  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (typecast, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} typecast (@var{x}, @var{class})\nReturn a new array @var{y} resulting from interpreting the data of\n@var{x} in memory as data of the numeric class @var{class}. Both the class\nof @var{x} and @var{class} must be one of the built-in numeric classes:\n\n@example\n@group\n\"logical\"\n\"char\"\n\"int8\"\n\"int16\"\n\"int32\"\n\"int64\"\n\"uint8\"\n\"uint16\"\n\"uint32\"\n\"uint64\"\n\"double\"\n\"single\"\n\"double complex\"\n\"single complex\"\n@end group\n@end example\n\n@noindent\nthe last two are reserved for @var{class}; they indicate that a\ncomplex-valued result is requested. Complex arrays are stored in memory as\nconsecutive pairs of real numbers. The sizes of integer types are given by\ntheir bit counts. Both logical and char are typically one byte wide;\nhowever, this is not guaranteed by C++. If your system is IEEE conformant,\nsingle and double should be 4 bytes and 8 bytes wide, respectively.\n@qcode{\"logical\"} is not allowed for @var{class}. If the input is a row\nvector, the return value is a row vector, otherwise it is a column vector. \nIf the bit length of @var{x} is not divisible by that of @var{class}, an\nerror occurs.\n\nAn example of the use of typecast on a little-endian machine is\n\n@example\n@group\n@var{x} = uint16 ([1, 65535]);\ntypecast (@var{x}, \"uint8\")\n@result{} [ 1, 0, 255, 255]\n@end group\n@end example\n@seealso{cast, bitunpack, bitpack, swapbytes}\n@end deftypefn")
1541  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (bitpack, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {@var{y} =} bitpack (@var{x}, @var{class})\nReturn a new array @var{y} resulting from interpreting an array\n@var{x} as raw bit patterns for data of the numeric class @var{class}.\n@var{class} must be one of the built-in numeric classes:\n\n@example\n@group\n\"char\"\n\"int8\"\n\"int16\"\n\"int32\"\n\"int64\"\n\"uint8\"\n\"uint16\"\n\"uint32\"\n\"uint64\"\n\"double\"\n\"single\"\n@end group\n@end example\n\nThe number of elements of @var{x} should be divisible by the bit length of\n@var{class}. If it is not, excess bits are discarded. Bits come in\nincreasing order of significance, i.e., @code{x(1)} is bit 0, @code{x(2)} is\nbit 1, etc. The result is a row vector if @var{x} is a row vector, otherwise\nit is a column vector.\n@seealso{bitunpack, typecast}\n@end deftypefn")
1542  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (bitunpack, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {@var{y} =} bitunpack (@var{x})\nReturn an array @var{y} corresponding to the raw bit patterns of\n@var{x}. @var{x} must belong to one of the built-in numeric classes:\n\n@example\n@group\n\"char\"\n\"int8\"\n\"int16\"\n\"int32\"\n\"int64\"\n\"uint8\"\n\"uint16\"\n\"uint32\"\n\"uint64\"\n\"double\"\n\"single\"\n@end group\n@end example\n\nThe result is a row vector if @var{x} is a row vector; otherwise, it is a\ncolumn vector.\n@seealso{bitpack, typecast}\n@end deftypefn")
1543 }
1545 static void
1547 {
1548 // DO NOT EDIT! Generated automatically by mkdefs.
1549  XDEFUN_FILE_NAME ("libinterp/corefcn/")
1550  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (urlwrite, args, nargout, "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Loadable Function} {} urlwrite (@var{url}, @var{localfile})\n@deftypefnx {Loadable Function} {@var{f} =} urlwrite (@var{url}, @var{localfile})\n@deftypefnx {Loadable Function} {[@var{f}, @var{success}] =} urlwrite (@var{url}, @var{localfile})\n@deftypefnx {Loadable Function} {[@var{f}, @var{success}, @var{message}] =} urlwrite (@var{url}, @var{localfile})\nDownload a remote file specified by its @var{url} and save it as\n@var{localfile}. For example:\n\n@example\n@group\nurlwrite (\"\",\n \"README.txt\");\n@end group\n@end example\n\nThe full path of the downloaded file is returned in @var{f}. The\nvariable @var{success} is 1 if the download was successful,\notherwise it is 0 in which case @var{message} contains an error\nmessage. If no output argument is specified and an error occurs,\nthen the error is signaled through Octave's error handling mechanism.\n\nThis function uses libcurl. Curl supports, among others, the HTTP,\nFTP and FILE protocols. Username and password may be specified in\nthe URL, for example:\n\n@example\n@group\nurlwrite (\"\",\n \"file.txt\");\n@end group\n@end example\n\nGET and POST requests can be specified by @var{method} and @var{param}.\nThe parameter @var{method} is either @samp{get} or @samp{post}\nand @var{param} is a cell array of parameter and value pairs.\nFor example:\n\n@example\n@group\nurlwrite (\"\", \"search.html\",\n \"get\", @{\"query\", \"octave\"@});\n@end group\n@end example\n@seealso{urlread}\n@end deftypefn")
1551  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (urlread, args, nargout, "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Loadable Function} {@var{s} =} urlread (@var{url})\n@deftypefnx {Loadable Function} {[@var{s}, @var{success}] =} urlread (@var{url})\n@deftypefnx {Loadable Function} {[@var{s}, @var{success}, @var{message}] =} urlread (@var{url})\n@deftypefnx {Loadable Function} {[@dots{}] =} urlread (@var{url}, @var{method}, @var{param})\nDownload a remote file specified by its @var{url} and return its content\nin string @var{s}. For example:\n\n@example\ns = urlread (\"\");\n@end example\n\nThe variable @var{success} is 1 if the download was successful,\notherwise it is 0 in which case @var{message} contains an error\nmessage. If no output argument is specified and an error occurs,\nthen the error is signaled through Octave's error handling mechanism.\n\nThis function uses libcurl. Curl supports, among others, the HTTP,\nFTP and FILE protocols. Username and password may be specified in the\nURL@. For example:\n\n@example\ns = urlread (\"\");\n@end example\n\nGET and POST requests can be specified by @var{method} and @var{param}.\nThe parameter @var{method} is either @samp{get} or @samp{post}\nand @var{param} is a cell array of parameter and value pairs.\nFor example:\n\n@example\n@group\ns = urlread (\"\", \"get\",\n @{\"query\", \"octave\"@});\n@end group\n@end example\n@seealso{urlwrite}\n@end deftypefn")
1552  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (__ftp__, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Loadable Function} {@var{handle} =} __ftp__ (@var{host})\n@deftypefnx {Loadable Function} {@var{handle} =} __ftp__ (@var{host}, @var{username}, @var{password})\nUndocumented internal function\n@end deftypefn")
1553  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (__ftp_pwd__, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Loadable Function} {} __ftp_pwd__ (@var{handle})\nUndocumented internal function\n@end deftypefn")
1554  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (__ftp_cwd__, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Loadable Function} {} __ftp_cwd__ (@var{handle}, @var{path})\nUndocumented internal function\n@end deftypefn")
1555  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (__ftp_dir__, args, nargout, "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Loadable Function} {} __ftp_dir__ (@var{handle})\nUndocumented internal function\n@end deftypefn")
1556  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (__ftp_ascii__, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Loadable Function} {} __ftp_ascii__ (@var{handle})\nUndocumented internal function\n@end deftypefn")
1557  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (__ftp_binary__, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Loadable Function} {} __ftp_binary__ (@var{handle})\nUndocumented internal function\n@end deftypefn")
1558  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (__ftp_close__, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Loadable Function} {} __ftp_close__ (@var{handle})\nUndocumented internal function\n@end deftypefn")
1559  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (__ftp_mode__, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Loadable Function} {} __ftp_mode__ (@var{handle})\nUndocumented internal function\n@end deftypefn")
1560  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (__ftp_delete__, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Loadable Function} {} __ftp_delete__ (@var{handle}, @var{path})\nUndocumented internal function\n@end deftypefn")
1561  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (__ftp_rmdir__, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Loadable Function} {} __ftp_rmdir__ (@var{handle}, @var{path})\nUndocumented internal function\n@end deftypefn")
1562  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (__ftp_mkdir__, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Loadable Function} {} __ftp_mkdir__ (@var{handle}, @var{path})\nUndocumented internal function\n@end deftypefn")
1563  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (__ftp_rename__, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Loadable Function} {} __ftp_rename__ (@var{handle}, @var{path})\nUndocumented internal function\n@end deftypefn")
1564  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (__ftp_mput__, args, nargout, "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Loadable Function} {} __ftp_mput__ (@var{handle}, @var{files})\nUndocumented internal function\n@end deftypefn")
1565  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (__ftp_mget__, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Loadable Function} {} __ftp_mget__ (@var{handle}, @var{files})\nUndocumented internal function\n@end deftypefn")
1566 }
1568 static void
1570 {
1571 // DO NOT EDIT! Generated automatically by mkdefs.
1572  XDEFUN_FILE_NAME ("libinterp/corefcn/")
1573  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (isvarname, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} isvarname (@var{name})\nReturn true if @var{name} is a valid variable name.\n@seealso{iskeyword, exist, who}\n@end deftypefn")
1574  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (file_in_loadpath, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} file_in_loadpath (@var{file})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} file_in_loadpath (@var{file}, \"all\")\n\nReturn the absolute name of @var{file} if it can be found in\nthe list of directories specified by @code{path}.\nIf no file is found, return an empty character string.\n\nIf the first argument is a cell array of strings, search each\ndirectory of the loadpath for element of the cell array and return\nthe first that matches.\n\nIf the second optional argument @qcode{\"all\"} is supplied, return\na cell array containing the list of all files that have the same\nname in the path. If no files are found, return an empty cell array.\n@seealso{file_in_path, find_dir_in_path, path}\n@end deftypefn")
1575  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (file_in_path, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} file_in_path (@var{path}, @var{file})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} file_in_path (@var{path}, @var{file}, \"all\")\nReturn the absolute name of @var{file} if it can be found in\n@var{path}. The value of @var{path} should be a colon-separated list of\ndirectories in the format described for @code{path}. If no file\nis found, return an empty character string. For example:\n\n@example\n@group\nfile_in_path (EXEC_PATH, \"sh\")\n @result{} \"/bin/sh\"\n@end group\n@end example\n\nIf the second argument is a cell array of strings, search each\ndirectory of the path for element of the cell array and return\nthe first that matches.\n\nIf the third optional argument @qcode{\"all\"} is supplied, return\na cell array containing the list of all files that have the same\nname in the path. If no files are found, return an empty cell array.\n@seealso{file_in_loadpath, find_dir_in_path, path}\n@end deftypefn")
1576  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (do_string_escapes, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} do_string_escapes (@var{string})\nConvert special characters in @var{string} to their escaped forms.\n@end deftypefn")
1577  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (undo_string_escapes, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} undo_string_escapes (@var{s})\nConvert special characters in strings back to their escaped forms. For\nexample, the expression\n\n@example\nbell = \"\\a\";\n@end example\n\n@noindent\nassigns the value of the alert character (control-g, ASCII code 7) to\nthe string variable @code{bell}. If this string is printed, the\nsystem will ring the terminal bell (if it is possible). This is\nnormally the desired outcome. However, sometimes it is useful to be\nable to print the original representation of the string, with the\nspecial characters replaced by their escape sequences. For example,\n\n@example\n@group\noctave:13> undo_string_escapes (bell)\nans = \\a\n@end group\n@end example\n\n@noindent\nreplaces the unprintable alert character with its printable\nrepresentation.\n@end deftypefn")
1578  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (is_absolute_filename, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} is_absolute_filename (@var{file})\nReturn true if @var{file} is an absolute filename.\n@seealso{is_rooted_relative_filename, make_absolute_filename, isdir}\n@end deftypefn")
1579  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (is_rooted_relative_filename, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} is_rooted_relative_filename (@var{file})\nReturn true if @var{file} is a rooted-relative filename.\n@seealso{is_absolute_filename, make_absolute_filename, isdir}\n@end deftypefn")
1580  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (make_absolute_filename, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} make_absolute_filename (@var{file})\nReturn the full name of @var{file} beginning from the root of the file\nsystem. No check is done for the existence of @var{file}.\n@seealso{canonicalize_file_name, is_absolute_filename, is_rooted_relative_filename, isdir}\n@end deftypefn")
1581  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (find_dir_in_path, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} find_dir_in_path (@var{dir})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} find_dir_in_path (@var{dir}, \"all\")\nReturn the full name of the path element matching @var{dir}. The\nmatch is performed at the end of each path element. For example, if\n@var{dir} is @qcode{\"foo/bar\"}, it matches the path element\n@nospell{@qcode{\"/some/dir/foo/bar\"}}, but not\n@nospell{@qcode{\"/some/dir/foo/bar/baz\"}}\n@nospell{@qcode{\"/some/dir/allfoo/bar\"}}.\n\nThe second argument is optional. If it is supplied, return a cell array\ncontaining all name matches rather than just the first.\n@seealso{file_in_path, file_in_loadpath, path}\n@end deftypefn")
1582  XDEFUNX_INTERNAL ("errno", Ferrno, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {@var{err} =} errno ()\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {@var{err} =} errno (@var{val})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {@var{err} =} errno (@var{name})\nReturn the current value of the system-dependent variable errno,\nset its value to @var{val} and return the previous value, or return\nthe named error code given @var{name} as a character string, or -1\nif @var{name} is not found.\n@end deftypefn")
1583  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (errno_list, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} errno_list ()\nReturn a structure containing the system-dependent errno values.\n@end deftypefn")
1584  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (isindex, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} isindex (@var{ind})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} isindex (@var{ind}, @var{n})\nReturn true if @var{ind} is a valid index. Valid indices are\neither positive integers (although possibly of real data type), or logical\narrays. If present, @var{n} specifies the maximum extent of the dimension\nto be indexed. When possible the internal result is cached so that\nsubsequent indexing using @var{ind} will not perform the check again.\n@end deftypefn")
1585 }
1587 static void
1589 {
1590 // DO NOT EDIT! Generated automatically by mkdefs.
1591  XDEFUN_FILE_NAME ("libinterp/corefcn/")
1592  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (isglobal, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} isglobal (@var{name})\nReturn true if @var{name} is a globally visible variable.\nFor example:\n\n@example\n@group\nglobal x\nisglobal (\"x\")\n @result{} 1\n@end group\n@end example\n@seealso{isvarname, exist}\n@end deftypefn")
1593  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (exist, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} exist (@var{name}, @var{type})\nReturn 1 if the name exists as a variable, 2 if the name is an\nabsolute file name, an ordinary file in Octave's @code{path}, or (after\nappending @samp{.m}) a function file in Octave's @code{path}, 3 if the\nname is a @samp{.oct} or @samp{.mex} file in Octave's @code{path},\n5 if the name is a built-in function, 7 if the name is a directory, or 103\nif the name is a function not associated with a file (entered on\nthe command line).\n\nOtherwise, return 0.\n\nThis function also returns 2 if a regular file called @var{name}\nexists in Octave's search path. If you want information about\nother types of files, you should use some combination of the functions\n@code{file_in_path} and @code{stat} instead.\n\nIf the optional argument @var{type} is supplied, check only for\nsymbols of the specified type. Valid types are\n\n@table @asis\n@item @qcode{\"var\"}\nCheck only for variables.\n\n@item @qcode{\"builtin\"}\nCheck only for built-in functions.\n\n@item @qcode{\"file\"}\nCheck only for files and directories.\n\n@item @qcode{\"dir\"}\nCheck only for directories.\n@end table\n\n@seealso{file_in_loadpath, file_in_path, find_dir_in_path, stat}\n@end deftypefn")
1594  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (who, args, nargout, "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Command} {} who\n@deftypefnx {Command} {} who pattern @dots{}\n@deftypefnx {Command} {} who option pattern @dots{}\n@deftypefnx {Command} {C =} who (\"pattern\", @dots{})\nList currently defined variables matching the given patterns. Valid\npattern syntax is the same as described for the @code{clear} command.\nIf no patterns are supplied, all variables are listed.\nBy default, only variables visible in the local scope are displayed.\n\nThe following are valid options but may not be combined.\n\n@table @code\n@item global\nList variables in the global scope rather than the current scope.\n\n@item -regexp\nThe patterns are considered to be regular expressions when matching the\nvariables to display. The same pattern syntax accepted by\nthe @code{regexp} function is used.\n\n@item -file\nThe next argument is treated as a filename. All variables found within the\nspecified file are listed. No patterns are accepted when reading variables\nfrom a file.\n@end table\n\nIf called as a function, return a cell array of defined variable names\nmatching the given patterns.\n@seealso{whos, isglobal, isvarname, exist, regexp}\n@end deftypefn")
1595  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (whos, args, nargout, "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Command} {} whos\n@deftypefnx {Command} {} whos pattern @dots{}\n@deftypefnx {Command} {} whos option pattern @dots{}\n@deftypefnx {Command} {S =} whos (\"pattern\", @dots{})\nProvide detailed information on currently defined variables matching the\ngiven patterns. Options and pattern syntax are the same as for the\n@code{who} command. Extended information about each variable is\nsummarized in a table with the following default entries.\n\n@table @asis\n@item Attr\nAttributes of the listed variable. Possible attributes are:\n\n@table @asis\n@item blank\nVariable in local scope\n\n@item @code{a}\nAutomatic variable. An automatic variable is one created by the\ninterpreter, for example @code{argn}.\n\n@item @code{c}\nVariable of complex type.\n\n@item @code{f}\nFormal parameter (function argument).\n\n@item @code{g}\nVariable with global scope.\n\n@item @code{p}\nPersistent variable.\n@end table\n\n@item Name\nThe name of the variable.\n\n@item Size\nThe logical size of the variable. A scalar is 1x1, a vector is\n@nospell{1xN} or @nospell{Nx1}, a 2-D matrix is @nospell{MxN}.\n\n@item Bytes\nThe amount of memory currently used to store the variable.\n\n@item Class\nThe class of the variable. Examples include double, single, char, uint16,\ncell, and struct.\n@end table\n\nThe table can be customized to display more or less information through\nthe function @code{whos_line_format}.\n\nIf @code{whos} is called as a function, return a struct array of defined\nvariable names matching the given patterns. Fields in the structure\ndescribing each variable are: name, size, bytes, class, global, sparse,\ncomplex, nesting, persistent.\n@seealso{who, whos_line_format}\n@end deftypefn")
1596  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (mlock, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} mlock ()\nLock the current function into memory so that it can't be cleared.\n@seealso{munlock, mislocked, persistent}\n@end deftypefn")
1597  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (munlock, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} munlock ()\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} munlock (@var{fcn})\nUnlock the named function @var{fcn}. If no function is named\nthen unlock the current function.\n@seealso{mlock, mislocked, persistent}\n@end deftypefn")
1598  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (mislocked, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} mislocked ()\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} mislocked (@var{fcn})\nReturn true if the named function @var{fcn} is locked. If no function is\nnamed then return true if the current function is locked.\n@seealso{mlock, munlock, persistent}\n@end deftypefn")
1599  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (clear, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Command} {} clear [options] pattern @dots{}\nDelete the names matching the given patterns from the symbol table. The\npattern may contain the following special characters:\n\n@table @code\n@item ?\nMatch any single character.\n\n@item *\nMatch zero or more characters.\n\n@item [ @var{list} ]\nMatch the list of characters specified by @var{list}. If the first\ncharacter is @code{!} or @code{^}, match all characters except those\nspecified by @var{list}. For example, the pattern @samp{[a-zA-Z]} will\nmatch all lowercase and uppercase alphabetic characters.\n@end table\n\nFor example, the command\n\n@example\nclear foo b*r\n@end example\n\n@noindent\nclears the name @code{foo} and all names that begin with the letter\n@code{b} and end with the letter @code{r}.\n\nIf @code{clear} is called without any arguments, all user-defined\nvariables (local and global) are cleared from the symbol table. If\n@code{clear} is called with at least one argument, only the visible\nnames matching the arguments are cleared. For example, suppose you have\ndefined a function @code{foo}, and then hidden it by performing the\nassignment @code{foo = 2}. Executing the command @kbd{clear foo} once\nwill clear the variable definition and restore the definition of\n@code{foo} as a function. Executing @kbd{clear foo} a second time will\nclear the function definition.\n\nThe following options are available in both long and short form\n\n@table @code\n@item -all, -a\nClears all local and global user-defined variables and all functions\nfrom the symbol table.\n\n@item -exclusive, -x\nClears the variables that don't match the following pattern.\n\n@item -functions, -f\nClears the function names and the built-in symbols names.\n\n@item -global, -g\nClears the global symbol names.\n\n@item -variables, -v\nClears the local variable names.\n\n@item -classes, -c\nClears the class structure table and clears all objects.\n\n@item -regexp, -r\nThe arguments are treated as regular expressions as any variables that\nmatch will be cleared.\n@end table\n\nWith the exception of @code{exclusive}, all long options can be used\nwithout the dash as well.\n@end deftypefn")
1600  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (whos_line_format, args, nargout, "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {@var{val} =} whos_line_format ()\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {@var{old_val} =} whos_line_format (@var{new_val})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} whos_line_format (@var{new_val}, \"local\")\nQuery or set the format string used by the command @code{whos}.\n\nA full format string is:\n@c Set example in small font to prevent overfull line\n\n@smallexample\n%[modifier]<command>[:width[:left-min[:balance]]];\n@end smallexample\n\nThe following command sequences are available:\n\n@table @code\n@item %a\nPrints attributes of variables (g=global, p=persistent,\nf=formal parameter, a=automatic variable).\n\n@item %b\nPrints number of bytes occupied by variables.\n\n@item %c\nPrints class names of variables.\n\n@item %e\nPrints elements held by variables.\n\n@item %n\nPrints variable names.\n\n@item %s\nPrints dimensions of variables.\n\n@item %t\nPrints type names of variables.\n@end table\n\nEvery command may also have an alignment modifier:\n\n@table @code\n@item l\nLeft alignment.\n\n@item r\nRight alignment (default).\n\n@item c\nColumn-aligned (only applicable to command %s).\n@end table\n\nThe @code{width} parameter is a positive integer specifying the minimum\nnumber of columns used for printing. No maximum is needed as the field will\nauto-expand as required.\n\nThe parameters @code{left-min} and @code{balance} are only available when the\ncolumn-aligned modifier is used with the command @samp{%s}.\n@code{balance} specifies the column number within the field width which will\nbe aligned between entries. Numbering starts from 0 which indicates the\nleftmost column. @code{left-min} specifies the minimum field width to the\nleft of the specified balance column.\n\nThe default format is\n@qcode{\" %a:4; %ln:6; %cs:16:6:1; %rb:12; %lc:-1;\\n\"}.\n\nWhen called from inside a function with the @qcode{\"local\"} option, the\nvariable is changed locally for the function and any subroutines it calls. \nThe original variable value is restored when exiting the function.\n@seealso{whos}\n@end deftypefn")
1601  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (missing_function_hook, args, nargout, "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {@var{val} =} missing_function_hook ()\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {@var{old_val} =} missing_function_hook (@var{new_val})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} missing_function_hook (@var{new_val}, \"local\")\nQuery or set the internal variable that specifies the function to call when\nan unknown identifier is requested.\n\nWhen called from inside a function with the @qcode{\"local\"} option, the\nvariable is changed locally for the function and any subroutines it calls. \nThe original variable value is restored when exiting the function.\n@seealso{missing_component_hook}\n@end deftypefn")
1602  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (__varval__, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} __varval__ (@var{name})\nUndocumented internal function.\n@end deftypefn")
1603  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (missing_component_hook, args, nargout, "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {@var{val} =} missing_component_hook ()\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {@var{old_val} =} missing_component_hook (@var{new_val})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} missing_component_hook (@var{new_val}, \"local\")\nQuery or set the internal variable that specifies the function to call when\na component of Octave is missing. This can be useful for packagers that\nmay split the Octave installation into multiple sub-packages, for example,\nto provide a hint to users for how to install the missing components.\n\nWhen called from inside a function with the @qcode{\"local\"} option, the\nvariable is changed locally for the function and any subroutines it calls. \nThe original variable value is restored when exiting the function.\n\nThe hook function is expected to be of the form\n\n@example\n@var{fcn} (@var{component})\n@end example\n\nOctave will call @var{fcn} with the name of the function that requires the\ncomponent and a string describing the missing component. The hook function\nshould return an error message to be displayed.\n@seealso{missing_function_hook}\n@end deftypefn")
1604 }
1606 static void
1608 {
1609 // DO NOT EDIT! Generated automatically by mkdefs.
1610  XDEFUN_FILE_NAME ("libinterp/corefcn/")
1611  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (debug_jit, args, nargout, "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {@var{val} =} debug_jit ()\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {@var{old_val} =} debug_jit (@var{new_val})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} debug_jit (@var{new_val}, \"local\")\nQuery or set the internal variable that determines whether\ndebugging/tracing is enabled for Octave's JIT compiler.\n\nWhen called from inside a function with the @qcode{\"local\"} option, the\nvariable is changed locally for the function and any subroutines it calls. \nThe original variable value is restored when exiting the function.\n@seealso{jit_enable, jit_startcnt}\n@end deftypefn")
1612  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (jit_enable, args, nargout, "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {@var{val} =} jit_enable ()\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {@var{old_val} =} jit_enable (@var{new_val})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} jit_enable (@var{new_val}, \"local\")\nQuery or set the internal variable that enables Octave's JIT compiler.\n\nWhen called from inside a function with the @qcode{\"local\"} option, the\nvariable is changed locally for the function and any subroutines it calls. \nThe original variable value is restored when exiting the function.\n@seealso{jit_startcnt, debug_jit}\n@end deftypefn")
1613  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (jit_startcnt, args, nargout, "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {@var{val} =} jit_startcnt ()\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {@var{old_val} =} jit_startcnt (@var{new_val})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} jit_startcnt (@var{new_val}, \"local\")\nQuery or set the internal variable that determines whether JIT compilation\nwill take place for a specific loop. Because compilation is a costly\noperation it does not make sense to employ JIT when the loop count is low.\nBy default only loops with greater than 1000 iterations will be accelerated.\n\nWhen called from inside a function with the @qcode{\"local\"} option, the\nvariable is changed locally for the function and any subroutines it calls. \nThe original variable value is restored when exiting the function.\n@seealso{jit_enable, debug_jit}\n@end deftypefn")
1614 }
1616 static void
1618 {
1619 // DO NOT EDIT! Generated automatically by mkdefs.
1620  XDEFUN_FILE_NAME ("libinterp/parse-tree/")
1621  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (autoload, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} autoload (@var{function}, @var{file})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} autoload (@dots{}, @asis{\"remove\"})\nDefine @var{function} to autoload from @var{file}.\n\nThe second argument, @var{file}, should be an absolute file name or\na file name in the same directory as the function or script from which\nthe autoload command was run. @var{file} should not depend on the\nOctave load path.\n\nNormally, calls to @code{autoload} appear in PKG_ADD script files that\nare evaluated when a directory is added to Octave's load path. To\navoid having to hardcode directory names in @var{file}, if @var{file}\nis in the same directory as the PKG_ADD script then\n\n@example\nautoload (\"foo\", \"bar.oct\");\n@end example\n\n@noindent\nwill load the function @code{foo} from the file @code{bar.oct}. The above\nusage when @code{bar.oct} is not in the same directory or usages such as\n\n@example\nautoload (\"foo\", file_in_loadpath (\"bar.oct\"))\n@end example\n\n@noindent\nare strongly discouraged, as their behavior may be unpredictable.\n\nWith no arguments, return a structure containing the current autoload map.\n\nIf a third argument @asis{'remove'} is given, the function is cleared and\nnot loaded anymore during the current Octave session.\n\n@seealso{PKG_ADD}\n@end deftypefn")
1622  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (mfilename, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} mfilename ()\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} mfilename (\"fullpath\")\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} mfilename (\"fullpathext\")\nReturn the name of the currently executing file. At the top-level,\nreturn the empty string. Given the argument @qcode{\"fullpath\"},\ninclude the directory part of the file name, but not the extension.\nGiven the argument @qcode{\"fullpathext\"}, include the directory part\nof the file name and the extension.\n@end deftypefn")
1623  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (source, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} source (@var{file})\nParse and execute the contents of @var{file}. This is equivalent to\nexecuting commands from a script file, but without requiring the file to\nbe named @file{@var{file}.m}.\n@end deftypefn")
1624  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (feval, args, nargout, "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} feval (@var{name}, @dots{})\nEvaluate the function named @var{name}. Any arguments after the first\nare passed as inputs to the named function. For example,\n\n@example\n@group\nfeval (\"acos\", -1)\n @result{} 3.1416\n@end group\n@end example\n\n@noindent\ncalls the function @code{acos} with the argument @samp{-1}.\n\nThe function @code{feval} can also be used with function handles of\nany sort (@pxref{Function Handles}). Historically, @code{feval} was\nthe only way to call user-supplied functions in strings, but\nfunction handles are now preferred due to the cleaner syntax they\noffer. For example,\n\n@example\n@group\n@var{f} = @@exp;\nfeval (@var{f}, 1)\n @result{} 2.7183\n@var{f} (1)\n @result{} 2.7183\n@end group\n@end example\n\n@noindent\nare equivalent ways to call the function referred to by @var{f}. If it\ncannot be predicted beforehand whether @var{f} is a function handle,\nfunction name in a string, or inline function then @code{feval} can be used\ninstead.\n@end deftypefn")
1625  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (builtin, args, nargout, "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Loadable Function} {[@dots{}] =} builtin (@var{f}, @dots{})\nCall the base function @var{f} even if @var{f} is overloaded to\nanother function for the given type signature.\n\nThis is normally useful when doing object-oriented programming and there\nis a requirement to call one of Octave's base functions rather than\nthe overloaded one of a new class.\n\nA trivial example which redefines the @code{sin} function to be the\n@code{cos} function shows how @code{builtin} works.\n\n@example\n@group\nsin (0)\n @result{} 0\nfunction y = sin (x), y = cos (x); endfunction\nsin (0)\n @result{} 1\nbuiltin (\"sin\", 0)\n @result{} 0\n@end group\n@end example\n@end deftypefn")
1626  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (eval, args, nargout, "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} eval (@var{try})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} eval (@var{try}, @var{catch})\nParse the string @var{try} and evaluate it as if it were an Octave\nprogram. If that fails, evaluate the optional string @var{catch}.\nThe string @var{try} is evaluated in the current context,\nso any results remain available after @code{eval} returns.\n\nThe following example makes the variable @var{A} with the approximate\nvalue 3.1416 available.\n\n@example\neval (\"A = acos(-1);\");\n@end example\n\nIf an error occurs during the evaluation of @var{try} the @var{catch}\nstring is evaluated, as the following example shows:\n\n@example\n@group\neval ('error (\"This is a bad example\");',\n 'printf (\"This error occurred:\\n%s\\n\", lasterr ());');\n @print{} This error occurred:\n This is a bad example\n@end group\n@end example\n\nConsider using try/catch blocks instead if you are only using @code{eval}\nas an error-capturing mechanism rather than for the execution of arbitrary\ncode strings.\n@seealso{evalin}\n@end deftypefn")
1627  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (assignin, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} assignin (@var{context}, @var{varname}, @var{value})\nAssign @var{value} to @var{varname} in context @var{context}, which\nmay be either @qcode{\"base\"} or @qcode{\"caller\"}.\n@seealso{evalin}\n@end deftypefn")
1628  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (evalin, args, nargout, "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} evalin (@var{context}, @var{try})\n@deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} evalin (@var{context}, @var{try}, @var{catch})\nLike @code{eval}, except that the expressions are evaluated in the\ncontext @var{context}, which may be either @qcode{\"caller\"} or\n@qcode{\"base\"}.\n@seealso{eval, assignin}\n@end deftypefn")
1629  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (__parser_debug_flag__, args, nargout, "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {@var{old_val} =} __parser_debug_flag__ (@var{new_val}))\nUndocumented internal function.\n@end deftypefn")
1630  XDEFUN_INTERNAL (__parse_file__, args, , "-*- texinfo -*-\n@deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} __parse_file__ (@var{file}, @var{verbose})\nUndocumented internal function.\n@end deftypefn")
1631 }
1634 void
1636 {
1653  install_ov_fcns ();
1666  install_lex_fcns ();
1679  install_conv2_fcns ();
1680  install_daspk_fcns ();
1681  install_dasrt_fcns ();
1682  install_dassl_fcns ();
1683  install_data_fcns ();
1684  install_debug_fcns ();
1686  install_det_fcns ();
1689  install_dot_fcns ();
1690  install_eig_fcns ();
1692  install_error_fcns ();
1693  install_fft_fcns ();
1694  install_fft2_fcns ();
1695  install_fftn_fcns ();
1698  install_find_fcns ();
1700  install_gcd_fcns ();
1706  install_help_fcns ();
1707  install_hess_fcns ();
1709  install_input_fcns ();
1710  install_inv_fcns ();
1711  install_kron_fcns ();
1716  install_lsode_fcns ();
1717  install_lu_fcns ();
1718  install_luinc_fcns ();
1721  install_max_fcns ();
1724  install_nproc_fcns ();
1727  install_pager_fcns ();
1728  install_pinv_fcns ();
1731  install_quad_fcns ();
1733  install_qz_fcns ();
1734  install_rand_fcns ();
1735  install_rcond_fcns ();
1737  install_schur_fcns ();
1741  install_sqrtm_fcns ();
1746  install_svd_fcns ();
1747  install_syl_fcns ();
1751  install_time_fcns ();
1753  install_tril_fcns ();
1756  install_utils_fcns ();
1762 }