
Operators and Keywords

Function List:

C++ API File Reference

#include "SparseCmplxCHOL.h"
#include "SparsedbleCHOL.h"
#include "oct-spparms.h"
#include "sparse-util.h"
#include "oct-locbuf.h"
#include "ov-re-sparse.h"
#include "ov-cx-sparse.h"
#include "defun-dld.h"
#include "error.h"
#include "gripes.h"
#include "oct-obj.h"
#include "utils.h"
Include dependency graph for


 DEFUN_DLD (symbfact, args, nargout,"-*- texinfo -*-\n\ @deftypefn {Loadable Function} {[@var{count}, @var{h}, @var{parent}, @var{post}, @var{r}] =} symbfact (@var{S})\n\ @deftypefnx {Loadable Function} {[@dots{}] =} symbfact (@var{S}, @var{typ})\n\ @deftypefnx {Loadable Function} {[@dots{}] =} symbfact (@var{S}, @var{typ}, @var{mode})\n\ \n\ Perform a symbolic factorization analysis on the sparse matrix @var{S}.\n\ Where\n\ \n\ @table @var\n\ @item S\n\ @var{S} is a complex or real sparse matrix.\n\ \n\ @item typ\n\ Is the type of the factorization and can be one of\n\ \n\ @table @samp\n\ @item sym\n\ Factorize @var{S}. This is the default.\n\ \n\ @item col\n\ Factorize @code{@var{S}' * @var{S}}.\n\ \n\ @item row\n\ Factorize @code{@var{S} * @var{S}'}.\n\ \n\ @item lo\n\ Factorize @code{@var{S}'}\n\ @end table\n\ \n\ @item mode\n\ The default is to return the Cholesky@tie{}factorization for @var{r}, and if\n\ @var{mode} is 'L', the conjugate transpose of the Cholesky@tie{}factorization\n\ is returned. The conjugate transpose version is faster and uses less\n\ memory, but returns the same values for @var{count}, @var{h}, @var{parent}\n\ and @var{post} outputs.\n\ @end table\n\ \n\ The output variables are\n\ \n\ @table @var\n\ @item count\n\ The row counts of the Cholesky@tie{}factorization as determined by @var{typ}.\n\ \n\ @item h\n\ The height of the elimination tree.\n\ \n\ @item parent\n\ The elimination tree itself.\n\ \n\ @item post\n\ A sparse boolean matrix whose structure is that of the Cholesky\n\ factorization as determined by @var{typ}.\n\ @end table\n\ @end deftypefn")

Function Documentation

DEFUN_DLD ( symbfact  ,
args  ,
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