
Operators and Keywords

Function List:


gnuplot_drawnow.m File Reference


function gnuplot_drawnow (h, term, file, mono, debug_file) if(nargin< 4) mono
endif if (nargin >=3 &&nargin<=5) plot_stream
 if (__gnuplot_has_feature__("variable_GPVAL_TERMINALS")) available_terminals
endif if (gnuplot_supports_term)[enhanced
 __go_draw_figure__ (h, plot_stream(1), enhanced, mono, printing, implicit_margin)
 if (nargin==5) fid
 __go_draw_figure__ (h, fid, enhanced, mono, printing, implicit_margin)
endif else error ("gnuplot_drawnow: the gnuplot terminal, \"%s\", is not available.", gnuplot_trim_term(term)) endif unwind_protect_cleanup set(h
 if (!isempty(plot_stream)) pclose(plot_stream(1))
 if (numel(plot_stream) > 1) pclose(plot_stream(2))
endif if (numel(plot_stream) > 2) waitpid(plot_stream(3))
endif endif if (!isempty(fid)) fclose(fid)
endif end_unwind_protect elseif (nargin==1) plot_stream
 if (isempty(plot_stream)) plot_stream
 __go_draw_figure__ (h, plot_stream(1), enhanced, mono, 0)
 fflush (plot_stream(1))
else print_usage ()
 if (strcmpi(term,"pdf")&&strcmpi(opts_str,"color")) opts_str
 if (!isempty(term)) if(enhanced) enh_str
endif if (!isempty(h)&&isfigure(h)) if(output_to_screen(term)) fig.numbertitle
 if (strcmpi(get(h,"numbertitle"),"on")) title_str
endif if (!isempty(!isempty(title_str)) title_str
 elseif (!isempty( title_str
endif if (!isempty(title_str)) title_str
endif if (!(any(strfind(opts_str," size ") > 0)||any(strfind(opts_str,"size ")==1))) if(output_to_screen(term)) units
unwind_protect_cleanup set (h,"units", units)
unwind_protect set (h,"paperunits","inches")
unwind_protect_cleanup set (h,"paperunits", paperunits)
end_unwind_protect if (term_units_are_pixels(term)) gnuplot_size
 if (!any(strcmp(term, flickering_terms))||numel(findall(h,"type","axes")) > 1||numel(findall(h,"type","image")) > 0) fprintf(plot_stream
endif endif fputs (plot_stream,"set multiplot;\n")
 elseif (any(strcmp(term, flickering_terms))) fprintf(plot_stream
 if (isempty(term)) if(ismac()) term
 elseif (!isunix()) term
 if (isempty(n)) term
 if (isempty(enhanced_terminals)) enhanced_terminals
endif if (nargin< 1) term


 fid = []
 printing = ! output_to_screen (gnuplot_trim_term (term))
 default_plot_stream = get (h, "__plot_stream__")
unwind_protect plot_stream = __gnuplot_open_stream__ (2, h)
 available_terminals = regexp (available_terminals, "\\b\\w+\\b", "match")
endif implicit_margin
endif else __plot_stream__
 new_stream = true
endif enhanced = gnuplot_set_term (plot_stream (1), new_stream, h)
endif endfunction function [enhanced, implicit_margin]
 opts_str = ""
 else [term, opts_str] = gnuplot_trim_term (term)
else enh_str = ""
fig name = get (h, "name")
else title_str = ""
unwind_protect set (h,"units","pixels")
 position_in_pixesl = get (h, "position")
end_unwind_protect gnuplot_pos = position_in_pixesl(1:2)
 gnuplot_size = position_in_pixesl(3:4)
else paperunits = get (h, "paperunits")
endif endif [begin_match, end_match, te, match] = regexp (opts_str, "(\\s-r\\d+)|(^-r\\d+)")
n = strfind (string, ' ')
 flickering_terms = {"x11", "windows", "wxt"}
set output s
endif endif endif else endif
endfunction function 
 opts = ""
endif endfunction function have_enhanced
endfunction function ret

Function Documentation

__go_draw_figure__ ( ,
plot_stream(1)  ,
enhanced  ,
mono  ,

__go_draw_figure__ ( ,
fid  ,
enhanced  ,
mono  ,
printing  ,

__go_draw_figure__ ( ,
plot_stream(1)  ,
enhanced  ,
mono  ,
printing  ,

elseif ( isunix()  ) 

elseif ( any(strcmp(term, flickering_terms))   ) 

elseif (  ) 

endif end_unwind_protect elseif ( nargin  = =1  ) 

endif else error ( "gnuplot_drawnow: the gnuplot   terminal,
\"%s\"  ,
is not available."  ,

fflush ( plot_stream(1)   ) 

endif endif fputs ( plot_stream  ,
"set multiplot;\n"   

function gnuplot_drawnow ( ,
term  ,
file  ,
mono  ,

endif if (  ) 

if ( isempty(enhanced_terminals)   ) 

if ( isempty(n)   ) 

if ( isempty(term  ) 

if ( anystrcmp(term, flickering_terms))||numel(findall(h,"type","axes"),
1||  numelfindall(h,"type","image"),

end_unwind_protect if ( term_units_are_pixels(term  ) 

endif if ( any(strfind(opts_str," size ") > 0)||any(strfind(opts_str,"size ")==1)  ) 

endif if ( isemptytitle_str  ) 

endif if (!isempty(title_str  ) 

if ( strcmpi(get(h,"numbertitle"),"on")   ) 

endif if ( isemptyh)&&isfigure(h  ) 

if ( isemptyterm  ) 

if ( strcmpi(term,"pdf")&&strcmpi(opts_str,"color")   ) 

if ( isempty(plot_stream)   ) 

endif endif if ( isemptyfid  ) 

endif if ( numel(plot_stream)  ,

if ( numel(plot_stream)  ,

if ( isemptyplot_stream  ) 

if ( nargin  = = 5  ) 

if ( __gnuplot_has_feature__("variable_GPVAL_TERMINALS")   ) 

endif if ( nargin >=3 &&nargin<=  5  ) 

else print_usage (  ) 

unwind_protect_cleanup set ( ,
"paperunits"  ,

unwind_protect set ( ,
"paperunits"  ,

unwind_protect_cleanup set ( ,
"units"  ,

Variable Documentation

available_terminals = regexp (available_terminals, "\\b\\w+\\b", "match")

endif else default_plot_stream = get (h, "__plot_stream__")

else[term, opts_str] = gnuplot_trim_term (term)

endif endif[begin_match, end_match, te, match] = regexp (opts_str, "(\\s-r\\d+)|(^-r\\d+)")

else enh_str = ""

enhanced = gnuplot_set_term (plot_stream (1), new_stream, h)

fid = []

flickering_terms = {"x11", "windows", "wxt"}

Initial value:

 gnuplot_set_term (plot_stream, new_stream, h, term, file)

  if (nargin < 4)

    term = gnuplot_default_term ()

Initial value:

 any (strcmpi (available_terminals,
                                              gnuplot_trim_term (term)))

Initial value:

 gnuplot_is_enhanced_term (term)
  persistent enhanced_terminals

Initial value:

 gnuplot_set_term (plot_stream (1), true,
                                                        h, term, file)

n = strfind (string, ' ')

fig name = get (h, "name")

else new_stream = true

opts = ""

opts_str = ""

endif paperunits = get (h, "paperunits")

unwind_protect plot_stream = __gnuplot_open_stream__ (2, h)

position_in_pixesl = get (h, "position")

printing = ! output_to_screen (gnuplot_trim_term (term))

Initial value:

 output_to_screen (term)
  ret = any (strcmpi ({"aqua", "wxt", "x11", "windows", "pm"}, term))

set output s

unwind_protect set(h,"paperunits","inches") ( ,
"units"  ,

Initial value:

 gnuplot_default_term ()
  term = getenv ("GNUTERM")