
Operators and Keywords

Function List:


findobj.m File Reference


 if (nargin==0) handles=0
else if (!isempty(varargin{1})) if(ishandle(varargin
endif if (n1<=nargin) if(ischar(varargin
 if (strcmpi(varargin{n1},"flat")) depth=0
 elseif (strcmpi(varargin{n1},"-depth")) depth
endif else error ("findobj: properties and options must be strings")
endif endif endif if (n1<=nargin &&nargin > 0) args
 while (na<=numel(args)) regularexpression(np)=0
 property (np)=0
 if (ischar(args{na})) if(strcmpi(args
np regularexpression ()
else error ("findobj: inconsistent number of arguments")
endif elseif (strcmpi(args{na},"-property")) if(na+1<
endif elseif (!strcmp(args{na}(1),"-")) if(na+1<
 if (na<=numel(args)) if(ischar(args
if strcmpi (args{na},"-and") logicaloperator
 while (numel(handles)&&!(idepth >=depth)) children
 if (numpairs > 0) for nh
 if (numel(fieldindex)) pname
 if (property(np)) match
else if (regularexpression(np)) match
if isempty (match) match=0
endif elseif (numel(p.(pname{np}))==numel(pvalue{np})) if(ischar(pvalue
endif if (strcmpi(logicaloperator{np},"not")) keepers(nh)
else keepers (nh)


function h
 n1 = 0
 handles = varargin{1}
else args = {}
endif regularexpression = []
 logicaloperator = [] {}
 pname = {}
 pvalue = {}
 np = 1
 na = 1
endif endwhile numpairs = np - 1
 idepth = 0
for n
endwhile keepers = ones (size (h))
 fieldindex = find (strcmpi (fields, pname{np}), 1)
 match = strcmpi (pvalue{np}, p.(pname{np}))

Function Documentation

endif elseif ( numel(p.(pname{np}))  = = numel (pvalue{np})  ) 

endif elseif ( strcmpargs{na}(1),"-"  ) 

endif elseif ( strcmpi(args{na},"-property")   ) 

elseif ( strcmpi(varargin{n1},"-depth")   ) 

else error ( "findobj: inconsistent number of arguments"   ) 

endif else error ( "findobj: properties and options must be strings  ) 

endif if ( strcmpi(logicaloperator{np},"not")   ) 

else if ( regularexpression(np)   ) 

if ( property(np)   ) 

if ( numel(fieldindex  ) 

if ( numpairs  ,

if ( na<=  numelargs  ) 

if ( ischar(args{na})   ) 

endif endif endif if ( n1<=nargin &&  nargin,

if ( strcmpi(varargin{n1},"flat")   )  [pure virtual]

endif if ( n1<=  nargin  ) 

else if ( isemptyvarargin{1}  ) 

if ( nargin  = =0  )  [pure virtual]

if isempty ( match   )  [pure virtual]

else keepers ( nh   ) 

property ( np   )  [pure virtual]

np regularexpression (  )  [virtual]

if strcmpi (  ) 

while ( numel(handles)&&!(idepth >=depth)   ) 

while ( na<=  numelargs  )  [pure virtual]

Variable Documentation

else args = {}

fieldindex = find (strcmpi (fields, pname{np}), 1)


Initial value:

 findobj (varargin)

  depth = NaN

endfor handles = varargin{1}

idepth = 0

endwhile keepers = ones (size (h))

logicaloperator = [] {}

endif match = strcmpi (pvalue{np}, p.(pname{np}))

for n

Initial value:

 1 : numel (handles)
      children = union (children, get(handles(n), "children"))

n1 = 0

return endif na = 1

for np = 1

pname = {}

pvalue = {}

endif regularexpression = []
