
Operators and Keywords

Function List:


interpn.m File Reference


 if (nargin< 1) print_usage()
endif if (ischar(varargin{end})) method
 elseif (ischar(varargin{end-1})) if(!isnumeric(varargin
 !isscalar (varargin{end})) error("extrapal is expected to be a numeric scalar")
 if (nargs==2) m
 if (!isnumeric(m)||!isscalar(m)||floor(m)!=m) error("m is expected to be a integer scalar")
endfor elseif (!isvector(varargin{1})&&nargs==(ndims(varargin{1})+1)) v
endfor elseif (rem(nargs, 2)==1 &&nargs==(2 *ndims(varargin{ceil(nargs/2)}))+1) nv
else error ("wrong number or incorrectly formatted input arguments")
endif if (any(!cellfun(@isvector, x))) for i
endif idx (1:nd)
 idx (i)
 idx (1)
 if (strcmp(method,"linear")) vi
 vi (isna(vi))
 elseif (strcmp(method,"nearest")) yshape
endfor vi (idx)
 elseif (strcmp(method,"spline")) if(any(!cellfun(@isvector
 if (size_equal(y{:})) ly
endif elseif (strcmp(method,"cubic")) error("cubic interpolation not yet implemented")
else error ("unrecognized interpolation method")
 !mesh (xi, yi, interpn(x, y, A.', xi, yi,"linear").')
 plot3 (x(:), y(:), A(:),"b*")
 !mesh (xi, yi, interpn(x, y, A.', xi, yi,"nearest").')
 !mesh (xi, yi, interpn(x, y, A.', xi, yi,"cubic").')
 !mesh (xi, yi, interpn(x, y, A.', xi, yi,"spline").')
 !mesh (yi, zi, squeeze(vi(1,:,:)))
 !assert (interpn(x, y, z, f,[.5 1.5],[.5 1.5],[.5 1.5]),[1.5, 4.5])%!assert(interpn(x
 !assert (interpn(x, y, z, f,[.5 1.5],[.5 1.5],[.5 1.5],'spline'),[1.5, 4.5])%!assert(interpn(x
!assert (interpn(x, y, z, f, x, y, z,'nearest'), f)%!assert(interpn(x


function vi
 extrapval = NA
 nargs = nargin
endif method = varargin{end - 1}
 m = 1
endif endif sz = size (v)
 nd = ndims (v)
 x = cell (1, nd)
 y = cell (1, nd)
for i = 1 : nd
 v = varargin{nv}
 yidx = cell (1, nd)
endfor idx = cell (1,nd)
 q = cell (1, nd)
endif endfunction!demo !A = [13,-1,12
 !x = [0,1,4]
 !xi = linspace(min(x),max(x),17)
 !AI = linspace(min(y),max(y),26)'
!hold on = meshgrid(x,y)
hold off
 !yi = linspace(min(y),max(y),26)'
 !f = @(x,y,z) x.^2 - y - z.^2
 !v = meshgrid (x, y, z) f (xx,yy,zz)
 !vi = ndgrid (xi, yi, zi) interpn(x, y, z, v, xxi, yyi, zzi, 'spline')
 !test [x, y, z] = ndgrid(0:2)

Function Documentation

f !assert ( interpn(x, y, z, f, x, y, z,'nearest')  ,

Type Constraints

!assert ( interpn(x, y, z, f,[.5 1.5],[.5 1.5],[.5 1.5],'spline')   ) 

Type Constraints

!assert ( interpn(x, y, z, f,[.5 1.5],[.5 1.5],[.5 1.5])   ) 

!isscalar (  ) 

!mesh ( yi  ,
zi  ,

!mesh ( xi  ,
yi  ,
interpn(x, y, A.', xi, yi,"spline").'   

!mesh ( xi  ,
yi  ,
interpn(x, y, A.', xi, yi,"cubic").'   

!mesh ( xi  ,
yi  ,
interpn(x, y, A.', xi, yi,"nearest").'   

!mesh ( xi  ,
yi  ,
interpn(x, y, A.', xi, yi,"linear").'   

endif elseif ( strcmp(method,"cubic")   ) 

elseif ( strcmp(method,"spline")   ) 

elseif ( strcmp(method,"nearest")   ) 

endfor elseif ( rem(nargs, 2)  = =1 &&nargs==(2 *ndims(varargin{ceil(nargs/2)}))+1  ) 

endfor elseif ( !isvector(varargin{1})&&  nargs = =(ndims(varargin{1})+1)  ) 

elseif ( ischar(varargin{end-1})   ) 

else error ( "unrecognized interpolation method  ) 

else error ( "wrong number or incorrectly formatted input arguments"   ) 

idx (  ) 

idx (  ) 

endif idx ( 1:nd   ) 

if ( size_equal(y{:})   ) 

if ( strcmp(method,"linear")   ) 

endif if ( any(!cellfun(@isvector, x))   ) 

if ( !isnumeric(m)||!isscalar(m)||floor(m)!  = m  ) 

if ( nargs  = =2  ) 

endif if ( ischar(varargin{end})   ) 

if (  ) 

plot3 ( x(:)  ,
y(:)  ,
A(:)  ,

endfor vi ( idx   ) 

vi ( isna(vi)   ) 

Variable Documentation

!demo !A = [13,-1,12

!AI = linspace(min(y),max(y),26)'

!f = @(x,y,z) x.^2 - y - z.^2

f f !test[x, y, z] (  )  = ndgrid(0:2)

!v = meshgrid (x, y, z) f (xx,yy,zz)

!vi = ndgrid (xi, yi, zi) interpn(x, y, z, v, xxi, yyi, zzi, 'spline')

!demo !x = [0,1,4]

!xi = linspace(min(x),max(x),17)

!yi = linspace(min(y),max(y),26)'

extrapval = NA

f f

for i = 1 : nd

idx = cell (1,nd)

m = 1

endif method = varargin{end - 1}

nd = ndims (v)

hold off

! hold on = meshgrid(x,y)

q = cell (1, nd)

f spline

sz = size (v)

v = varargin{nv}


Initial value:

 interpn (varargin)

  method = "linear"

f x = cell (1, nd)

f y = cell (1, nd)

yidx = cell (1, nd)

f z