
Operators and Keywords

Function List:


geometryimages.m File Reference


function geometryimages (nm, typ) bury_output()
 if (strcmp(typ,"png")) set(0
*endif if (isempty(findstr(octave_config_info("DEFS"),"HAVE_QHULL"))&&(strcmp(nm,"voronoi")||strcmp(nm,"griddata")||strcmp(nm,"convhull")||strcmp(nm,"delaunay")||strcmp(nm,"triplot"))) sombreroimage(nm
 elseif (strcmp(typ,"txt")) image_as_txt(nm)
 elseif (strcmp(nm,"voronoi")) rand("state"
 triplot (tri, x, y,"b") = voronoi (x, y, tri)
 plot (vx, vy,"r")
 plot (xc, yc,"g-","LineWidth", 3)
 axis ([0, 1, 0, 1])
 legend ("Delaunay Triangulation","Voronoi Diagram")
 print (cstrcat(nm,".", typ), cstrcat("-d", typ)) elseif(strcmp(nm
triplot rand ("state", 2) x = rand (20, 1)
 triplot (tri, x, y)
griddata rand ("state", 1)
 griddata (x, y, z, xx, yy) = meshgrid(linspace(-1,1,32))
 plot (x(k), y(k),'r-', x, y,'b+')
 x (T(:, 2))
 x (T(:, 3))
 x (T(:, 1))]
 y (T(:, 2))
 y (T(:, 3))
 y (T(:, 1))]
 plot (X, Y,"b", x, y,"r*")
inpolygon randn ("state", 2)
 plot (vx, vy, x(in), y(in),"r+", x(!in), y(!in),"bo")
endif bury_output () = figure (1)
 set (f,"visible","off")
 if (strcmp(nm,"voronoi")) rand("state"
endfunction function sombreroimage (nm, typ) if(strcmp(typ
 fputs (fid,"+-----------------------------+\n")
 fputs (fid,"| Image unavailable because |\n")
 fputs (fid,"| of a missing QHULL library. |\n")
 fclose (fid)
 title ("Sorry, graphics not available because octave was\\ncompiled without the QHULL library.")
end_unwind_protect endif
endfunction function 
image_as_txt (nm) fid
 fputs (fid,"\n")
 fputs (fid,"+---------------------------------+\n")
 fputs (fid,"| Image unavailable in text mode. |\n")


*endif typ = -1
 x = rand(10,1)
 y = rand(10,1)
 tri = delaunay (x, y)
hold on = meshgrid(x,y)
 pc = tri2circ (tri(end,:), x, y) [-1:0.01:1]
 xc = r * sin(pi*pc) + c(1)
 yc = r * cos(pi*pc) + c(2)
 z = sin(2*(x.^2+y.^2))
 k = convhull (x, y)
 T = delaunay (x, y)
 X = [ x(T(:,1))
 Y = [ y(T(:,1))
 vx = cos (pi * [-1 : 0.1: 1])
 vy = sin (pi * [-1 : 0.1 : 1])
 in = inpolygon (x, y, vx, vy)
endfunction function [r, c]
 m = (y(1:end-1) - y(2:end)) ./ (x(1:end-1) - x(2:end))
 c = [xc, yc]
 r = sqrt ((xc - x(1)).^2 + (yc - y(1)).^2)
endfunction function txt fid = fopen (sprintf ("%s.txt", nm), "wt")
unwind_protect mesh (x, y, z)

Function Documentation

axis (  ) 

bury_output (  )  = figure (1)

elseif ( strcmp(nm,"voronoi")   ) 

elseif ( strcmp(typ,"txt")   ) 

fclose ( fid   ) 

fputs ( fid  ,
"| Image unavailable in text mode. |\n"   

fputs ( fid  ,

fputs ( fid  ,

fputs ( fid  ,
"| of a missing QHULL library. |\n"   

fputs ( fid  ,
"| Image unavailable because |\n"   

fputs ( fid  ,

endfunction function geometryimages ( nm  ,

griddata ( ,
xx  ,
) = meshgrid(linspace(-1,1,32))

if ( strcmp(nm,"voronoi")   ) 

* endif if ( isempty(findstr(octave_config_info("DEFS"),"HAVE_QHULL"))&&(strcmp(nm,"voronoi")||strcmp(nm,"griddata")||strcmp(nm,"convhull")||strcmp(nm,"delaunay")||strcmp(nm,"triplot"))   ) 

Type Constraints

if ( strcmp(typ,"png")   ) 

end_unwind_protect endif endfunction function image_as_txt ( nm   ) 

legend ( "Delaunay Triangulation"  ,
"Voronoi Diagram"   

plot ( vx  ,
vy  ,
x(in ,
y(in ,
"r+"  ,
x(!in ,
y(!in ,

plot ( ,
"b"  ,

plot ( x(k ,
y(k ,
'r-'  ,

plot ( xc  ,
yc  ,
"g-"  ,
"LineWidth"  ,

plot ( vx  ,
vy  ,

unwind_protect_cleanup print ( cstrcat(nm,".", typ ,
cstrcat("-d", typ)   

griddata rand ( "state"  ,

errorbar rand ( "state"  ,
) = rand (20, 1)

inpolygon randn ( "state"  ,

set ( ,
"visible"  ,

endif endfunction function sombreroimage ( nm  ,

title ( Sorry,
graphics not available because octave was\\ncompiled without the QHULL library."   

triplot ( tri  ,

triplot ( tri  ,
) = voronoi (x, y, tri)

x ( T(:, 1)   ) 

x ( T(:, 3)   ) 

x ( T(:, 2)   ) 

y ( T(:, 1)   ) 

y ( T(:, 3)   ) 

y ( T(:, 2)   ) 

Variable Documentation

c = [xc, yc]

endswitch fid = fopen (sprintf ("%s.txt", nm), "wt")

Initial value:

 tri2circ (tri, xx, yy)
  x = xx(tri)

in = inpolygon (x, y, vx, vy)

for k = convhull (x, y)

id m = (y(1:end-1) - y(2:end)) ./ (x(1:end-1) - x(2:end))

unwind_protect mesh(x, y, z)

hold on = meshgrid(x,y)

pc = tri2circ (tri(end,:), x, y) [-1:0.01:1]

r = sqrt ((xc - x(1)).^2 + (yc - y(1)).^2)

endif return

T = delaunay (x, y)

x tri = delaunay (x, y)

else typ = -1

vx = cos (pi * [-1 : 0.1: 1])

vy = sin (pi * [-1 : 0.1 : 1])

endif X = [ x(T(:,1))

catch x = rand(10,1)

xc = r * sin(pi*pc) + c(1)

endif Y = [ y(T(:,1))

otherwise y = rand(10,1)

yc = r * cos(pi*pc) + c(2)

z = sin(2*(x.^2+y.^2))