
Operators and Keywords

Function List:


Matrix Member List

This is the complete list of members for Matrix, including all inherited members.

abs(void) const Matrix
all(int dim=-1) const Matrix
all_elements_are_int_or_inf_or_nan(void) const Matrix
all_integers(double &max_val, double &min_val) const Matrix
any(int dim=-1) const Matrix
any_element_is_inf_or_nan(void) const Matrix
any_element_is_nan(void) const Matrix
any_element_is_negative(bool=false) const Matrix
any_element_not_one_or_zero(void) const Matrix
append(const Matrix &a) const Matrix
append(const RowVector &a) const Matrix
append(const ColumnVector &a) const Matrix
append(const DiagMatrix &a) const Matrix
Array classArray< T > [friend]
Array(T *d, octave_idx_type n)Array< T > [inline, protected]
Array(T *d, const dim_vector &dv)Array< T > [inline, protected]
Array(const Array< T > &a, const dim_vector &dv, octave_idx_type l, octave_idx_type u)Array< T > [inline, protected]
Array(void)Array< T > [inline]
Array(octave_idx_type n)Array< T > [inline, explicit]
Array(octave_idx_type n, const T &val)Array< T > [inline, explicit]
Array(const Array< U > &a)Array< T > [inline]
Array(const Array< T > &a)Array< T > [inline]
Array(const dim_vector &dv)Array< T > [inline]
Array(const dim_vector &dv, const T &val)Array< T > [inline]
Array(const Array< T > &a, const dim_vector &dv)Array< T > [inline]
Array2(T *d, octave_idx_type r, octave_idx_type c)Array2< T > [inline, protected]
Array2(void)Array2< T > [inline]
Array2(octave_idx_type r, octave_idx_type c)Array2< T > [inline]
Array2(octave_idx_type r, octave_idx_type c, const T &val)Array2< T > [inline]
Array2(const dim_vector &dv)Array2< T > [inline]
Array2(const dim_vector &dv, const T &val)Array2< T > [inline]
Array2(const Array2< T > &a)Array2< T > [inline]
Array2(const Array< T > &a, octave_idx_type r, octave_idx_type c)Array2< T > [inline]
Array2(const Array< U > &a)Array2< T > [inline]
Array2(const Array< U > &a, const dim_vector &dv)Array2< T > [inline]
assign(const idx_vector &i, const Array< T > &rhs, const T &rfv=resize_fill_value())Array< T > [inline]
assign(const idx_vector &i, const idx_vector &j, const Array< T > &rhs, const T &rfv=resize_fill_value())Array< T > [inline]
assign(const Array< idx_vector > &ia, const Array< T > &rhs, const T &rfv=resize_fill_value())Array< T > [inline]
bmapper typedefMatrix
byte_size(void) constArray< T > [inline]
capacity(void) constArray< T > [inline]
checkelem(octave_idx_type n)Array< T > [inline]
checkelem(octave_idx_type i, octave_idx_type j)Array< T > [inline]
checkelem(octave_idx_type i, octave_idx_type j, octave_idx_type k)Array< T > [inline]
checkelem(const Array< octave_idx_type > &ra_idx)Array< T > [inline]
checkelem(octave_idx_type n) constArray< T > [inline]
checkelem(octave_idx_type i, octave_idx_type j) constArray< T > [inline]
checkelem(octave_idx_type i, octave_idx_type j, octave_idx_type k) constArray< T > [inline]
checkelem(const Array< octave_idx_type > &ra_idx) constArray< T > [inline]
chop_trailing_singletons(void)Array< T > [inline]
clear(void)Array< T > [inline]
clear(const dim_vector &dv)Array< T > [inline]
clear(octave_idx_type n)Array< T > [inline]
clear(octave_idx_type r, octave_idx_type c)Array< T > [inline]
cmapper typedefMatrix
cols(void) constArray< T > [inline]
column(octave_idx_type i) const Matrix
column_max(void) const Matrix
column_max(Array< octave_idx_type > &index) const Matrix
column_min(void) const Matrix
column_min(Array< octave_idx_type > &index) const Matrix
column_vector_type typedefMatrix
columns(void) constArray< T > [inline]
compare_fcn_type typedefArray< T >
ComplexMatrix classMatrix [friend]
compute_index(const Array< octave_idx_type > &ra_idx) constArray< T > [inline]
cumprod(int dim=-1) const Matrix
cumsum(int dim=-1) const Matrix
data(void) constArray< T > [inline]
delete_elements(const idx_vector &i)Array< T > [inline]
delete_elements(int dim, const idx_vector &i)Array< T > [inline]
delete_elements(const Array< idx_vector > &ia)Array< T > [inline]
determinant(void) const Matrix
determinant(octave_idx_type &info) const Matrix
determinant(octave_idx_type &info, double &rcon, int calc_cond=1) const Matrix
determinant(MatrixType &mattype, octave_idx_type &info, double &rcon, int calc_cond=1) const Matrix
diag(octave_idx_type k=0) const Matrix
dim1(void) constArray< T > [inline]
dim2(void) constArray< T > [inline]
dim3(void) constArray< T > [inline]
dimensionsArray< T > [protected]
dims(void) constArray< T > [inline]
dmapper typedefMatrix
elem(octave_idx_type n)Array< T > [inline]
elem(octave_idx_type i, octave_idx_type j)Array< T > [inline]
elem(octave_idx_type i, octave_idx_type j, octave_idx_type k)Array< T > [inline]
elem(const Array< octave_idx_type > &ra_idx)Array< T > [inline]
elem(octave_idx_type n) constArray< T > [inline]
elem(octave_idx_type i, octave_idx_type j) constArray< T > [inline]
elem(octave_idx_type i, octave_idx_type j, octave_idx_type k) constArray< T > [inline]
elem(const Array< octave_idx_type > &ra_idx) constArray< T > [inline]
element_type typedefArray< T >
extract(octave_idx_type r1, octave_idx_type c1, octave_idx_type r2, octave_idx_type c2) const Matrix
extract_n(octave_idx_type r1, octave_idx_type c1, octave_idx_type nr, octave_idx_type nc) const Matrix
fastmap(U(*fcn)(typename ref_param< T >::type)) constArray< T > [inline]
fill(double val)Matrix
fill(double val, octave_idx_type r1, octave_idx_type c1, octave_idx_type r2, octave_idx_type c2)Matrix
MArray2< double >::fill(const T &val)Array< T > [inline]
find(octave_idx_type n=-1, bool backward=false) constArray< T > [inline]
fortran_vec(void) constArray< T > [inline]
fortran_vec(void)Array< T > [inline]
fourier(void) const Matrix
fourier2d(void) const Matrix
get_size(octave_idx_type r, octave_idx_type c)Array2< T > [inline, protected, static]
Array< T >::get_size(octave_idx_type r, octave_idx_type c, octave_idx_type p)Array< T > [inline, static]
Array< T >::get_size(const dim_vector &dv)Array< T > [inline, static]
hermitian(double(*fcn)(const double &)=0) constMArray2< double > [inline]
Array2::hermitian(T(*fcn)(const T &)=0) const Array2< T > [inline]
ifourier(void) const Matrix
ifourier2d(void) const Matrix
imag(const ComplexMatrix &a)Matrix [friend]
index(const idx_vector &i, bool resize_ok=false, const T &rfv=Array< T >::resize_fill_value()) const Array2< T > [inline]
index(const idx_vector &i, const idx_vector &j, bool resize_ok=false, const T &rfv=Array< T >::resize_fill_value()) const Array2< T > [inline]
Array< T >::index(const idx_vector &i) constArray< T > [inline]
Array< T >::index(const idx_vector &i, const idx_vector &j) constArray< T > [inline]
Array< T >::index(const Array< idx_vector > &ia) constArray< T > [inline]
Array< T >::index(const Array< idx_vector > &ia, bool resize_ok, const T &rfv=resize_fill_value()) constArray< T > [inline]
insert(const Matrix &a, octave_idx_type r, octave_idx_type c)Matrix
insert(const RowVector &a, octave_idx_type r, octave_idx_type c)Matrix
insert(const ColumnVector &a, octave_idx_type r, octave_idx_type c)Matrix
insert(const DiagMatrix &a, octave_idx_type r, octave_idx_type c)Matrix
MArray2< double >::insert(const Array2< double > &a, octave_idx_type r, octave_idx_type c)MArray2< double > [inline]
Array2::insert(const Array2< T > &a, octave_idx_type r, octave_idx_type c)Array2< T > [inline]
Array< T >::insert(const Array< T > &a, octave_idx_type r, octave_idx_type c)Array< T > [inline]
Array< T >::insert(const Array< T > &a, const Array< octave_idx_type > &idx)Array< T > [inline]
insert2(const Array< T > &a, octave_idx_type r, octave_idx_type c)Array< T > [inline]
insertN(const Array< T > &a, octave_idx_type r, octave_idx_type c)Array< T > [inline]
inverse(void) const Matrix
inverse(octave_idx_type &info) const Matrix
inverse(octave_idx_type &info, double &rcon, int force=0, int calc_cond=1) const Matrix
inverse(MatrixType &mattype) const Matrix
inverse(MatrixType &mattype, octave_idx_type &info) const Matrix
inverse(MatrixType &mattype, octave_idx_type &info, double &rcon, int force=0, int calc_cond=1) const Matrix
ipermute(const Array< octave_idx_type > &vec) constArray< T > [inline]
is_empty(void) constArray< T > [inline]
is_shared(void)Array< T > [inline]
is_sorted(sortmode mode=UNSORTED) constArray< T > [inline]
is_sorted_rows(sortmode mode=UNSORTED) constArray< T > [inline]
is_square(void) constArray< T > [inline]
is_symmetric(void) const Matrix
is_vector(void) constArray< T > [inline]
length(void) constArray< T > [inline]
linear_slice(octave_idx_type lo, octave_idx_type up) constArray< T > [inline]
linearize(void) constArray< T > [inline]
lookup(const T &value, sortmode mode=UNSORTED) constArray< T > [inline]
lookup(const Array< T > &values, sortmode mode=UNSORTED, bool linf=false, bool rinf=false) constArray< T > [inline]
lookupb(const Array< T > &values, sortmode mode=UNSORTED) constArray< T > [inline]
lookupm(const Array< T > &values, sortmode mode=UNSORTED) constArray< T > [inline]
lssolve(const Matrix &b) const Matrix
lssolve(const Matrix &b, octave_idx_type &info) const Matrix
lssolve(const Matrix &b, octave_idx_type &info, octave_idx_type &rank) const Matrix
lssolve(const Matrix &b, octave_idx_type &info, octave_idx_type &rank, double &rcon) const Matrix
lssolve(const ComplexMatrix &b) const Matrix
lssolve(const ComplexMatrix &b, octave_idx_type &info) const Matrix
lssolve(const ComplexMatrix &b, octave_idx_type &info, octave_idx_type &rank) const Matrix
lssolve(const ComplexMatrix &b, octave_idx_type &info, octave_idx_type &rank, double &rcon) const Matrix
lssolve(const ColumnVector &b) const Matrix
lssolve(const ColumnVector &b, octave_idx_type &info) const Matrix
lssolve(const ColumnVector &b, octave_idx_type &info, octave_idx_type &rank) const Matrix
lssolve(const ColumnVector &b, octave_idx_type &info, octave_idx_type &rank, double &rcon) const Matrix
lssolve(const ComplexColumnVector &b) const Matrix
lssolve(const ComplexColumnVector &b, octave_idx_type &info) const Matrix
lssolve(const ComplexColumnVector &b, octave_idx_type &info, octave_idx_type &rank) const Matrix
lssolve(const ComplexColumnVector &b, octave_idx_type &info, octave_idx_type &rank, double &rcon) const Matrix
make_unique(void)Array< T > [inline]
map(dmapper fcn) const Matrix
map(cmapper fcn) const Matrix
map(bmapper fcn) const Matrix
MArray2< double >::map(F fcn) constMArray2< double > [inline]
MArray2(double *d, octave_idx_type n, octave_idx_type m)MArray2< double > [inline, protected]
MArray2(void)MArray2< double > [inline]
MArray2(octave_idx_type n, octave_idx_type m)MArray2< double > [inline]
MArray2(octave_idx_type n, octave_idx_type m, const double &val)MArray2< double > [inline]
MArray2(const dim_vector &dv)MArray2< double > [inline]
MArray2(const dim_vector &dv, const double &val)MArray2< double > [inline]
MArray2(const MArray2< double > &a)MArray2< double > [inline]
MArray2(const Array2< double > &a)MArray2< double > [inline]
MArray2(const Array2< U > &a)MArray2< double > [inline]
MArray2(const MArray2< U > &a)MArray2< double > [inline]
Matrix(void)Matrix [inline]
Matrix(octave_idx_type r, octave_idx_type c)Matrix [inline]
Matrix(octave_idx_type r, octave_idx_type c, double val)Matrix [inline]
Matrix(const dim_vector &dv)Matrix [inline]
Matrix(const dim_vector &dv, double val)Matrix [inline]
Matrix(const Matrix &a)Matrix [inline]
Matrix(const MArray2< U > &a)Matrix [inline]
Matrix(const Array2< U > &a)Matrix [inline]
Matrix(const RowVector &rv)Matrix [explicit]
Matrix(const ColumnVector &cv)Matrix [explicit]
Matrix(const DiagMatrix &a)Matrix [explicit]
Matrix(const PermMatrix &a)Matrix [explicit]
Matrix(const boolMatrix &a)Matrix [explicit]
Matrix(const charMatrix &a)Matrix [explicit]
maybe_delete_dims(void)Array< T > [inline]
maybe_economize(void)Array< T > [inline]
mex_get_data(void) constArray< T > [inline]
ndims(void) constArray< T > [inline]
nelem(void) constArray< T > [inline]
nth_element(const idx_vector &n, int dim=0) constArray< T > [inline]
numel(void) constArray< T > [inline]
operator!(void) const Matrix
operator!=(const Matrix &a) const Matrix
operator()(octave_idx_type n)Array< T > [inline]
operator()(octave_idx_type i, octave_idx_type j)Array< T > [inline]
operator()(octave_idx_type i, octave_idx_type j, octave_idx_type k)Array< T > [inline]
operator()(const Array< octave_idx_type > &ra_idx)Array< T > [inline]
operator()(octave_idx_type n) constArray< T > [inline]
operator()(octave_idx_type i, octave_idx_type j) constArray< T > [inline]
operator()(octave_idx_type i, octave_idx_type j, octave_idx_type k) constArray< T > [inline]
operator()(const Array< octave_idx_type > &ra_idx) constArray< T > [inline]
operator+=(const DiagMatrix &a)Matrix
operator-=(const DiagMatrix &a)Matrix
operator<<(std::ostream &os, const Matrix &a)Matrix [friend]
operator=(const Matrix &a)Matrix [inline]
MArray2< double >::operator=(const MArray2< double > &a)MArray2< double > [inline]
Array2::operator=(const Array2< T > &a)Array2< T > [inline]
Array< T >::operator=(const Array< T > &a)Array< T > [inline]
operator==(const Matrix &a) const Matrix
operator>>(std::istream &is, Matrix &a)Matrix [friend]
page(octave_idx_type k) constArray< T > [inline]
pages(void) constArray< T > [inline]
permute(const Array< octave_idx_type > &vec, bool inv=false) constArray< T > [inline]
print_info(std::ostream &os, const std::string &prefix) constArray< T > [inline]
prod(int dim=-1) const Matrix
pseudo_inverse(double tol=0.0) const Matrix
range_error(const char *fcn, octave_idx_type n) constArray< T > [inline]
range_error(const char *fcn, octave_idx_type n)Array< T > [inline]
range_error(const char *fcn, octave_idx_type i, octave_idx_type j) constArray< T > [inline]
range_error(const char *fcn, octave_idx_type i, octave_idx_type j)Array< T > [inline]
range_error(const char *fcn, octave_idx_type i, octave_idx_type j, octave_idx_type k) constArray< T > [inline]
range_error(const char *fcn, octave_idx_type i, octave_idx_type j, octave_idx_type k)Array< T > [inline]
range_error(const char *fcn, const Array< octave_idx_type > &ra_idx) constArray< T > [inline]
range_error(const char *fcn, const Array< octave_idx_type > &ra_idx)Array< T > [inline]
rcond(void) const Matrix
rcond(MatrixType &mattype) const Matrix
real(const ComplexMatrix &a)Matrix [friend]
repArray< T > [protected]
reshape(const dim_vector &new_dims) constArray< T > [inline]
resize(octave_idx_type r, octave_idx_type c)Array2< T > [inline]
resize(octave_idx_type r, octave_idx_type c, const T &val)Array2< T > [inline]
Array< T >::resize(octave_idx_type n)Array< T > [inline]
Array< T >::resize(dim_vector dv)Array< T > [inline]
Array< T >::resize(octave_idx_type n, const T &rfv)Array< T > [inline]
Array< T >::resize(dim_vector dv, const T &rfv)Array< T > [inline]
resize_fill(octave_idx_type n, const T &rfv)Array< T > [inline]
resize_fill(octave_idx_type nr, octave_idx_type nc, const T &rfv)Array< T > [inline]
resize_fill(const dim_vector &dv, const T &rfv)Array< T > [inline]
resize_fill_value(void)Matrix [inline, static]
row(octave_idx_type i) const Matrix
row_max(void) const Matrix
row_max(Array< octave_idx_type > &index) const Matrix
row_min(void) const Matrix
row_min(Array< octave_idx_type > &index) const Matrix
row_vector_type typedefMatrix
rows(void) constArray< T > [inline]
slice_dataArray< T > [protected]
slice_lenArray< T > [protected]
solve(MatrixType &typ, const Matrix &b) const Matrix
solve(MatrixType &typ, const Matrix &b, octave_idx_type &info) const Matrix
solve(MatrixType &typ, const Matrix &b, octave_idx_type &info, double &rcon) const Matrix
solve(MatrixType &typ, const Matrix &b, octave_idx_type &info, double &rcon, solve_singularity_handler sing_handler, bool singular_fallback=true, blas_trans_type transt=blas_no_trans) const Matrix
solve(MatrixType &typ, const ComplexMatrix &b) const Matrix
solve(MatrixType &typ, const ComplexMatrix &b, octave_idx_type &info) const Matrix
solve(MatrixType &typ, const ComplexMatrix &b, octave_idx_type &info, double &rcon) const Matrix
solve(MatrixType &typ, const ComplexMatrix &b, octave_idx_type &info, double &rcon, solve_singularity_handler sing_handler, bool singular_fallback=true, blas_trans_type transt=blas_no_trans) const Matrix
solve(MatrixType &typ, const ColumnVector &b) const Matrix
solve(MatrixType &typ, const ColumnVector &b, octave_idx_type &info) const Matrix
solve(MatrixType &typ, const ColumnVector &b, octave_idx_type &info, double &rcon) const Matrix
solve(MatrixType &typ, const ColumnVector &b, octave_idx_type &info, double &rcon, solve_singularity_handler sing_handler, blas_trans_type transt=blas_no_trans) const Matrix
solve(MatrixType &typ, const ComplexColumnVector &b) const Matrix
solve(MatrixType &typ, const ComplexColumnVector &b, octave_idx_type &info) const Matrix
solve(MatrixType &typ, const ComplexColumnVector &b, octave_idx_type &info, double &rcon) const Matrix
solve(MatrixType &typ, const ComplexColumnVector &b, octave_idx_type &info, double &rcon, solve_singularity_handler sing_handler, blas_trans_type transt=blas_no_trans) const Matrix
solve(const Matrix &b) const Matrix
solve(const Matrix &b, octave_idx_type &info) const Matrix
solve(const Matrix &b, octave_idx_type &info, double &rcon) const Matrix
solve(const Matrix &b, octave_idx_type &info, double &rcon, solve_singularity_handler sing_handler, blas_trans_type transt=blas_no_trans) const Matrix
solve(const ComplexMatrix &b) const Matrix
solve(const ComplexMatrix &b, octave_idx_type &info) const Matrix
solve(const ComplexMatrix &b, octave_idx_type &info, double &rcon) const Matrix
solve(const ComplexMatrix &b, octave_idx_type &info, double &rcon, solve_singularity_handler sing_handler, blas_trans_type transt=blas_no_trans) const Matrix
solve(const ColumnVector &b) const Matrix
solve(const ColumnVector &b, octave_idx_type &info) const Matrix
solve(const ColumnVector &b, octave_idx_type &info, double &rcon) const Matrix
solve(const ColumnVector &b, octave_idx_type &info, double &rcon, solve_singularity_handler sing_handler, blas_trans_type transt=blas_no_trans) const Matrix
solve(const ComplexColumnVector &b) const Matrix
solve(const ComplexColumnVector &b, octave_idx_type &info) const Matrix
solve(const ComplexColumnVector &b, octave_idx_type &info, double &rcon) const Matrix
solve(const ComplexColumnVector &b, octave_idx_type &info, double &rcon, solve_singularity_handler sing_handler, blas_trans_type transt=blas_no_trans) const Matrix
solve_singularity_handler typedefMatrix
sort(octave_idx_type dim=0, sortmode mode=ASCENDING) const Array2< T > [inline]
sort(Array< octave_idx_type > &sidx, octave_idx_type dim=0, sortmode mode=ASCENDING) const Array2< T > [inline]
Array< T >::sort(int dim=0, sortmode mode=ASCENDING) constArray< T > [inline]
Array< T >::sort(Array< octave_idx_type > &sidx, int dim=0, sortmode mode=ASCENDING) constArray< T > [inline]
sort_rows_idx(sortmode mode=ASCENDING) constArray< T > [inline]
squeeze(void) constArray< T > [inline]
stack(const Matrix &a) const Matrix
stack(const RowVector &a) const Matrix
stack(const ColumnVector &a) const Matrix
stack(const DiagMatrix &a) const Matrix
sum(int dim=-1) const Matrix
sumsq(int dim=-1) const Matrix
too_large_for_float(void) const Matrix
transpose(void) const Matrix [inline]
xelem(octave_idx_type n)Array< T > [inline]
xelem(octave_idx_type n) constArray< T > [inline]
xelem(octave_idx_type i, octave_idx_type j)Array< T > [inline]
xelem(octave_idx_type i, octave_idx_type j) constArray< T > [inline]
xelem(octave_idx_type i, octave_idx_type j, octave_idx_type k)Array< T > [inline]
xelem(octave_idx_type i, octave_idx_type j, octave_idx_type k) constArray< T > [inline]
xelem(const Array< octave_idx_type > &ra_idx)Array< T > [inline]
xelem(const Array< octave_idx_type > &ra_idx) constArray< T > [inline]
~Array(void)Array< T > [inline]
~Array2(void)Array2< T > [inline]
~MArray2(void)MArray2< double > [inline]