
Operators and Keywords

Function List:


bicubic.m File Reference


endif if (nargin==7 &&isscalar(spline_alpha)) a
endif if (nargin< 6) extrapval
endif if (isa(X,"single")||isa(Y,"single")||isa(Z,"single")||isa(XI,"single")||isa(YI,"single")) myeps
endif if (nargin<=2) if(nargin
 elseif (nargin==3) if(!isvector(X)||!isvector(Y)) error("XI and YI must be vector")
 if (isvector(X)&&isvector(Y)) if(rz!
endif elseif (size_equal(X, Y)&&size_equal(X, Z)) X
else error ("X, Y and Z must be martrices of same size")
 XI (xfirst_ind)
 XI (xlast_ind)
 YI (yfirst_ind)
 YI (ylast_ind)
 X (cz)*
 if (X(cz)==0) X(cz)
 Y (rz)*
 if (Y(rz)==0) Y(rz)
else print_usage ()
 inds (d)
 s (d)
 indt (d)
 t (d)
 p (2:rz+1, 2:cz+1)
 p (1,:)
 p (rz+2,:)
 p (:, 1)
 p (:, cz+2)
 F (i,:)
endfor if(!(isempty(xfirst_ind)&&isempty(xlast_ind)))
if (!(isempty(yfirst_ind)&&isempty(ylast_ind))) F([yfirst_ind
 !mesh (xi, yi, bicubic(x, y, A, xi, yi))
 plot3 (x(:), y(:), A(:),"b*")


function F
else myeps = eps
else n = Y
endif Z = X
 X = []
 s = size (Z) linspace (1, cz, (cz-1)*pow2(n)+1)
 t = linspace (1, rz, (rz-1)*pow2(n)+1)
 cz = size (Z)
 Y = Y(:,1)
endif xfirst_ind = find (XI < X(1))
 xlast_ind = find (XI > X(cz))
 yfirst_ind = find (YI < Y(1))
 ylast_ind = find (YI > Y(rz))
 XI = reshape (XI, 1, length (XI))
 o = sort ([X, XI]) cumsum (i <= cz)
 xidx = o(find (i > cz))
 YI = reshape (YI, length (YI), 1)
 yidx = o([find(i > rz)])
endif inds = floor (s)
 d = find (s == cz)
 indt = floor (t)
 p = zeros (size (Z) + 2)
 t2 = t.*t
 t3 = t2.*t
 ct0 = -a .* t3 + (2 * a) .* t2 - a .* t
 ct1 = (2-a) .* t3 + (-3+a) .* t2 + 1
 ct2 = (a-2) .* t3 + (-2 *a + 3) .* t2 + a .* t
 ct3 = a .* t3 - a .* t2
 s2 = s.*s
 s3 = s2.*s
 cs0 = -a .* s3 + (2 * a) .* s2 - a .*s
 cs1 = (2-a) .* s3 + (-3 + a) .* s2 + 1
 cs2 = (a-2) .* s3 + (-2 *a + 3) .* s2 + a .*s
 cs3 = a .* s3 - a .* s2
 lent = length (ct0)
 lens = length (cs0)
for i
 int = [it, it+1, it+2, it+3]
endif endfunction!demo !A = [13,-1,12
 !x = [0,1,4]+10
 y = [-10,-9,-8]
 !xi = linspace(min(x),max(x),17)
 !yi = linspace(min(y),max(y),26)'
!hold on = meshgrid(x,y)
hold off = off / 2

Function Documentation

!mesh ( xi  ,
yi  ,
bicubic(x, y, A, xi, yi)   

endif elseif ( size_equal(X, Y)&&size_equal(X, Z  ) 

elseif ( nargin  = = 3  ) 

else error ( X,
Y and Z must be martrices of same size"   

F ( ,

endfor if (! (isempty (xfirst_ind) && isempty (xlast_ind))) F( endif if ( isempty(yfirst_ind)&&isempty(ylast_ind)  ) 

if ( Y(rz)  = =0  ) 

if ( X(cz = =0  ) 

if ( isvector(X)&&isvector(Y)   ) 

endif if ( nargin<=  2  ) 

endif if ( isa(X,"single")||isa(Y,"single")||isa(Z,"single")||isa(XI,"single")||isa(YI,"single")   ) 

endif if (  ) 

endif if ( nargin  = =7 &&isscalar(spline_alpha)  ) 

inds (  ) 

indt (  ) 

p ( ,
cz 2 

p ( ,

p ( rz+  2,

p ( ,

p ( 2:rz+  1,
2:cz 1 

plot3 ( x(:)  ,
y(:)  ,
A(:)  ,

else print_usage (  ) 

s (  ) 

t (  ) 

X ( cz   ) 

XI ( xlast_ind   ) 

XI ( xfirst_ind   ) 

Y ( rz   ) 

YI ( ylast_ind   ) 

YI ( yfirst_ind   ) 

Variable Documentation

endif endfunction !demo !A = [13,-1,12

!x = [0,1,4]+10

!xi = linspace(min(x),max(x),17)

!yi = linspace(min(y),max(y),26)'

cs0 = -a .* s3 + (2 * a) .* s2 - a .*s

cs1 = (2-a) .* s3 + (-3 + a) .* s2 + 1

cs2 = (a-2) .* s3 + (-2 *a + 3) .* s2 + a .*s

cs3 = a .* s3 - a .* s2

ct0 = -a .* t3 + (2 * a) .* t2 - a .* t

ct1 = (2-a) .* t3 + (-3+a) .* t2 + 1

ct2 = (a-2) .* t3 + (-2 *a + 3) .* t2 + a .* t

ct3 = a .* t3 - a .* t2

cz = size (Z)

c d = find (s == cz)

elseif F

Initial value:

 bicubic (X, Y, Z, XI, YI, extrapval, spline_alpha)

  if (nargin < 1 || nargin > 7)
    print_usage ()

for i

Initial value:

    it = indt(i)

endif inds = floor (s)

indt = floor (t)

int = [it, it+1, it+2, it+3]

lens = length (cs0)

lent = length (ct0)

else myeps = eps

else n = Y

o = sort ([X, XI]) cumsum (i <= cz)

hold off = off / 2

! hold on = meshgrid(x,y)

p = zeros (size (Z) + 2)

s = size (Z) linspace (1, cz, (cz-1)*pow2(n)+1)

s2 = s.*s

s3 = s2.*s

t = linspace (1, rz, (rz-1)*pow2(n)+1)

t2 = t.*t

t3 = t2.*t

X = []

endif xfirst_ind = find (XI < X(1))

endif case XI = reshape (XI, 1, length (XI))

xidx = o(find (i > cz))

xlast_ind = find (XI > X(cz))

y = [-10,-9,-8]

Y = Y(:,1)

yfirst_ind = find (YI < Y(1))

endif YI = reshape (YI, length (YI), 1)

yidx = o([find(i > rz)])

ylast_ind = find (YI > Y(rz))